"Sound escape, unexpected harvest."

Meichao was full of surprise on his bed.

Because of the performance of the three people group of Yinnin, Meichao in childhood felt that the sound escape was quite strong, especially when Toss that move judged the ability of content through the voice of others, he didn't know how envious it was.

When I grow up, I am less naive. Now as a transmigrator, from the perspective of ninja, I find that this is simply not worthy of being called Dun, and it is fundamentally different from the five major lines of Ninjutsu.

Its essence is the fine use of chakra manipulation, body modification and Ninja Tool flow!

For example, Toss, he has to wear a loudspeaker on his arm in order to use the so-called sound escape.

Meichao is better than him, no loudspeaker is needed, but to achieve effective destructive power, you need to mobilize a lot of chakra, and the gains and losses are not proportional.

However, Ninjutsu's method of using chakra through shocks gave him a reference! His chakra control skills were originally stuck at Level 3, and he couldn't break through because of the inconsistency with Fire-Style. The bad one was made up by Yin Dun!

Chakra manipulation skills are promoted to Level 4!

Skills 4 to 6 are in the Jonin stage. Even Shisui and Danzo's chakra manipulation skills are only Level 5, only one point more of Chakra Nature Transformation mastery than the current Meichao!

If you invite S-Rank ninja Tsunade, now Meichao may be able to learn Chakra Enhanced Strength!

The chakra in the body is like a finger arm. Meichao now attaches the chakra to the fist. It will not hurt if he hits the stone with all his strength. This is the basis of the fleshy body of the Jonins!

"hmph! Ha!"

Playing with your heart, he hums loudly, and the chakra around his body is constantly oscillating. If he hums to the human ears, he probably can make the other person Temporary deafness can also be regarded as a small trump card killer.

"I just don't know if I can get some Water-Style Earth-Style basic Ninjutsu from Orochimaru through Toss." Meichao is looking forward to it.

Even if it doesn't work, with this gain, the number of invitations tonight is not a loss.

"Huh?" At this moment, under the level 4 chakra manipulation skills, Meichao suddenly vaguely sensed a little physical incongruity.

He frowned and looked towards his left shoulder, and quickly raised his right hand to look at his index finger, chakra moved, and a ray of red glow was faintly discernible on it.

The picture before going home flashed in my mind.

The fugitive who hit his shoulder, Kunai who was hooked and thrown back by his index finger...

Fire Attribute chakra, what mark is this?

What do you mean?


The next day, as soon as Akatsuki was swept across, a burst of noise awakened Meichao who had fallen asleep with alertness.

He got up and dressed neatly as usual, ignoring the outside noises, got some breakfast, and halfway through the meal, the courtyard door was suddenly banged.

The one knocking on the door was an Anbu, who seemed to be gasping for breath because of labor. He checked: "Which ninja are you, where are you after 6 o'clock yesterday evening, have you heard anything special?" Movement?"

"Genin Meichao of the medical department, because he was entrusted, did not get home until 7 o'clock last night. I haven't heard any special movement." Meichao one after another replied, and the guest said: "Come in and drink. Saliva?"

Then Anbu was stunned, as if he had heard of Meichao's name, he waved his hand and said, "Hidden Grass Village will enter the wartime state of martial law from this moment. Stay at home and don't walk around! "

Wartime martial law? Meichao was shocked at first, and then pretended to say: "But I have a Special Mission assigned by tourist sama, I..."

"Medical Vice-section Head tourist sama?" Then Anbu was obviously embarrassed, and said: "Wait, I will report to Fenggu Sama."

It is Fenggu again...Meichao was silent.

Fenggu didn't come, knowing that Meichao was Karin's tutor, he had granted Meichao a permit. In this way, Meichao was investigated many times on the way to Fangnai's house.

He is pretty good.

Anbu ninja almost all dispatched and blocked the streets and alleys of Hidden Grass Village. However, all the ninja guards were made difficult, and there were even martial power conflicts in some places. It is unclear last night. The guard ninja going after six will be forcibly taken away by Anbu!

The entire village is enveloped by low air pressure.

Meichao was not fortunate that he escaped the conflict with Anbu when he escaped from the guards, and soon heard about the cause of the sudden occurrence——'Anbu Chunin and Yokota Hiroshi disappeared inexplicably during the patrol last night, suspected of being killed 'And this Yokota Hiroshi has another identity, Anbu Commander's pro-son!

"Damn, did I provoke someone? I want someone to kill me!"


Anbu Building , Three floors.

Because of the movement of Anbu’s closure of the village, the four ministers and eight ministers of Hidden Grass Village, except for the Anbu Vice-section Head, are busy catching people, and the guard Vice-section Head is busy preventing catches. There are six ministers gathered. Here it is.

"If there is no explanation about my son's disappearance, this matter is impossible to end!" Anbu Commander Yokota had a loud voice, and he said this sentence glaringly at the Minister of Guard.

The head of the guard, Qiu Ye, had a louder voice and said unhappy: "Before I kill you, I will not do anything to a child! My subordinates do not have my order, and it is impossible to act on their own! Hurry up and release all of my people!" In the eyes of these ministers, Anbu member’s bizarre disappearance is tantamount to being assassinated. The year-old Chunin must know how to measure, so he understands what Anbu Commander does.

But understanding does not mean approval.

The Minister of Medical Care persuaded: "I believe Minister Qiu Ye, there may be a misunderstanding in this, maybe...the enemy ninja sneaked in?"

Visitors eat melons silently, 30 years old In his early days, his qualifications are the least compared to those present here. It doesn't matter to him, it's just a matter of meeting with the minister.

After being noisy for half an hour, Anbu ninja from the closed village did not bring any useful news. Anbu Commander Yokota could not sit still, feeling the pressure, and clenched his fists on the table.

"The blockade cannot be lifted! This matter is not investigated. As the water recedes, the rocks appear, endless!"

"hmph, Hidden Grass Village is not your Hidden alone Grass Village, it’s not your turn, Anbu Commander, to give orders!" Qiu Ye flicked his sleeves and left, "I want to take my people away, but I want to see if your subordinates dare to stop me!"

"Stop!" Yokota patted the table and stood up. Seeing the five ministers at the same time, they took a deep breath and said with a sad sign: "Everyone, two of my three sons died in Shinobi World War. Only...can’t just forget it so easily, just give me one day, one day is enough!"

"I understand you, Minister Yokota, but I also understand Minister Qiu Ye." The minister and the mud said: "After all, you don't have any evidence here. How could Minister Qiu Ye let you shut down so many guards ninja all day?"

"This sentence is still human. "Qiu Ye was coldly snorted, and the Minister of Scientific Research smiled carelessly.

"Evidence...Evidence, yes!" Yokota closed his eyes and said with clenched teeth after a long while: "Ho, he has mastered the technique of burning prison, and the person who shot is probably contaminated with Hao's chakra imprint. ."

"What?!" The ministers were shocked.

The tourists also opened their mouths in surprise. Didn't expect to eat such a large melon, is it too fragrant?

Qiu Ye quickly laughed wildly: "You are crazy, Yokota! You secretly learn from the Secret Jutsu of Cao Hua Liu?! Wuwei and those Cao Hua Liu ninja are not good friends, you Aren’t you afraid that they will come back from Hohzuki City to trouble you?”

Osamu Yokota was probably afraid, otherwise he wouldn’t say it until compelled by circumstances. The Hidden Grass Village in the past was not just the same. The offensive troops and Caohualiu clearly surpassed the four!

If it weren't for the end of the Third Shinobi World War, a Konoha little demon Uchiha Obito died there at the Hidden Grass Village Kannabi Bridge, and the attacking troops were disintegrated by the Fourth Hokage Yellow Flash.

The grass flower ninjas were commissioned by Five-Great Ninja Villages to go overseas to prepare for the construction of Ninja World Prison Hohzuki City. It is not yet their turn to make the final decision.

At this time, Osamu Yokota obviously couldn’t take care of it anymore, and shouted: "My son is dead! I don’t care how those guys in Caohualiu reacted, I’ll check it out! All Chunin Jonin in the village yesterday , I will definitely check them one by one!"

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