Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 800: : Yangdingtian beats the enchanting!

Yang Dingtian returned to the ground from the dungeon, and the two demon fox masters immediately took him to see the enchanting.

At this time, the enchanting is on the edge of a beautiful lake.

This is a mirror-like lake, and the pavilion in the middle of the lake is covered with moss.

At the end of the lake is the red leaves of the mountains.

Silver is a city full of sci-fi and even magical colors, and this oriental classical scene is extremely rare.

At this time, the enchanting is in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Two demon fox masters, with Yang Dingtian, flew gently past, after reaching the pavilion, these two masters left like a paper basket.

Inside the pavilion, there are only Yang Dingtian and the enchanting two.


"How is the result of the conversation?" asked the enchanting.

"Not bad." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting asked: "He told you the secret of the hollow fire?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, it's just this secret. He also saw it in the meditation illusion."

The enchanting said: "So, will you tell me?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No."

The enchanting said: "Even if I threaten you with my life, I will not say it?"

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting pointed at a bird not far away: "Do you see the bird?"

"I saw, the red bird." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting said: "It will always fly above this lake, will not leave the lake, and will not enter the water. This lake, only about 15 acres, is completely within your line of sight. Then we have a bet ?"

Yangding Tiandao: "What gambling?"

The enchanting said: "You stare at the bird, I stare at your eyes. Your eyes are always following this flying bird. Once you lose it, then I will not see it in your eyes. The reflection of this bird. By the time, either you tell the secret of the emptiness of the fire, or you die. Of course, if you don’t follow the throw, always follow the bird, then you win, you can’t say it. The secret of breaking fire. Don't die."

Yangdingtian did not respond.

The enchanting said: "I can warn you, no matter what other things, but this bet is absolutely true. As long as you lose, either say it or die!"

Yangding nodded and said, "Okay."

Then his eyes locked the bird tightly.

This lake is about fifteen acres, or 10,000 square meters, and it is a relatively regular circle. At this time, Yangdingtian is just standing on the center of the circle, then the radius of this lake is about 55 meters, which means that the bird will not exceed 55 meters even if it is the farthest.

This distance may be a bit far from the ordinary person's vision, but for Yangdingtian, it is not worth mentioning.

Then, Yangding suddenly trembled.

The pavilion around me. The ash flew out.

Because, the four pillars of the pavilion. Will block the line of sight. And Yangdingtian can't be blocked from sight, even for a second.

“How long is the time?” asked Yangdingtian.

"Half quarter of an hour."

That is seven or eight minutes. For ordinary people, it is impossible to blink in seven or eight minutes. Even for the human power in the chaotic world, it is extremely difficult to do it in seven or eight minutes without blinking. They can choose to turn left and right eyes.

However, for Yang Dingtian, it is not worth mentioning. Because you don’t speak a language, you can’t blink for a year. Or, they often look at a place in a daze. Then they stood there for a year without moving, because they were thinking.

So this bet is as easy as Yang Dingtian.

But he knew in his heart that the enchanting gambling promise was absolutely not as simple as imagined.

"You can start." Yangding Tiandao.

The enchanting took out an hourglass and floated on the side. Then, his eyes, staring at the eyes of Yangdingtian, and the eyes of Yangdingtian, staring at the bird.

This is a very beautiful bird, about the size of a human fist, red and shiny, very glaring.

At this time, it is only 20 meters away from Yangdingtian, and it has always been centered on him, drawing a circular flight, very regular, and there is no change in the flight path.

It has been flying cheerfully, flying and flying.

But no matter where it flies, Yang Dingtian’s eyes are always chasing it.

However, his speed is getting faster, faster, faster and faster.

As he flies, the body of Yangdingtian also rotates rapidly, and his eyes are always in line with the bird.

It flies faster and faster, flying faster and faster, flying faster and faster.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, five minutes...

It is flying faster and faster, faster and faster, and it’s almost over...

Then it disappears!

Yes, it disappeared.

Because the basic reaction speed of the human eye is 0.02 seconds, that is, when the reflected light of something is lower than the time in your eyes, then the human eye cannot see it.

This is the enchanting strategy! This is a must-do gambling contract.

At this point, the bird is about 20 meters away from Yangdingtian. Then, the circle is always drawn around the center of Yangdingtian. In other words, the distance it flies is 125.6 meters, and this speed is completed in 0.02 seconds, which means that the bird flies more than 6,000 meters per second, which is equivalent to twenty. Double speed.

In this world, of course, there are no birds with speeds exceeding twenty times the speed of sound. No bird can do it, this is an energy light and shadow, so it can be achieved.

At this time, don't say that it is a sun-top sky. Even if it is a enchanting, you can't see this bird.

Therefore, this is a bet that will be lost in Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tianfei quickly swung the body, and the enchanting also followed the rapid rotation, staring at the eyes of Yangdingtian, but never blocked his sight.

He waited for the moment the bird disappeared from the sky, and he won.

There is no meaning in fighting against Yang Dingtian in force. It is a sense of accomplishment to win from wisdom, so he wants to win.

But the horror is...

The bird, always in the shadow of the pupil of Yangdingtian, even felt that it did not fly, completely still.

because. It flew fifty laps a second. Yang Dingtian also rotated fifty laps a second.

The enchanting knows about this theory. However, this bird should disappear, why the other party can still see it.

The enchanting can't help but turn to see the bird. He can't see it at all. Why can the other party still see it?


In fact. Yangdingtian is also very surprised.

When the light and shadow stay in the eye for less than 0.02 seconds, the human eye can't see it. In fact, less than this time, the human eye can't see it.

But at this time, Yangdingtian eyes are not the eyes of human beings, but the eyes of non-language.

It seems to have a function of absolute autofocus and then automatic focus tracking.

Therefore, the bird flies too fast for him to be completely meaningless, because his eyes are fully locked. How fast the bird is, how fast the eye is. So it is always focused. So this bird is completely static for him.

Therefore, the enchanting is very powerful, this is a must-have gambling.

For Yang Dingtian at this time, this is a must-win gamble.

Unless the speed of the bird's flight exceeds the speed of the sun's top sky.

According to the current revision of Yangdingtian, it is not a problem to rotate hundreds of revolutions per second, which means the speed of this bird. It must exceed tens of thousands of meters per second, or even hundreds of thousands of meters.

but. The enchanting gamble is only half a quarter of an hour. During this time, it is impossible for the bird to accelerate to that number.

Therefore, the enchanting loses.


Suddenly, Yang Ding’s ear rang a word.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

His heart trembled fiercely. He knows that the enchanting people use the spirit to explore the secrets in his mind.

The principle of anti-psychology is very simple, just find the object that launched your spirit, and then comprehensive defense against him.

However, it is simple. In fact, nature is extremely difficult. If the spiritual strength of the other party is far more than you, then this kind of defense has no meaning.

The enchanting words sounded over and over again at the top of the sun.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?


It seems to be hypnotic, repeating it over and over again.

At this time, Yangdingtian has to lock the red bird that is flying faster and faster, and has a strong spiritual attack against the enchanting.

The other party's powerful spirit, madly rushing, frantically destroying his will.

If it is Yangdingtian himself, it is impossible to resist this powerful mental attack in one heart and one mind.

But now, he can.

He discovered this very very mysterious body.

That is, he can completely separate his eyes and his mind, and they will not interfere with each other.

This is impossible for humans.

Because everything that the eye sees is clear, it must be handled by the brain.

Therefore, this means that it is impossible for Yangdingtian to shield its own brain. Once you can't shield your brain, the enemy's mental power will be pervasive.

At this time, he was completely isolated. Eyes, still staring at the red bird, but do not need to form a picture in the brain. Because, just let the enchantress see it in the pupil reflection.

Then, he can completely defend against the enchanting mental attack.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

The voluptuous questioning is getting louder and louder, getting faster and faster, and even more and more eager.

Because, half a quarter of an hour is about to arrive, the sand of the hourglass will soon be finished.

Fifteen seconds.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

Ten seconds.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

Eight seconds.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

Five seconds.

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

Three seconds!

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?

One second!

When does the Void Fire burst? where is it? How to swallow?


time up!

The sand of the hourglass is completely exhausted!

This bet, Yang Dingtian completely won.

Not only this bet, but even the enchanting spirit attack, Yang Dingtian also won completely!

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was relieved for a long time. When the eyes are loose, they almost faint.

And the bird, the speed immediately slowed down, and it was very leisurely flying on the lake.


The enchanting face looked at Yang Dingtian intricately and sighed: "Mr. Jiang Shang, really amazing. It’s completely amazing, you won!"

Yangding Tiandao: "So, can I leave?"

"Of course!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The question, you will never ask?"

The enchanting said: "I will never ask, if you win this bet, it is a complete win."

"So, leave." Yangding Tiandao.


Yang Dingtian flew directly out of the pavilion and then under the guard of two demon fox masters. Going back to my palace.

After Yang Dingtian left.

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed completely.

The beautiful lake disappeared and the red leaf forest disappeared in the distance.

It is just a completely dark hall, almost dark to the empty hall, the circular hall.

Then, the flying red bird landed next to the enchanting, and suddenly changed from a bird to a person.

An incomparably old demon fox, covered in a **** red cloak. The whole person is almost as thin as a dead branch.

"I failed, even at this time. He resisted my mental attack." The enchanting said: "Don't he really be a language?"

The old, incomparable demon fox is a blind man who has lost his eyes. He is a spiritual teacher, the most powerful spiritual teacher around the enchanting, and everything that Yang Dingtian saw just now is the spiritual illusion he created.

The strength of this spiritual master. Far from killing any human spiritual master.

"So, Master, have you succeeded?" The enchantress asked with the ancient language of the demon fox.

The demon fox spirit nodded and then put a cloth strip on his hands.

"I don't know who he is, but his mental defense. It's never been stronger. Your mental attack didn't work, and I turned into a bird, on the surface let him chase, take the opportunity and his eyes completely static lock. But the whole In the process, my spiritual invasion is completely useless. I can't see any information in his eyes." The demon fox spirit master said.

The enchanting said: "So why are you successful again?"

The demon fox spirit master said: "Because the time of the hourglass arrived, he completely won, so the mind completely relaxed. I quickly read a string of words in his eyes, of course, I don't know the words, but I completely recorded It’s down.”

Just now, the enchanting continually asked: When does the Void Fire break? where is it? How to swallow?

Innumerable times, it seems like hypnosis. Yangding Tian firmly locked his mind and did not think about it at all. As long as you don't think, the answer will not leak.

However, in the win, the heart is Panasonic. Suddenly, the answer emerged automatically in the brain, and was instantly interpreted by this spiritual master.

I have to say that this is really an unparalleled spiritual master.

And Yangdingtian also has an unparalleled spiritual defense. Perhaps this is not his own spiritual will, but it is extremely powerful.


The enchanting man took the cloth that the spirit master gave him, walked out of the spiritual hall, returned to his residence, and opened it.

Then he was completely shocked.

The text above is written neatly: The fissure fire will bloom two quarters of an hour and eight o'clock in seventy-nine days, leading to the entrance to the void border, at the bottom of the Yinyue family's endless Yongfeng. You need the energy of dark crystallization in your body to enter the void border through this entrance. After entering, when you see the world inside, except for the dark land, the remaining emptiness light and shadow, all are hollow flames, you just need to jump, you can get the hollow fire, because his attributes are , space crossing!

That's This is the second message of Yongshe to Yangdingtian.

It is a fake information that is made in the enchanting, and the purpose is to kill the enchanting. Only at this time, even Yang Tiantian did not know this. He always thought that this was real information, so he tried his best to defend.

Of course, this way, the enchanting is more convinced of the authenticity of this information.

It can be said that this plan of Yongshe is wonderful and there is no flaw.

But the only flaw now is that the enchanting does not know the words on the cloth strips at all, and has never even seen the above text.

Because this is a Chinese character on earth.

Yangdingtian is a human being in the earth, so in the instinctual thinking, the Chinese characters are also revealed, and they are faithfully recorded by the spiritual masters.


Note: The first four thousand six hundred words are sent, I then write the second one, and ask for support! (To be continued.) ()

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