Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 810: Void fire bursts!

Looking at the mysterious and dark void of the fissure fire, I clearly feel that this entrance is pregnant with some very mysterious

the power of.

The enchanting man suddenly smiled and said: "Lord Yang Dingtian, if I have not seen the plan of you and Yongshe, I am afraid that I have already taken the dark crystals, and then I am already dead in front of you."

Yangding Tiandao: "The speaker is unparalleled in wisdom, where is my opponent?"

The enchanting did not kill the tiger, and did not count the other days, laughing: "Okay, come back, come back ten days!"

Ten days later, the Void Fire broke out and the entrance will open automatically.

Then, the enchanting and Yangdingtian left directly.

In Silvermoon City, the enchanting once again had a meeting with the demon.

Then, the demon fiercely withdrew the martial arts army guarded by the endless Yongfeng. Then, the enchanting martial arts master, completely took over all the entrances of the endless Yongfeng.

Then, the enchanting with the Alliance army, return to the silver capital!


In Yindu Square, all the noble aristocrats took the initiative to create a grand triumphant grand ceremony for the enchanting.

Countless demon fox nobles, as well as the people of Yindu, have a full million, always from the square to the silver palace.

Countless flowers, countless wines, and the lord of the triumphant return.

Under the arch of the Kirin Legion, the enchanting horse rides on the horse, step on the gorgeous carpet, and returns to the silver palace in countless cheers.

This time, of course, he did not let Yangdingtian share his glory.

Back to the silver palace.

For the first time, the enchanting entered the deep dungeon and visited Yongshe.

The huge metal door opens slowly.

The Yongshe inside is still locked in the shape of a fox.

The entire energy is in prison. Still let Yongshe completely unable to move, just release a little energy, it is dead!

When the huge metal door was opened, the eyes of Yongshe were filled with great expectations and longings.

He hopes to see Yangdingtian coming in from behind the door.

However, it is enchanting.

He trembled fiercely. The entire shiny eyes fainted in an instant.

"Dear teacher, you see that I am still alive, I am very surprised." The enchanting smile.

"You, what happened to Yangdingtian?" Yongshe said.

"Reassured, I will not kill him." Demon said: "Teacher, do you have anything to say to me?"

Yongshe stopped the trembling of the body, his eyes revealing a very complex expression, saying: "The enchanting, the cliffs and the horses! The road you want to go. It is a road that will destroy the entire demon fox and destroy the whole world!"

"Teacher, the meteor in the sky will die in an instant, but it will burn. Even if it only shines for a moment, it is better than the nameless stone of the unknown." The demon said: "I am coming, I want to ask you, you are right. Do I have any plans?"

"Oh..." Yongshe said: "The king is defeated. I understand!"

Then, Yongshe slammed his teeth. The mysteriousness of the whole body burst forth.

This is the energy prison, moving a little bit of mystery, a little energy, is death.

At the moment when the energy of Yongshe was emanating, the huge energy array in the energy prison suddenly started, and powerful energy rushed into his body. His entire body burst open instantly. Life flies away from his body.

He failed, so choose to die!

"No... you can't die!" The enchanting roared and said: "You have not seen the establishment of my Western Empire, you can't die!"

"Turn off, turn off..."

But the energy of the energy prison. Still frantically tearing the body of Yongshe.

In an instant, turn it into a ghost.

After a few seconds, the energy prison is closed.

The enchanting hurriedly stepped forward, and tempted the breath and pulse of the eternal house, and there was almost no life.

"Come on!" The enchanting screamed.

Suddenly, I walked into a powerful spiritual master and a big warlock.

"He can't die now, no matter what method, he will save him." The enchanting order.

"Yes." The big warlock squatted.


In the evening, the enchanting speaker held an unprecedented large-scale banquet in the Silver Palace, which was larger than the scene of the last book of Yangding Tianda.

Not only the noble aristocrats of Yindu, but also the important people of the nine major tribes, all come.

Inside the main hall is full of people, even on the square, it is also crowded.

Of course, this banquet is not a so-called victory banquet.

The enchanting said, this war can not be called the victory of the battle. It should be called the ideal victory, the victory of wisdom.

The theme of today's dinner is: the nine tribes of the nine tribes are one.

Celebrate the reunification of Xiao Xitian after a short split.

Although the demon patriarch was defeated and surrendered, he received the second highest treatment of the enchanting speaker this evening and became the most distinguished guest of the evening.

The enchanting will not leave the demon patriarch for almost three sentences. Even the voice said that the real war, the army led by his enchanting is not necessarily a fierce opponent.

It is the demon patriarch's high-wind festival, in order to the future of the fox family, it is put down, turned into a jade, united as one.

Moreover, the nine major tribal parliaments voted in public and the Yinyue people once again entered the nine tribal parliaments.

The ambition is full of enchanting, can not help the inner joy and excitement, public poetry!

However, what he sang is still not the "Short Songs" that Yang Dingtian gave him, but he is still the poem he made himself.

Yang Dingtian listened to this poem, although it is not as short as a song, but it is still a first-class poem!

Poor, enchanting, in addition to martial arts and politics, is actually rumored in literature and art, but he does not like this aspect, and never deliberately reveals.

Yang Dingtian believes that if one day he actually created the Western Empire and became the first emperor of the empire, he might write a classic poem that is comparable to "Short Songs".

Yang Dingtian, as a great sage teacher, briefly attended the banquet for a while. But soon he withdrew for physical reasons.

Then, he stayed alone in his palace, and Ji Ya, as an important assistant of the enchanting, had to receive all kinds of VIPs with the same.

At this time, Ji Ya, the whole person seems to be completely blooming. Everywhere on the body is desperately releasing beautiful light.

Of course, this is also her long-standing dream, as the presence of the enchanting speaker, as the existence of the first lady.


Yangdingtian is still lying in bed and watching "The Devil asks Tianzhu".

First of all, ask Tian, ​​like him, to be a passer.

But now Yangdingtian can be sure. Asking the sky is not the same as your own way of crossing. Yangdingtian is the whole body and soul passing together, and the questioning of the sky is only through the soul, that is to say, his soul in the earth is attached to the questioning world of the chaotic world.

Although there is not much information recorded, it can be seen that it seems that Tian Tian was kneeling on the bed before the age of twenty-three, not to say that he could not practice martial arts.

Of course, before the age of twenty-three. He is completely unknown, so the content of the record is very small.

But you can know that for twenty or three years, he was lying in bed, either reading a book, or talking to himself or playing with himself.

In the year of twenty-three, suddenly he was able to stand up from the bed.

then. It began a thorough anti-day career. Or it is a complete blockbuster, until it becomes the first person in the world.

and so. Perhaps from that day on, the body of this day is crossed by the soul of a certain earth. As for how he stood up, how to practice martial arts became powerful, it is not known.

Next, Yangdingtian looked over and over again. Asked about the contents of the days before and after the war.

But unfortunately, no one knows about this content, so it is also very simple.

At this point, footsteps sounded outside.

At this time, Ji Ya is excited to live the first lady's addiction. How can she be willing to come back so early?

Listen again. Not Ji Ya, not her footsteps.

Coming in is the demon spirit, the enchanting sister, the demon daughter.

At this time, she is no longer a prisoner. It is a princess of the Silver Moon family and is one of the most eye-catching guests tonight.

So this world is really unpredictable. A few months ago, she was almost beheaded as an assassin, and now she has become a princess VIP.

"The demon spirit, you are an important VIP tonight, how can you not release your beauty at the ball?" Yang Dingtian laughed.

The demon spirit went to the front of Yangdingtian and said: "I surrendered, and our silver moon family was saved. Is this what you did?"

Yangding Tianyi, said: "You too put gold on my face, I have this ability."

Demon spirited: "But, I did ask you to help save the silver moon, and you did say that my father surrendered."

Yangding Tiandao: "This really does not matter to me. In fact, your father and the enchanting speaker are very similar. Isn't that good? Not only is Silvermoon City saved, but you also restore your nobleness and freedom."

The demon spirit sat on the bed of Yangdingtian and shook his head. "I don't like this. How can my father surrender, how can I forget my brother's hatred?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Your father is a man of great ambition."

"In any case, I don't like this." Demon said: "I feel that my father was polluted by the enchanting."

For this sentence, Yang Dingtian did not respond.

"Jiang Shang, what I said before, still counts." The demon suddenly said.

Yangding Tianyi, said: "What?"

Demon spirit said: "I said, if Silvermoon City is saved, I will dedicate myself to you. Now I am no one, you want it?"

Yangdingtian was shocked and waved: "I don't want to, no work is not safe."

The demon spirit sighed and never heard again.

"What's wrong? Have a heart?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The demon spirit said: "You are not a language family, you are so smart, you guess."

Yangding Tiandao: "Your father, want to marry you to the enchanting, as the second lady."

The demon spirit glimpsed, said: "How do you know? You are not a language, is it really so smart?"

Yang Dingtian smiled: "This is not easy to guess. Your father is a more loyal ally than Enchanted II. So, it is very normal to enchant you."

Demon spirited: "But I don't want to marry him, I hate him."

Yangding Tiandao: "I hate him too, but he is a great person."

The demon spirit fell into silence and suddenly asked: "Right, do you think that I fled to the human kingdom and succeeded in escaping marriage?"

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "Why did you escape to the human kingdom? Where do you have a lover?"

Yangdingtian just asked casually. But the demon spirit has a red face, and suddenly he can't help but see, there is a human lover.

"Who is he? What is it?" Yang Dingtian laughed.

Demon Lingdao: "You don't know anyway, and we are... not a lover, nothing happened between us. I don't have the courage. He is so sullen to death. He doesn't even dare to touch me. ”

Yang Dingtian once again asked: "What is his name?"

"I don't know, anyway, we are shouting each other. And, I can't understand his words, and he can't understand me." The demon spirit said: "Human chaos, hard to understand, And he is a man who has a rare time to say a word in three days."

Yang Ding Tianxin suddenly moved, it should be. It won't be him.

Suddenly, Yangding Tiandao: "You talk about it, where did you see him?"

Demon Lingdao: "That was more than four years ago, I... I want to go to the human kingdom to find the enchanting, because my brother is crazy to find her. Well, actually, I want to go to the human country to play. So I got the head. In the hall, the door to the human kingdom could not be opened. Then I waited there. When humans came in, I went to the human kingdom. Who knows. Suddenly flew in a man, and then sat there and motionless. I can't wake up, how to talk to him, for a few months, I am really afraid that he will die. So, just beside him. Then one day. He really wants to die. I don't know why, he seems to be very hot, to burn, but he hasn't been attacked any more. Just like this. He is going to die, I am afraid, and hurry to take him away from the hall. I entered Xiaoxitian and found someone to cure him. Then, for the next two years or so, I was with him, playing everywhere, practicing everywhere, and we also swallowed a male-class fire. Later, our business Found by my father She was so angry that she almost interrupted my leg. He knew that after I fell in love with a human being, I was angry and thunderous. But he still gave me a chance. If this human being can make me estrus, he will let us be together. Although I like him psychologically, but after all he is human, he has no way to make me estrus. So my father asked me to choose, either to kill him or to sever him. I didn't want him to die, so he broke off with him. Father Let the psychic wash away all his brain memories, and then send out Xiaoxitian and send it back to the human kingdom."

After hearing the demon spirit, Yang Dingtian was completely shocked.

Because, he knows who this is, it is without shadow, the one that never talks without a shadow. One of the confidants of the master of the East, it is no wonder that he can successfully go out from the abstinence continent. No wonder he can't remember anything after he left. No wonder he broke through the great master.

It turned out that most of the cultivation was done in Xiaoxitian. The reason why I lost my memory is that I have washed away from the demon spirit.

It turned out that this is the mystery of cultivation in the taboo of the mainland.

Obviously, he passed the first pass alone, but died in the second magma continent. Burning in the illusion, the reality will also die, the demon spirit saved him.

Yangdingtian couldn’t help but look forward to the demon spirit. This is still the family of the Guangming Parliament.

He was in the middle of a surprise, and suddenly there was a footstep outside. This time, Ji Ya really came back.

Seeing the demon sitting on the bed, she frowned slightly and said: "Miss demon, you should not be here, the demon speaker is waiting for you outside."

The demon spirit changed, then got up and walked outside.

Ji Ya looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "Fu Jun, in such a day of universal celebration, you look very lonely, right?"

Yang Dingtian smiled and did not answer.

Ji Ya left the room again and returned to the banquet hall.


The next day, the Tribal Union Council, once again convened the conference.

This time, the nine major tribes and more than 1,000 members attended. At the meeting, the highest leadership of the enchanting speaker was finally determined.

At this point, the enchanting finally settled the position of the speaker and thoroughly mastered the world of Xiaoxitian!

A few days, it is passing away!

After five days!

The enchanting man with Yang Dingtian and Ji Ya two secretly came to the bottom of the endless Yongfeng.

At this time, there are two hours from the bursting of the void.

Time is getting lost.

Even if it is enchanting, I feel a little nervous.

Because the most crucial moment is coming, the emptiness of the flames will soon bloom.

So, will the entrance to this virtual border be opened?

The three people were silent and waiting for the last time.

One hour half an hour.

A quarter of an hour.

five minutes.

three minutes.

One minute!

Time is up!

Then, a space door with incomparable mystery opens slowly.

Behind the space door is the illusory void border!

Void fire, bloom!


Note: The first one is sent! I have a problem today, I have slept for two hours, and the second is to write early tomorrow.

Thank you all, please ask for the monthly ticket! (To be continued.) ()

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