Listening to Xiaochun’s words, the three generations sighed silently in their hearts, how could he not have such an idea!

But it’s useless! Even if these people know that Tuan Zang can’t do such a thing, he doesn’t believe it!

“Hinata, what do you want?”

Considering his situation, Tuan Zang was not calm, and looked at the three generations with a slight trepidation and asked.

“It’s not what I want to do, it’s up to the daimyo what he thinks! Danzo, tell me honestly, did you send someone to the daimyofu? ”

The three generations stared at Danzo deadly, and asked, as long as those who appeared in the daimyo mansion had nothing to do with Danzo, then all this was good to say, he could completely put the contradiction between Uchiha and Danzo in front of the daimyo.

Not only can it explain what happened this time, but it can also make the daimyo lose his good impression of Uchiha.


The corners of Danzo’s mouth tugged, because of his knowledge of the three generations, he did not dare to tell the matter of sending someone to the daimyo mansion to target Uchiha.

When it comes to the bottom line of the survival of the village, no matter how tolerant the three generations are to themselves, they will also be abandoned.

At this point, I have to bite my mouth and not admit it, as for what kind of things the root people can do for themselves, then it is not certain

“Whew! Well, so that there will be no solid evidence in the hands of the daimyo, and since the matter has been made clear, let’s discuss how to solve it! The first is the financial problems of the village, and the priority is to maintain the stable operation of the village, so everyone 25 is also hidden, first get through the difficulties and say, are there any opinions? ”

The third generation exhaled, and finally did not reach the point of turning back.

Danzo also knew that the village’s economic problems were imminent, and they all nodded and agreed, in the end, they had gained so many benefits by relying on Konoha, and the families of several people still had a little bit of something at the bottom of the box.

“Next is the daimyo’s side, if you want to stabilize the daimyo, you must be more relaxed with the attitude of the daimyo, but now the daimyo does not trust the village at all except for Uchiha, I want to contact Uchiha, Danzo you have no opinion, right?”

Saying that, the three generations glanced at Tuan Zang angrily, in the end, this matter is still Tuan Zang’s pot, if this guy hadn’t persecuted Uchiha too badly, people wouldn’t have slandered him like this.

“Decide for yourself! The old man this time”

Hearing the three words of Uchiha, Tuan Zang gritted his teeth in anger, the three generations just suspected that this matter was Uchiha doing ghosts, but knowing the real situation, he knew that this was completely planned by Uchiha, but he couldn’t say it yet.

I also want to cooperate with Uchiha for this, so how can I, a person who regards the collapse of Uchiha as his life goal, endure it?

“Okay, the patriarch of Uchiha Fugaku has retreated into the background, now Uchiha’s person is Haji Feng, this person is not easy to deal with, if you don’t pay a price, don’t expect him to help us, so Tuan Zang, I’m afraid you will suffer some grievances at that time.”

The third generation then said, Danzo moved his mouth, after all, he couldn’t say anything, compared to being slapped to death by the daimyo, it was nothing to be a little aggrieved.

“So be it! After negotiating with Uchiha, I will personally meet the daimyo, and then the village will be handed over to you, and until I return, don’t be a moth!” ”

In the latter sentence, the three generations said very seriously, but now this situation, even Tuan Zang can not refute anything.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for redeeming daily random items and getting a copy of the Chakra internal combustion engine design drawing! 】

Well? It’s actually in stock!

Ha Feng, who buys random goods every day, couldn’t help but be stunned, and when he saw the drawings in his hand, Ha Feng suddenly had a new idea.

Chakra internal combustion engine, this thing is out, it’s a pity not to start an industrial revolution in the ninja world.

To say that the technology tree of this ninja world is called a mess, people’s big snake pill laboratory has appeared in the laboratory of computers and other high-end instruments, but people living in this world are still using their legs to hurry, and the better ones are horseback.

The underwater breathing apparatus on the foggyin side came out, but the boat was still made of wood, and the drive was still driven by manpower and oars

In the final analysis, the ninja world is also a world with serious class division, and people living at the top will not think about how to improve the living standards of the people at the bottom, which leads to all scientific and technological progress is to serve the people at the top, and it is impossible to promote it at the bottom.

Science and technology cannot be promoted, and the development naturally cannot be comprehensive, and the scientific and technological development of the entire ninja world is a mess.

And in this world where strength is respected, technology is more of an auxiliary role, there are ninjas, and people at the bottom will not think of changing their lives in other ways.

Now Yuzhibo has Yuzhibo Hotel occupies the leading position in the service industry, and the clothing design has also developed quite perfectly, and the development of chain is also a sure thing.

Security companies can’t operate on a large scale because of the relationship between countries and villages, but in the Land of Fire, business is also developing well.

There is also the future of maritime management, now that the industry in Uchiha’s hands has slowly spread, and with time combined, the Uchiha Group will definitely be able to make a name for itself in the ninja world.

For the Chakra internal combustion engine, one of the ideas that came to his mind was to build a car, but it was not a scooter popularized by the whole people.

The so-called mastery of the core technology, the principle of Chakra internal combustion engine, the maple is not like sharing it casually, in addition to normal confidential treatment, it is necessary to control production.

Although there are many people in the ninja world, there are not many people who can really come up with a large amount of money at one time, and cars are naturally aimed at high consumption.

In the case of controlling the quantity of production, the only way to take the route of high consumption is to make the car a symbol of prestige, the kind of goods that money may not necessarily buy.

“Alas! It’s a bit complicated to look at! If the ninja world is connected to the institution, it should be a puppeteer, right? Sand Yin seems to be rich in this thing, go see it another day”

Well, Hao Feng admitted that he couldn’t understand it at all when he looked at the drawings, and he thought about it or gave up the idea of specializing in research, whether he could study success or not was one thing, the main thing was that he didn’t have so much energy to spend on it.

After putting away the drawings, Haku Feng felt that Konoha had calmed down a little too much during this time, and he had done such a big thing over at the Daimyo Mansion, didn’t he move at all?

The daimyo is also the master of a country, do you want to be so instigated! You are so bad to come out and accuse! I know how to ask Lao Tzu for someone every day

When Hakaede was depressed, the letters sent by the daimyo of the Fire Nation to the daimyos of various countries had already arrived.

In Iwahide Village, Onoki looked at the letter sent by the daimyo, and his eyes were full of thought. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Third Shinobi War ended inexplicably, and Onoki was very unwilling to do so, especially Konoha still preached everywhere that they were the so-called victors, and made him want to wage war against the Fire Nation at every moment.

After all, they didn’t get any benefits in the three wars, and they inexplicably became the losers of the war, even if they never admitted that they lost in the three battles, but Konoha said so to the outside world.

“I think this is an opportunity, before Uchiha and Konoha have already had a fight, the overall strength of Konoha has declined seriously, and now the relationship between the daimyo and Konoha has also become rigid, and Konoha, who has no financial support, may become a latecomer to Sunahi, which is very beneficial to us!”

The daimyo of the country of earth said to Onoki that in Iwain, the daimyo is not like the country of fire and the country of wind daimyo, how stiff and rigid the relationship with the ninja village is, on the contrary, the big 230 not only have a good relationship with the ninja village, but sometimes they are directly involved in the decision-making of the ninja village, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Tsuchikage is a family.

“Do you want to show solidarity with your relatives?”

Onoki glanced at the daimyo of Tsuchinokoku and said.

“That’s what it means! However, Danzo would actually do something to the daimyo, which is also unbearable to me. ”

The daimyo of Tsuchinokoku did not hide his thoughts in the slightest, and directly expressed his disgust for this behavior.

“Lord Tsuchikage, the daimyo of the Land of Thunder and the village of Yunyin issued an accusation announcement, publicly accusing the three generations of Hokage of shielding Shimura Danzo of doing something to the daimyo.”

Onoki was about to say something, and Loess walked in, bringing new news that had just appeared in the ninja world.

“In that case, let’s add fire to Konoha! Wish the fire would be bigger.”

After the country of thunder, the country of earth and the country of wind also issued announcements, and rumors spread in the ninja world for a while, and everyone felt that the assassination of the daimyo of the country of fire by the group was already a matter of ironclad.

The three generations who learned the news, the ass could no longer sit still, and came all the way to the Uchiha clan, wanting to discuss meeting the daimyo.

He could go directly to the daimyo’s house, but the daimyo might not necessarily meet him! Who dares to believe that you Ape Flying Sun Chopper is here to negotiate, or to send me, a daimyo, to meet the Six Dao Immortals.

If the daimyo doesn’t see you, you can’t break in!

If you really break in, let alone eliminate the misunderstanding, I am afraid that this matter will never be explained

PS: Overtime is delayed, I’ll get here today! I’ll make it up tomorrow, I’m all big chapters, and the updated word count is no less than those 2,000 chapters

In addition, thank you for the tips and tickets, in order not to affect the reading, I will not say every chapter, in short, thank you!.

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