Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 887: The 19th-order magic spirit, collected as a pet!

Then, everyone is full of expectations, waiting for another powerful team to come and help.

However, the defense line of nearly 200 people of the other party has not come close, but has continued to retreat northward.

The demon was suddenly shocked!

How can this be? What kind of humiliation and shamelessness is he cold, but when the big fission comes, he still strictly follows the law of the Great Fission, even if he faces the enemies such as the demon and the sun, he temporarily puts down the suspicion and decisively sends you They are then taken into the line of defense.

As the young master of the Golden Albanian, the demon is still famous, but he did not expect to openly abandon the law of the Great Fission.

It is important to know that when the Grand Fission Law was signed at that time, all the big and small tribes and all the members of the parliament were all signed in the Joint Council. His behavior at this time was entirely a betrayal of the Nethered West Council.

The demon glass also looked at it all incredulously. Although his brother has always been hostile to himself, he still seems to be a good heir. How come to such a moment, even so despicable and cold, not only to see the same vein of Xiaoxitian, but also to know that there are two sisters here.

Suddenly, the demon yelled out loudly: "Demon, you are not worthy as the leader of a line of defense, you are not worthy of being the heir to the Kim Alban."

And the devil purple yelled and said: "Demon, you can't die."

But no matter how angry the people in the team, the demon led the team of more than 200 people, completely left, and soon disappeared.

Suddenly, more than 100 people in the demon cold defense line fell into complete despair and complete desperation.

Despite the grief. The demon cold team is still desperately attacking, the monster that comes from the impact.

However, the outcome of the annihilation has been doomed.

It is impossible to stop it.

The dozens of higher elemental creatures in the front will rush in.

And hundreds of elemental creatures in the distance, began to gather again, ready to start impact.

The end of the army. It has been fixed.

The demon cold sorrow sighed: "You, we have tried our best, this annihilation, the crime of non-war, the age of death and glory."

Then, he looked at the sun in the morning and said: "It is a great honor to be able to fight alongside the Emperor Yangdingtian!"

Yangding Tiandao: "It is a great honor to be able to fight alongside Xiaoxitian."

then. Although everyone is still desperately attacking, they have closed their eyes and waited for the last moment of death.

At this time, Yangdingtian desperately restored Xuanqi.

Of course, he will not let himself die like this. After he fights to the last moment, he will fly with a demon, a demon, and so on.

but. It will definitely fight until the last moment, when the situation is completely unrecoverable. Or when he has died in the place, he will leave with a few people.

Therefore, this is definitely not a kind of betrayal.

But it is impossible to let him die with more than 100 people. He is not so pedantic. The entire human world still needs his salvation. Even the future of Xiaoxitian needs his salvation.


The line of defense has completely collapsed.

Several higher elemental creatures rushed in.

The moment when the whole army is destroyed, come!

Just at this time...


Suddenly, the elemental biota not far away has been smashed. The fly is gone.

Then, a shadow instantly rushed in.

It is the demon spirit, a magical spirit of the 19th order, which is like a lightning shuttle, killing everything that passes through it.

In a short time, the dozens of senior monsters who attacked the line of defense were instantly torn into pieces.

At the same time, there are more than a dozen demon fox masters, all of which are broken.

This 17th-order demon, killing seven in and seven out, has no one at all.

After killing more than thirty demon fox masters, it flashed into the distant elemental biota and began to kill madly.

In time, this group of elements was killed and screamed and smashed.

Yangding Tian is about to rush out, suddenly the demon cold and shake his head hard.

"Yangdingtian, anyway, are dead, gamble." Demon cold.

Yang Dingtian knows what he wants to gamble. He is betting that this 19th-order demon will kill all the elements of the impact.

Of course, if his bet fails, then the remaining 100 people in this line of defense will be killed.

Because the killing of this demon is completely random.

The demon cold shouted: "Everyone, don't care about any killings, all sit down and resume the battle."

Then, less than a hundred people left, completely regardless of side effects, desperately swallowed Polyxuan Dan, desperately to restore mysterious.

At this point, even if only a few low-level elemental creatures rush in, they can kill.

However, under the ravages of the 19th-order demon. No elemental creature rushed over.

This is the devil of the heavens. It is completely swaying in the wind, and all the elemental creatures are cleaned up by waves.

The luck of the Yangdingtian team is really good.

Such a large wave, a few hundred elemental creatures, almost all killed by the devil.

Then, the devil is desperately jumping and jumping in the air.

At this time, it was time for Yangdingtian to shoot.

Immediately rushed out and took out the fourth-class evil spirits and placed it in front of it.

Suddenly, this 19th-order demon spirit once again squatted in front of the evil spirits, fell into entanglement and torture, and began to chatter in pain. Want to devour this evil spirit, and dare not devour this evil spirit.

Then, Yangdingtian will condense the Yiling demon fire on the sword of the Emperor, and madly kill the limbs of this 19th-order demon.

Yangding is really innocent to chop, really, really can't move.

The hardness of the limbs of the 19th-order Devil is really no less than that of the Emperor.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian tried to join the void and split the fire in the Yiling demon fire.

Sure enough, the fork!

Looking at a sword, the limbs of the demon are actually eroded by a terrible energy.

This emptiness is really powerful, and it is a combination of other sacred fires.

Even so, Yangdingtian still spent a lot of effort. Cut off the limbs of the demon.

Then, Yangdingtian took away the fourth-class evil spirits and retired the entire team.

That's right, I didn't kill this magic spirit and then retreat.

Because of this 19th-order demon, it is almost a quarter of an hour to gather people from the entire team. Even two quarters of an hour.

At this time, just a large wave of elemental biological tides passed, it is a rare quiet period, it is best to hurry and evacuate immediately.

Otherwise, if you encounter the next wave of elemental biological tides, you will die.

After the 19th-order demon saw the energy of the fourth-class evil spirits being taken away, he suddenly fell into violent temper, and he rushed to smash the top of the sky.

but. But suddenly found that he did not have limbs.

Even so, it is still like lightning, slamming into the body of Yangdingtian, desperately tearing, but found no claws.

So, desperately chattering on Yangdingtian.

Yangding innocent did not expect that after its limbs were cut off, it would still flash.

but. After all, there is no lethality.

Yangdingtian thought for a while and took out a thick black cloth directly. Bundle its eyes directly.

In this way, this 19th-order magic spirit completely lost all attack power and became a pet.


When I was cold, I was grateful to look at Yangdingtian.

To be honest, if Yangdingtian insists on exploding this magical spirit, the entire team can only be accompanied. Because this means a 19th-order energy essence.

However, Yangdingtian did not do so for the safety of the entire team. Instead, he gave up the essence of the 19th-order energy, but in this way, it only broke the magic of the limbs, just like a ghost. As the shadow goes with the Yangding Tianzhu, you can't get rid of it.

The entire team is constantly moving away from the northwest.

It’s turned upside down, it’s still going on, but it’s not as intense.

Although the 19th-order demon who lingered in Yangdingtian has lost any lethality, everyone is still very afraid of this thing, it is really terrible.

Just now, there were several holy elemental creatures that were torn apart by this 19th-order Shadow Demon (Magic).

Therefore, nature is really strange. There is only one kind of attack method for this magic spirit, which is physical attack.

But under extremely fast, extremely sharp, it is almost invincible.

Of course, if four or five holy elemental creatures attacked it together, then the demon will die.

However, these elemental creatures are all without a brain, and all attacks are completely random.

Although dozens of hundreds of them rushed together, they are completely fighting each other, and sometimes they have to kill each other.


In this way, Yang Dingtian was carrying a 19th-order demon, lost his limbs and was blindfolded.

At the beginning, Yangdingtian still had some chills, and later became accustomed. A pet that was lying on the body at the time.

However, this thing is constantly chattering, it is too annoying, and the syllables it sends out are meaningless. And the ghosts are not repeated.

In this way, the team constantly retreated toward the northwest, retreated, and retreated.

Along the way, there was no big danger, and Yangdingtian had never had a chance to shoot.

After five hours.

The defense line retreated more than a thousand miles.

"Look, the beast tide!" Suddenly, someone pointed to the distance more than a dozen miles away and shouted.

Everyone looks at It really is a huge elemental creature.

Not only is the elemental creature tide, but also a large team of demon fox masters.

Seeing clearly, it is the demon-stricken demon fox defense line of two hundred people. At this time, it is being attacked by hundreds of elemental creatures. It is faltering and will soon collapse and destroy.

Everyone is shocked, this is also coming too soon!

A few hours ago, the demon team won't save the team of the demon cold and Yang Dingtian, and now it is their turn to be destroyed.

Then, if you want to go forward and save, everyone will look at the leader demon!

According to the law of large fission, it is necessary to come forward to save.

However, according to the demon screaming, they are completely dead and dead. (To be continued...)



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