Land-of-Rice Fields in the past does not have Ninja Village. It was not until half a year ago that Konoha S-Rank Missing-nin Orochimaru came here with a few ninjas. Ninja Village and Hidden Sound Village belonging to Land-of-Rice Fields.

A Ninja Village cannot have only a few people.

Cultivating from scratch is too time-consuming.

It is inevitable to absorb the wave of forbearance.

What kind of character Orochimaru is, he overwhelmed some Missing-nin with no difficulty, but because of his special status, he couldn't show up in a big way, so he threw the matter to several subordinates.

Among them, Kimimaro is the main beater.

Kimimaro, born in Kaguya Clan, has Kaguya’s militant bloodline, and because of his unique Kekkei Genkai, he has a comparable strength with Jonin at the age of eleven or twelve. Now Hidden Sound Village ninja is almost completely Kimimaro played.

Most of them took it, but a few refused.

Toss Anvil on the opposite side jumped out to challenge Kimimaro after half a year and not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. Kimimaro is not impatient. Compared with the old fox he has absorbed, he can say that he is a ninja who is only 9 years old to refine a little chakra.

And Kimimaro is very satisfied with the rhetoric when Toss challenged him.

"Master the sound escape Ninjutsu created by Orochimaru-sama, I will definitely beat you this time!"

Since you recognize Orochimaru-sama.

My Kimimaro is friends with you!

But it is time for him to recognize reality, Kimimaro ruthless, as it was half a year ago.

Second kill!

Toss, who was hovering between his neck by a bone spike, seemed to have received a huge blow. Standing stupidly, Kimimaro would not comfort Toss, retract the bone spike, and turn away indifferently. .

At this moment he suddenly heard Toss yelled:

"I want to see Orochimaru-sama! I have something important to report to sama!"

A few minutes later.

Orochimaru licked the corners of his mouth with interest, and said hoarsely: "You said, at the moment when you and Kimimaro were fighting, there was an unknown ninja who claimed to be touching the shadow, and brought you into A strange place in the duel of Ninja World? I stayed in it for ten minutes, but it was only a moment when I came out?"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama."

Toss is excited and fearful , He felt that his destiny was about to change!

He recalled the experience just now, and told Orochimaru little by little.


Suddenly entering a strange place, according to the usual practice, Tos first suspected that he had been hit by Kimimaro’s Genjutsu, but failed to save himself, and noticed that he was not far away. The silhouette of a seat is hidden in the clouds.

As usual, Toss questioned and feared.

"Tell me to touch the shadow."

That silhouette answered him: "This is the gap between life and death, Ninja World arena. Congratulations on becoming player 003 here. "

"Here, you can spar practice Ninjutsu and Taijutsu with players, and you can also trade Ninjutsu Taijutsu skills or information."

"No. 003?" Orochimaru said.

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama, there are 12 seats there, I am number 003, the identity of the first two people did not say." Toss, who had a draft for a long time, knew what Orochimaru wanted to ask.

Orochimaru motioned for him to continue.

Toss rationalized his thoughts and told Orochimaru Meichao about the information and skill trading methods that Meichao told him. It was a bit confusing, but Orochimaru could still roughly hear the so-called grades from 1 to 10, and the self-proclaimed touch The shadow guy has a big tone.

Is there a mysterious organization similar to Akatsuki?

Assemble members in the way of Genjutsu, what does it have to do with Uchiha Clan?

Contain Genin like Toss...Is the target me? Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth again, and motioned to Toss: "What else did you say?"

Toss expression suddenly became excited, and said to Orochimaru: "Then he told me that there are only two types I have now. Skills are the Ninjutsu basics of sound escape you just created, and my chakra manipulation skills, both of which are level 1 skills.

He told me that I could try a trade and let me use my sound escape Based on Ninjutsu, I replaced him with a Level 1 Body Substitution Jutsu.

Then, a ball flew out of my body, and another ball flew from him..."

What a mess...Orochimaru snake pupil squinted slightly, and Tos finally talked about the point:

"Finally, he took me to another place. According to him, it was one of the three regular duels in the duel arena. Field, fight with me inside.

He used the sound escape that I just learned, and then I, and then my Body Substitution Jutsu, also had a leap improvement in there! It’s like I got the same experience as other people's Body Substitution Jutsu!"

Oh? looked Excited Toss, Orochimaru played with the taste: "You are so excited, it seems that you think that the improvement that others have made you think in Genjutsu can be brought back to reality by you?"

Toss startled, His face suddenly paled.

"So you gave him the sound of the sound I just taught you?" Orochimaru asked again.

Although he doesn't care much about the newly developed pediatric Ninjutsu, but the subordinates looked so stupid and unknowingly, he still slightly mentioned murderous aura and touched Kunai.

Toss was trembling with horror.

"Orochimaru-sama! I..."

Orochimaru grinned hoarsely: "Let me test your Body Substitution Jutsu, level 1?"

kunai stabbed forward, Orochimaru almost didn't start off leniently. In the sound of the wind breaking through the air, Toss felt the bone-chilling chill and would die!

If you can't hide, you will definitely die!

The memory of when he touched the shadow spar in the duel are played back in his mind. He mobilized chakra like a blessed soul. At the moment of being stabbed, he turned into a wooden pile and disappeared!

"En?" Orochimaru snake pupil shrinks.

He looked towards Toss who gasp for breath next to him, and gradually release rays of light within both eyes!

Toss’s strength is very clear to him. The Body Substitution Jutsu just now cannot be explained by the breakthrough between life and death. It is a leap forward in level!

"Is there such a thing?!"

Something beyond knowledge happened, which gave Orochimaru a desire for scientific research! So he asked Toss: "What happened after? What happened afterwards?"

Toss lowered his eyebrows quickly, didn't dare to show even the slightest complaint, didn't dare to show the ecstasy of the rest of his life, replied "After that, he took my sound escape Ninjutsu and easily defeated me, so he let me leave... Oh, there is one more thing.

After defeating me, a figure appeared on his head Something strange, like a cloud with the head of the head, with a smiling face painted on it, touched by a hand that doesn’t know who it belongs to.

He told me that it means touching the head, comforting, and the winner is right. The comfort of the losers is also the symbol of their Ninja World duel."

Orochimaru brought a piece of paper over.

Toss tried to paint him with a high degree of reduction.

Touch the head.jpg (see the cover of this book)

"This is comfort?" Orochimaru looked at the logo, licked the corners of his lips, didn't care too much, and said meaningfully:" Interesting."

Kimimaro didn't find Toss in the art.

The target of Moying is probably me.

Who is it?

He thought quietly, but Toss did not dare to speak out.

Half a minute later, Orochimaru asked: "He said information can be traded in the Ninja World duel?"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama."

It's too boring to lock up Toss.

It's better to try it out.

Orochimaru had a pair of wavy eyes in front of him, thinking of the organization he was defeated and forced to join a few months ago.

The unknown of Ninja World is so fascinating!

"If you see him again, you ask him if he has the information of the leader Akatsuki. I want the information about the origin and ability of the leader Akatsuki."

What is Akatsuki?

Toss dare not ask more, respectfully nodded, and embarrassed: "He said that he needs Ninjutsu or information of the same value in exchange, I..."

Orochimaru is also a little embarrassed .

information? What information can be equivalent to that pair of Rinnegan? Ninjutsu? What can Toss learn?

Toss suddenly remembered and said: "Oh, he also mentioned that the number of Low-Rank Ninjutsu can be more than High-Rank Ninjutsu."

Oh? Hehe, is this a fancy to my Ninjutsu storage? As a master of Ninjutsu, Orochimaru doesn't know how many techniques he has studied.

He was pondered, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a wet scroll from his throat, unfolding.

Toss looks forward to seeing it, which is exactly what he is waiting for. He passed IQ, knowing that Orochimaru-sama will definitely cultivate himself carefully!

"Fire-Style: Great Fireball, Fire-Style..." At a glance, countless Ninjutsu names are listed.

Orochimaru said: "Here are two hundred common C-Rank Ninjutsu of the five series, remember them."

200 skills? A scroll? To memorize it makes Toss nodded pain, but this is also good for his own promote strength, he didn't have the opportunity to touch these skills before, he quickly held out hands to receive.

"Don't worry."

"This is just a catalog."

Orochimaru's expression is playful, biting his finger, and taking the next shot: Summoning Justu!

pu! pu! pu!

The white smoke rises, and the books emerge.

Those looked at the heavy books all over the floor and gradually turned into an expression of Alzheimer's.


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