Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 945: Mysterious new space world!

Because of fear of traitors in the rebel army, there was no news of anyone in the Holy Valley to save. Even the medicinal herbs are not directly sent down, but dissolved in water, then mixed in the roots of the plants and cooked together, and finally distributed to everyone.

The glass and the demon purple are still in the darkness of the small castle, and there is no appearance.

And Yangdingtian went to the endless sea in the east to explore, and Huangyu wanted to go with him, but this is obviously impossible.


The entire Sacred Valley is less than a hundred miles deep, surrounded by incomparably towering mountains, and the entire huge valley stretches to the sea.

On both sides of the valley, there are densely populated houses, and the various crops planted on the barren land seem to be completely listless, and there is still a long time to harvest, and it seems to be basically zero harvest. But the Rebels still carefully manage each strain.

In the valley of the endless sea, there is a wall that is blocked, and there are also rebel guards on it.

Of course, there will be no enemies coming from the endless sea. This wall is to block the rebel army from entering the endless sea @顶@点@小说

Because in the past few years, there have been many rebel forces who have set their sights on the endless sea. They hope to find a way to escape from here, and then find the source of food from here.

However, when they were desperate, there was no creature in the sea, not even seaweed, let alone fish and shrimp.

However, this still can't stop countless rebel forces from entering the sea, so there are countless deaths and injuries. Can not be forced to build a wall to block.

Yangdingtian passed through the wall in a light and easy way, and suddenly arrived at the beach.

It is a sea of ​​dreams, the sand of the beach, very even and subtle, and it is snow white sand.

seawater. It is the most dreamy blue with no impurities.

However, there is no wind, so there is no wave. It doesn't look like the sea, but like a yin-yang mirror.

Yangdingtian grabbed a handful of sand and observed it. Nothing special was found, except that it was beautiful.

Then, it has a sea of ​​water, and nothing special. In addition to being particularly clear, the tongue sticks out and is slightly salty, but there is no other special energy.

Yangdingtian floats into the air and flies directly to the east.

After flying for thousands of miles. Yangdingtian entered a very strange feeling, and he seemed to have no advancement.

That's right, there is no feeling of going forward. Because the sky is like a wash, there is no cloud, the sea is like a blue, there are no waves and islands, and all the scenery is unchanged. Even the sea is absolutely blue. The sky is also absolutely blue, as if it is completely blended together. Yangdingtian is like a giant blue crystal.

There is no regressive reference to prove that Yangdingtian is moving.

And in front of you, there is still no end.

Yangdingtian continued to fly forward and flew forward.

His speed was very fast, and he flew out thousands of miles in just three hours.

Then he stopped.

Start with dark mysterious fire. A dark vortex is carved out.

The black hole created by this dark vortex separates a space.

Then, Yangdingtian uses special energy properties, special frequencies, in the isolated space. Use the fastest and fastest speed to make two black fires hit.


Suddenly, a beautiful space door appeared in the air.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and then jumped into the space door.

Then, Yang Dingtian made any mental preparations, no matter whether he shuttled to any space or any plane, he would not be completely shocked and shocked.

However, he did not reach any space and did not shuttle any plane. He was still above the sea of ​​the endless sea.

"Hey? This is strange, it shouldn't be like this." Yang Dingtian marveled at the darkness: "This endless sea is absolutely not normal. It must be the effect of space folding. How to use the space door, can't shuttle ?"

Is it that he has not really reached the end of the endless sea?

Therefore, Yangdingtian floated directly on the surface of the sea, sat down and took Ju Xuan Dan to restore mystery.

After two quarters of an hour, he recovered full of battle.

This time, Yangdingtian not only uses the mysterious skills to fly, but directly uses the Xuanhuo to spray, which is faster, and of course the consumption of Xuanqi is even more amazing!

As a result, Yangdingtian flew 10,000 miles to the east.

After recovering the full battle, he created a space door and jumped over.

However, it is still in the sea of ​​endlessness, without any change.

This, this is really strange.

Yangdingtian continued to fly east.

After a whole day and a night, Yangdingtian used the amazing speed of the Xuanhuo to spray a hundred thousand miles.

According to this geographical distance, even the eastern Yunzhou has exceeded. However, it is still an endless ocean.

But fortunately, here is not the same as the end of the world of the New Naga Empire. There is nothingness. Once the mysteriousness is exhausted, it is completely lost and lost. There is no limit to the sea here, and you can also restore the mystery.

And in the 100,000 miles, Yang Dingtian created a space door, still can't make any jumps.

Yangding’s innocence is really shocking, and it’s impossible to solve it.

Can't go any further, and there is no point in going forward. And if you go further, the time will be too late, and you have to go back.

So what should I do? In this way, I went back without any gain, waiting for the army of the Snake Empire to strike. Yang Dingtian led the demon glass directly, the demon purple and the snake man empire battle, and then broke out with the sea heart?

He, he really hasn't planned yet. He must at least know what is the cultivation of Haixin now?

Just like, he wants to compete with no one, and generally knows his level of cultivation. But even so, Yangding Tiansheng is very easy to win, but because of the second-class evil spirits, Yangdingtian almost killed his life, and then completely exiled the innocent, otherwise there is no way for him.


Yangdingtian floats above the sea and looks at this absolutely pure sea. My heart suddenly thought that it would be the junction of two planes, not in the air on the sea, but on the bottom of the sea.

With this idea, Yangdingtian immediately drilled into the seabed.

Continue to dive underground. Dive, dive.

One hundred meters, one kilometer, ten thousand meters, one hundred thousand meters, one million meters...

Yangdingtian was confirmed. This is definitely not a normal ocean. The normal ocean, even a thousand kilometers deep, but that pressure is extremely amazing.

However, Yang Dingtian now sneaked a million meters, but the pressure of sea water can only be said to be very ordinary, no different from ten meters.

And the most important thing is that the following is still endless, as if I don't know how deep it is.

Ok, even in the chaotic world. There will not be such a deep ocean! The sea itself is a kind of space that folds and repeats.

Yangdingtian is in the water, and begins to summon a dark mysterious fire, carving out a dark mysterious fire.

Even if it is sea water, the black hole created by the dark vortex is enough to swallow everything, and then there is an isolated space.

Use two black fires, fast. The amazing impact once again created a beautiful space door.

Then Yangdingtian. Jumping violently, passing through the space door.


The familiar feeling came, and the familiar feeling of crossing the plane came again.

As soon as I saw it, Yangdingtian entered a new world of space.


First of all, the world is not so beautiful. Not so beautiful.

The best result of no masculine fantasy is the endless beautiful grassland. Of course, there is no worst result in the imagination of Yangdingtian. Unlike the third dark field, it is full of dense fog.

Before Yang Dingtian predicted, it is likely to be the first dark field. The result is not.

This space world is completely a dead world, and the whole world is fragmented.

At first glance, they are endless abyss.

Without a complete land, all were shredded and turned into a piece of boulder floating.

Small, only the house is large, and the big one has a diameter of hundreds of miles.

The boulder standing at the foot of Yangding’s foot is full of hundreds of miles.

These boulders are filled with space, and they are moving slowly and occasionally colliding.

Once it collides, it breaks directly, and the big one becomes a small boulders.

However, there is air in this space, and there is also mysterious energy.

I don't know if there is life in it or if there is a powerful monster.

Yangdingtian immediately shuttled and flew in this space.

With a very fast speed, I flew thousands of miles. Did not find any monsters, any creatures, even energy creatures.

And he released countless grievances and proved that there are no creatures here. Didn't there be any energy fluctuations?

Yang Dingtian was amazed. In his cognition, the world is either a living continent or a dark field.

And the space in front of me seems to be nothing. Say it is a living continent, there is no life inside. It is said to be a dark field, and there is air inside, as well as mysterious energy.

Of course, there is no double day in this day, and there is no sky.

Because all the space is filled with floating boulders. However, the sun shone in a little bit, and there was a little light inside.

So, is it possible to think that the world is bounded by the dark realm and the living continent. Or is it similar to the product of the destruction of Xiaoxitian?

It should be like this.

The world of Xiaoxitian is completely torn, but there are creatures inside, and the energy of Xuanqi is very rich. The land of thousands of miles is floating in the air.

And if Xiaoxitian once again ruined, it might be like this.

All life, all disappeared. The land that was originally large and large, because of the constant impact, has become the appearance of this.

And all the soil has been scattered, so there is a piece of boulder.

So, what should I name it? It's called tearing space!

Yangdingtian also wanted to explore how big this tearing space is, but because of time, it can only be temporarily abandoned.

Because of the next retreat, it will take a long and long time.

Yang Dingtian came to the place where it first appeared, that is, the edge of this torn space, opened a space door and jumped out directly.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian eyes brightened, suddenly jumped out of the tearing space, came to the bottom of the sea of ​​endless sea.

Then he quickly got up.

Just a few tens of meters, the surface is exposed. Sure enough, the thousands of miles of this endless sea are the effect of space folding.

After the water was exposed, Yangdingtian was shocked to find that the beach was not far from the front, that is, more than ten meters!

Really potholes, just a dozen meters wide sea surface, hard to fold into infinity, let Yangdingtian fly out of 100,000 miles.

Therefore, this endless sea is simply not a sea, it is just a water.

Yangdingtian lamented the incredible world, and then returned to the Holy Valley with stealth.


At this time, the phoenix language and the day. Bella is waiting for the first time, the time has passed a day and a half.

When Yangding Tianfei appeared in the house, Huangyu and others were and then the surprise.

He should be successful. If he is not successful, he will not come back so soon.

"The plan is feasible." Yangdingtian straightened its way: "This endless sea is actually only a dozen meters wide and tens of meters deep. All of the back are countless overlapping illusions. Under the water of twenty-nine meters, you can open the space door. , enter another world."

The beauty of the phoenix and the fragrant incense suddenly reached the maximum and maximum.

This, this is incredible, can you still enter another space?

Yangding Tiandao: "Huangyu, Lord of the Patriarch, you will use the fastest speed to gather all the people in the Valley and march to the endless sea. Don't say you can go to another space, you are saying An energy water is found in the endless seawater that can provide energy to the body without the need for food. And, after entering the endless sea, everyone must blindfold through the space door."

"Yes!" Day by day. Bella.

Yangding Tiandao: "Beads, demon purple, you go with me to the endless sea, I will send you both to the new space, the two of you are waiting inside to welcome the entry of the Holy Valley Rebels."

"Yes!" In the space, the sound of the demon and the purple purple came.

Then, several people quickly divided their work, Phoenix and every day. Bella began to gather all the people in the Valley.

And Yangdingtian is carrying, the demon glass, the demon purple go to the endless sea together.

This time, Yangdingtian only flew a few tens of meters and dive for a few tens of meters, which opened the space door.

Then, let the demon glass, the demon purple jump over.

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