The next day, approaching noon, three silhouettes of have endured the hardships of a long journey came outside the Hidden Grass Village main gate.

Looking at the dilapidated gate and the unusually deserted street at noon, Ye Yishi squinted his eyes and said with a snort: "It's so sad that the huge Hidden Grass Village was The civil turmoil was almost completely destroyed, and Qiu Ye and the others were short-sighted!"

"Yes, sama, if our offensive troops are still there, how can they defeat Hidden Grass Village to such a point!" go along.

Yi Yishi: "hmph, let's go, Daimyo's orders are still to be completed, and the reconstruction of Hidden Grass Village still needs funding from the old fellow."

Hidden Grass Village Jonin Wild Yi Shi, once belonged to the Hidden Grass Village offensive force, was the only Jonin who survived the destruction of the offensive force.

After the Third Shinobi World War, he originally wanted to rebuild the offensive force, but was rejected by the four on the grounds of'Hidden Grass Village is tight, and the offensive force is no longer needed at the end of the war.' He hated the fight for power. Of the four, Chunin, who survived with the other two offensive troops, left the village and went to Daimyo's command and became Daimyo's escort.

Since then, the loners of Hidden Grass Village were secretly instigated by him, and they also provided some shelter for these loners. He was still returning to Hidden Grass Village with the ambition to reorganize the offensive forces one day dignified. It's just that didn't expect to return to Hidden Grass Village for this reason all of a sudden.

A group of three people entered the gate of Hidden Grass Village and found that a youngster wearing a Hidden Grass Village headband was greeted on the opposite side. They asked them: "Is it sama Ye Yishi? I'm Genin from the medical department. Meichao, tourist sama ordered me to wait for a few people here."

Yi Yishi said dissatisfied: "Where are the tourists?"

Meichao said painfully: "Sama, forgive me, now Hidden Grass Village In addition to those children who did not graduate from Ninja school, there are only two ninjas, me and tourist Sama. Tourist Sama is too meddlesome to deal with. Last night, I was too busy to expel the outside village spies without a rest. I really couldn't come to pick up Sama."

Ye Yishi's complexion is a little slow, but his heart is heavy. As the letter says, Hidden Grass Village has been so miserable? After rebuilding, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover in three to five years.

Qiu Ye's damned scoundrel!

"Lead the way ahead."

He ordered Meichao: "You said you are Genin from the Medical Department? The village has suffered such serious casualties, why did you survive?"

"I am good luck, and I am responsible for guarding the mother and daughter of Fangnai. I hardly participated in the battle." Meichao modestly shaking one's head, and proudly said: "In fact, I have already been able to assess Chunin's ability, just because of various I missed the assessment because of the reason. Tourist Sama said that the village is now in a special situation. When the reconstruction starts, he will give me the title of Special-Jonin."

Ha. Ye Yishi indifferent expression.

The two people behind him are upset.

Because I was Chunin when I left the village, I couldn't "test for the grade" after these years. The two consciously possess the talents of Jonin but are always trapped by Chunin. Now a child has to become a Special-Jonin?

"Village has reached this point, and tourists are still coming? The title of Jonin can be given casually?" One of them could not understand Meichao's self-satisfied appearance, and even called the tourists by their names. "Ye Yi Shi Sama, it seems that the work of rebuilding Hidden Grass Village cannot be handed over to him."

Meichao face changed, Ye Yi Shi waved back, indicating that they don’t worry, and they are walking. Observe the condition of Hidden Grass Village, and ask Meichao Hidden Grass Village the reason for this situation. Compare it with the letter one after another sent by the visitor to Daimyo.

He has the necessary caution as a Jonin.

While walking on the street, many commoners found three strange faces of them.

Some older people saw the Hidden Grass Village headband on their foreheads. Thinking of past rumors and speculations, they also revealed some surprises.

No matter how commoners were bullied by ninja in the past, they still hope that Hidden Grass Village can be stronger if they have no sense of security.

At least not like last night, the battle for tourists to expel the spies hardly ceased.

Along the way, confirming the authenticity of the matters stated in the letter, Ye Yishi thought about it.

When I came to the Anbu building, a tired tourist stood at the door waiting, which made Ye Yishi satisfied and greeted them actively. His two subordinates also gave the visitors respect in person. .

"I have seen a tourist Vice-section Head."

The tourist also said: "Yiyishi Jonin, you are finally here, please follow me upstairs. Meichao, you take the wild The two subordinates of Yishi Jonin first go to the Barbecue Shop we have ordered for lunch!"

Huh? Ye Yishi frowned slightly, and soon loosened his eyebrows again. Is it ridiculously careful, is it afraid that you are alone and want to talk to me alone?

He really looks down on visitors. Six years ago, he was the offensive force Jonin, and the visitors were Medic Corps Jonin. It is said that visitors had to call him sama when they saw him, so he did not go too far. Tangled, wave your hand to signal to go down.

Leaving Ye Yishi’s side, and no visitors were in front of him, the two of Ye Yishi’s subordinates suddenly appeared frivolously, one of them said: "You said you are responsible for protecting Hanna? I have heard it a long time ago. Her blood chakra can heal various injuries. In recent years, our brother has not had the opportunity to try.

Hehe, it just so happens. I heard you say that you already have the ability to assess Chunin? It’s not a hurry to eat, it’s better for us to look for it. Spar once in a place?"

"hahaha, the sixth house." Another person could not help but said with a big smile: "You and he spar, how could there be a chance to be injured and bite Hanna?"

Meichao also laughed, and the two rows of small White Fang reflected the simple rays of light under the sunlight.

"Okay, spar. But we youngster don't talk about endurance, don't know how to stop, and sometimes...sneak attack!"

The smiles of the two Suddenly stagnated.


Anbu building, on the third floor, has a heavy atmosphere.

Just when I sat down relatively, Ye Yishi said rudely: "The 300 million military spending you applied for is too exaggerated. If you just train some ninja school children, 30 million a year is enough to rebuild Hidden Grass. Village and other expenses also cost less than 70 million, a total of 100 million taels is totally enough.

It’s just that Daimyo is very dissatisfied with the internal collapse of Hidden Grass Village. To Qiu Ye, I didn’t get Daimyo’s trust in you. Funding is okay, but I have to lead the reconstruction of the village!"

When these words were over, the visitors bowed their heads with ugly expressions and thought. Ye Yishi is not surprised, he is not reconciled when he is a tourist, but sometimes it is useless not to be reconciled.

Something was silent, and the office door was knocked suddenly. After the visitors came in, Meichao pushed the door with an angry expression: "Tourist sama, the two of them are too much! "

Yi Yishi startled, and Ha Di laughed out loud.

Of course he knows his two subordinates very well, and he can roughly guess what they will say to Meichao, but... he even sued?

little demon, haven't you weaned yet? !

The visitor asked: "What's the matter?"

Meichao said angrily: "Sama, I kindly invited them to lunch. When they entered the Barbecue Shop, their left foot stepped first. Threshold!"

Ye Yishi grinned and stopped:? ? ?

The tourists were also stunned, and a smile gradually appeared on their faces. As expected, it was Meichao. When the Ninja Village last place high level battle strength needs to be killed, he can still have fun.

Yes, there is no need to be so painful.

The future will not be dark.

He echoed: "Is that so? It's really too much...Jonin, Ye Yishi, I remember that you were also the threshold where your left foot stepped first?"

He couldn't speak, but raised his hand and dug his ears vigorously.

I heard it wrong? Where is the homophony?

Meichao smiled and stopped playing. I have to finish the business as soon as possible. I have to go back to prepare for the meeting. "What?! Ye Yishi Sama also took the left foot first? It seems that he can't keep him. That's it!"

"Ah." The tourist stood up.

Yesshi's face was dumbfounded, and suddenly he smelled a faintly discernible bloody smell from Meichao.

Is it the blood of the Sixth House? !

impossible! Ye Yishi felt a chill suddenly rise, rushing straight into his brain from the soles of his feet.

" guys?!"

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