Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 888: I want to die, leave time!

I don't know why, the demon cold looked at the sun in the first time, and it was obviously asking for his opinion.

Yang Dingtian just nodded to him, indicating that he obeyed the cold will.

After all, this is a demon cold team, not a Yang Dingtian team. Yangdingtian is definitely not a winner.

The demon slammed his teeth and said: "The law of big fission, others do not obey, but we must obey, rush to help!"

"Yes!" Everyone broke off in unison.

This noble thing, once it starts, it is not easy to end.

Suddenly, the team of less than 100 people immediately rushed to the demon's group with the fastest speed.

The more than 200 people who were enchanting had already despaired. At this time, they saw hundreds of people, and they really approached themselves, and it seemed that they had been betrayed by the team they had just betrayed. Big rise. In an instant, the combat power increased greatly, and the elemental creatures that were impacted were temporarily suppressed.

Soon, nearly a hundred people in the demon cold team were close to the demon team.

With the fastest speed, the two teams are combined. Then, three hundred people neatly launched a crazy attack on the elemental creatures that came from the impact.

Suddenly, the elemental creature that had already rushed into the ten meters was knocked out and went 20 meters, 30 meters.

After half an hour, this wave of elemental creatures has finally crossed the border, and wave after wave of elemental creatures has been completely repelled.

After the intensive battle is over.

The two teams suddenly became jealous, because before a few hours, the demon team had just turned away from the law of large fission.

So suddenly, I got into a little embarrassment.

The demon glass directly broke this martyrdom: "Now the two defense lines have combined a team, and the demon has just turned away from the big fission rule. I am one of the heirs of the Jin A ethnic group. I feel that the demon is no longer qualified to be a defense. The leader, otherwise he will once again face the same principle when he faces the same thing again. I propose to make the demon become the highest leader and the only leader of the new line of defense!"

When the words came out, the demon suddenly changed.

But for this situation. He still expected, because his sister is completely in the eyes can not accommodate sand.

Moreover, at the moment, only the demon glass is suitable for saying this. After all, she is the dear sister, and the backbone of the demon team is also the master of the Kim Alban.

Then, without waiting for the demon to make any response, the glare was straightforward: "Agree with my proposal, please raise your hand."

Suddenly. Everyone in the demon cold team raised their hands.

Then, many people in the demon team also raised their hands. After all, everything that happened just now is too unforgettable.

The demon of the demon, but in exchange for the demon cold team's dedication. If there is no help from the demon cold team, everyone in the demon team will have died all over.

Soon, the majority of the 300 people present, all raised their hands.

So, the demon cold has become the highest leader of this defense!

Then, the entire group of three hundred people. Continue to evacuate in the northwest.


In the evacuation, the sporadic battles that have taken place have not made any huge impact.

And this time. The original demon-minded team finally found the 19th-order demon of Yangdingtian, and suddenly revealed a very horrified look.

In this world, some people even used the devil as a pet. Although it seems that they have cut off the magic of their limbs, and they are still a 19th-order demon, it is really horrible.

Taking advantage of the short quiet period, the demon said: "The team of 100 people in our district has survived, almost entirely because of this Mr. Yang Dingtian."

I heard the name. All the masters in the demon team suddenly turned their eyes to Yangdingtian.

He, he turned out to be human? And it is Yangdingtian.

That's right. There are still many people who know Yangdingtian in the demon fox family. After all, Yangdingtian is the leader of the Bright Parliament in the human kingdom.

Demon cold continues: "And the strength of Mr. Yang Dingtian is the key to whether our entire team can survive. So I asked and suggested that our entire team hand over all the energy essence to the Lord Yang Dingtian, Let his cultivation be improved to the highest level, so that the probability of our survival to the end will be greatly improved?"

As soon as this was said, many people in the scene suddenly changed slightly.

And Yangdingtian also had a heart in his heart, and the demon cold state was too anxious. It is too early to ask this request at this time.

Sure enough, the demon whispered: "When is the cold, when did you get bought by a human being in a district? When did you become so unpromising? Human beings are like ants, you actually say that you can survive, you have to rely on this human It’s totally awkward.”

The demon and the demon purple had to open their rebuttals, but they were stopped by Yangdingtian.

"Dear cold, do not mention this matter, so as not to cause disunity of the entire team." Yangding Tiandao.

Seeing that most people are full of doubts, the cold face suddenly becomes a little bad, but they can only give up. After all, he just became the leader of the entire team.

"Demon, you will regret it."

The demon suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Repent? This Yangdingtian is a despicable human being. It does not belong to the Xiaoxitian demon fox family. It is absolutely not entitled to enjoy the protection of the Great Fission Law. I even propose to expel him. team."

When this is said, the demon is cold, the demon glass, and the demon purple face change.

Demon singing cold channel: "Fellow cold, you obey the law of big fission, I admire very much. Because I have forsaken the law of the big fission, so I lost the position of the leader of the team, I am convinced. But in the law of large fission, there is no human Sign it. Then this Yangdingtian has no power to stay in this line of defense and has no power to accept protection. So I formally proposed to expel Yangdingtian from this team."

When the words came out, the demon glass was completely speechless.

Idiot, idiot!

She couldn't describe her brother in any words at all. It seems that her own brother is not so stupid. How come to this special environment, even stupid so unacceptable?

The demon cold also horrified: "You, you are crazy, demon you are crazy, do you know what you are doing?"

The demon was originally said by the mouth. At this time, after seeing the reaction of the demon and the demon, the determination to expel Yang Dingtian was resolutely determined, and the evil spirit of being captured by his leader was taken.

Suddenly. He said one word at a time: "I am still saying that I must abide by the law of the Great Fission. I will completely obey it. But in the law of the Great Fission, there is no human position. It is very simple. If I do not expel this human being, I will withdraw." So who is going to quit with me?"

Suddenly, more than twenty fascinating confession raises their hands, including the semi-class above and above, the full nine.

Then the demon's eyes swept away, and the shadows of the Gogos were in hesitation.

Shadow Goku demon month. Nothing wrong, it is the pro-small son of Yangdingtian, the enchanting and the sister of Ji Ya.

However, his status in the Shadow Go family is not as good as that of Ji Ya, and the sense of existence has not always been strong. Yang Dingtian rarely heard of Ji Ya and Enchanted II, and he was not born.

Of course, even if it is not a rumored son, the demon night is the dear son of the demon, so there are still more than twenty masters in this team.

And the Golden Albanians and the Shadows. Always the most **** ally. The reason why the enchanting can be the speaker is the two major tribes.

Therefore, most of the time, the Kim and the Gego are moving forward together. Because the night is a blind man. Therefore, I have always been looking forward to the demon-song, and when I saw his gaze, he hesitated for a while and then raised his hand.

As a result, the masters of the two major tribes all raised four or fifty people, plus other scattered, full of seventy or eighty people raised their hands, agreeing with the demon's proposal, to drive out of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, the demon is very angry and laughs.

And the demon glass cold channel: "If this is the case. Everyone will take a shot, do not have to merge. Still go all the way."

When the demon was cold, his brow wrinkled, although he was very sunny. But it is entirely based on interest.

If there is a magical attack, there is no doubt that the role of Yangdingtian is irreplaceable. But leaving Yang Dingtian, the demon will be with 70 or 80 masters.

It is necessary to know that among the seven or eighty people who are taken away by the demon, the masters of the semi-class level are close to twenty, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the masters above the semi-san.

Yang Dingtian's Sanxuanhuo lightning, even if it is even more powerful, should not be comparable to nearly twenty and a half holy levels.

Therefore, in order to leave Yangdingtian alone, and lost 80 masters in vain, the devil is also unwilling, and it is indeed worth the loss, and the key is that the now fissile fissure has become more and more gradual, it seems that the fission seems to be ended.

Suddenly, the demon cold was caught in a difficult choice.

Let him open his mouth and drive away Yangdingtian, he is really difficult to open his mouth. In the past two days, Yangdingtian has saved the entire team more than once. It’s too cold to get rid of Yangdingtian for the dozens of masters who are enchanting.

The demon sneered: "The demon is cold, you have to decide quickly. Otherwise I will treat you as a human being and give up 80 compatriots."

Demon glass, demon purple is extremely angry, is this world even more ridiculous than this?

Does Yangdingtian still need the protection of your demon fox master? But he is protecting the demon fox. Yang Dingtian has only one person, whether it is invisible or flashing, feels safe and sound, will not be in any danger, but can also hunt elemental creatures.

Such a savior protects the gods, and Yang Dingtian sacrifices his own interests in order to protect the fox Now he has to chase him away. It is too ridiculous to say that he is the cheaper of the demon fox.

Suddenly, the demon glare cold channel: "You are not tangled with the demon cold, we left with the Lord Yang Dingtian."

So, the demon glass purple, and Burlu, Arvin Awu, stood up without hesitation, to leave with Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian sighed softly, perhaps the moment of departure.

Although not the same as the imagination, this time is perhaps the best parting, should go to the third dark field.

Suddenly, the Yangding Tianchao demon glass waved a beckoning and wanted to say goodbye.


Note: Going out, not at home, has been running on the road, stopped only two hours ago, so the update is late, sorry. (To be continued) r466



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