The daimyo is waiting for Konoha’s attitude, and the three generations are also watching the attitude of the daimyo.

He had already sent the dark ministry to survey the vicinity of the daimyofu, and it was confirmed that the daimyofu had been attacked, and the target of the other party was indeed the daimyo, not Uchiha as he suspected.

Although Uchiha took over the protection of the daimyofu, he did not do anything to completely control the daimyofu, there were many people who dressed the daimyo, and at that time, the root ninja shouted that sentence, and there were many people who heard it, and the dark part wanted to know, it was very simple.

But to be honest, the daimyo’s side can wait, but Konoha can’t wait, the reason is simple, the village has no money!

Originally, his plan was to immediately go to the daimyo to ask for money after paying Uchiha’s compensation, but now that something like this happens, the daimyo don’t say that he will give money, and it would be good if he didn’t hold himself accountable for this Hokage.

“Sarutobi, hasn’t the daimyo’s money been allocated yet? There is no longer a penny left in the village’s account, so we will not even be paid for tasks. ”

Mito Menyan came to the Hokage Room and said directly, they are all old guys for decades, and when there is no one else, they talk to each other more casually.

If it were usual, the third generation might still feel high “eight seven three” because of the old friend coming to the Hokage Room, but at this time when he mentioned the money matter, the third generation only felt tired.

“Maybe it’s a delay! It shouldn’t take long for the family to come up with some money to support it first.”

The third generation sighed and said, what happened in the daimyo mansion, he has not said to other high-level officials, although Tuanzang has strengthened supervision, but he has not dealt with it, because he did not grasp the real evidence that this matter is Tuanzo did, in terms of emotions, he still chose to believe Tuanzang.

In addition, he also has some scruples, he and Danzo as the leader of Konoha, can be said to complement each other, can also be said to be two sides of a Hokage, Danzo knows that he has too many things, and disposing of Danzo is bound to implicate himself, so it has been delayed until now.

Neither did anything to Danzo nor replied to the daimyo, so it dragged on like that.

“Let the family support? In order to pay the allowance to Uchiha before, several of our families were completely hollowed out, how can we still come up with money now! ”

Mito Menyan immediately said with a bitter face, he came this time not only because the village’s finances were out of money, but also because he was forced by the family.

Originally, I thought that I would just take the family’s money to give Hokage a top, and soon the money would return to my hands, but now it has been several days, not only the money in my hand has not been returned, but even the village welfare subsidy that has always existed is gone.

The Mito family originally had no industry, the savings were gone, and the money given to the family by the village was also cut off, and one of the families of Noda immediately failed.

This is that the economic base is too weak to support their huge superstructure.

“Then what are you coming to me for? Can’t I conjure up money for you, or do you want me to go to Uchiha and get the 500 million taels back?” If I go and ask for it, will they give it? ”

The three generations wanted to be in a bad mood, and at this time, Mito Menyan was selling miserably and pitying, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed immediately.

Mito Menyan was startled by the sudden outbreak of temper of the three generations, and he didn’t react for a long time, as a comrade-in-arms of the same generation, Ape Flying Sun Slash has not lost his temper with him for a long time.

“I don’t mean that, I’m also thinking about the village, now it’s really short of money!” Do you want to find a daimyo to urge? ”

Mito Menyan converged a lot, and said in a rather serious tone.

Let the three generations go to Uchiha to get back the 500 million taels, Mito Menyan naturally will not be so stupid, but he knows, after Uchiha got the bill, he took out the money on the same day, and at night, there was one more Uchiha Grand Hotel in a large town east of the Fire Country.

At this time, go to Uchiha to ask for money, not to mention whether people will return it to you, they just want to pay it back, and they can’t take it out at this time.

The main purpose of his coming to find the three generations is to ask the three generations to urge the daimyofu to get the funds for the village back as soon as possible, otherwise not only the village’s economy will collapse, but also their families will be affected.

“It’s useless for the daimyo to find the daimyo at this time, call Koharu, this matter should be solved”

The three generations said out tired, the devil knows how much pressure he has been under these days, these days the daimyo has no other letters over, and Uchiha is also applying for more ninjas to leave the village, which is enough to prove that the daimyo did not mean to let go of this matter, and the three generations also knew that it was time to face this matter.

Even if Danzo has not assassinated the daimyo, but now that the daimyo has been identified as a danzo, there is not enough evidence to prove that it was not before the danzo, and dragging it was for nothing.

“Ape fly! What do you mean? You actually sent a secret department to spy on me and restrict my movements, are you treating me as an enemy? ”

Miyo and the two advisory elders had been sitting in a small room early, and as soon as Koharu wanted to ask what was going on, he heard Danzo’s roaring voice from the door.

Tuan Zang has not been comfortable at all in the past few days, and the people sent out have not returned, and there is not even a single news, and it is impossible not to be in a hurry.

But when he wanted to send someone to inquire about the situation, he found that he was surrounded by the elite of the dark department, and he couldn’t leave, and the root couldn’t enter at all.

The request to meet with Ape Flying Sun was also directly ignored, originally he had doubts about the three generations, and suddenly being treated like this, who can stand it?

Now that he has finally met with Sarutobi Hinata, it is strange that he can remain calm.

“What do you mean? You still have the face to ask me what I mean! The old man would like to ask, what do you mean by Tuan Zang! Now that you are satisfied, the village’s economy is facing collapse, and the daimyo is reluctant to allocate funds to us, look at these good deeds you have done! ”

The anger of the three generations also came up directly, smashed the table in front of him with a palm, and questioned Tuan Zang. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Ape fly! You don’t want to put any on my head, the village has no money, but you made it, if you hadn’t taken 500 million taels to Uchiha, would there be such a situation? As for the daimyo not giving funds, if I want to say that you are too polite to the gang of waste in the daimyofu, if I am the Hokage, he daimyo dares not to allocate funds to me! ”

Although Tuan Zang was taken aback, he was not frightened and immediately retorted.

Listening to Tuan Zang’s words, three generations were numb.

Depend on! No wonder the daimyo thought that your Danzo would do something to him, feeling that your Danzo looked at him like this!

“Enough! As soon as you two met, we didn’t even know what happened, let us come over to watch you quarrel? ”

Turning to bed, Koharu saw that the situation was not right, and immediately shouted the two who were about to lose control…….

“Hinata, what is there to sit down and say slowly, you just have a big grudge against Tuanzo, this resentment can’t solve Tuanzo you too, come up and accuse Hinata, don’t forget, he is Hokage!” In addition, the daimyo is the daimyo of the Land of Fire, so please be respectful. ”

It is not unusual for the third generation to quarrel with Danzo, but it is rare to almost start like just now.


Tuan Zang snorted coldly, sat on a futon, held his hands in front of him, and looked at the three generations angrily, looking like he was waiting for an explanation.

“Say it slowly? I especially want to say it slowly! Do you know what Tuanzo did? He actually sent someone to assassinate the daimyo! ”

“I still wonder if there is some misunderstanding in this matter, but listen, listen to the tone of the group just now, you dare to say that he is not the one who assassinated the daimyo?”

The third generation directly waved his sleeves and turned his back and said, after telling the secret in his heart, a sense of relief arose.

What’s the thing? I assassinated the daimyo!

When Tuan Zang heard this, he was immediately stunned, and Koharu and Mizuto Menyan were also stunned, and after glancing at each other, they still wondered if the three generations were mouthful.

“Nonsense! The old man doesn’t have time to deal with that waste! ”

Tuan Zang, who came back to his senses, immediately retorted.

Although he can’t look at the name, but he is just talking, he is not a fool, for an ordinary person without the power of a chicken to make trouble for himself, it is completely asking for trouble!

“It doesn’t matter if you did it or not, now that the daimyo has determined that it was the assassination arranged by your danzo, the letter of questioning was delivered to me on the same day, asking us what Konoha meant.”

The third generation threw the letter with the seal of the daimyofu in front of Danzo, and when he saw the letter “Uchiha killed the assassin”, Danzo suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He thought of the root elite troops he sent out, no wonder he didn’t come back for so long, and there was no news feedback, it seemed that 0.7 died on the side of the daimyofu!

But so they became assassins who assassinated the daimyo? The old man let them go to find Uchiha!

“Slander! This is definitely Uchiha slander! They are targeting the old man! ”

Tuan Zang, who reacted, immediately realized the seriousness of this matter, and led and arranged to assassinate the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, a charge he could not bear!

Once he was determined, Konoha would never keep him, not only from the pressure from the daimyofu, but also from other ninja villages.

Konoha is indeed very strong in the ninja world, but the current Konoha is not the Konoha of the time between the pillars, and in the face of the four great ninja villages, the entire village will be erased.

This is the influence of the daimyos, and although they do not have great power, they have a strong appeal.

“Hinata, there is definitely a misunderstanding in this matter, even if Danzo is disrespectful to the daimyo, he will definitely not do such a thing, and the person who pointed out that those people were arranged by Danzo is Uchiha, this kind of evidence is even less credible.”

Koharu echoed and said that the contradiction between Uchiha and Danzo, they all knew, and the first thought that came to mind after reading the letter was this.

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