"The 012 player ruthless in the duel of Ninja World is a Hidden Grass Village Genin named Meichao?"

"You said he was almost by the strength of oneself...subverted the entire Hidden Grass Village?

Now, besides him, there is only one ninja from the Vice-section Head of the Medical Department in Hidden Grass Village?"

As Meichao expected that Shisui who returned to Hidden Leaf Village did not help him conceal his identity. Not to mention that the friendship between the two was not enough. Even if they were close to the brother, Shisui's temperament and his loyalty to Konoha are also impossible to Third- Kage hides it.

But Third Hokage can't believe his ears. This kind of anecdote has never been heard in his more than sixty years of wind and rain.

Kushinin civil strife is not a trivial matter in Ninja World. He once sent several Anbu to explore the surroundings of Kushinin. He roughly knew the cause of the civil strife, and he had never heard of Meichao's name.

But Uchiha Shisui, who has defected, personally returns to provide information for Konoha, which in itself represents the true degree of information.

After digesting the news, Third Hokage asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Shisui had a draft for a long time, and on the way, he didn't know what to do in his heart. How many times Meichao performed various operations, each time it gave him a new shock point, and he did not stumble in the description, but because of the request of First Hokage-sama, he omitted the description of the identity of Fang Nai’s mother and daughter, and only They are reduced to ordinary persons with special Kekkei Genkai.

Because this kind of Kekkei Genkai is too tempting, Land-of-Whirlpools also listed it as top secret back then. First-Kage Second Hokage will definitely know it very well, but Third Hokage doesn’t know about red-haired, 22 Years passed, but I couldn't think of Uzumaki Clan going up for a while.

Now he is more immersed in Shisui's remarks, his face becomes more solemn as he listens, and his waist straightens. After Shisui has finished speaking, Third Hokage has been silent for a long time before he exclaims:


"It's amazing, he is a real ninja, and his poor use of information can already be used as Anbu's spy textbook. Such a ninja was born in Kushinja, or a youngster?"

Shisui also said: "Yes, he is always able to make perfect use of every power around him. The layout ability is the only thing I have seen in my life. It makes me feel that I used to... really viewing the sky from the bottom of a well."

Third Hokage Weiwei shaking ones head: "Each ninja has strong points unique to him. Don’t underestimate yourself, Shisui. Hearing your description, his ninja talent seems average, but now this short board is The emergence of the duel arena makes up for it to have this ability."

Shisui: "Yes, he is progressing very quickly, and he is still in the period of rapid growth, almost one change a day, naked eye can see. "

Is that so?

Third Hokage frowned slightly.

The second Hanzo of the Salamander is on the rise?

What kind of attitude should Konoha treat?

"Supporting education...supporting education...His proposal for supporting education is really just to completely'destroy' Hidden Grass Village without any other intentions? Are you sure he will leave Hidden Grass Village to wander in the near future?"

Shisui helplessly said: "I don't know, but the thing that left Hidden Grass Village should be true."

Shisui dare not judge at all, let alone guarantee that Meichao will do the next step what.

Third Hokage slightly nodded, yes, even he can't predict this kind of ninja behavior.

If Konoha Ninja can take the reward of Land-of-Grass Daimyo and teach ninja students in Hidden Grass Village, it will be beneficial to the village, but not harmful.

But according to Shisui's description, the choice of these two teachers... is not easy to determine, not only to deal with Hidden Sand, Hidden Stone, Hidden Cloud, but also to deal with tourists and player 012 ruthless.

The visitor to the Vice-section Head of the Medical Department, from the perspective of an onlooker, is indeed too stupid, but the information about the duel of Ninja World is poor. In fact, some judgments of the visitors There are traces to follow, but the reaction of the head...

'Slightly' slowed down.

ruthless is even more troublesome.

Suddenly something like this happened and made Third Hokage a headache. After being muttered for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Shisui, have you never used Genjutsu to read his thoughts on him?"

Shisui hesitated: "First Hokage-sama values ​​him very much, and...I always feel that although Meichao plots against him quite deeply, he is affectionate and true to his companions, and it does not seem to be evil to Hidden Leaf Village. Intent. As early as the day before yesterday at the first rally in the Ninja World duel, he saw through the four ninjas, including Danzo Elder, who belonged to our Konoha, but didn’t say anything. And this time, it’s more like for us. Konoha presents an opportunity..."

First Hokage-sama is very important?

Even Danzo was seen through?

Looking at Shisui's appearance, he has several points of maintenance? Third Hokage's head hurts even more.

At this moment, the door of his office was knocked lightly. Shisui looked back and disappeared. Third Hokage said:

"Come in."

The ninja Anbu who enters the door has no mask-wearing, but wears a mask that covers the entire lower half of his face. The headband also obliquely covers one eye, and walks to the Third-Kage table and says: " Third-Hokage, I have completed the handover."

Third Hokage: "Really, I really decided to leave Anbu? Kakashi."

"Well, Anbu... After all, it’s still something that doesn’t suit me." Kakashi shaking one's head, and said: "Itachi can replace me."

Third Hokage gazed Kakashi, flashed his eyes and laughed quickly: "It seems You have come out of the past. Okay, take off your Anbu uniform and go back to rest for a while. There may be a special mission for you in the near future, so be mentally prepared."

Kakashi startled: "Yes."

When he retires and leaves, Shisui figure reappeared: "Kakashi Captain has left Anbu? Are you planning to let him lead the team to Hidden Grass Village to support education?"

Third Hokage: "Well, Kakashi is indeed a suitable candidate."

Shisui hesitated and said: "Third-Hokage, I don't think it will work. I suggest... or let Nara Shikaku Jonin go in person. Let's go."

"What?" Third Hokage's old face twitched lightly. Didn't you crack a joke with me, Shikaku?

That's Konoha Jonin's Commander, second only to him and the three major consultants, Konoha think tank, you told me to let him go to Hidden Grass Village to teach?

Why don't you let me go in person?

He looked Shisui, and his heart was slightly turbulent.

It seems that Hidden Grass Village ruthless really left a deep impression on Shisui. Shisui thinks he has been able to mention on equal terms with Shikaku? And with nearly seven years of Anbu experience, Kakashi, who has a good strength, can't cope with it?

"Shikaku is impossible to go, even Kakashi is impossible to stay there for a long time, Hidden Grass Village is not worth the price of two Elite Jonin leaving the village for a long time. Let me think about it, give Kakashi one A suitable deputy..."

Just when Third Hokage was struggling with candidates, there was no letter from Shisui, and Land-of-Grass Daimyo, who was slower to get news, was also sent by Hidden Grass Village.

The whole person is dumbfounded.

Hidden Grass Village, which I raise with hundreds of millions of funds every year, is gone?

Furious anger comes after being stunned, Nuqiu Ye Yokota controls the loser, and the anger grass blossoms are hateful.

"someone comes!"

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