Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 512: : Yangdingtian destroys the earth! The whole world will be wiped out! Carcass

Note: The second 5500 words are sent, and today's update is 12,000! I really fight, more than 10,000 every day.

Brothers, I really need to cheer and need encouragement. Give me a monthly ticket and give me support! !


Song Chunhua always appears as a steel warrior.

She is more upright than a man. She has always been the most trustworthy commander of countless military personnel, Yang Dingtian's most loyal followers. Yang Dingtian has no doubt the number two, and even Qin Huaiyu has a clear positioning.

This person, most of the time, hid himself in mighty armor. Almost no one regards her as a woman, and she does not even regard herself as a woman.

Although, disarmed, after wearing the hair. Her delicate body and looks are almost women than all women.

However, she has always been a mountain-like warrior and commander.

For so long, she has only seen two women's weaknesses in total.

For the first time in the desperate city secret, take the disguise, release the fullness and softness of the woman, and let the tired and painful Yangdingtian rely on it.

The second time is now.

"Well, then I am looking forward to the day." Yang Dingtian had a hard time making a joke to Song Chunhua.

Normally, she was too serious, and Yang Dingtian did not dare to joke with her. When she spoke to her, she could only be serious.

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, it is very difficult for Song Chunhua to get a red face and then put on the helmet again.

"Take care!" Her voice instantly returned to seriousness, as if nothing had happened before.

Then she jumped directly onto the dragon's mount and flew away in the direction of the wall.

Yangdingtian casts a mysterious technique and flies directly to a few kilometers high. Fly fast toward the north!


A few hundred miles north of Yunxiao City, there are messy and stretched mountains everywhere. The hinterland of Yunxiao City is surrounded by huge mountains.

Therefore, this long and messy mountains have become the biggest protection of Yunxiao City.

The main fort of Yunxiaocheng. It is built on the big Yunxiao Mountain above the altitude of 1,000 meters. It stands tall and easy to defend.

As a martial art force, Yunxiao Castle, with the arch of four main fortresses, is enough.

But as the coming war, it faces a huge change in the world.

Yunxiao Castle is far from enough, so a city hundreds of miles away is at the height of the war. Under the arch of a large wall of more than one hundred miles, it suddenly formed.

Yangding flies at thousands of altitudes overlooking the dark northern mountains.

The mountains in the northern part of Yunxiao City are truly extremely complex, very steep and abrupt. A few hundred miles of mountains can be said to be extremely difficult to march. So basically any army will not choose to attack Yunxiao City from this direction. Except for the Air Force.

But did not think of the stubborn and narrow Song Yu. I chose to march in this direction. To this end, even at the expense of crossing the Yantai Strait.

His behavior, it really hit the soft underbelly of Yangdingtian.

Although hundreds of thousands of troops will become very difficult to cross the messy hundreds of miles of mountains, but Yangdingtian can not sit on this point, and can not sit back and relax. If you let his hundreds of thousands of troops rush over, then everything really rests.

Yangdingtian all military power. They have all been placed on the wall, and the back is extremely weak.

Once the World Corps has successfully crossed the sea and crossed the mountains for hundreds of miles, the city will be completely destroyed.


Yantai Strait!

This is a strait that is long and spans between the North and the Northwest.

The widest place. There are more than a thousand miles, the narrowest place, only a few dozen miles.

Because the sea water here is all polluted by the river, there is no living thing and it cannot be spent at all. Especially in the northern part of the sky, the sea area is completely a dead zone. Even if it is flying at a height of several kilometers, it will be poisoned.

When I arrived at the strait in the northern part of Yunxiao City, although the poison of the river was already very weak, I was poisoned if I no longer sniffed it, but it was still a restricted area of ​​life. No one chose to cross the sea here. Because once it falls into the water, it will still be poisoned.

Therefore, whether it is going north to go to the world, or the world will go south. They can only walk thousands of miles of the Continental Bridge and detour thousands of miles.

Yangdingtian flies very fast. In just one hour, it has already flown five hundred miles and reached the end of the mountain.

In front, it is the Yantai Strait!

The sea is full of terrible green.

A dazzling green, rising from the sea.

The strait that stretches for thousands of miles is like a bright and poisonous green streamer that surrounds the entire northwestern continent.

River water is blood red and toxic. However, after flowing into the sea, I did not know what component of the seawater reacted and became a more strange green.

Looking from afar, the two sides of the narrow section of the Yantai Strait, as if there are countless stars. Above the strait, a long strip of fire and light connects the two sides.

Yangdingtian quietly flies, getting closer and closer, getting closer.

The picture of the Yantai Strait is becoming more and more clear.

Although there is already mental preparation, Yangdingtian still **** a bite.

A big scene is really a big scene!

The northern side of the strait has become an incomparably huge military camp.

A few hundred thousand troops, stretching for dozens of miles, dense, black and black pressure.

Countless tents bloom on the ground for hundreds of square kilometers.

Countless torches, looking from the sky, are like the stars of the sky.

Moreover, there is a steady stream of troops that have been going south.

Song is crazy, and his hatred of Yangdingtian has been deeply rooted.

The army that he went south was not only 350,000, but he was constantly assembling and assembling.

Now Song Song, as far as the destruction of Yunxiao City, is no less than Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming.

Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming did not have much hatred for Yangdingtian, just to kill chickens and monkeys.

Song Song and Song Minghua are completely in the hatred of the bones. To destroy the sun-top sky, the city of Yunxiao is to be razed to the ground.

The Yantai Strait is extremely complicated and dangerous. Almost every year, a fierce tsunami is erupting. Almost every year, there will be a fierce earthquake on the sea floor.

Therefore, the only way to cross the sea is to have a sea surface less than two kilometers long.

At this time, all the warships were crowded on the two-kilometer sea.

The world will be surrounded by the sea. But these seas can't get off the boat, so there will be almost no warships in the world.

Yangdingtian did not know where these ships came from.

However, these ships are not large, and each ship can only transport up to 100 soldiers at a time.

The two-kilometer-wide sea surface is the most at most, and can only be tied to ten ships. There will be more accidents.

At this time, the two kilometers are wide. On the sea of ​​20,000 meters wide, there are hundreds of ships crowded. These ships, neatly arranged in a square, carefully sailed at a speed of less than ten kilometers per hour.

Officially because of this, the world’s army has crossed the sea and has been going on for three days. Hundreds of ships have only passed the army of more than 100,000. There are also nearly 300,000 troops. Still waiting for the sea in the north.

However, the good news is. Some of the ordnance and war horses have already crossed the strait.

At this time, on the south coast of the strait, it also became a huge military camp. Tens of thousands of logistics units have built a temporary line of defense here.

Seven or eight thousand troops have been deployed here.

and. There are already a thousand or so Demon Dragon Legion, which has successfully landed in the sea. At this time, it is patrolling on the temporary defense line.

At the height of the sky in the strait, nearly a thousand flying knights are wary of the airspace of a hundred miles.

Have an air regiment. And the Dragon Dragon Corps.

It is very difficult to completely destroy the beach line in the south.

Unless, Yang Dingtian is willing to use the konjac army and all the dragon dragons, there are tens of thousands of troops.

But this is impossible. Now, with such a large force to fight and kill, what should the real army of Qin Qiqi be under the city?


At this time, this dangerous strait, the World Corps, carried out three-dimensional deployment of sea, land and air, Yang Dingtian even wants to raid, but also nowhere to start, this defense is too dense.

In particular, this time the master of the world will almost come out.

Song Yu near the great master, there are four or five master-level elders, as well as a number of unclear Wu Zun-class powerhouses, all of which are eyeing the two sides.

I want to attack halfway and want to make a surprise attack. It is impossible.

Yang Dingtian almost made a military order on the committee. He wanted a person to destroy the sea crossing operations of hundreds of thousands of troops in the world, and there must be no failure.

How should he do it.

Although everyone on the committee can't believe this, there is no way to imagine how to do it. However, they still choose to believe in Yangdingtian.

So, how can Yangdingtian do this miracle that is completely impossible?


"Call!" Yangding Tianfei quickly invisible, into the isolation space, and then continue to fall.

In the isolated space, Yangding Tianfu quickly took the medicine and then held his breath.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian silently drilled into the sea.

Yes, the sea here is poisonous.

Suddenly, a strange and fascinating taste slammed into the nostrils of Yangding.

Although Yang Dingtian is already mentally prepared, his mind is still blurred and almost lost his mind.

Yangdingtian immediately closed the pores of the whole body, and the entrance to the whole body.

Then quickly use the black fire to build an energy shield throughout the body.

Then, he continued to sink, sink, and sink.

This is a dead sea, there is no creature in the sea, and there is always only green water.

Even the seawater is almost non-flowing, almost solidified, and full of life.


Yangdingtian continued to sink, sink and sink.

Suddenly, the pressure on the body is getting bigger and bigger.

Below, the sea is getting hotter and greener.

This strait is too deep, completely exceeding the imagination of Yangdingtian.

A few kilometers, still no bottom.

Ten thousand meters, still did not bottom out.

20,000 meters, still did not bottom out.

30,000 meters...

Finally, I saw the bottom of the sea.

Yangdingtian has never seen such a seabed and is transparent.

Yes, the entire seabed is full of transparent spar. Moreover, it is a fire red spar.

Every inch has a terrible energy.

The most critical is the spar. Has been growing. Yes, it is growth. It seems to absorb what energy is generally, so it grows constantly.

Why does Yangdingtian know that they are growing, because they heard the crowded sound of the hurricane.

Countless spar is growing, so it is constantly crowded and crowded. Crowded.

Yangdingtian has clearly felt that this countless spar is completely on the verge of explosion.

The situation is better than Yang Tiantian, but it is even worse.

How does Yangdingtian intend to destroy the cross-sea action of the World Congress?

Yes, it is to create a submarine earthquake and create a tsunami!

This was inspired by Yang Dingtian in the seabed of Nanmanzhou. At that time, the soul of the master suppressed the heart of the devil and burst into terrible energy, which directly triggered a major earthquake on the seabed. Caused a terrible tsunami.

Yang Dingtian has heard that the Yandu Strait in the north of Yunxiao City is almost the most unsettled strait in the world. Every year there is an earthquake, and every year there is a tsunami.

People who have been in the chaotic world have heard it, but after Yang Dingtian heard it, he knew that the seabed was very unbalanced and had been bred with powerful energy. It is easy to be erupted.

As long as the energy is stimulated, it will erupt.

How to stimulate? The energy at the bottom of the sea is even weaker. It is also extremely large, so the energy of stimulation is also great. A simple Xuanhu bombardment should not be enough.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is going to use two Xuanhuo impacts, and it is a Xuanhuo impact of different attributes.

Yangdingtian has three black fires and is of three different attributes. Once an impact occurs. How big is the energy? I can't imagine it at all.

Therefore, under the impact of the three Xuanhuo, it should directly stimulate the fragile seabed energy, triggering an earthquake and causing a tsunami.

Once the tsunami. That is completely deadly for hundreds of warships in this narrow strait. It can be easily done, destroying these warships in an instant, directly destroying the entire southward movement of the World Congress, and even huge casualties.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian personally came, and he felt that this detonation work could only be done by him.

But now it seems that it really does not have to collide with the black fire.

The crowd of this seabed spar has reached its limit. With a little stimulation, it will explode. It will be an earthquake and it will be a tsunami.

Now Yangdingtian should pay attention to it, so in the huge explosion, don't get hurt.

Yang Dingtian roughly estimated it.

The violent energy of this seabed spar should exceed dozens, hundreds of great masters, and it is a hit and an instant burst. Unlike the submarine earthquake in Nanmanzhou, it is a tear and vibration.

With Yang Dingtian's body, this momentary and hitting explosion, he estimated that it could not resist.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has to find another way. To detonate the seabed earthquake, and to protect your own safety.

Of course, it is hard to live in Yangdingtian.

Pull out a huge metal ball directly from the space ring and use a black fire to directly ignite the fuse.

Then, put it on the scary energy spar on the bottom of the sea. Then, Yangdingtian left quickly!


At this time, Yunxiao City!

Under the order of Song Chunhua, all the people outside the city have been evacuated to the city in the shortest possible time.

Even all land military members, including all land, have been withdrawn to the city.

On the huge open space outside the city, there was no one at all.

And dozens of hundreds of flying cavalry, patrolling in the air with great vigilance, searching for every inch of information on the ground.

Because, Yangding Tiangang led the Demon Dragon Corps to raid the Tianlei City, and carried a huge blow to the Shenbingshanzhuang regiment. Even the lesser Qiu Yiming was captured.

Therefore, the enemy may have to retaliate, and it is a huge revenge.

At this point, the sky has gradually turned on.

The first rays of the sun have been slanted from the east to the earth.

The airborne cavalry of Yunxiao City, with wide eyes and looking at any foot on the ground, fears that every inch of information will be missed.

In the city, Song Lihua had a hard time washing his face and brushing his teeth.

As she washed her face, she complained to Song Chunhua: "Sister, you know how much you let us withdraw to the city, how many things have been delayed. In less than a dozen miles, our walls will be completely completed."

"For the sake of safety, it is conservative." Song Chunhua said seriously.

"What is the great leader of your family, Yang Dingtian?" Song Lihua asked, then desperately spurred the face and body with cold water, lest he should fall asleep.

She was completely trapped to the extreme, as long as she lay down and guaranteed that she could not wake up for a few days, but now she is not sleeping.

Slightly hesitate. She took off her clothes and showed a graceful and thin body. She was ready to stimulate it in cold water and take a shower.

I don't know how long I haven't taken a bath, so a beautiful woman must be embarrassed.

"You don't want to say this." Song Chunhua cold channel.

Song Lihua stripped off his clothes. The whole body is the same as the mud monkey, and the specific content cannot be seen at all.

"Qin Huaiyu saw me like this, I don't know if I dare to go out." Song Lihua laughed, and then slammed into the cold water.

"Ah..." was hit by the clear water with ice, and the sleepy Song Lihua violently screamed and couldn't help but scream.

"What's wrong?" Outside, suddenly Qin Huaiyu was full of worried voices.

It turned out that he was confused. All the way to follow Song Lihua came over, of course he did not dare to come in, just stood outside and guarded. I heard Song Lihua screaming and couldn't help but worry.

Song Lihua’s face was red and said: “Nothing, nerd, go fast, you stand outside. What do you want to do?”

"Oh..." Qin Huaiyu caught his tail and fled.

Song Lihua is lying in the water. Enjoy this extremely rare leisure.

Suddenly, she heard a faint voice.

"Qin Huaiyu, you still don't leave?" Song Lihua said not fast.

However, there is no response.

Then, Song Lihua clearly saw the water in the tub. At first, there was a tremor, and there was a tremor.

Then, clearly felt that the entire ground was shaking.

"Enemy. Enemy!"

In the air outside, there was a sharp bone whistle from the flying cavalry. The soldiers on the wall are desperately ringing the bell.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

"Dragon Dragon Legion, quick assembly!"

"The first-line garrison, quickly build up!"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The soldiers on the wall clearly saw it.

On the horizon of the distant land.

A black line appeared, a black line of dozens of miles.


Then, in a trembling voice.

Countless black spots are like lightning, like the tides, coming quickly to Yunxiaocheng.

The patrol flying in the air was discovered with horror.

The monsters flying fast on the ground, the body shape is even bigger than the dragon, it seems more terrible than the dragon.

The speed of running is no less than the dragon.

This terrible and huge monster beast, seen unnoticed, unheard of, as if from the depths of hell.

Black and black pressure, spread for more than a dozen miles, like the tide, rushing toward Yunxiaocheng.

The revenge of the demon road is coming!


At this time, Yangdingtian evacuated with the fastest speed and evacuated...

Like lightning, it instantly rushed out of the sea floor of 30,000 meters.

Then, suddenly flew into the air.

Then, using the flying mystery and stealth mystery, I immediately rushed to the height of 10,000 meters.

But even so, it immediately caught the attention of the masters of the world, and in the end several masters master, flying fast.

And it is here!

The fuse of the metal ball on the bottom of the sea burned out.


A huge explosion!


An earth-shattering explosion, a torn explosion.

Throughout the sea, a ray of light hundreds of times brighter than the sun.

The entire seabed is extremely fiercely torn.


Endless energy violently tears.

Throughout the sea, slammed down.

Half a second of calm.

All the masters of the world will be shocked and look at the strange sea.


Then, the endless sea water is surging.

A huge wave of hundreds of meters was slammed.

All the ships on the surface of the sea are instantly broken and broken.

The waves of thrilling power, madness swept the two sides of the strait.

Incomparably huge energy, instantly smashing the ground on both sides of the strait.

A few hundred meters deep cracks, fierce tearing.

The Baili Mountains along the coast of Yunxiao City violently tear open huge gaps. (To be continued.)

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