Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 921: Save the United States, the death of the demon!

"Mr. and slow." "Devils cold: "You are alone in the situation, it is better to stay alone, we designate a plan, find or rescue the sisters of the glass, it may be better to act carefully."

Yangdingtian can be invisible, so it doesn't matter how many people are heavy. However, he remembered the power of the cousin of Ji Ya. Since it has already appeared, it is better to save her.

So, Yangding nodded and stayed for a while.

Yangding Tiandun became a VIP in the castle. The reserves in the castle are very, very few. Almost everyone is taking medicinal herbs for a living. Fresh food is also a little bit, but that was brought from Xiaoxitian a few years ago. It is all kept in a special spar box, almost never used, even the demon is reluctant to eat.

However, at the banquet of Yangdingtian. In front of him, there was a plate of melons, a plate of meat, and a full bottle of wine.

In front of other people, at most, it is just a small glass of wine. Even in front of the demon, there is only a small dish of snacks. He is very rich in his hospitality.

Yang Dingtian is willing to eat, said to put back, the result is that the demon said to take it out and put it back will be broken. Therefore, Yangdingtian wants everyone to eat, and everyone refuses.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is not ruthless, and eats the barbecue in front of it.

During the meeting, Yang Dingtian deliberately asked: "Hello, Lord, in the battle between you and the Golden Albanian demon, where is the Shadow Gow standing?"

Demon cold road: "The demon patriarch's son demon night, standing on the side of the demon. His niece, the demon power standing on my side, and, already... has become my woman."

Yangding Tiandeng said: "That is really congratulations."

He lifted the glass to celebrate, and then smiled: "Why don't you see Madame demon power today, is it a demon colder?"

The demon is cold and bitter: "Yangdingtian’s lord laughed. Miss demon... she, I am afraid I have already died."

Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "This, why is this?"

The demon is cold and angry: "The body is poisonous, it is the demon that this beast is doing. He hangs on the singer, and he also puts his mind on the head of the demon power. As a result, the demon power favors me. So he smashes his poisonous hand."

Yangding Tianren said: "Is this cockroach so poisonous?"

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "I also have some opinions on the use of poison. It is better to take me to see if you are demon, is there any chance to recover?"

The demon cold suddenly surprised: "Is it true?"

Yangding nodded.

The demon was suddenly excited to get up from the position, and he said, "If you can save the lady of the demon power, then the demon is really grateful and grateful."

then. He led the way in front, and entered the underground secret room with Yangdingtian, going to the room where the demon power was.


Only one or two hours, the color of the demon power has become worse, almost people have not been saved.

The demon cold was still full of hope. When she saw her temperament, she did not dare to hold any hope. She suddenly said: "Mr. can see. I am very grateful, no matter what the result. I remember the kindness of the gentleman." ”

Yang Dingtian nodded and pretended to put the pulse of the demon power.

It’s so weak, I can’t feel the pulse. Then, turning over the eyes of the demon power, it has been penetrated very poisonously, and the pupils are about to be scattered. It’s really going to be fragrant.

Moreover, the whole body is completely and completely cold, much better than the ice. The whole body has changed from black to blue.

When I saw Yang Dingtian’s move, I’m not afraid to breathe when I’m cold. Looking at the action of Yang Dingtian, I suddenly felt mysterious and mysterious.

After the play, Yang Dingtian nodded and said: "I can try, but the results, I can not guarantee."

Demon cold: "Please, please! I am very grateful for any results."

Yang Dingtian does not want to be detoxified by others seeing his blood, so he said: "But, please also dear you to avoid."

Although the demon cold is very grateful to him, and very enthusiastic, but the defense of the heart is indispensable.

The demon was cold, and then nodded. "Okay, then I am outside. The gentleman has any need, and he directly calls."

"Good." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, the demon quits cold and shuts the stone door. Within the entire stone room, only the Yangdingtian and the demon power are left.

Yang Dingtian took out a needle and inserted it into the blood vessels of his arm to extract a blood.

Of course, the blood of Yang Dingtian does not work, he does not know. He saved Zhao Mu with his own blood and saved the Oriental Ice Ling. But all of them are the poison of ice cold. The entire body of Yangdingtian, through the deep sea of ​​mysterious tempering is not fake. However, if you can't detoxify, it will be possible to smother this demon power.

However, the demon power has already been like this, not as good as Sima as a living horse doctor.

Yang Dingtian found the part of her heart, directly inserted the needle into it, and then injected the blood inside into her heart.

Only for a moment, suddenly the body of the demon power trembled fiercely, trembled fiercely, and then the painful sound of the throat.

Then, many black blood, blue blood, spewed out regardless of the ground.

This fierce reaction is to scare Yangdingtian. The outside of the demon cold, immediately rushed in.

"Oh..." The demon power suddenly sat up, then slammed out a solid blue blood clot, and then slammed into the bed.

Then, her breathing gradually became more powerful, and the color of her skin gradually recovered.

She, she turned out to be saved.

The demon cold was completely horrified, and it was completely alpine. He suddenly worshipped Yang Diantian and said: "Mr. is really a god."

"Okay, then I should leave." Yangding Tiandao: "Hello cold, I will."

The demon cold immediately stopped Yangding Tiandao: "Sir, you are our great benefactor, how can you leave like this? No, no, we must repay well, serve the gentleman. I know that you are very worried about the purple demon purple sister, I Send all the experts out to explore, how?"

"This is no need, I can go alone." Yangding Tiandao.

"No, absolutely not." The demon cold immediately grabbed the arm of Yangdingtian and said: "If the gentleman leaves like this. Demon cold will be uneasy in the heart."

Yang Dingtian’s face smiles, and the color is correct: “It’s better to forget each other than to go to the rivers and lakes.”

The demon cold face still has a smile, but his eyes are serious. He said: "Actually, I have something. Please advise me."

Yangdingtian eyes trembled slightly: "Hello, please, please."

The demon is cold: "You are a human being, so you certainly have not entered the dark field from the dark door of the skull hall. Is there only one way to go through the abyss border? I can take the liberty to ask you, how did you come over?" ?"

Yang Dingtian suddenly jumped in his heart and smiled: "If I said that I am not convenient to answer?"

After the demon cold retreats three steps, he deeply worships: "After the big fission, the whole dark field has no grain, and only the shadow magic is unparalleled on the ground. We are already at stake. Please look at the life of hundreds of demon foxes. Tell me the law of crossing the abyss border, let me return to Xiaoxitian with everyone. Mr. Da Ende, the whole Xiaoxitian is unforgettable."

Yangdingtian fell into silence.

The demon is cold, and has already broken this point directly. So can the Void Fire make so many people travel through the abyss border? Even if it can. Do you want to do this yourself? In fact, if you just help these people return to Xiaoxitian. That's not a big problem.

However, Yangdingtian is to let the demon glass, demon purple, Burlu and others stay in the human kingdom to help the Tiandao League fight the world war. Help to keep the door to the human kingdom.

Moreover, once Yangdingtian helps the demon and others return to Xiaoxitian. It is equivalent to letting Yongshe know that he has got a emptiness and he has seen him through him. At that time, Ji Ya and her children may be in danger.

After a long time. Yang Dingtian suddenly silenced: "I am a demon cold, you send people to find the demon glass and demon purple, I am afraid not to care about them, but for me."

Yang Dingtian now understands that when there is no one, the meaning of the sentence that the demon is cold. He said how much he missed Yangdingtian, if Yangdingtian was there.

Yang Dingtian was strange at the time, and the friendship between them was not so deep. How can I talk about it?

It turned out that it was for this.

Yangding Tianzheng said: "I am cold, if I really can't say it?"

The demon is cold: "It doesn't matter, please leave the gentleman, let me repay your kindness."

Yangding Tiandao: "If I have to go?"

The demon is cold: "That is the hospitality. If I am a master, I will be a guest, but I must also entertain you."

Although the face of the demon is still full of smiles, but the eyes are no smile, and the arm of Yang Dingtian is not released.

Looking up, the thick door in front has fallen. If Yangdingtian wants to flash away, it can't.

During the Yangding, the heart was violently cooled, although he had already thought about this result, so he could not save the power of the demon. But when this situation really happened, he still felt cold.

When the demon cold was on the Great Day of Deformation, it performed very well. As a savior, Yang Dingtian was fully supplied as a breakthrough.

However, when everyone thought that the big fission was over and the demon screamed to expel Yang Dingtian, he did not stop very hard.

Today, Yang Dingtian once again saved hundreds of people from the demon fox family and saved his life as a woman. However, this does not hinder the demon cold for the sake of interest, directly turning his face.

The demon fox is a higher civilization, and this situation is very normal. But Yangdingtian still feels cold.

The demon cold waved directly, and suddenly there were five semi-levels and above strong, and then he still smiled: "Yangdingtian lord actually said to go, how can this be? Must be entertained, so I have to force to stay Guest."

Then, the five fifteenth-order, sixteenth-order, and seventeenth-order powerhouses immediately surrounded Yangdingtian and directly locked the Xuantian of Yangdingtian.

"Please Yang Dingtian, go to our most prestigious room." Demon cold road.

Then, the five-and-a-half-level sorcerer and the fox-like sergeant entered the stone room with Yangdingtian.

There is a huge energy array that forms an energy prison, almost similar to the energy prison that was held at that time.

"Just ask the gentleman to be a guest here, demon and demon purple, we will definitely save." The demon squatted down and then retired.

And the five and a half-level powerhouses also retired.

"You five, here to serve the Lord Yang Dingtian." The demon cold said: "If he has any needs. You must be satisfied."

"Yes." Five and a half of the top level and above are strong, then sit still and stay out of the door.


Yangding Tian easily opened his own blockade of the Xuanmai. Now, unless it is near the Holy Power, no one can think of locking the zenith of Yangdingtian.

The demon cold is a recognition of Yang Dingtian’s cultivation, still half a year ago.

It is simple to open the Xuanmai blockade. But it is very difficult to get out of the energy prison.

Yang Dingtian tried it, and when he touched the energy wall, he was directly bounced back.

The invincible near-Emperor soul sword is of no use at this time.

Yang Dingtian tried to use the hollow fire to crack, but it was useless, and even countless grievances could not rush out of this energy prison.

Take a deep breath, this energy prison may be able to trap anyone. Including Yongshe asked the day. But now, I can’t stand the sky.

Yang Dingtian released a dark mysterious fire, creating a dark vortex, becoming a black hole and beginning to isolate the space.

Then, bombardment with a certain frequency of Xuanhuo energy in the isolated space creates a space gate.

“Hey!” Yang Dingtian jumped directly into the space door and then jumped out of the energy prison.

Next. Yang Dingtian shouted: "Come."

"What do you want?" The semi-classical karate outside.

"I want to talk to the demon." Yangding Tiandao: "You take me."

After a while, the thick stone door opened.

Five and a half holy powers came in. However, it was found that the energy prison was empty and the entire stone room was empty.

The five demon fox masters suddenly stunned, this, how is this going? Why did it disappear from the air?

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian stealth, immediately flashed out, in a blink of an eye. It disappeared without a trace, and rushed out of the ground, rushing out of the cold castle, and disappeared directly into the second dark field.


After the demon got the news, it was like a blue sky.

"Impossible. Impossible, how powerful this energy prisoner is, no one can break through. Although Yangdingtian is very mysterious, there is no breakthrough in repairing even the second half." The demon cold loudly said: "Go find, put all the masters They are all sent out, and they have to find three feet to find the ground!"


Then, within the castle of the cold, all the masters came out.

Demon cold, sitting directly on the metal throne, his eyes flashed with strange light, said: "I must leave here, must leave here to return to Xiaoxitian, no matter what the price."


After a quarter of an hour.

Yangdingtian appeared again in the hall of the castle, not far from the front of the demon, and of course it was invisible.

Yes, he is back. He did not go far, and after leaving the castle, he lurked not far away. When the demon cold sent all the masters out, he sneaked back.

This is a typical story of a farmer and a snake. Although Yangdingtian is ready for thought, he still feels extremely angry when it really happens.

It’s impossible to eat such a squandering loss without revenge.

Yangdingtian stared at the cold face, and came in front of him invisibly, pulling out the soul sword of the emperor.

Then, violently flashed past.

"Hey!" The demon cold only felt that it was cold, and then found that the most important part of his man was directly missing.

"Ah..." Suddenly, he made a very screaming scream.

Yang Ding Tian suddenly appeared, the hands of the Emperor of the soul of the sword gently shake, the cold man's thing, suddenly crushed.

The demon cold desperately slammed the key, dare not believe in Yangdingtian, sighing: "Yangdingtian, you, you..."

Yang Dingtian slowly said: "If you are not forcibly imprisoned me, just ask me to take you away, I may promise. But you dare to force me to put down my house, it is a dead end."

The demon cold face shouted: "I am such a person, don't you know. Do you have to be a confidant because you have been together and fight together? You are too naive."

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "So I am going to clean up and suffer."

"You? Are you my opponent? Although you castrated me, you are still not my opponent." The demon cold completely isolated the pain, then pulled out the sword, slowly said: "Since tearing the face, Let's hand over the law of the abyss border."

"Hey..." Yangding slammed into a magical sky with fierce lightning, fierce squatting.

Suddenly, the demon shuddered and trembled, and the whole body was completely paralyzed and could not move at all.

"Hey..." The magical sky of Yangdingtian cracked the lightning and fell wildly.


The cold body is completely black, madly shuddering, and madly miserable.

"You, you, have you broken through the fifteenth order?" The demon is cold, and he dares not to believe in the Yangding Heavenly Road. The voice of the whole throat is completely hoarse.

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao: "Although the revision is, you are higher than me. But I am almost as good as I can, and you are easy to kill. You are no exception. Originally, your hatred is not going to To kill you, but to avoid trouble, I still kill."


Yangdingtian's magic sky cracking lightning extremely fiercely kneeling.

Directly, the whole body of the demon is completely burned into a group of coke.


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

It is a demon power, he has just saved the demon power soon. Yang Dingtian’s sword in his hand was tight and he was killed.

But after thinking about it, I gave up. Anyway, she is inseparable from the dark field for two hundred years.

Yangdingtian nodded toward the demon power, feeling that a master is approaching quickly, he directly invisible, flashing with the magical fog, lightning usually left the castle, disappeared instantly without a trace.


Note: This chapter has 5,000 words, which is two thousand words more than the previous chapter, so it is an hour late, sorry. Tomorrow will be earlier, thank you. (To be continued.)

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