Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 920: Rescue, the magic of the pet!

In this way, Yangdingtian is ready to leave the castle immediately, looking for two people.

At this time, suddenly there is another demon fox master coming in, saying: "The young master, the prospective wife is very very dangerous, once again spit out black blood, I am afraid ... I am afraid that I have already died."

The demon slammed fiercely, his face twitched, and the cold voice: "Demon, this hate must be reported!"

Yang Dingtian listened to the side, when did the demon cold have the right lady, he is not always obsessed with Ji Ya?

Then, the demon cold immediately got up and went to see his so-called prospective lady.

His prospective lady is underground.

Yang Dingtian stealth, has been following him into the underground cave.

The castle is no longer above, but the bottom is bigger and there are many caves.

When I came to a cave, Yangding Tiandeng smelled a pungent smell.

In the entire castle, this room is the best condition. At least, there are many satins and thin quilts.

Soon, Yangdingtian saw the so-called prospective lady. He recognized the woman at a glance. This is the Shadowgo, and it is the cousin of Ji Ya. Although not as beautiful as Giya, it is similar. What is her name? It seems to be a demon power.

Demon cold should be loved the house and black, because of the love of Ji Ya, so it is better with this demon power.

Moreover, this demon power was followed by the golden Albanian demon singer (the demon of the demon glass). However, because the demon is unfair, the demon cold reveals the style of the leader at the crucial moment, so the demon power chooses to leave the demon team and join the demon cold.

Also officially because of this kind of reason, so the demon cold is better with her, became a prospective husband and wife.

However, this demon power does not know what poison is in it. The entire skin is purple, and the blood that overflows from the corners of the mouth is also black. If the air is a hairspring, it is obviously a life soon.

Looked at her and her face similar to Ji Ya. Yang Dingtian could not help but feel a soft heart, want to show up and save.

He should have been saved. This is obviously a material toxin, not a psychotoxin. The blood of Yangdingtian can solve the poison.

But Yangdingtian still resisted, and now the most important thing is to find the demon and other people, and then immediately leave the right and wrong. Once you show up, it may cause trouble.

As for the demon cold to meet the human kingdom, and even let the demon cold help the war to destroy the world, Yang Dingtian has no such idea.

There are too many demon fox masters involved in the demon cold. It is simply not pure. It is impossible to pull him to the human kingdom. It is impossible to want them to help, but it will cause trouble.

Demon glass, demon purple and other people, is an absolutely pure group, and with Yang Dingtian day and night to meet for a full or two years, completely with life and trust, with absolute trust, Yangding genius dare to pull them into the Bright Council.

then. Yangdingtian can only be a hard heart and turn and leave.


Yang Dingtian left the castle invisibly and went to find the sisters of the glass.

Just left the castle not far away. Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt an incomparably powerful energy fluctuation.

Then, I saw a figure coming quickly.

Yangdingtian immediately stopped, and the figure whizzed away, just in the direction of the castle.

Not only that, but his body is still full of elemental creatures that have always been familiar, a demon, an 18th-order demon!

This demon, squatting on his shoulder, chattered, but did not kill him.

His speed is very fast. However, Yangdingtian still vaguely remembers that this is the confidant of the Golden Albanian demon. It is also a master above the semi-class level.

It’s strange, why doesn’t the devil kill him? Instead, he was on his shoulder. It seems to be his pet.

Soon, Yangdingtian thought of the reason.

He has evil spirits on his body, which is the only reason. However, the fourth-class evil spirit energy Yang Dingtian has given the demon glass, why is it falling in the hands of the demon?

This half-level confession of the demon, with the 18th-order demon to go to the castle of the cold, why?

Yang Dingtian soon came up with the idea of ​​killing. That's right, use this 18th-order demon to lead to the cold castle to kill and kill the demon cold party.

What kind of poison? What kind of viciousness is this demon? Moreover, after the great fission, how did the demon show the 18th-order demon?

Now, Yangdingtian is most concerned about the demon glass, what happened to the demon purple? What does the fourth-class evil spirit actually fall into the hands of the demon?

Even if you are a beast, you shouldn’t be poisoned by your own sister.

When Yangding Tiandun was in a hurry, the demon and the Burlu were not only the biggest helpers in the future, but the most important thing was to get along with them for a year or two. Yangdingtian completely regarded them as their best friends.

But now the most dangerous thing is the cold castle.

This 18th-order demon is enough to kill all the demon fox masters in the entire castle.

So, do you want to go back to save?

In the face of a cousin of Ji Ya, Yang Dingtian can hardly see the dead, but in the face of one or two hundred demon foxes, Yang Dingtian is hard to harden. You should know that most of them have fought side by side with Yangdingtian, and they have also donated their own energy essence for Yangdingtian to break through.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Dingtian still could not do it, so he immediately returned at full speed.


When Yangdingtian returns to the demon castle, the slaughter of the 18th-order demon has begun.

And the half-level confidant of the demon, after the devil was led to the demon castle, has disappeared. Yangdingtian did not know how he got rid of this 18th-order demon and brought his attention to the demon fox master in the demon castle.

In short, the 18th-order demon has begun the slaughter of the demon cold.

At this point, the demon has organized all the masters to kill the 18th-order demon.

However, the speed of this demon is too fast and too fast to hit.

Therefore, the whole scene is completely a one-sided slaughter. Countless demon fox masters, lived and smashed, and then swallowed alive.

The entire special metal castle seems to have become a hell.

The golden Albanian demon sings, it is really a poisonous heart. It was once and for all. It’s going to kill the cold gang. They are all twins. He and the demon glass, the demon purple is a world of difference.

If Yangdingtian does not save the hand. All the demon fox masters in this castle will die completely.

Because, the demon cold more than 100 masters simply did not have a hand to fight back.

of course. There is no evil spirit energy in Yangdingtian, so it is impossible to attract the attention of evil spirits. However, he still has a killer.

That is the 19th-order magical pet, the 19th-order demon that was cut off from the limbs and blindfolded.

At that time, it died on the shoulders of Yangdingtian and refused to leave. Later, Yangdingtian was going to the third dark field, and he could not carry it across the abyss border. Therefore, Yangdingtian is directly wrapped in an energy cloak. Put it into the space ring.

Fortunately, when Naga Frost swallowed Hell's magic crystal, he did not swallow this 19th-order magic spirit.


After the appearance of Yangdingtian, the demon cold suddenly glimpsed, and then revealed ecstasy.

It was too late to say hello, and Yang Dingtian directly threw out the 19th-order demon without any claws and without any lethality.

Sure enough, the same kind is the biggest enemy.

The 18th-order demon who was slaughtering was shocked, then immediately flashed over, staring at the 19th-order demon.

Then. The two demons suddenly became the biggest enemy and began to madly kill.

Of course, Yangdingtian’s 19th-order magical pet. There is no attack power, only crazy, as if the limbs are still in general.

And the 18th-order demon, frantically attacking the 19th-order demon with sharp claws. However, this pet of Yangdingtian is now an energy body all over the body, and the claws can not constitute any damage in sharpness.

So, two powerful and incomparable magical idiots began to attack each other madly. But it does not make a little damage.

This picture, Yangding Tiandun remembered the time when the earth was chatting. There is a very funny expression, two Pikachu slaps in a frenzied madness.

Yangding is in front of the sky. Pull out the soul sword of the Emperor, enter the Yiling demon fire and the hollow flame, and then madly approve the limbs of this 18th-order magic spirit.

If you put it before, this is definitely a lot of effort, I don't know how long it will take.

However, now, just a little more than a quarter of an hour, Yangdingtian has cut off the 18th-order magic spirit, and then quickly wrapped its eyes with energy cloth.

Suddenly, this 18th-order demon can only be reduced to a pet without any attack power.

The remaining 19th-order demon spirit is already lingering, as if his claws are still attacking wildly. Yangdingtian used a roll of energy cloak and wrapped it directly.

"Mr. Yangdingtian..." Then, when he heard the excitement of the demon, he rushed over and hugged Yangdingtian.

Then, he patted the back of Yangdingtian and said: "Finally, I finally saw you again. We, we miss you very much. I didn't think that you saved once again , saved us."

Yangdingtian smiled slightly.

The demon cold released the Yangdingtian, and then led all the men, and the whole sun was shining in the sun. "Thank you for your help."

Yangding Tian smiled and said: "Hello, you, gentleman, don't come innocent."

Then, Yang Dingtian handed the 18th-order demon in his hand to the demon cold: "The demon will probably use the same poison, and this 18th-order demon spirit (magic) will give you, It should be able to withstand the massacre of all the devils."

The demon is a little cold, and said: "Lord Yang Tiantian, this, this is equivalent to the energy essence of the 18th order."

Yangding Tiandao: "Compared with more than one hundred demon foxes, the life is much more expensive."

The demon took it over and deeply worshipped it. He said: "The demon fox family, thank you Yang Dingtian, the great grace."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, let's say goodbye, I have to go find the demon glass, the demon purple sister." (To be continued) R466

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