Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 799: Grab the black fire, count the killing enchanting!

Note: This is more informative and it is recommended to peruse.


"Lord Yongshe, why are you here?" Yangdingtian was surprised.

Yongshe said: "Because I admit my disciples, I thought he was really prepared to be like me."

"Peer-like, what?" Yangding Tiandao: "His only wants to make the demon fox family become a half-god family, then unified Xiaoxitian, established the Western Heaven Empire, and finally ruled the entire chaotic world, creating the same great work as the ancient world Naga. ""

Yongshe said: "And I am just the opposite. I think that neither Naga nor the fox family is a natural product of the world. One is born because of the fallen black dragon, and the other is born because of the fallen silver dragon. It has abnormally strong energy. Therefore, it is also doomed to the end of destruction. So my ambition is to destroy the demon fox nobles, leave the ordinary demon fox family and lead them to another more solid road, and when necessary, let them cooperate with human beings. Go through this dangerous chaotic world rule together."

Yang Dingtian heard this and suddenly stayed.

In the enchanting mouth, even in some secret documents, this is not the case.

This lord of Yongshe, but a determined demon fox aristocratic supremacist. More than three hundred years ago, he had talked with a non-speaking family for one day and one night, and left a beautiful talk in the whole world. He publicly said that in this day and night, the wisdom that the non-language gave him to let him enjoy life.

In private reality, especially in front of the enchanting, his view of the non-language is very mean, and it is completely stupid to think that the non-language is passive. And telling the enchanting, the real stupidity in the world is to see through all the wisdom, and it doesn't make sense to live. So it’s not as good as a language family to die like this. The real wisdom is to play with the so-called truth.

Yangding Tiandeng said: "Three hundred years ago, have you ever seen a predecessor who is not a language?"

"Yes, I have seen it, and I have been talking for a day and a night."

Yangding Tiandao: "This night and night long talks have become your rich political prestige. You openly said that this non-language brings you the wisdom to enjoy your life?"

Yongshe said: "Yes."

Yang Dingtian continued: "But what you said privately to the enchanting, but the opposite is true. You are very disdainful of the negative evasion of the language, you think their words are completely shit, but you have to endure these detached negatives for political show. Remarks?"

Yongshe said: "Yes, I said this to the enchanting. And I told him that the non-language seems to be the smartest, in fact the most stupid. The real cleverness is to play with the truth. Don't let anything be on the way. obstacle."

Then, Yongshe said: "But I just have to tell the enchanting, I can't let anyone find out that my thoughts have changed. I used to be exactly the same as the enchanting thoughts, that is, to make the foxes become Naga. The half-god family dominates the whole universe. I don't think anyone can change my mind or even my heart. I have completely conceived a grand strategy. So I chose to run for the speaker. Because I have a very high reputation. And reputation, so I succeeded. When I was about to fulfill my demon fox dominance strategy, a non-speaker found me and talked with me all night, day and night."

"Then, he changed your will?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Yongshe said: "Can you change the enchanting will?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No. His will is very firm."

Yongshe said: "My will is also very firm. No one can persuade me to change my will through any language. Anything can't be said, even if the Protoss can't, don't say one day and one night. It's not a year or a year. Yes, because my life is creed and simple, there is no way to go, no means to destroy all obstacles, even the truth is no exception."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, how did this non-linguistic predecessor do it? How did he persuade you to change your will in the day and night?"

Yongshe said: "He didn't say it, but let me realize my ideals. The demon foxes dominated the world."

"How is it possible?" Yangding Tiandao.

Yongshe said: "He has no strength in his hands, but he is also a very powerful spiritual teacher. He took me into deep meditation. Although in the real world, we only talked for one day and one night, but In fact, in the deepest meditation world, I have spent a lot of years, maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe longer."

Yongshe’s eyes are lost: “In the world of meditation, I succeeded in getting a emptiness fire, successfully entered the site of the Naga Empire, and succeeded in establishing a centralized empire of the Western Empire, which successfully gave birth to the demigods. Finally, we rushed out of the plane of humanity, destroyed the human kingdom, wiped out the Netherland, and destroyed the seabed kingdom. In the end, we successfully ruled all the planes of the chaotic world, and the Naga people have become the only one in the universe. The overlord. But our endless, our strong desire is no end. So, we madly hunted all the energy in this world, we killed all the intelligent life, all the monsters, just to dominate the chaotic world All the energy. After killing all the other life, we began to kill each other, killing the low-level fox family at first, and finally killing them together. At the end, I killed all the competitors, I became The most powerful life ever, but I also became the only life in the chaotic world."

Yongshe paused for a moment: "I have reached my ultimate goal and become the only **** in the chaotic world. But the whole chaotic world has become a dead, no other life. Then I lived indefinitely. I have only the boundless loneliness, so I finally can't stand this kind of loneliness, so I chose to commit suicide. But sadly, I am already a god, I can't die if I want to die. I can only endlessly like this. Alive..."

Yang Dingtian fell into silence, and this kind of life is just chilling.

Yongshe silenced for a long time: "Then suddenly I woke up and found that I was really dreaming. I had a very long dream in the world of meditation, but this dream is incomparably true, at least for me. It is completely Real experience. So, there is no need to persuade, I will give up what I call ideal. Because when you are strong, but the whole world is only you, then the extreme power is extremely weak. Everything is not significance."

Yangding Tian nodded! Yes, the predecessor of the non-language is indeed the supreme wise man. In an absolute way, the wise man like Yongshe has changed his ideals and will.

Yongshe said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, what do you think of a life, or the driving force of a race? What is it?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head: "Any person who is negated is hypocritical. Anyone who only recognizes it is shameless. There is only one eternal development power of any intelligent life, that is, survival. But many people take it. Explain that, and the two are indeed very, very similar, more similar to twins. But even if there is one in ten thousand difference, that is different."

"Mr. Jiang Shang, you really is a wise man." Yongshe said: "In fact, I have also thought for a long time, a long time. After understanding this truth, I also determined that survival is the only driving force for the wisdom race. Then, fully Realizing that the essence of the so-called existence is continuation. The high-level fox race has thousands of years of life, and it has already occupied almost all the resources of Xiaoxitian, and because of the almost endless life, they have selfishly gave up the continuation because More and fewer demon fox aristocrats are willing to give birth. So, I spent a hundred years to lead Xiaoxitian's civilization from martial arts to imaginary art and class. Especially the almost abnormal bloodline theory. In this way, no more than two or three thousand years, almost all the foxes and nobles will be destroyed. Even if someone wants to block, they can't do it."

It turns out that it is so!

Yang Dingtian understands why the chairman of the Yongshe is to lead the aristocrats to the edge of decay. He is for the renaissance of the demon fox race, in order to make all the ordinary demon foxes become the master of Xiaoxitian, and want the demon foxes to return to the right track.

Yangdingtian absolutely can't do such a cold and unrelenting feeling, so self-destructive.

"How can you do this cruelty?" Yangding Tiandao: "Change me, even if I know it is correct, I can't do it."

"Because someone has shown me a demonstration." Yongshe said: "In fact, your non-language family has much higher wisdom and talent than us. They have more ability to dominate the world. But they can see clearly after the world. As a result, they gave up. In order to completely eliminate the road of future world destruction, they gave up the continuation of life, and finally even gave up life completely. For example, talking to me about the day-night sage, after talking, he I chose to be self-dead!"

In an instant, in the heart of Yangdingtian, there is an infinite tribute.

Before, Yang Dingtian also frivolously judged the non-language, and felt that they were too passive to avoid the world. As everyone knows, they are real wisdom. They refused the temptation of the fallen silver dragon, and saved the world with absolute wisdom and will, and supreme sentiment.

Otherwise, with their wisdom and talent, they can go further than the Naga.

Yongshe said: "Actually, I am very close to success. I have been re-elected for two sessions. Then, I handed the next strategy to my heirs. And he is very perfect and is doing it in front of me. Covered, deceived me, succeeded in letting me push him to the position of the speaker, and then... everything that happened, you already know, he is on the road to destroy the world. The so-called Void Fire and Naga The ruins of the empire is his first step. It is his second step to rule Xiaoxitian and establish the Western Empire. It is his third step to breed the descendants of the demigod!"

"No, this third step, he has already succeeded in half." Yangding Tiandao: "Because there is indeed a demigod of the demon fox family, appeared."

"What?" Yongshe trembled fiercely, then took a deep breath: "Mr. Jiang Shang, when I was about to embark on the road to destroy the world, the last sage of the non-language came to me and stopped me. Everything. Now, the enchanting is going to the path of destroying the world, so you appear, are you coming to stop him? Can you stop him?"

Yang Dingtian silenced for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't change his will."

“Why can't you change?” Yongshe said: “You can bring him to the world of meditation and achieve his ideal hegemony in the world of meditation. Just like the one that the non-language did to me.”

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment and shook his head: "Sorry, I still can't do it?"

"How could it not be done? The enchanting will cannot be more determined than me, unless..." Yongshe suddenly trembled. Looked at Yangding Tiandao: "Unless... unless you are not..."

His words are not finished unless you are not a non-language.

Yang Dingtian did not admit it and did not deny it.

However, this means recognition. In fact, at this time, recognition is an extremely dangerous thing, and very smart people will not admit it. But Yangdingtian still admits, and Yongshe has already understood.

But rest assured, here is the absolute energy prison, no one can eavesdrop.

Yongshe was silent, and he was silent for a long time.

"Are you standing on his side?" Suddenly, Yongshe asked.

"No, it will never be possible." Yang Dingtian said one word: "I am with you, the absolute like-minded person."

"You come over and put your heart part under my palm."

Yangdingtian said according to the words.

Suddenly, it seems like a glimpse of energy, entering the heart of Yangdingtian.

After a long time, Yongshe said: "Oh, I understand, yes, you really can't stand on the side of the enchanting. You are the king of mankind, is Yangdingtian right?"

Yangding nodded.

"I passed an old man. I know many of your stories and miracles."

Yang Dingtian did not ask which is the old man.

Yongshe said: "He is here to ask you about the fall of the hollow fire?"

"Child, there is a bad news." Yongshe said: "The enchanting. I have already seen you, or he has seen you very early."

Yang Dingtian is a shock, like a lightning strike: "This, how is this possible?"

Yongshe said: "There is nothing impossible! The enchanting can see through my heart, but I can successfully deceive me, then I will see you. What is impossible? You have become a non-language through what."

Yangding Tiandao: "The crystallization of the enchanting silver dragon crystal."

“How is it possible?” Yongshe said: “The silver dragon blood is unable to enter the human body.”

Yangding Tiandao: "I, I am the special one. And, I also gave birth to the demon fox descendant."

Yongshe shocked for a long time, then said: "That. It is no wonder that he has seen you. Because every silver dragon blood crystal is specifically registered, within a silver dragon mirage, this is the largest Xiaoxitian largest The secret of this silver dragon, in the hands of every speaker, symbolizes the supreme power of Xiao Xitian, and is also the highest secret. After the resignation, the speaker will wash away all the secrets about the silver dragon illusion. Because my mind has been transformed by the non-language sages, I can't be washed away to retain this top secret. So, in the moment when the enchanting Silver Dragon blood crystal enters your body, he has already seen it."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian took a cold breath.

This enchanting, how much blackmail. This so-called Silver Dragon illusion has mastered all the silver dragon blood crystals. Only the previous speaker knows that it sounds like the nuclear button of the head of the big country on the earth.

Yangding Tiandao: "He has already seen me, but he does not kill me. Just let me meet you and get the secret of the hollow fire?"

"Yes." Yongshe said: "Because I am a spiritual teacher myself, and the sages of the non-language have transformed my brain, he can't use any spiritual means to explore the secrets in my mind. But, but from where you can Get it, as long as I told you."

Yangding Tiandao: "But you can not tell me."

Yongshe said: "No, I will tell you, because I absolutely trust no language."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, my non-language is fake."

Yongshe said: "But in the enchanting, I feel that I can't know that you are a fake. Because in fact, I didn't even see that you are fake, but you have taken the initiative to admit it. The enchanting is no problem. But he is too cunning to understand your nobleness and sincerity, so if you miss a point, you will risk your life to admit that you are a fake."

Yongshe continued: "This is the only flaw in the enchanting, and it is our only chance to defeat him."

Then, Yongshe closed his eyes for a long time, thought quickly, and then opened his eyes: "The target of enchanting is the emptiness of fire, through your brain to get the hollow fire. Then we will count, use the hollow fire, kill Drop him."

Yangding Tianyi was shocked: "Can you do it? Seniors!"

Yongshe said: "It's hard to be difficult, or impossible. Because your brain is completely secret for them. You can lie on your mouth, but your brain. You can never lie. Unless, your The brain has also been transformed by an extremely powerful psychic."

Yangding Tiandao: "Reconstruction? How to transform?"

Yongshe said: "It is very simple to say, in your mind, to isolate an absolutely safe field. Then put all the important information in this field, which no psychic can read."

Yangdingtian heard this. I immediately thought of my own space ring. This is an absolutely safe field of isolation in the real macro world, and no one can find it.

Then, Yangdingtian’s brain moved and immediately awakened the poisonous Shadao: “Sasha, can you have a way to isolate an absolutely safe field in my mind that no psychic can read?”

Queen of Poison Sa: "Of course, it's easy. Your brain area. It's my absolute home. I can easily block an area and let no one read it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, I can block any of my brains."

Yongshe’s eyes are bright: “Is it true?”

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

Yongshe said: "Well, then according to our plan, the enchanting will die."

Yangding Tiandao: "You said."

Yongshe said: "I will tell you two pieces of information. The first one is true. After you have heard it, you must completely isolate it in a certain brain domain until it is open one month later. The information is fake. It stays in your brain. So in this month, even you think that the second one is fake. The first one does not exist. Only then can you deceive the enchanting spirit. ,Understand?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Understand."

Yongshe said: "Well, I will tell you the first true message. The fission fire will bloom after two quarters of seventy-nine days and eight o'clock. The entrance to the Void border is under the endless peak of the Yinyue people. The bottom of the sea. This entrance is like a black hole. It will appear 13 days before the flame bursts, but it will open when the Void Fire is about to bloom. When it is not open. Anyone Can't get in."

Yangding Tiandao: "How do you swallow it?"

Yongshe said: "After entering the void border, you have to remember that except for the completely dark continent, all the nothing you see and see is nothing but a hollow fire. You only need to jump off the abyss, it is equal to jumping. Into the emptiness of the fissure, it is equivalent to engulfing the fissure of the void, because the attribute of the fissure is the space crossing."

Yangding Tiandao: "How do you know these secrets, Lord Yongshe?"

Yongshe said: "Because of the three hundred years, the non-speaking sages in the world of meditation created for me, I just got the emptiness of the fire."

Yangding nodded.

Yongshe said: "So this piece of information, do you remember?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Remember."

Yongshe said: "Well, then let this piece of real information, as well as the memory that has been until you admit that it is a fake language, is completely blocked and opened again after a month."

Yangding Tiandao: "Good."

Then, Yang Dingtian, the Queen of Poison, said: "Sasha, I said that I can't do all the memories after changing the enchanting will, all blocked and shielded."

"Good." Queen of Poison said: "You have to put down the defense completely."

Yangding Tiandeng’s brain entered a clear and unprotected state, and then felt a white light in his brain. This memory was completely closed in an instant.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian seemed to be briefly blurred for a moment.

When I woke up again, after I admitted that I was a fake and non-language, I was completely closed and disappeared.

He shook his head gently: "Sorry, Master Yongshe, I can't do it, I can't change the will of the enchanting."

Yongshe sighed softly: "Oh, you, you are not a wise man specializing in spirit, then what are you specializing in?"

"Wisdom race, philosophy of survival." Yangding Tiandao.

Yongshe said: "Then, there is another way to sever the enchanting ambition. His first goal is to get the emptiness of the fire, and then get the Naga treasure. You step by step, to grab this emptiness. There is no hollow fire, no Naga treasure, his hegemony plan, at least half of the support."

Yangdingtian heart jumps: "So, how do you get a hollow fire?"

Yongshe said: "You remember that the fissure fire will bloom after two quarters of seventy-nine days and eight o'clock, the entrance to the virtual border, the end of the Yinyue family's endless Yongfeng. Your body needs the energy of dark crystallization. Only then can you enter the void border through this entrance. After entering, when you see the world inside, except for the dark land, the remaining void light and shadow, all are hollow flames, you just need to jump, you can Get the Void Fire, because his attribute is, space crossing!"

At this time, Yangdingtian certainly does not know that this information is false. Only one month later, after the real information is solved, he will know.

The time of the real void fire is eight o'clock eight hours after eight quarters of an hour. At this time, Yongshe said that it was seventy-nine days and eight hours and two quarters of an the difference was ten days. The entrance to the Void border was opened by himself one hour before the black fire bloomed. At this time, Yongshe said that it is necessary to darken the crystal energy to open.

The purpose is to induce the enchanting to take dark crystals. As the enchanting blood of Yinlong blood, once taking dark crystals, it is living and being swallowed by two terrible energies, tearing each other and dying.

Yongshe said: "Remember? Mr. Jiang Shang."

Yangding Tiandao: "Remember."

Yongshe said: "Please remember my words, take the lead, take away the fissure and destroy the general strategic support of the enchanting."

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao, then left and left.


Note: The second one is sent, full of 6,500 words, written at 9:30, sweat one!

Today, two more, one in one, please support! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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