Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 511: : Subversion of Qiu 1 Ming! Chunhua is a hot confession! World War

Like the same gust, Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua led the Demon Dragons who returned to the city.

At this time, on the huge Yunxiaocheng Square, hundreds of thousands of people are still building frantically.

When the Yangdingtian left, the newly built city wall has expanded a few tens of meters.

There are about two kilometers or so, and the entire city wall is completely enclosed.

Before entering the city gate, Yang Dingtian suddenly stopped and saw that Qiu Yiming saw this huge scene in a daze, and could not help but bow down: "Chou Shaozhu, you see this scene, what do you think?"

Qiu Yiming quickly turned his head and said: "Is it a feeling, what can I feel?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I heard that you remember my woman every day. Tell me, who is your most memorable woman?"

Qiu Yiming was a little scared. Any man was very angry about wearing a green hat. He heard Yang Dingtian say this and suddenly felt that Yangdingtian began to torture himself.

"Yangdingtian, what do you want? I am the young master of the Shenbing Villa, how are you going to me?" Qiu Yiming said nervously.

"No, I don't plan to do anything." Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "I just heard that you are very coveted by my woman, so I asked, which woman are you most coveted? You said, I promise that I will never Do it for you."

Qiu Yiming sighed, said: "Say it! Yangdingtian you are only from the area of ​​the people, and the origin is unknown. If it is not because Ximen has no limit to value you, how can you be a city owner, how do you match? You have the noble beauty of Ximen Flame, Qin Jiaojiao, Song Chunhua, Song Lihua. Hey, on the birth, on the looks. You have something better than me. These beautiful people, you sleep, can I sleep? ?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, just tell the truth. Chunhua, come over!"

Song Chunhua came over and his face was cold.

Yang Dingtian pointed to Song Chunhua: "You said that my woman. Including Chunhua. Then look at it now, what is my relationship with her?"

Qiu Yiming looked along the way, Yang Dingtian and Song Chunhua did not look like men and women, it is completely the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

"Chou Shaozhu, you come to tell me, which of your women, which one are most coveted?" Yang Dingtian then laughed.

Qiu Yiming bit his teeth and said: "I said, Laozi took a fancy to Song Lihua. And Ning Wuming has already promised me. As long as he has captured Yunxiaocheng, he will give Song Lihua to me. Although, Song Lihua has been sleeping by you. It’s over, but I don’t mind.”

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "Oh, then I will fulfill you."

Then, Yangding Tian turned direction and raised Qiu Yiming. Quickly headed for Song Lihua.

When I came to Song Lihua, Yang Dingtian said nothing. Pointing at the filthy black-skinned woman, said: "Chou Qi Shaozhu, hey, this is Song Lihua, your coveted woman, the woman in my legend."

"Ah..." Qiu Yiming looked at the front of this black and thin, covered in coarse cloth. A woman with a messy hair, how can Song Lihua be the master of Fanghua.

After watching it for a while, Qiu Yiming recognized it. This is indeed Song Lihua.

but. She, how did she become this look? Directly from the fairy in the sky, the village aunt who is becoming a village is not as good.

The expression of Qiu Yiming’s horrified expression could not be concealed, and his mouth grew as if he could swallow a duck egg.

"I still covet her?" Yangding Tiandao.

Qiu Yiming instinctively trembled, then slammed his head.

"You look at that person again." Yangdingtian pointed to another person in the crowd.

Not far from the ground, a group of cavalry, sleeping neatly on the ground. Everyone, close to the horse, sleeps directly on the dirty ground.

Only one person sat, the man's hair was all dust, and he was like a clay figurine. Sitting on the mud in this way, looking at the back of Song Lihua with enthusiasm.

Although Song Lihua became even worse at the time, even in the past few days, she couldn't even clean up her teeth, and her body was sweaty. However, in this man's eyes, Song Chunhua is more beautiful than ever, like a fairy in the sky.

Every time he took his break, he sat on the mud like this, staring at her back in a daze.

"But some people think that Song Lihua at this time is more beautiful than ever." Yang Dingtian pointed to the villager who is like a clay figurine: "This person is the northwest Qincheng minority, Qin Huaiyu!"

Qiu Yiming was once again horrified.

Although Qin Huaiyu is not very beautiful, but very graceful, noble and elegant, more than other hatred, but to win a lot. Moreover, identity is much more noble than his hatred. In the past, he was the most direct jealous object of Qiu Yiming. At this time, sitting on the mud like a veteran farmer is stupid.

Yangding Tianyi took out a medicinal herb and directly stuffed it into Qiu Yiming’s mouth.

Qiu Yiming suddenly burst into tears and said: "You, what did you give me?"

"A poison, only I have antidote in the world." Yangding Tiandao; "I said that you are a big man, but we are too busy, we don't have time to entertain you. I won't shut you, as long as you don't leave Yunxiaocheng You can go anywhere, you can see anything. Hey, that person is wishing red snow, that one that is stupid and smoldering towards the earth."

Qiu Yiming stayed again.

Zhu Hongxue is the target that he looks up to. It is completely high-altitude, how noble, how graceful.

Now, a belt is tied around the waist, and the clothes on the whole body are no longer visible. A piece of cloth hugs the hair directly, and then slams into the wall.

This, why is this?

How noble are these people? How is it now being ruined like this, why is this?

"After the end of the war, whether it is to win or lose, I will let you go back, I will give you an antidote. But this time you can not cast any sigh of temperament, once the display, the sea of ​​air seems to be cracked, very Painful. "When you say Yang Tiantian will raise Qiu Yiming: "Well, I will take you to see someone."

"Who!" Qiu Yiming trembled.

Yangdingtian rides on the magic dragon and flies toward the city. He said: "Are you not thinking about my wife Qin Jiaojiao? I will take you to see her, and then until the end of the war, you will stay with her. Together."

Qiu Yiming stayed for a while and dared not look at Yangdingtian. There is still such a good thing.

Yangdingtian rushed into the charming little building in Yunxiao City. At this time, Jiaojiao was fully armed, and she was practicing swords with her maid and half-brother, Qin Susu.

Seeing Yangdingtian, Jiaojiao ecstasy, throwing away the sword directly, you have to pounce on it.

"Fei Jun. I am practicing swords. When I am in the war, I will protect my baby, protect my arrogance, and protect everyone in our family." Jiao Jiaodao.

You can't afford to protect yourself with this small straw bag.

But Yang Dingtian still pouted with great pity: "You are so beautiful, you are amazing."

"Hey, you must be licking my straw bag in my heart, don't think I don't know." Then relying on the Yangding Tianhuai, Meimei looked to Qiu Yiming: "Hey, who is this waste? Good-looking."

Suddenly, Qiu Yiming’s self-respect was frustrated.

Qin Jiaojiao and Qin Huaiyu went to the Shenbing Villa several times, and each time Qiu Yiming was desperately pleased. Moreover, Qiu Wan robbery wants to marry Qin City, so I very much hope that Qiu Yiming can pursue Qin Jiaojiao.

Before Qin Jiaojiao did not marry Yang Dingtian, his reputation was not good. Personality is not good.

I have no heart and no heart, and my heart is hot. I like men to pursue her and then trample on it.

Qiu Yiming, once was played to die.

Qiu Yiming feels a bit unforgettable. I didn’t think that I would exchange a sentence at this time. Who is this waste? It’s familiar.

"This is the lesser enemy of the Shenbing Villa." Yangding Tiandao: "Jiaojiao. I will give you a task these days. You will show me every day. Wherever he wants to go, let him see." Remember, his mysteriousness is blocked and he can't beat him. Do you know?"

Qin Jiaojiao suddenly became beautiful and revealed a scary look.

Qiu Yiming, a **** of the mountain, specializes in dealing with my favorite husband?

Ok, good! Today, when you fall into the hands of your grandmother, you must know that you are amazing.

Qiu Yiming’s body trembled and couldn’t help but feel a cold in the back and felt a bad breath.

"Okay, hey, this task will be handed over to you, I am going to do things." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, don't worry, husband!" Qin Jiaojiao said with excitement: "I will definitely transform him completely."

"Remember, can't beat him, do you know?" Yang Dingtian did not rest assured.


"Sovereign, can this be?" Song Chunhua said.

"Qiu Yiming, this person, I understand that this nature is not bad, but it is just a sigh of relief. It belongs to being able to be transformed." Yangding Tiandao: "We must not only prepare for the war, but also prepare for the war. Put our Friends are getting more and more, and the enemy is getting less and less."

Yang Dingtian is right, and Qiu Yiming is a typical embarrassment.

It is true that he is afraid of death in the cartilage head, but sometimes it seems very bachelor.

It is okay to say that he is not a good person, but it is absolutely not bad enough.

"Well, go call Qin Huaiyu and Ximen Lie, and open a brief summary meeting about the Dragon Dragon Corps." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" Song Chunhua said, then sent a few messengers, riding the dragon to ride the army, lightning generally rushed out to send letters.


"This raid on the Tianlei City Shenbing Mountain Villa was very smooth, and the results were much larger than expected." Yangding Tiandao: "Probably killed more than 40,000 people in the Shenbing Villa, destroying the two regiments of the heavy cavalry. Destroyed the tunnel and arrested the singer of the Shenbing Mountain Villa. Therefore, the first step of the strategy of playing three is a perfect completion."

Yang Dingtian picked up a banner and inserted it directly into the Tianlei City position in the sand table.

Yunxiaocheng is in charge of the military, all sitting around the sand table and opening this short meeting.

"But the Demon Dragons have also suffered unprecedented losses." Yangding Tiandao: "The report I just got, this action, lost a total of 130 dragons, including ninety-five The dragon died, and thirty-five dragons were seriously injured. The dragons were riding and there were more than 40 casualties. This loss is greater than the damage of all previous military operations. Moreover, this is still based on the other When the warrior finally gave up the attack, otherwise the casualties of the Dragon Dragon Corps were even greater."

"So, the Crystal Warrior of the Shenbing Mountain Villa is the nemesis of the Dragon Dragon Legion, especially the dense crystal scorpion and the crystal warrior flying in the air." Yangding Tiandao: "There is one thing that everyone can't imagine. Moreover, only 30% of the casualties of this hundred dragons were caused by the warriors. The remaining 70% were caused by the infantry of the Shenbing Villa."

Suddenly, everyone exclaimed and made an unbelievable voice.

The Dragon Dragon Legion is so powerful. Even 70% of the casualties were caused by infantry, not cavalry, but even infantry.

"In this raid, the Demon Dragon Corps was almost zero casualties when it destroyed 40,000 enemy troops. Later, when less than 5,000 people were eliminated, there were nearly one hundred casualties directly." Yangding Tiandao: "Why is this? Chunhua, you talk about it."

Song Chunhua said: "In the beginning, the enemy did not have any defenses. The rapid impact of the Dragon Dragon Corps, rapid crushing, caused huge casualties to the enemy, and in the rapid running, the Dragon Dragon Corps had almost no casualties. But later, the dragon The Legion lost its speed advantage. When it was entangled by the enemy's infantry, it began to have casualties."

"Yes, the enemy's infantry is flustered. Without any organization, it still caused nearly a hundred casualties to our Demon Dragon Corps, far more than the Crystal Warrior." Yangding Tiandao: "So, summed up, the Dragon Dragon Army must It is always in the process of rapid Mercedes-Benz. Only by moving quickly, the Dragon Dragon Legion is powerful and invincible. Once stopped, once it is entangled, even if the enemy's heavy infantry, it can cause casualties to the Dragon Dragon Legion. ”

"The Demon Dragon Legion is very precious. We can't accept even greater losses." Yangding Tiandao: "So, when you use the Demon Dragon Corps to fight in the future, you must pay attention to two points. First, you must use it in the raid, harassment. War, can not be used for positional warfare, but can not be entangled by the enemy. Second. After encountering a certain number of warriors, the Demon Dragons must be cautious."

"Yes!" everyone shouted.

"Okay, the next is the second one." Yangding Tiandao: "With the successful completion of the first step of playing three, the second step of playing the third, that is, the Northern World, how to fight?"

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

It is very, very troublesome to go to the world under Hainan.

Although the north of Yunxiao City is a steep hill, unlike the south side of a horse. However, there is no defense line in the north of Yunxiao City. Once it is broken in, it will be smashed in an instant, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Yunxiao City, all the defense centers are placed in the south. To be precise, they are all placed on the wall of this hundred-mile.

In order to carry out the final decisive battle with the southern legion of the Crusade.

The northern part of Yunxiao City is very weak and empty.

The world will be the most desperate, choose to cross the dangerous poison strait, but also attack the weakest place in Yunxiao City.

Another point is that Song Lihua and Song Chunhua are all from the world, more than 3,000 demon dragon warriors, and more than 10,000 warriors, all from the world.

The enemy of the world will accurately say that there is only one Song Minghua, Song Wei is extremely stubborn, but after all, it is the Lord of the World.

Moreover, at this time, there are 4,000 Dragon Dragon Legion in the World Corps under the Hainan.

Song Wei seems to be crazy, and he has sent all the alternate Dragon Dragon Legion. All the elite troops of the world, together with the military strength of the territory, all came out of the nest, as if to completely and masculine.

Moreover, the most vulnerable north direction is chosen.

It can be said that once the Tianxia Legion completes the landing of the sea, then Yunxiaocheng is in trouble. Without the defense, Yangdingtian did not have enough power to withstand the hundreds of thousands of troops in the world.

Moreover, the legions of the world will be non-friends and non-enemy, and they will not fight, and they will not fight.

This scale is difficult to grasp.

For example, the remaining Dragon Dragon Legion in the world, you have to destroy them. What would the magic dragon army in the hands of Yang Dingtian think, those people were once their brothers. Really want to kill the magic dragon army in the hands of the world, the magic dragon army under the Yang Dingtian hands also centrifuged away from Germany.

However, if Yangdingtian is a lover, the other party may not be merciful. Song Yu and Song Minghua, absolutely will not be merciful, must destroy the Yunxiao City and then fast.

"Sovereign, I took my brother and went north." Song Chunhua suddenly said: "Give me some secret weapons, attack them half-crossed, and completely destroy them at sea."

Everyone was silent.

Song Chunhua said: "Although those people used to be my brothers, my deployment. But for justice, there is not much that can be managed. Since they help them, they must accept the result of destruction."

Yangdingtian is still silent.

Song Chunhua said: "The sovereigns can no longer hesitate. They have tens of thousands of troops landing, and after more than 100,000 troops have landed, their Demon Dragons will begin to land, and then they want to completely destroy them. It is difficult. ""

It is the logistics army that the world will land in the sea.

First of all, they are not worth the money. In case the Yangdingtian will launch an attack, it is not a pity.

Moreover, they first landed. You can build a line of defense on the coast. After the temporary defense line is fully established, the elite troops in the battle will continue to cross the sea.

As the ace of the Dragon Dragon Legion, of course, they can't let them go to Hainan. They must go to the south side and have enough elite troops to let the Dragon Dragons land.

Of course, this also shows the contradictory heart of Song Yu.

The first is the psychology of gamblers, knowing that Yangdingtian only needs to attack on the South Bank. His army could not land smoothly, and all the landing forces were destined to be wiped out.

However, he is not so guilty in gambling. Because of pity. For other reasons, it will not kill the army of the World.

This is of course a despicable act, using Yang Dingtian's intolerance to make a fatal attack on the soft ribs of Yangdingtian.

Second, it is his heart that is conservative and not risky.

Since gambling generally crosses the sea, but does not dare to send the strongest Dragon Dragon Legion, but to send the most valuable logistics army.

Therefore, at this time, Yang Ding Tianxin can be said to be contemptuous. Also disdain!

However, once his army crossed the sea, it landed more than 100,000. Once he let his Dragon Dragon Legion also landed successfully.

Then, it can be said that it is a complete disaster for Yunxiaocheng. Even it will cause a ruinous general ending.

Therefore, Song Chunhua will say that regardless of the previous friendship, the army that will cross the sea in the world will be killed!


at this time. If Song Chunhua leads the secret weapon and the Dragon Dragon Corps, it is really too late to completely destroy the troops that have already landed in the world, and then completely stop the landing of hundreds of thousands of troops in the world.

The hundreds of thousands of troops in the world will be strong, but they will not fly. Once the troops that successfully landed on the northwestern continent are all eliminated. It means that the hundreds of thousands of troops in the world will not have to worry about it.

"The city owner, no poison, no husband, order it." Song Chunhua loudly.

Yang Dingtian slowly opened his eyes and said: "No, there is a better way. I am going north alone, preventing the world from going to the south of hundreds of thousands of troops."

Suddenly, everyone exclaimed.

"No, impossible!" Song Chunhua said: "First of all, you can't do it. Secondly, as a leader, you are absolutely not allowed to commit crimes. This is a very naive behavior."

"No, there will be no danger." Yangding Tiandao.

"How could it not be dangerous?" Qin Huaiyu said: "Song is close to the Grand Master. You are not an opponent. Once you have a single order, he will not kill you, but I definitely don't mind holding you back for humiliation. Once this happens, the whole cloud If the city does not need to be hit, it is already destined to be destroyed."

Yang Dingtian stood up and said: "I am not trying to marry a hero. I am thinking about making repeated decisions. I as sure that you will not have any danger. One person can completely destroy the hundreds of thousands of troops in the world. ""

Song Chunhua and others were shocked.

This time, the world will come out of the nest, one of the great masters, several masters of the master class, and hundreds of thousands of troops.

Yang Dingtian's real strength is only nine-star Wu Zun, even if you are genius, if you go alone, it is definitely a sheep into the tiger's mouth, there is no return.

He even said that he alone could destroy hundreds of thousands of sea crossings in the world, and there would be no danger.

Let everyone be able to not be shocked!

Qin Huaiyu said: "It's still not good. You are too important. You tell me this way. I am going to do this. My talent is not as good as you, but it is higher than you. I believe that you can do things, I Can do it too."

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "No, you can't do it. Except me, no one should do it, because only I am alone, I have more than two Xuanhuo."

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

Song Chunhua said: "The sovereign, you are sure that you will not have any danger."

"I'm sure." Yangding Tiandao: "There will be no danger at all. I will never make a joke about my life. I know that my life is not my own, it is more than one million people in Yunxiao City."

"More than that, you also represent Tiandao League at this time. Once you die, everything will be taken." Qin Huaiyu said.

"I know." Yang Dingtian got up and said to everyone: "I will assure you again that I will not be in any danger. Please approve my actions."

Basically, Yang Dingtian’s strategy for large-scale is completely arbitrary. But when it comes to specific actions, especially those that are related to oneself, it must be passed by the entire committee.

Song Chunhua took a deep breath and raised his hand.

Then come, Qin Huaiyu, Zhu Hongxue and others, all raised their hands.

Yang Dingtian got up and said: "If you don't want to be late, if you don't have dawn, I will go north immediately and destroy the world." Time is precious, everyone should do their job."

Suddenly, the entire committee of people, quickly dispersed, with the fastest speed, returned to their jobs.

go to bed? rest? Dark night? For them, it is too extravagant.

Under the protection of the night, Yangding sky flies into the air, one person goes north! He will be alone to destroy the cross-sea action of the 300,000-strong army in the world!


Over the sky of Yunxiao City.

Song Chunhua came to Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, she looked up at Yangdingtian and said: "What you said, there will be no danger!"

"I promise again!" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the two were silent.

Yangding Tiandao: "The safety of Yunxiaocheng during this time will be handed over to you. Immediately withdraw the people outside the city, we raided Tianlei City, and the enemy may have to retaliate."

"Yes!" Song Chunhua said.

Then Chunhua said: "If, if the other party sent an air force raid. Our konjac army, do you want to dispatch?"

Yang Dingtian suddenly wrinkled his brow, then shook his head and said: "No, don't move!"

"If the casualties are large, the loss is great?" Song Chunhua said.

"Do not move." Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railroad.

"I understand." Song Chunhua said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Okay, go back, I am leaving!"

Then, Yangdingtian will fly north.

Suddenly, Song Chunhua hugged Yangding Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, let me be your woman once after the end of this war."

Yang Dingtian was hugged by her plump, hot body, listening to the words she had never had before, suddenly shocked.

Note: The first 6600 words are sent, I will continue to write the second, brothers, give the ticket to support! (To be continued.)

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