Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 812: Recommend Yangdingtian to be the speaker!

Ji Ya still refuses to go out. She looks at the abyss below for a long time. It seems as if she is very eager, and the enchanting will appear in front of herself again and again.

However, there is no doubt that the miracle did not happen.

She and Yang Dingtian do not know, what is the flame? Why is the enchanting so powerful, but completely unable to break free.

Gradually, the transparent flame gradually disappeared.

The entire void border has become the original appearance.

The entrance to the sea floor began to gradually close.

"Okay, it's time to go." Yangding Tiandao.

Ji Ya did not pay attention to him, still staring at the abyss.

Yangdingtian grabbed her arm directly and dragged it out.

"You don't touch me. Don't touch me at this time." Suddenly, Ji Ya screamed loudly, and then she muttered to herself: "The hope of the Western Empire was shattered, and the tyrant's hegemony was shattered."

Yang Dingtian ignored her and directly picked her up and rushed out of the smaller and smaller space door.

Then, the space door on the bottom of the sea was completely closed, and the empty border that would wipe out the enchanting smoke disappeared completely.

Two people slowly floated to the surface of the sea.

"Jiang Shang, if you were just you, would you jump?" asked Ji Ya.

Yangdingtian thought for a while, if it was just himself, would it jump?

Then the answer turned out to be!

It is really going to jump and I will jump.

Although it may be a trap, it is more likely to be a hollow fire. Once you miss it, you will always miss it.

Of course, for Yang Dingtian, the void fire is not absolutely crucial. And if you stand in the enchanting angle, is absolutely absolutely necessary?

Why do you say this? Because the practice of Xiao Xitian also comes from the ancient world.

The human practice in the ancient world is that there is no demigod. Therefore, after many half-born descendants are born, they need to cultivate special cheats, and they need special treasures.

and so. The treasures of the Naga Empire are very important. With the treasures of the Naga Empire, it is possible to cultivate these demigods into true demigods.

The enchanting precautions, when there is no large-scale breeding of the demigods, began to plan the growth path of these descendants.

So if you change yourself. It should be equivalent to failing to win the battle of extinction if you do not swallow the hollow fire.

Then even if there is a certain possibility of a trap, Yangdingtian will jump.

At the crucial moment, Yangdingtian has urine. Absolutely dare to gamble, a game.

The same is true of the enchanting, he also dares to play a game.

Only, he is dead!

"I will, I will jump." Yang Dingtian gave a very positive answer.

Ji Ya looked at Yang Ding for a long time, then turned her head and wiped the tears in her eyes. Cold and cold: "This is my last tear."

"Let's go. Go back, the news of his death did not come out. Before the world did not have a big mess, quickly stabilize the situation." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, two people ride the secret mount and return to Silver at the fastest speed!

Along the way, Yangdingtian has been thinking about a problem.

If, the enchanting is not so smart. In the first trap, I fell in and swallowed the dark crystal and died.

Then, when the door of the Void Fire is opened, you will definitely enter, and you will certainly jump into this flame. Then I will die.

Is it, Yongshe also thought of this? He knew this for a long time, but he said nothing.

Perhaps, in order to get rid of the enchanting, he did not care to sacrifice Yang Tiantian?

Thinking of this, Yang Dingtian felt that his back was slightly cold, and he instinctively embraced his arms.


At this time, Yongshe still lie in bed.

Only this time is the human body. Moreover, it is a very old body, and it must be white, and it is in stark contrast with the innocent beauty.

He was very hurt and almost all of his body was a breach.

When he saw Yang Dingtian and Ji Ya come in, he was slightly blurred and instinctively looked back.

"The enchanting is dead." Yangding Tiandao.

The dying Yongshe, who was dying, fell into a complete sluggishness.

"Oh..." Then, a **** arrow slammed out.

The whole face suddenly burst into blood, and the whole body began to tremble fiercely.

Suddenly, the great warlock hurried forward, pressing down on Yongshe’s body and desperately suppressing his blood.

After quiet.

The turbid tears fell from the corner of the eyes of Yongshe.

What does it mean? The tears of the crocodile?

"I, I want to kill him." Yongshe's lips trembled: "But, but that is for the public. He died, my heart hurts, it is for private. We are called mentor, really father and son. He Imprisoned me, but also for the public. I committed suicide, he wants to be crazy, desperately stop, this is for private."

Then, Yongshe never said anything again.

Yangding Tiandao: "You, do you guess he will die?"

Yongshe was silent for a long time and shook his head: "I, I don't know."

Yangding Tiandao: "How do you say?"

Yongshe said: "In my mind, the emptiness of the flame is in the bottom of the endless Yongfeng, that is, it is directly swallowed and successfully swallowed. Because, in the meditation illusion that the non-language created for me, I just entered the void border like this. Get the emptiness of the fire."

Yangdingtian understands!

The root of this trap comes from the non-language.

At that time, in order to persuade Yongshe to change his strategy, he was dragged into deep meditation, and he was able to realize that the Western Heaven Empire dominated the world, and he was a strong man, but he was the only one in the whole world.

It is this incomparable real dream, let Yongshe give up the strategy of the demon fox to dominate.

However, the non-language still has double insurance.

If Yongshe still obsessed, he will definitely devour the emptiness.

Yongshe will die in the terrible and transparent flame, so this trap is not set by the language family to Yongshe, but he did not expect it, but he finally killed the enchanting.

"I want to kill the enchanting, do everything possible to kill the enchanting." Yongshe sighed: "But, I really did not think about this method of death."

Yang Dingtian was silent and looked out the window.

"But it’s dead, it’s good to die...” Yongshe sighed: "Dead. The demon fox will not be destroyed, and the world will not be destroyed."

Yes, the enchanting death is a good thing after all. Even if it is tragic and strong, it will be a good thing.

Yongshe suddenly said: "Yangdingtian. Where do you think this small western world came from?"

Yang Ding Tian Yi, is this not a plane? Isn't it a part of the chaotic world for a long time?

Yongshe said: "To play your biggest imagination, think about it, how did the small western world come from?"

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and began to recall the situation of Xiaoxitian.

The rolling mountains are floating in the air, land on the land, and floating in the air.

Every land is a feeling of being torn.

Looking up, the map of Xiaoxitian is on the wall.

Two or three thousand miles in length. It’s not too small. But the world's land is spliced ​​together, and only half of it.

Because there is half the area inside, it is a blank gap.

Moreover, the edges of these lands seem to be in agreement.

That is to say, a long time ago, this was a complete land, but it was later torn a lot.

Then Yangdingtian recalled that he was in the taboo of the mainland. Hard rock plains and magma plains are all widths of two to three hundred thousand miles. The third level is the ocean. It is the width of a million miles.

In other words, there are millions of miles between the ocean and the land.

The land width of the world is 300,000 miles, which translates into an area of ​​about 22.5 billion square kilometers. It is equivalent to one hundred and fifty times the earth.

So how big is the current chaotic world?

Dongzhou, a total of less than 20 million square kilometers.

Zhongzhou, 100 million square kilometers (Nanzhongzhou, Dazhongzhou, Beizhongzhou. Weizhou, Nanmanzhou add up)

Xizhou, 40 million square kilometers (Northwestern China, Southwest China, Northland)

East from the grassland, more than 30 million square kilometers.

Netherland, 15 million square kilometers.

Xiaoxitian World, which is the actual land of 30 to 40 million square kilometers.

Magic domain, 20 million square kilometers.

A place of chaos, millions of square kilometers.

Yin and Yang mirrors, tens of millions of square kilometers.

The ice and snow in the north is more than 100 million square kilometers.

Extremely south, tens of millions of square kilometers (small uninhabited)

Together, these land areas are only about 500 million square kilometers.

Then, there are more than 20 billion square kilometers of land left. Where have you gone?

Of course, there must be a lot of unknown land now. However, more than 90% of the land is still missing.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian thought of an extremely terrible possibility.

Yongshe said: "Yangdingtian, you think there is nothing wrong. The shredded world of Xiaoxitian is actually the result of the great annihilation 10,000 years ago. That big annihilation destroyed many countless land and rivers. And Xiaoxitian is at the very edge of destruction, so although it has been torn apart, it has survived reluctantly. However, it has to be in a special environment. You may want to know that there are so many left. Where are the land going?"

Yangding nodded.

Yongshe said: "Do you see the virtual border?"

"See." Yangding Tiandao.

"That is the world that was completely destroyed, turned into an extremely terrible dark matter, and these dark substances have been spreading and continually engulfing the vibrant land. So they are isolated in another plane. The world, our current chaotic world is preserved." Yongshe said: "These virtual borders are the consequences of countless times! This world, not only has it happened once, but many times. But perhaps the first Nirvana is caused by the extremely strong dragons in Yu. Naga is only the last generation of the chaos in the chaotic world. The enchanting, trying to make the demon fox become the hegemon of the new generation. The demand for energy has led to the destruction of the whole world. Today, our chaotic world has only survived in less than one-tenth. Let the demon foxes take the road of the hegemony, the whole chaotic world will only be destroyed."

Yang Dingtian was deeply shocked. He felt that this should be the truth of the world.

Today's chaotic world is less than one-tenth. Xiaoxitian World is only the result of the last big annihilation.

Yongshe said: "The non-verbal family has calculated that the annihilation of 10,000 years ago may have led to the destruction of more than one billion square miles of land. If there is another annihilation, then our entire world is really only empty. The border, the kind of completely dark matter. The world has completely turned into a dead world."

Sigh with a sigh, Yongshe said: "In order to stop the destruction of this world, although I regard the enchanting as my biological son, but ... but I have to try my best to kill him. Because his existence, it is really possible to birth the demon fox family. Hegemony."

Yangding nodded.

In fact, if the enchanting does not die. Yangdingtian can hardly find a way to get out of trouble.

The ultimate strategy, of course, is to release the Naga. But the ancient sea beasts were afraid of Naga, and the Yasha was afraid of Naga, because they were ruled by Naga for generations, and the genes in the body were afraid of Naga.

The demon fox and the naga have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, the enchanting will not fear Naga. Frost's strength in battle is far less enchanting. She is just an invincible alternative, not dead, not hurting.

Yongshe asked: "Yangdingtian, what are you going to do next?"

Yangding Tiandao: "We are the great sage of Xiaoxitianweiji. For centuries, you have mastered the capital, and there are nearly half of the tribes. I am in charge of contacting the Gego. We should be able to take the situation of Xiaoxitian. Calm down. And the enchanting death for the emptiness of the fissure, it should be a huge defeat for his hegemony strategy. Now the ambitions of the nine tribes have not been completely ignited, so we have to reverse the direction and thoroughly settle the Xiaoxitian. The problem is not big. Moreover, before the death, the enchanting also used the shadow jade, recorded a long-formed last words, and entrusted Xiaoxitian to us."

Yongshe said: "The silver moon family's demon, it will be very troublesome, he is the most fanatic of the hegemonic strategy."

Yangding Tiandao: "First solve the seven tribes, and finally find a way to solve the demon, I, maybe you can try."

Yongshe said: "If you don't want to be late, let's start now. I will go to see the major members and patriarchs who were loyal to me. You will go to see the shadow patriarchs!"


Before seeing Yangdingtian, the Shadow Gezu’s Enchanted II got the news of the enchanting death from Ji Ya.

He didn't have any sorrow, just frowning and full of unhappiness.

He has put so much money on the enchanting has not been rewarded yet, the enchanting is already dead, he certainly hates.

Yang Dingtian said his opinion, saying: "The enchanting speaker, let me and the eternal sage of Yongshe, supervise the affairs of Xiaoxitian, and settle the situation of Xiaoxitian. I have specially requested the support of the demon patriarch. ”

Enchanted II looked at Yangding for a long time, and suddenly said: "Mr. Jiang Shang, of course I can support you. But you have to go further, you don't want to do a great sage, just be the speaker, and will be my two My daughter is stunned. Then, there is no public appearance in Yongshe, let him disappear completely!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked.

Enchanted II has to let himself be the speaker directly, to kill the eternal house.


Note: The first one is sent! I only slept for more than four hours, and I went out all day and went out early tomorrow.

So, go to bed first, and the second is still written tomorrow morning. (to be continued

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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