Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 886: The 14th order is broken! The final battle!

"Please ask all the teams in the defense line to hand over the inventory of the 14th-order energy essence, so that this Yang Dingtian will get the biggest breakthrough, so as to be able to kill more elemental creatures and help us tide over the difficulties together." Cold road.

Then the team leader of more than 100 people in the field, they handed over the energy jade box in their hands, which is their harvest.

Suddenly, there are eleven only jade boxes in the hands of the demon, all of which are the energy essence of the fourteenth order.

The demon chilled the number, a total of thirteen fourteenth-order energy essence.

Yes, it’s just thirteen, and no one is hiding. There are only a total of thirteen people in the field.

This is the normal data, this is the real result of the hunter-hunter masters hunting in the dark field.

It is absolutely unique to think that this crazy hunting of Yangdingtian is unique.

The demon couldn't help but frown, and the thirteen was not enough. I couldn't help but look at Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tiandao: "I have a nearly fifteen-order energy essence here, and three ordinary fourteen-order energy essences, which should be just enough."

The demon cold will give all the energy essence to Yangding Tiandao: "You are only the fifteenth-order energy essence, is it natural to be near fifteenth order, or is it synthetic?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Born, it has reached an elemental creature of nearly fifteenth order."

Demon cold road: "That can't be done, although it is nearly fifteenth order, but it is not the ultimate energy essence, the concentration is not enough."

Yangding Tianyi, then nodded, yes, he did not pay attention to this. Therefore, this nearly fifteen-order energy essence can not be used directly, it is still to be synthesized.

Yang Dingtian built an energy hood in the air before synthesizing the energy essence.

because. It is a big fission day, it is turned upside down, and the energy is out of balance. The essence of energy is extinguished in the air at all times and cannot be preserved. It needs to be protected with an energy cover.

A nearly fifteenth order, sixteen 14th-order energy essence.

At last. Fortunately, I just synthesized three extreme energy essences of nearly fifteen orders.

Because, a nearly fifteenth order, and two fourteenth order, the synthesis of the ultimate essence of nearly fifteen orders.

The remaining fourteen, combined with two extreme energy essences of nearly fifteenth order.

At this point, the team moves while fighting.

Yangdingtian must seize all the time and devour the essence of energy to make a breakthrough.

"And slow." Suddenly. The demon cold mouth stops the road: "The three extreme fifteenth limit essences are still too risky. If there is no breakthrough, the three essences can only be swallowed up in vain. During the insurance period, they will get a limit of nearly fifteenth order. Essence."

Although Yang Dingtian thinks that the three extreme essences of the next fifteenth order may be enough, but now the leader of the team is demon cold, he nodded and agreed.

Demon cold road: "You will flash the technique. Wait for the fourth-order elemental creature in the battle. We will put it to the end and destroy it. When you are about to kill, you will immediately flash out and get the energy essence. The speed must be fast. Otherwise, it will be wiped out immediately."

"Good." Yangding Tiandao.


Then, the entire line of defense entered a state of temporary and full-hearted breakthrough for the sun.

All the monsters that came to the impact. Regardless of the level, the fourth-order elemental creatures are placed at the end.

But even then, after three hours, four fourteenth-order energy essences were obtained.

There is no way, although there are many elemental creatures that come to attack. But it was just fourteenth order, and it was just the last moment of being killed, and the energy essence that was obtained by Yangdingtian was only four.

Everyone can only pray, before this, the massive elemental animal beasts are not coming.

This time, the team's luck is not too bad.

Because of the next hour, there are three fourteenth-order elemental creatures.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has enough seventeenth-order essences. Then synthesis in the energy hood, and sure enough to get a nearly fifteen-order limit energy essence.

Now, Yang Dingtian has four extreme energy essences in the hands of nearly fifteen orders. It should be enough to break through the fourteenth order.

Yang Dingtian immediately sat down and began to devour the essence of energy in the protection of more than 100 people.


Endless energy, rushed into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

One is exhausted.

The two are exhausted!

Finally, the sea feels bloated!

The three energy essences are exhausted.

At this point, the expansion of the sea of ​​gas to the extreme.


Suddenly, the air blasted open.

Then, Yang Dingtian's entire body and consciousness, fell into a void.

Finally, he broke through the fourteenth order, after a lot of hardships, almost half a year, he finally broke through the fourteenth order from the thirteenth order.

Moreover, the ultimate reliance is not on their own hunting, but the help of the demon fox master team under the big fission rule, the breakthrough of the fourteenth order. For this result, Yang Ding innocence did not think of anything, it is really so unpredictable.

Even when Yangdingtian gave up the hope of breaking through the fourteenth order, it actually broke through in this way.

After breaking through the fourteenth order, there is still a limit of 15th-order essence in the hands of Yangdingtian. Yangdingtian continues to devour.

Just a quarter of an hour later, the sea of ​​air expanded and expanded.

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian broke through again, breaking through the fourteenth order.

Of course, the final revision of Yang Dingtian is fixed on the 14th-order one.

When I opened my eyes, the demon cold, the demon glass and so on, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Breaking through the 14th order means that the combat power will be further improved.

Then, Yangdingtian immediately took the Juxuan Dan and resumed the battle with the fastest speed. After only a quarter of an hour, his mysteriousness was completely restored.

In less than half an hour, the demon cold suddenly appeared an alarm: "There is a 16th-order high spirit, twenty miles away."

His words were not finished, and the 16th-order high spirit immediately put on the team and began to jump hard.

It was very decisive and decisive. Only a moment later, this magical spirit flashed in an instant, and the team of more than one hundred people was slaughtered.

And Yangdingtian also flashed out quickly. In the place 30 meters away from the team, this 16th-order high spirit was intercepted.

Although everyone has seen it twice, everyone is still amazed when the same picture happens again.

In this way, after half an hour, this only 16th-order magic spirit. It was directly killed.

At the first time, Yangdingtian got the essence of energy and the body of the devil.


This 16th-order high spirit is as if it is just a notice.

Next, it turned into the most intense moment.

Then, a black pressure is extremely powerful, and the animal is insane, and the number is totally countless.

Black and black pressure, great. Endless. And the direction is just the line of defense where the demon is cold.

This wave of beasts is completely unexpected. Because the earth and the earth vibrate at this time is really amazing, even if there are countless elemental creatures, it is impossible to see.

The entire land, still in the mad tear, formed an abyss.

Countless elemental creatures slammed down and were swallowed up by the abyss. Some rushed straight out of the abyss. And the abyss that was directly collapsed and closed, directly squeezed into pieces. The fly is gone.

However, there are still countless elemental creatures that are rushing in this direction.

"Fast move, avoid the animal tide."

The entire line of defense, quickly retreating to the west, desperately avoiding.

Their speed of evasion is fast enough. Escaped the direct impact route of elemental creatures. But it still attracted the attention of many elemental creatures, and then a wave of elemental creatures, madly shocked.

As a result, the entire team of more than 100 people, in addition to Yang Dingtian. Crazy attack.

The elemental creatures of impact are more and more, more and more.

At a distance of 100 meters.

Yangdingtian did not hesitate, and exhausted all efforts to release the three Xuanhuo lightning.

After the three mysterious fires condensed all the mysterious gas, they violently flew out a hundred meters away, covering the elemental biota that had been impacted, and accommodating the three smoldering fires.

"Boom!" Once again, the light of the nuclear bomb explosion.

Everyone, once again almost stabbed his eyes and lost his sight.

At this time, Yangdingtian is already a fourteenth-order product. The power of Sanxuanhuo lightning is also much stronger than that of the previous thirteenth-order nine products.

After a while, the light dissipated.

A few hundred elemental creatures, completely smouldering.

There are still dozens of survivors.

Yes, Yang Dingtian’s Sanxuanhuo lightning has a lot of power. Because many of the fourteenth-order elemental creatures were also instantly killed. But this wave of elemental creatures is too strong, so there are still dozens of survivors.

In other words, fortunately, Yang Dingtian broke through to the 14th order in time, otherwise the attack of this wave of elemental creatures could not be passed.

After the fight, Yang Dingtian immediately sat down and swallowed Xuan Dan and resumed the battle.

And the devil is desperate, letting everyone attack these dozens of surviving higher elemental creatures.

Yangdingtian is completely racing against time, because the elemental creatures in the back are completely continuous and continue to join the impact team.

Therefore, the elemental biota that originally survived dozens of them has become huge.

Yang Dingtian desperately stuffed into Ju Xuan Dan, and within a quarter of an hour, he recovered the battle.

At this point, the elemental biota has already reached nearly 30 meters.

The three Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian began to gather all the mysterious gas, and then burst forth.


Once again, the light of the nuclear bomb is almost incomparably gorgeous and awkward.

It is also the smog of hundreds of elemental creatures, and countless energy crystals. Just entering the eye, it has already vanished.

Now, the energy field in the dark field is more chaotic and more horrible.

It is also desperately adjusting itself, trying to bring the entire dark realm back to balance. Therefore, the energy essence is almost completely unexposed.

After the Xuanhuo lightning, there are still dozens of survivors.

The demon cold continues to order everyone to kill, and Yangdingtian continues to quickly recover the battle.


When Yang Dingtian was once again full of Xuanqi, this wave of elemental creatures was already close to ten meters when the battle released Sanxuanhuo lightning for the third time.

Yang Dingtian's third wave of three Xuanhuo lightning, killing hundreds of people again, still survived dozens.

Finally, under the almost desperate killing of more than one hundred people, this wave of elemental creatures was almost a few feet in front of the line of defense, all of which were hunted.

And the elemental creatures behind it are completely condensed to the scale of a few hundred, and they are once again mad.

The demon cold and Yang Dingtian looked at each other.

These two people know clearly in their hearts.

The wave just now is already the limit of the entire team. The wave of this wave of elements has been unable to stop.

Although, Yangdingtian can still kill hundreds of them, but the surviving dozens of them, by this team has been unable to finish, will certainly break into the line of defense.

Once it is rushed in, it basically means that it is finished.

Yang Dingtian did not have any expression, immediately sat down and desperately swallowed Xuan Dan, desperately to restore the battle of Xuanqi.

Although I know in my heart that this wave can't be stopped, it is definitely not the style of Yangdingtian.

Even if he can not afford to stay alone, he can definitely escape, but he also has to fight to the end.

Although there is almost no friendship, he will never abandon the team at this time.

In Yangdingtian, he entered the frenzied devour of Ju Xuan Dan, completely destroying the battle Xuanqi completely. After almost five minutes, he completely recovered the battle Xuanqi.

At this time, this wave of elemental creatures has almost come to the forefront.

Yangding Tiansan Xuanhuo lightning, after the condensation is completed, violently bombarded!


Once again tear the general light of the sky.

Then, hundreds of elemental creatures, once again, smouldering.

And the team of more than 100 people, once again spurting blood, and even some people were hit hard by the shock wave.

However, there are still dozens of higher elemental creatures remaining this time, and they are rushing wildly.

"Booming and banging!" More than 100 people in the demon cold defense line, even the blood in their mouths can't be wiped, desperately bombarded, desperately blocking the closeness of these elemental creatures.

However, they are getting closer and closer.

The desperate light in the eyes of everyone is getting stronger and stronger.

Ruined. It’s too late, it’s destined to be destroyed, and it’s destined to be wiped out.

At this time, Yangdingtian even discovered that among the dozens of elemental creatures that survived, three of them were only above the holy level.

It must be wiped out by the whole army. At this time, the ambition of Yangdingtian has been exhausted, and even if you want to flash, you can't do it.

To be completely destroyed, the law of great fission has finally failed.

At this time suddenly within the field of vision, there was a huge team, a team of 200 people.

It is the demon fox master defense line, just a dozen miles west of them.

And the leader of this defense line, it is just the brother of the demon glass, the young master of the Golden Albanian demon!

It is the same kind, and it also means a strong ally.

Suddenly, the morale in the line of defense was greatly shaken, and the teeth were bitten for the final desperate killing.

Then, the demon cold shouted to the demon-defense defense team: "Dun Ming, according to the law of large fission, I ask you to approach me and help each other. Then, the two defense lines merge, you are the new defense leader!"

Demon cold uses powerful energy as a medium to transmit sound waves directly to the demon's ears! (To be continued.)



(Enlightenment Book Network)

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