Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 811: Devouring the mysterious fire! The death of the enchanting!

Looking at the entrance to the Void Fire, slowly open.

The enchanting hands trembled fiercely and then quieted down in an instant.

Even with the incomparable ecstasy, he will control his emotions and calm himself down.

Because he has always believed in a sentence, a fatal mistake, most of which was committed when greedy and excited.

The Void Fire is the most crucial part of him. He got the flame of the Nether and got the treasure of the Naga Empire. This means that the first step of the Western Empire is completed.

So this should be his most exciting time.

Before, the surrender of the Silver Moon and the big banquet in the Great Hall of the Silver Palace, he was very excited. In fact, he was not so excited, but he observed everyone very calmly.

Only a moment ago, when he shook hands with the demon patriarch, he had a little excitement.

But now, he is really excited, waiting for more than a hundred years of emptiness, finally to bloom.

The entrance has been opened to a size that is large enough to even see the mysterious picture of the void border inside.

The enchanting sorrow is still not in a hurry, and smiles at Yangding Tianwei: "Mr. Jiang Shang, this should not be a trap that you set."

"It is just fine." Yang Ding Tianxin Zhongdao, but did not answer him.

That's right, it's a trap! But unfortunately not.

This enchanting, even suspicious to such a degree.

Suddenly, the demon said: "Let's do it, go in together."

Yang Dingtian couldn’t help but smile: "You are really not afraid, I am robbing you of the hollow fire?"

The enchanting smiled: "You all said that it was my emptiness, and of course I couldn’t take it."

Then, he grabbed Yang Yatian and grabbed Ji Ya with one hand and slowly walked into the entrance of this hollow fire.

If it is a trap, then Yangdingtian will die together.


really. Not a trap!

Yangdingtian seems to have crossed a special space door and instantly reached another world.

Here is the void border.

Oh, yes, here is the void border.

What you guess on your feet should be something called land. But it is completely dark. I don't feel that this is land, but it is just a special kind of dark matter. It is somewhat imagined with the ever-spreading dark matter of the sea.

The enchanting can't help but take out a sword and slash the dark matter under this foot. Found that it can not hurt at all.

This void border seems to be infinite and small.

Because there is only one darkness behind, you don't even know that it is invisible darkness. It is still such a dark substance at the foot.

In front, there are endless abyss, countless fascinating images.

There is no sign of life throughout the void border.

Oh, it counts! In the abyss, it seems that you can see the energy creatures swimming.

In the chaotic world, it is very difficult to see electric creatures, and there is more to it here. The blue transparent snake. There is nothing at all, just a group of light and shadow. But it is also life.

The environment of the Void border is so harsh that only this energy creature can survive.

At this point, the Void Fire should not really bloom.

Because, under the abyss of the void border, there has not been a rising flame. According to Yongshe, when the flames burst into flames. Will fill the abyss of the entire border.

"Come, let's sit down and wait!" The enchanted patted the ground.

Then three people sat down

"Ji Ya, when the Xuanhuo blooms, remember to watch your husband." The enchanting said: "Don't let him move, don't let him float a hint of mystery. A sense of consciousness."

"Yes, the speaker." Ji Yadao: "I will take care of my husband."

Then, her jade hand clasped the hand of Yang Dingtian, using powerful energy, to lock up all the zen veins of Yangdingtian.

Although, at this time, Yang Dingtian's qihai is completely abolished, but they are still not at ease.

Time is lost every minute.

It is said that this time should be very nervous, but the enchanting is not, but it becomes very quiet.

"Mr. Jiang Shang, have you been watching "Dream Wang Tian Chuan" recently?" asked the enchanting.

Yangding Tiandao: "I am curious about a question. How is this devil's cultivation done? I have heard every time, it seems that infinity is close to the holy level, and nothing is zero. Of course, I said it was two hundred years ago. ""

"That is infinitely close to the holy level." The enchanting said: "It is a little better than I am now."

"More powerful than you?" Yang Dingtian was surprised.

"Of course." The demon said: "I don't care about repairing this thing, because in the small western world, it is not a rehearsal. And the most powerful group of people in Xiaoxitian is now loyal to me."

Then, the demon said: "Of course, my younger generation in the small western world is still the strongest."

Yangding Tiandao: "So how does it compare with the devil's questioning and the emptiness of the two hundred years ago? How is it compared with your top-ranking strongman?"

The enchanting said: "There is no way to compare this. If it is in the small western world, then of course, the top strongman of Xiaoxitian wins. And if it is in the human country, the limitations of our fox family are great, so it is not As a last resort, we basically will not enter the human kingdom, and it is too much damage to the repair."

Yangding Tiandao: "Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the human kingdom will suffer."

The enchanting shook his head and said: "When we have spawned a large number of demigods, they will not have this limitation, so by then, the entire human kingdom is part of our empire."


Suddenly, a flame rises in the void abyss.

Although it has just emerged, it is already very glaring because it is snow white.

Yangdingtian was the first to see the snowy white flame.

The enchanting breath stagnate and smiles toward the top of the sun.

And Ji Ya's mysterious, tightly locked every inch of the body of Yang Dingtian.

Then, none of the three people spoke.

This white flame is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Then, violently split. It turned into two directly.

A black one, a white one.

Is this the origin of the fissure?

The flame that splits out continues to grow bigger, to a lesser extent, and begins to split again.

that's it. This mysterious flame is constantly splitting and constantly splitting.

Time, the entire abyss, was completely filled with this mysterious void.

The black flame was originally invisible, but it became clearly visible under the white background.

At this point, the enchanting is completely convinced. This is a fissure, which must be a fissure.

The world’s second-most empty flame.

The entire Xuan Huo is still continually split and constantly split.

In the end, except for the dark matter under the feet, nothing else has been seen. Everything that goes into the destination is all a fissure.

at last.

The fissure fire stopped the division.

but. Still changing.

The black flame and the white flame gradually began to merge. It has become an extremely complex and constantly changing color.

Finally, the entire flame is completely transparent.

Constantly transparent, transparent and transparent!

Once thoroughly transparent. It means that you can't see it, it means thorough maturity.

In an instant, the entire void border became incomparably gorgeous.

In addition to the dark matter under the feet, the entire abyss remains, becoming like a complete crystal. Crystal clear.

That's right, the fissure fire is completely blooming.

The enchanting sun looked at the sky.

In the words of Yongshe, the way of emptiness of the emptiness of fire is to jump directly and jump directly into the flame, which will not only engulf the flame, but also enter a special space.

But enchanting, instinctively doubting any important words spoken by others.

What if I jump into the flame or a trap?

Therefore, he chose to carefully enter a mysterious gas into the flames of the void.

No reaction, no response at all.

Then, his eyes stared at the emptiness of the flames, injecting a sense of God.

Still, nothing happens!

So, as if in addition to jumping, is there any way?

At this time, Yang Dingtian also looked at the emptiness of the emptiness in front of him. He thought that the black and green black fire inside the sea would be crazy and would be greedy. But who knows no, it squats deeper.

The enchanting man suddenly said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, you said, if this is the last trap for Yongshe, what should I do?"

Yang Dingtian is very curious, why is the enchanting in front of Ji Ya, always calling himself Jiang Shang.

Upon hearing his words, Yang Dingtian silenced for a moment: "I don't know, this question can only be answered by yourself."

The enchanting asked: "Then you think, should I jump?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The void is so important to you? Is it more important than your life?"

"Of course, life is more important. If you have a life, you will have everything."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then don't jump, if it is a trap, you will die."

The enchanted sighed: "But there is another kind more important than life, that is, will and decision. If it is a weak life, then this life is not worth mentioning."

The enchanting man slowly stood up and looked at the crystal clear flame underneath.

The maturity of a mysterious fire is very, very short-lived and will soon disappear. Once it disappears, it will wait another two hundred years.

Just like the enchanting.

If this is a trap of Yongshe, then you will die when you jump.

But if you don't jump, it means weakness, which means compromise to yourself. This may be more terrible than death.

The enchanting gentleman said: "Hello, if I don't jump today, then I will never dare to jump. After two hundred years, after four hundred years, after eight hundred years, I will not dare to jump, I will always lose. The Void Fire. Because you don’t jump, how do you know whether it is true or not? A weak life can not afford to build the entire empire."

The enchanting man slowly walked toward the abyss and said: "If this is really the trap that the teacher gave me, then please tell me, I serve him, he counts me to death."

Standing on the edge of the abyss, below is the raging flame.

The enchanting turned around and said: "Hello, the short song you made to me, I like it very much. But I didn't read it at the banquet because I don't think it is suitable for that occasion. Then I will read it now."

then. The enchanting word is a word, and I read a magnificent short song line. Moreover, it is in Chinese.

Yes, it is Chinese, not a demon fox language, nor a chaotic language.

Be a song to wine. Life geometry?

For example, if you are exposed, you will have more troubles.

I am embarrassed and unforgettable.

Why worry about it, only the husband.

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin.

But for the sake of the king, I am still in the air.

Lu Hanming, the apple of the food field.

I have guests, harp blowing Sheng.

Clearly like the moon, when can you marry.

Worry comes from it. Can not be cut off.

The more you are unfamiliar, the more you use it.

Congratulations on the feast, the old grace.

The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

Around the tree, what can you rely on?

The mountains are not high, the sea is not deep.

The demon vomits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart.

Although, the enchanting should be the first time to read Chinese characters. He is completely learning the pronunciation of the annotations.

Therefore, it is not a very standard. But it is much better than the enchanting language of Yang Tiantian.

Although it is not standard, it has completely suppressed the essence of this song.

That kind of inner heroic, that kind of magnificent momentum.

Even Yang Dingtian’s reading of this piece of music is completely incapable of possessing this momentum.

After reading it. The enchanting look at Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you, your poem!"

Then, he leaped into the transparent, raging, hollow flame!

First of all. It is completely still!


Hey, his feet are gone.

Then, his legs flew away.

His entire body quickly disappeared and disappeared completely.

His face trembled fiercely and revealed a smile: "Really, it is a trap! Teacher, you are so powerful, this trap, I can't escape it... it's amazing, amazing..."

Then he couldn't break free, he could only watch, this terrible flame, frantically destroying everything.

Ji Ya stayed in an instant, looking at it all incredulously.


Then she screamed and screamed.

Then, violently throwing the top of the sun, you have to jump directly toward the flame, trying to save the enchanting.

"No, you stopped..." The enchanting slammed.

His time is running out, the whole body disappears completely and quickly.

"Ji Ya, I don't have much time. If I say something next, you have to remember all of them."

Ji Ya burst into tears, twitching and standing on the edge of the flame, completely collapsed.

At this point, Yang Dingtian can make her die as long as she pushes it gently. However, Yangdingtian did not do that.

"Take out the shadow jade and record my picture at this time."

Ji Ya took out the shadow jade from her arms.

"After I die, let, let Yong She Daxian Shi and Jiang Shang Daxian Shi Jianguo!" Demon, because you can't remember the sound, so the enchanting makes the mouth very clear.

"No, no?" Ji Ya cried: "It is they who killed you, I want to smash them into corpses, and smash the corpses..."

The enchanting swayed his head hard and said: "I am dead. No one can support the empire's hegemony in Xiaoxitian. Also, no one can control Jiang Shang, and no one can breed a demigod. ”

Then, the enchanting sun looked at the sky and said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, actually... actually... I really touched the route you said, let the demon fox live forever. Not like the Naga Empire, 璀璨I am dying, destroying the world. However, I am really not willing to be so obscured, living alone, not ashamed to die! So, when I am alive, I must be vigorous and do the hegemony. But I am dead... then, then Just take the road you said."

"After my death, you and Yongshe, the teacher of the country, continue to follow the path you said."

Yangding nodded.

At this point, the entire body of the enchanting body has completely disappeared, leaving only the neck and the head.

He gasped desperately, but there was no body to let him breathe. At this time, he has completely left his soul.

"Hello, I... What have I done wrong? Why do I fail?" asked the enchanting.

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "You have not done anything wrong. In the battle with anyone, you have not lost."

The enchanting said: "Then, why am I going to die? Will it fail?"

Yangding Tiandao: "This is destined for the day, and your character is doomed. The character determines the fate. Ten more times, another hundred times, you are the same result, because you are still the choice. You would rather die." Don't live in a pocket."

The enchanting said: "That is to say, I did not take any wrong steps?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You have not, you are the most outstanding Wang Pai I have ever seen, but perhaps, this world does not allow you to exist."

"That's good, then it's good..." The enchanting smiled.

His neck was gone.

His chin was gone.

"Hello, I... I really like it, I appreciate people like you, can be so smart, and so bright and open, so that when you set up a conspiracy, you must first fool yourself. No wonder you will be everyone. The admired leader, I hope that you can walk, be successful, take care..."

Then, the enchanting mouth, the gray smoke disappeared.

Then nose, eyes.

Finally, the entire skull disappears.

The enchanting whole person, the whole life, the whole soul, completely ruined.

This Yangdingtian has seen the most intelligent and most outstanding Wang Pazhi talent, the real generation of Xiongxiong.

In this way, die in front of yourself!

He didn't do anything wrong and didn't do anything wrong.

Every step, he is winning!

Even in the end, he was wondering if this was a strategy for Yongshe.

Jumping down is death.

Not jumping means weak and compromise, which means losing the void forever.

So, he chose to jump.

Then he is dead!

The whole body and mind of Yangdingtian is shocking!

In front of this person, Yang Dingtian did not win a minute!

I have been losing all the time and have been caught in the applause.

But at this time, he is still immersed in sorrow. Of course, if you can choose, he will let the enchanting go to death every time.

Because enchanting is the real enemy, the enemy that can't be changed.

But the death of the enemy brings more sorrow!


Note: The second one is sent, I have to go out to do things. Pay for the monthly votes of the brothers! (To be continued,!

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