Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 905: Beautiful man, entrusted to the Tibetan Pavilion!

This very beautiful maid, Yang Dingtian is very familiar, because he came to the New Naga Empire, the first time she saw her.

Moreover, after Yang Dingtian played the mahjong with the Queen Lancome every day, she basically stayed with her, and she was like a sister of Lancome.

I saw a small pot of cockroaches in her hand, and then a dozen maids, each with more than a dozen delicious dishes, delicious food.

In the meantime, Yang Dingtian was the best and best in the New Naga Empire, and it was all delicious in the world.

"Master, this has been stewed before the war, it has been stewed until now." The maid said.

"Is it finally good?" Lancome Queen showed a surprise, and the sun was shining on the top of the sky: "This is a stew of a squid on the bottom of the sea. This fish has been growing for at least a few hundred years, in the new Naga. The empire is extremely rare and delicious, and I am very rare to eat."

Yangdingtian looked at the fish.

In the crystal pot, the rain is still like a long leaf, and the shape does not have any damage, as if it were alive, but it has not moved.

Looking at the face of this fish alone, there is a solemn feeling of treasure.

And this soup is still very clear, like the water, smells even without the slightest fragrance.

"All the fragrances are locked in the soup." Queen Lancome said: "This is definitely the first delicious in the world, you must try it."

Yang Dingtian remembered it at this time. He seems to have seen this fish. It is really contraindicated in the mainland illusion. In the sixth world, the fish was faintly seen on the sea floor, but the squid he saw was very large. It is a few meters long.

Yangding Tiandao: "This fish. It seems to have existed hundreds of millions of years ago. I have seen it, but I have seen it as big."

Queen Lancome said: "This fish is very small at first, but very fierce, can eat anything, grow and grow all the time. After growing for a thousand years, it stops preying, and does not move in the cave. So, its body is again It will start to get smaller, smaller, and always change to the size of birth, and then die. This can only be less than a foot, so the age is very long and very long. Very very rare."

When Yangding Tiandun was amazed, nature is really nothing.

However, this kind of squid is the most natural thing in the world.

Then, Queen Lancome personally took two bowls for Yang Dingtian and herself.

Yangding Tianduan, tasted a bite.

Suddenly, I felt the nerves in my brain tremble. Then it seems like all the nerves, all the touch. All hit the tongue in my mouth, and even Yang Dingtian felt the feeling of nerve jumping.

This taste, there is no way to describe it in any words, that is, to live with a taste that is as unknown and as if it is known, and live to overwhelm you. Then instantly disintegrate your will.

This kind of delicious, Yangding innocence has never been tasted.

If there is a very pure foodie, let him taste this taste, and then lose a few years of life, he may be willing.

The performance of Queen Lancome is better than that of Yangdingtian. After a sip of it, I fell into the intoxication and aftertaste.

Although the speed of eating is not fast, but Yangdingtian and Lancome, all the cockroaches of this small pot are finished, Yangdingtian is not addictive, but also to eat the squid.

The beautiful maid wanted to stop, and Lancome Queen smiled and let him go.

Yangdingtian picked up the squid and took a bite.


My day!

The teeth of Yangdingtian are about to collapse. This fish is harder than the stone, and there is no way to eat it.

Queen Lancome smiled and said: "This squid is narrowed from a few tens of feet to less than a foot now. It is as hard as iron. Meat can't be eaten. It can only be stewed."

Yangding Tiandeng was greatly sorry, saying: "Is it possible, can it eat?"

Lancome Queen Jade handed up the chin and said, "Let's try it."

Yang Dingtian took out the soul sword of the emperor and slammed it.

Suddenly, it was easy to cut open the squid, and then released the Yiling demon fire barbecue.

The temperature was a thousand degrees, and the squid had slowly changed, but it did not become soft, but was directly burned.

It seems that there is really no way to eat. And the strange thing is that the squid is burning and there is no smoke.

Yangding Tiandeng must give up.

Suddenly, a colorless smoke slammed up.

Then, there is a mysterious and terrible energy in the smoke, almost phagocytic energy.

Yang Dingtian and the Queen of Lancome glanced, and then the face changed suddenly.

This squid is poisonous and is an extremely terrible energy poison.

Yangdingtian lightning pulls the sword, and suddenly he has to stab the beautiful maid.

"Oh..." Suddenly, only seeing her figure lightning generally exited tens of meters.

The Lancome Queen immediately calmed down and slowly said, "Why?"

The fabulous maid said: "Master, please turn off the energy cover and open the Tibetan Classics, so that you are the queen of the new Naga Empire."

"Otherwise?" Lancome Queen said faintly.

"Otherwise, otherwise we can only watch your fragrance disappear?" Beautiful maid said.

Queen Lancome asked again: "Why?"

"For our Naga, for my lover." Beautiful maid said.

"Your lover, who is it?" asked Lancome Queen.

The beautiful maid said: "He is the only one in the world."

Yang Dingtian immediately knew that this beautiful maid called the lover, that is, the devil asked the sky.

It seems that he really used the man and the man without any scruples.

The beautiful maid said: "Master, your persistence is wrong. You are completely trapped in this imprisoned space, which will completely destroy our Naga Empire."

Queen Lancome said: "If I let you go out, it will completely destroy the whole world, and finally the Naga will be destroyed."

"Destroy the whole world, what about our Naga people?" The beautiful maid said: "The survival of the fittest, the weak are eliminated, and the weak meat is the law of survival."

This words, it sounds like the words of the devil to ask the heavens.

"Master, turn off the energy cover. Open the Tibetan Classics and save the Naga." Beautiful maid.

"No." Queen Lancome slowly said: "What poison are you giving us?"

"The poison of nothingness will dissolve the energy in your body, and you will be able to solve the problem. In the end, your body and life will be completely wiped out." The beautiful maid said: "Only my lover has a solution." Medicine can save you. However, you need to open the energy cover before he can come in to save you."

"No." Lancome Queen said faintly: "I can tell you that even if I am dead, this energy cover cannot be opened."

The beautiful maid was cold and said: "Then don't blame us."

Then she waved her hand.


Suddenly. Outside the hall, thousands of warriors, like meteors, came one after another.

"Even if you kill me, I will not compromise." Queen Lancome said.

"No, we will not kill you." The beautiful maid said: "We seize the human beings around you and use your life to threaten you to open the Tibetan Classics."

"Up!" The beautiful maid slammed down.

Suddenly. Countless fake Naga, rushing. Completely not afraid of death.

Queen Lancome, the sleeves jerked a roll.


In an instant, dozens of Naga rushed up, and instantly broke the bones, and the smoke flew out.

Then, her feet jerked for a while. A mouthful of blood spit out.


Numerous Naga, like the tide, rushed toward Yangdingtian and launched a suicide attack.

The Queen Lancome does not pull the sword, her weapon is the sleeve. As the wind generally swept through.

In an instant, all the waves of the Naga rebel army were all gone.

However, her face is getting more and more ugly, and the blood is getting more and more.

"You kill, we are all for the ideal and do not care about the body, the more you use your energy, the faster you die." Beautiful maid, asked the lover of the sky sneer.


Sure enough, more and more, more and more Naga rebel forces flocked, and more and more Naga rebel forces launched a suicide attack against Queen Lancôme.

The poison of nothingness, madly disintegrating the energy of Queen Lancome, madly engulfing her vitality.

At this time, Yang Dingtian finally felt that the peace of the so-called New Naga Empire is still false. The vast majority of Naga wants to break through this cage and sweep the entire chaotic world.

Queen Lancome, almost all rebellious.

Yangdingtian has been observing the route, and then running to find this so-called poisonous poison, it has no use for himself, his own mystery is still very smooth.

Find the route.

Yang Dingtian suddenly grabbed the Queen Lancome and slammed it.


Then, with the flash of the magical fog, it disappeared directly in the eyes of all the rebels.

The demon king asked the lover of the sky to see the Yang Dingtian and the Lancome Queen disappeared directly in front of them, suddenly shocked, and then chilled: "Go and find every corner of the city."


Yangding Tianfei quickly flashed inside and found that many Naga warriors had fallen to the ground.

Moreover, Wangcheng has begun to fight together everywhere. After all, there is still an army loyal to Queen Lancome, who is desperately fighting with the rebels.

Yang Dingtian flashed desperately, but almost could not find a place without people. After all, the entire Wangcheng is just a few square kilometers.

Finally, Yangdingtian was still in the library and found a place without people.

Then, the Queen Lancome sat down.

At this time, the Queen Lancome is already very weak, and the beautiful face has no blood.

"I will save you, I will save you." Yang Dingtian constantly said: "I also ate the so-called poison of nothing, I will be fine, I will be able to save you."

Yangding quickly groped on the body of Queen Lancome and finally got into her clothes and pressed it on her lower abdomen.

"No trouble, I am dead." Lancome Queen smiled and said: "Yangdingtian, I am dead, I will entrust you with the Tibetan Classics. I will give you the Tibetan Classics."

Yangding Tian suddenly slammed.


Note: It’s so good today, I’m so sorry, sorry.

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