Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 906: Xuanmiao Tibetan Classics, Frost shot!

"What are you doing for me?" Yang

Queen Lancome said: "Because I trust now, only you are one, and I am going to die soon."

"Don't talk, I said, I won't let you die, I will save you." Yangding Tiandao: "The so-called poison of nothingness, I am in the middle but nothing, I will save you."

Then, Yangdingtian directly presses on the lower abdomen of Lancome Queen, and enters Xuanqi to feel the change of her sea and Xuanqi.

As a result, nothing can be felt. The uncharacteristic ambition of Yangdingtian can easily enter the mysterious vein of the Queen Lancome, but it does not feel any strange.

Of course, I can't feel the so-called vain poison.

Then, Yang Dingtian thought that his blood had gone through a lot of trials and it seemed that he was not afraid of any poisonous.

So, quickly cut through their blood, and opened the blood of Queen Lancome, and then injected their blood into the blood of Queen Lancome.

Still, there is no change.

Yangdingtian had some complete solutions, and then headed to the Queen Lancome: "Can you find a way to open your gas sea entrance and let me feel your changes?"

Lancome nodded.

Then, Yang Dingtian summoned the Queen of Poison in the brain, saying: "Sasha, can your consciousness enter the sea of ​​others?"

The Queen of Poison has directly said: "No."

There is no way, Yangdingtian can only release countless grievances, and with the uncharacteristic ignorance into the sea of ​​Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian can be changed by inspiration, but it is very vague, and it is impossible to be as clear as the God of Poison.

But even so, Yangdingtian still feels it.

Within the sea of ​​Lancôme's temperament, it is constantly splitting and constantly dissolving. Constantly merging, constantly turning into nothingness.

This picture is very similar to the Netherstorm. At the abyss border, the fissure of the emptiness is such a devour of countless energy.

And just the devil asks that there is a hollow fire in the sky, so the so-called poison of nothingness, certainly has a certain relationship with the emptiness of the void. Then. Can Yangdingtian use the hollow flame to dispel the poison of the Queen Lancome?

Therefore, Yangdingtian carefully took care of it and entered a little hollow fire into the mysterious vein of Queen Lancome.

Suddenly, the Queen Lancome's petite body trembled fiercely, and then the decomposition and melting of energy within the sea of ​​air became more rapid. The fissure of the void will not solve the poison of nothingness, but will intensify.

However, this is also normal, because the devil king has already known that Yangdingtian has a hollow fire, so it is impossible to give the Lancôme Queen the yang that can be solved.

How to do? How to do?

Yangdingtian is in a hurry. Looking at the Queen of Lancome, which is constantly losing its vitality.

At this time, there was a little energy fluctuation outside. Yang Dingtian is surrounded by countless grievances around the library. It is important that anyone closes and Yangdingtian will know.

Those insurgents have already searched the library.

Yangdingtian did not flash to escape, but directly took the Queen Lancome and entered stealth. Then stood still and did not move.

Soon, the devil asked the lover of the sky. Leading dozens of Naga masters and entering the library.

Among them, there is also an old man, this should be a wise man.

"Please search for, Queen Lancome and human beings, not in the library?" The devil asked the heavenly lover.

The old man nodded. Then close your eyes.

Then, Yangdingtian saw another amazing scene. I saw only a few golden lights, flying from the mind of this Naga old man, only about one cubic meter at the beginning.

then. The golden glow of this group began to swell and split.

A cube becomes two and then becomes four. Finally, the entire library, all filled with this golden cube.

This mental energy can enter any object, including books and tables, so it can completely fill the space.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and knew that he would be discovered. Stealth was also useless.

Yes, Yang Dingtian's stealth technique is to completely steal a space to isolate it. It is also considered space technology, but it is not a real space technique, because this small space can not be in a large space, just concealed, when someone else rushes over, there will still be physical impact.

The true spatial isolation is a complete space that no one else can touch.

The spirit of this old man, not only with the countless grievances of the billion spirits, can detect any object. Moreover, the volume of the entire space can be measured completely, which means that he will soon know that the library has a few cubic meters of space, and it will be found that Yangdingtian hides in it.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is ready to flash out at any time.

"The queen and the man are not inside." Suddenly, the old man said.

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but see that the old man completely found himself stealing the space here and found himself hiding in it, but did not reveal it.

After asking the day, the lover of the day found that he was still unwilling to search for it, and then said: "Continue to search."

Then, she led the crowd to leave.

Yang Dingtian did not take it lightly and was still in stealth.

At this point, the Queen Lancome has been weak for a few moments. She put her hand on her chest and began to gather energy.

A ray of light, gradually gathering in her hands, is a small cube, a colorless cube.

Then, the cube grows bigger and bigger.

"What are you doing?" Yang Dingtian said in a lip.

"This is the Tibetan Classics. I will give it to you when I am alive." Queen Lancome said: "Then, it is up to you."

Yangding Tian was shocked and said: "This, is this the key to the Tibetan Classics?"

"No, this is the Tibetan Classics."

Such a small cube is actually a Tibetan scripture?

Yang Dingtian’s thinking was once again shocked.

However, he soon understood that the so-called Zangjing Pavilion is energy and information, and of course it can be pure energy. Rather than being like a human kingdom, building a building with countless scrolls is called the Tibetan Classics.

This is equivalent to the ancient Chinese, the library must be a house filled with books. And now, the library is completely digital, millions. Tens of millions of books can be placed on one hard drive.

"With the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures, you must not fall into the hands of any Naga." Queen Lancome said: "As for whether you want to study the contents, you will rely on your will."

Yangdingtian looked at the cube in the hands of Queen Lancome, which should be an unprecedented temptation.

Enchanting, the devil asks the heavens to find the remains of Naga, and it is the treasure of Naga, the martial scroll of Naga. In this cube, there is almost all the martial arts wisdom of the Naga.

"You will be invisible. With the cube of the Tibetan Classics, leave the king city and hide in any corner of the New Naga Empire."

Yangdingtian looked at the dying Queen Lancome.

At this time, it is in the best interest of the self to take away the cube of the Tibetan Classics and then leave the city. But in that case, Queen Lancome will definitely die here.

For the rescue of Lancome Queen, in fact, Yang Dingtian still has no last resort, that is the real Naga. A solitary cream.

Although Yangdingtian did not know how the frost would save the Queen Lancome, she was the only one in the world. The real demigod Naga.

However, Duo Ao Ao Shuang is the biggest and biggest card of Yangdingtian, and it is also the last card. Once the consequences are exposed, I dare not imagine. Moreover, the solitary arrogant frost is not necessarily able to save the Queen of Lancome.

However, don't try it. Just watching the death of Lancome Queen, Yang Dingtian can't do it.

Although he and Queen Lancome have no love for men and women, they are definitely confidants and can be regarded as like-minded people.

Take a deep breath, Yangding Tiandao: "You will first collect the Tibetan Classics. I will try to save you once. If you can't save you, I will leave with the Tibetan Classics Cube. If you can save you, then... That is the best."

Queen Lancome looked deeply at Yangding Tiandao: "Are you sure?"

"I am sure." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, in the isolated space, Yang Dingtian reached into the space ring and awakened the sleeping Naga frost.

While waking up, write on her delicate body: "Frost, when you wake up, don't make a sound, don't create energy fluctuations."

Of course, Yang Dingtian tried to draw a vacuum into the isolated space, so even if the sound was made, it could not be transmitted.

It took a full three minutes, and Naga Frost was awakened by Yang Dingtian.

"Oh..." She slammed out from the space ring, and then entangled Yang Dingtian with her body for the first time, picking up a beautiful little mouth and Yangdingtian kiss together.

Frost's kiss is very greedy and kissed for two minutes.

When Queen Lancome saw the appearance of Frost, she was completely shocked.

This, this is the real Naga.

Although the Lancôme queen is also known as Naga, it can only be regarded as a later generation of Naga. It is definitely not a true demigod Naga.

The moment the frost appeared, although she has not completely changed, she can smell it all at once, this is a real Naga, a demigod Naga.

Queen Lancome's petite body began to tremble suddenly there is a rush of worship, although the frost at this time is much weaker than her.

She really did not think that there is actually a real Naga in this world, the real demigod Naga.

Soon, Naga Frost also discovered the Queen Lancome, suddenly full of absolute hostility, cold channel: "Who are you? Fujun, who is she?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She is just a good friend of mine."

"You, don't seduce me, or I will bite you."

"Yes." Queen Lancome said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Good frost, her name is Lancome, and she has the poison of the bad guy. She is the Naga of the next generation. Can you save her?"

Naga Frost stared at the Queen Lancome for a while, then slammed into a green light and sneaked into her body. (To be continued.)



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