Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 944: The madness of Yangdingtian!

"Baby, you stayed at home with the fragrant aunt, and Mom and Dad went out for a trip. 6↙," Huang said softly.

"Oh." The little girl didn't turn her head and began to distribute the snacks on the bed.

While distributing, while still thinking about words in the mouth, this is the mother's, this is the aunty of the incense, this is the father's, this is the girl's sister.

It’s amazing, so small, after getting such a large pile of snacks, it’s not exclusive, it’s starting to be distributed to others.

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but pass her, picking up her little body and taking a kiss.

Then, when I saw the incense sitting on the bed, I was a little awkward. After I thought of myself, I didn’t even say hello to her. I immediately said, “Sweet, thank you for taking care of the little baby these years.”

"Should, it should be..." The fragrance was whispered and the legs were tighter.

"Then I will go out with the phoenix language first. After other things come back, let me talk to you again?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, okay." Xiangxiang said.

Then, Yang Dingtian was directly invisible and went out with the golden language.

After Yang Dingtian left, Xiang Xiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly fell off the bed, hit a basin of water, took off the skirt to clean the body.

"Auntie, what are you doing?" asked the little girl Yang Yanger.

"No, nothing." Xiang Xiang was shocked and said: "Hey baby, you can't talk to anyone about this thing, remember it?"

"Oh." The little girl snorted!


Yangdingtian stealth walked outside the phoenix pilgrimage valley, while the demon glamour purple, still staying in the sky above the small castle, to protect the dancing baby.

Suddenly, the demon purple mouth opened the sound wave directly into the sister's ear, saying: "The woman who was just screaming is so embarrassed. And also said that even the soul must be comfortable, is that kind of thing so comfortable?"

When Devil Purple said this, his eyes were bright and full of absolute curiosity.

I don’t want to talk about it, I’m going to come over and twist the ears of the demon purple, and angered: “Is this something you should know?”

The demon purple flattened his mouth and said: "You are all this age. It is hypocritical to avoid this topic."

Then, she complained again: "Yangdingtian is really true, let us give him a life, but let us listen to his bed, it is too much."

Do not talk about the demon glass, directly to the devil's mouth.


Outside the holy valley, Yang Dingtian saw the emissary of the Queen of the Sea, the old acquaintance. Xuan Tianzong's traitor, the loyal servant of the Queen of the Sea, the direct descendant of the East is the ghost of my son.

In fact, he is also very powerful, and all three roles have been so successful.

"The old slaves met the princess of the phoenix." After seeing the phoenix, the ghost lord directly worshipped.

"Don't dare, Mr. Ghost." Huang said: "The princess of the Snake Empire, I have not been courageous. You can call me Mrs. Yang."

Ghost my son brows a little twitching, obviously he does not have any good feelings for Yangdingtian. Even full of hate, but still low-eyed and pleasing to the eye: "Yes, Mrs. Yang."

Ghost My Son said: "Your Majesty wants to see you, and your daughter."

Huang Yudao said: "No, I have been with her and she has no relationship."

Ghosts and sons said: "If I didn't guess wrong, there is already a grain break in the Holy Valley. People have been dying, right?"

Huang Yudao: "What about that?"

"My Majesty the Queen can give this valley to the rebel army headed by Beira every day, and provide enough food to support them every year. The only condition is that you bring your daughter. Return to Her Majesty's side."

Huang Yu suddenly sneered: "When did she care about me so much, it is incredible?"

Ghosts and sons said: "Her Mausoleum has always been very concerned about you, otherwise your district rebel army, now even the weapons can not get up, the snake empire can be eliminated with a little finger. The reason why the Holy Valley still exists, is completely Because of your existence."

Huang said: "Help me thank her, I said no, I and she have been out of grace."

Ghosts and sons said: "Don't you see that everyone in the Holy Valley is starving?"

Huang said: "This is the path they chose. They would rather stand up and not want to die."

Ghosts sighed and said: "In this case, I will return to the Queen as if I were. But maybe they want to starve to death. If you refuse, in a few days, the army of the lost city will break into it. Within the Holy Valley, kill all the people inside and make their flesh into military food."

Huang Yu suddenly trembled and screamed: "Shameless, you are shameless..."

Ghosts and sons said: "So, please consider it carefully. You have about three days. After three days, within the Holy Valley, the chickens and dogs will not stay."

After all, the ghost I left directly.

After the other party left, the phoenix instinct would have to rely on the back. Although he did not know where Yangdingtian was invisible, he still instinctively wanted to rely on it.

"Be careful, he hasn't gone far, let's go back and say." Yangding Tiandao.


After returning to the small castle of the phoenix, the phoenix called another leader of the rebel army, the serpent chief, day by day. Bella.

After seeing Yangdingtian, the patriarch of the fox family was very excited. He hugged Yangdingtian and slammed his back.

"Sorry, patriarch, I am late." Yangding Tiandao.

"No, no, never too late." Day by day. Bella.

After quietly, the phoenix said the words of the ghost son to the day. Bella listened.

"Hai Xin let me take her baby to her side, otherwise she will kill everyone in the Holy Valley, we only have three days."

"No!" Day by day. Bella said: "You must not overestimate the feelings of Haixin on you. The reason why she does this is definitely a very special reason. It is definitely not because I miss you."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "The patriarch is right. She did this because the body of Queen Tussaud disappeared and stung the most uneasy place in her heart."

Huang language eyes suddenly look at the sun.

Yangding nodded and said: "Yes, the body of the Queen of Poison is my stolen. She wants to take your mother and daughter as hostages. I am forced to surrender the Queen of Poison."

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, Huang Yu couldn’t help but shudder, almost tears.

At this time, the call of the Queen of the Sea Heart, although her mouth is hard, but still a little comfort. I feel that the master still misses his own, but he did not expect to take away himself as a hostage to force Yangdingtian.

She, she really has not recognized her six parents, and she is so mad.

Yangding Tiandao: "And, the heart of the sea sent the ghosts and my sons to come, it is also a hypocritical ritual. After three days, he will send troops to destroy the holy valley, and then forcefully grab the Huang language and the baby."

Huang Yu gnashed his teeth and said: "I would rather die than die."

Yang Dingtian holds her little hand and keeps her from getting excited. Continued: "His patriarch, there are two decision-makers who come with me. We all have magical fog coats. I have stealth mystery. So I can take three or four people back to the human kingdom. My original plan, It is with a fragrant incense, and the dance baby returns to the human kingdom. Then, I am working with the Queen of the Sea Heart. I am trying to save all the people in the Holy Valley. But now it seems that this plan will not work. The Queen has no patience at all, and within three days she will launch a deadly attack on the Holy Valley."

Every day. Bella said: "Yang Zongzhu, in fact, we have lived for a few years, it is completely enough. As long as you bring the phoenix, the fragrance, and the dancing baby back to Yunxiaocheng. I am already satisfied."

"No!" Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railway: "There are more than a hundred thousand people in the Holy Valley. I am saved. I will save even if I spend a lot of money. You and Huang have persisted for a few years and have not abandoned them. It makes no sense to me." Let's just abandon them. So, what we will discuss next is how to save!"

"Yes." Day by day. Bella said: "Please say."

Yangding Tiandao: "The first plan, the 8 million army of the Guangming Parliament, has been assembled and conducted military exercises in the northwestern waters. With only one order, within three days, you can reach the coast of the Snake Empire and the Empire. The southern defense line is attacking. It can be said that the fighting power of the 8 million bright parliament army exceeds the 20 million army of the Snake Empire. At that time, the Queen of the Sea Heart has no intention to deal with the Holy Valley, and can only defend the southern defense line. ""

"No..." Day by day. Bella said: "For the sake of more than a hundred thousand people in the holy valley, it is not worth doing so. If we cause huge casualties, we will die."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, this plan is not very feasible. Because the army of the Guangming Parliament exists to defeat the corps. If it is not forced, we are not willing to fight the Snake Empire. We want to make the whole East The power from the grasslands has become part of the resistance to the defensive legion. And even if it is forced to fight the Snake Empire, it is not the best time."

Every day, Bella nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "The second plan is to kill the Queen of the Sea!"

When the words came out, everyone suddenly trembled.

Kill the Queen of the Sea Heart? This sounds like a sigh. Because, whether it is phoenix or day by day, Bella, it is extremely clear that how powerful the Queen of the Sea is.

Beat her and kill her, they can't even think about it.

Every day, Bella collated and said: "Yangdingtian, you may not understand, the Queen of the Sea has been completely different from a few years ago. Through some evil technique, her cultivation is very very powerful. ""

Yangding nodded and said: "Yes, I am not sure about killing the sea. I don't know how her cultivation is specific. Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can make a difference. And this is not a win-win situation. It is to kill. Once it is not killed, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, I am afraid to tear her face with her when I am not sure."

Therefore, the two plans that Yang Dingtian said will not work!

So, it seems that there is absolutely nothing to do. What he can do is just to take the incense, the baby and the fragrant incense, and want to save more than 100,000 people in the Valley. It is impossible to do it. Unless there is a full-scale battle with the Snake Empire.

Suddenly, the phoenix and the day. Bella is in despair. No one blames Yang Tiantian.

"French, you take our baby daughter away." Huang said softly: "I stayed with the rebel army. You can come to see me, can take our daughter, I have felt very happy." It is."

Yang Dingtian grabbed her hand and said: "When you listen to me, I have already said that I have to save more than 100,000 people. I just said one plan."

Huang said: "But the first two plans are not successful. It is simply impossible to save more than 100,000 people at once. It is only three days."

Only the fragrant princess, 瞪大美眸 stared at Yangdingtian. She is romantic and innocent. In the very early days, she felt that Yangdingtian could do anything.

Therefore, she did not pessimistically open her mouth, but waited for Yang Dingtian to say the third plan.

Yangding Tiandao: "The third plan is also the last one. That is, all hopes are pinned on the sea after the holy valley, escape from this sea and escape the snakeman empire."

Huang language quickly said: "Frather, this is impossible. The east is far from the sea in the grasslands. There are many people who have tried it. Whether it is tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles, it is still infinite. The endless ocean, by the way, should have reached the northwestern continent, but it is still the ocean, there is no end. And there is no island."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "This is actually a kind of space folding and space repetition, it is always endless. As soon as you enter, you will never end, you will only be lost forever. If I am not mistaken, then This should be the boundary between the living plane and the other world. It is because of the different planes, so this spatial overlap appears."

Yang Dingtian's words, day by day. Bella also can understand a little, but the phoenix language has been completely blurred, can not understand.

"So, I am going to explore this endless sea. If it is as I imagined, then I have a way to jump out of this plane and go to another space. And if that space If it is safe enough, I will find a way to evacuate all the people in the Valley to the space." Yangding Tiandao.

At this time, Yang Dingtian’s words, for someone at the place, are completely a myth.

Every day, Bella thought for a while: "Yangdingtian, if you go to another space, can the Queen of the Sea have a way to chase it to that place?"

"Impossible." Yang Dingtian straightforwardly said: "In this world, there is no second person to jump space except me."

Suddenly, the phoenix and the fragrant incense were intoxicated. Although they can't understand what Yang Dingtian is saying, they can't stop their worship!

Yangding Tiandao: "So, although the third plan is very embarrassing, it is the only way. Without further ado, I will set off immediately to explore the endless sea east of the grassland, the endlessness behind the holy valley. sea!"

This plan and concept of Yang Dingtian is really crazy. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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