That bastard, the dried persimmon ghost shark, must not have such perseverance.

Thinking of this, Tsunade was a little proud and looked at the next door.

To her surprise, the ghost shark got up earlier than her, only to see him standing there, looking up at the huge body of the living shark in the distance, and he was fascinated.

This guy is very wrong.

Tsunade frowned when he saw this scene. In fact, she noticed yesterday that after the ghost shark saw the body of the living scorpion, the whole person became a little strange.

Valley type

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

She walked to the ghost shark and asked with a puzzled face.

The ghost shark didn't turn his head, but still stared at the live slug and said, "Don't you think the slug fairy is beautiful?"


Tsunade heard the words, his pupils gradually expanded, and his expression was full of shock and confusion.


It was difficult for her to understand how the ghost shark described the living scorpion.

Ordinary people will instinctively feel fear and fear when they see such a behemoth. Tsunade is very familiar with live gnats, but at most he thinks live gnats are more cute than beautiful.

The ghost shark seemed to see the doubts in Tsunade's heart, and finally turned to look at her, and said with burning eyes:

"Big is beautiful! Look, the body of a living gnat is more than 400 meters long, and 100 meters wide and high. Isn't it beautiful enough for such a great and amazing creature? You may not believe it. Yesterday The first time I saw the body of the live gnat, I… what the hell."

Speaking of which, the 1.95-meter-high, 300-pound sturdy man, Ghost Shark, blushed, like a shy little boy who was just beginning his love affair.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Tsunade opened his eyes wide with a ghostly expression on his face, frightened by the ghost shark.

The ghost shark took a deep breath, was silent for a moment, then approached Tsunade and confided to her nervously:

"I lay in bed yesterday, thought about it all night, and finally confirmed my heart. I... like Slug Immortal, and I want to be with her."


Tsunade heard the words and was so shocked that he took a few steps back, his chin was about to fall to the ground, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

And the ghost shark was still talking to himself with a frenzied expression:

"I must learn fairy magic, absorb natural energy like a slug fairy, and learn from the concept of the eight-headed art, so that I can evolve into a creature as great as her. At that time, I will be qualified to pursue her..."


Tsunade slapped Gui Shark in the face, trying to "wake up" him.

She hurriedly glanced at the live scorpion, and after confirming that it hadn't noticed the situation here, she stood on tiptoe, grabbed the collar of the ghost shark, and whispered:

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, are you out of your mind, why do you have such...crazy thoughts?"

"I'm serious, Tsunade."

The ghost shark frowned and looked serious. Judging from his expression, he was definitely not joking with Tsunade.

"But, you... the live scorpion... the two of you..." Tsunade said incoherently, because it was really hard for her to imagine the scene after the ghost shark and the live scorpion were together.

"I ask you, how is the strength of the living scorpion?" The ghost shark suddenly asked Tsunade.

"This...of course it is very powerful. Even a tailed beast will appear insignificant in front of the body of the live scorpion. In the wet bone forest, the live scorpion is invincible."

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, but replied.

As a ninja who signed a contract with the living gnat, even if she tried her best, she could only channel a small part of the living gnat's body each time, less than one-tenth.

If Tsunade could summon a complete living scorpion, she would have swept the Ninja world and unified the five kingdoms.

"Then I'll ask you again, what is the character of the living scorpion?" The ghost shark asked again.

"Wise and docile."

Tsunade thought about it for a while, and described the character of the live gnat in two words.

Indeed, the slug fairy has a famous temperament. It is not only gentle in temperament, but also very friendly to people. This can be seen from the fact that it calls Tsunade and Oni shark "adults".

You must know that the living cockroach is honored as a fairy, not only is the status much higher than the two, but also the age is older than the two, I don't know how many generations.

They are also immortals. Toad pills in Miaomu Mountain look down on all living beings from above, and the white snake immortal in Longdi Cave is cruel and extremely happy to eat people.

Only a living scorpion is willing to put down his body and get along with human ninjas, as gentle as an angel.

"So, why do you still need to ask?"

The ghost shark stared at Tsunade and carefully compared her with the live slug, "Tsunshou, have you found out, the slug immortal is more than ten times stronger than you, and has a better personality than you. Ten times, you can't deny it, can you? Even a woman like you is pursued and liked by so many men, why can't a living gnat have admirers?"

In Ghost Shark's view, the living scorpion is undoubtedly the most powerful creature in the ninja world, and his character is also a good wife and mother type, and his voice is gentle and pleasant. He is the only ideal girlfriend in his heart.

At the very least, it definitely blew up a woman like Tsunade.

"Yes, but the live gnat is not human..."

Tsunade was stunned by the ghost shark's words, and subconsciously retorted.

"The layout is small."

The ghost shark shook his head, expressing disappointment at Tsunade's ideological realm, and asked directly, "What does it matter if a living scorpion is a human being? Can't there be true love between species? And, precisely because The living gnat is not a human being, so I like her more. She is a beautiful creature that is more advanced than human beings, immortal and immortal, and this is what I dream of being a persimmon ghost shark."

These words are the words from the heart of the ghost shark.

He already has a woman in the ninja world, the snow girl. But in this relationship, ghost sharks are more loved and relied on, and mixed with some physiological needs and impulses.

Before that, he had not subjectively and strongly liked a certain woman, and even the beautiful Tsunade Hime, who was loved by everyone, had not really moved him.

The ghost shark originally thought that as he went further and further on the road of "inhumanity", he would gradually lose human emotions and desires, and then lose love.

He thought that he was destined to embark on a lonely evolutionary path in the end.

Until the ghost shark saw the body of the living scorpion, saw her incomparably huge body, and the powerful strength and vitality contained in that body.

At that moment, his heart was pounding, and he was deeply attracted by the unique beauty in her, and he fell for it.

This is love at first sight.

From that moment on, the ghost shark decided that the live cockroach would be his dream partner, the perfect "woman" he wanted to get no matter what.

Thinking of this, he whispered to Tsunade with a dull face:

"My thoughts, please don't tell the slug fairy for a while, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to her. I'm not strong enough now, I just want to watch her silently in the dark, until one day, I also become as great as her Life is the moment when I fully express my heart."

Tsunade came back to his senses and stared at the ghost shark silently for a while.

After a long while, she looked serious and responded with a warning:

"Don't worry, I won't say it. And from now on, I'll keep my eyes on you, lest you do anything perverted to the live gnat."

In her opinion, although the live gnat is very old, it has stayed in the Shibone Forest for thousands of years and rarely goes to the outside world, so its personality is very simple.

Although Tsunade couldn't understand the so-called "cross-species love" in the mouth of the ghost shark, it would be bad if he did strange things to the live scorpion and scare it out of the psychological shadow.

"Lord Tsunade, Lord Oni, both got up early."

At this time, a three-meter-high living cockroach clone swayed a pair of tentacles and climbed over from not far away.


Wet Bone Forest, by the hot spring.

Tsunade glared at the ghost shark and warned him to stay away from the live scorpion, not to think about hitting it.

Under the guidance of the avatar, the living cockroach, the two are about to officially begin their immortal practice.

Last night, after reading the experience of immortal art practice left by Hakuma, both of them understood the function of the hot spring in front of them.

As the living scorpion said, the first step in practicing immortality is to soak in hot springs.

The two need to soak their bodies in the hot springs for several days or even longer.

In this process, the spring water rich in natural energy will be gradually absorbed by the two people through contact with their bodies, and then the cells in their bodies will be "naturally activated".

When they reach the state of natural activation, the cells in the two people can passively absorb natural energy, just like breathing and heartbeat, and become an instinct of their bodies.

At that time, the two of them will be able to enter the immortal mode instantly as long as they put their hands together anytime, anywhere, and shout.

In contrast, Miaomushan's immortal mode, which takes a lot of time to prepare to activate every time, seems inferior.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages.

After the natural activation and transformation of the body of the two, it will also bring a side effect-speeding up the division of cells in the body.

In a person's life, the number of divisions of cells in the body is limited, only about fifty times, and then it will die.

Natural activation, although it will not reduce the number of cell divisions, will shorten its division cycle, thereby reducing the life of the practitioner.

Such as the **** of ninja Senju Hashima. With an immortal body, he should have a very long lifespan, and it would not be a problem to live for one or two hundred years.

However, under the side effects of natural activation, even the immortal human body could not hold it, and died before the age of fifty.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if they reluctantly learned the Shibone Forest Immortal Technique, it would be good to live for a few years.

Live gnats are different from humans.

It is a mollusk with a special body structure that can divide itself into small slugs infinitely, which means that its cells have no upper limit on the number of divisions.

Therefore, the living gnat can continuously absorb natural energy for a long period of time, allowing itself to proliferate indefinitely, and eventually become the largest creature in the whole ninja world.

However, the live gnat also paid a price.

Although it does not have to worry about the side effects of natural activation, it has a near-eternal life by absorbing natural energy, but the uncontrolled splitting causes its body to expand excessively, and in the end it almost merges with this wet bone forest.

This is the sadness of a living gnat.

Back to the topic.

For Oni and Tsunade, to overcome the side effects of natural activation, it is necessary to enter the second step, which is "balance".

They must learn to use their own consciousness to control the activated cells in the body, so that they can not only absorb natural energy every minute and every second, but also reduce the division rate to an acceptable level.

Eventually a dynamic balance is reached.

For example, the lifespan of the two is like the water in the reservoir, and the activated cells are like a water pipe, which continuously drains the water in the pool, resulting in the loss of their lifespan and rapid death.

The solution to this problem is to turn consciousness into a flow-restricting valve and install it on the water pipe.

Usually it's a trickle, but when it's time to fight in fairy mode, the valve is opened wide to maximize the flow in an instant.

It can be seen that the cultivation difficulty of Shibone Forest Immortal Art is much greater than that of Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave, but its power is also the greatest.

Once learned, the caster can not only enter the immortal mode very quickly, but also receive the increase of the immortal chakra, which is several times or even ten times that of the immortal art of Miaomu Mountain and Longdidong.

After all, it is an immortal technique performed at the expense of accelerating cell division and burning lifespan.

"Master Tsunade, Master Oni, before you enter this hot spring, I want to give you one last warning."

The live gnat erected a pair of tentacles, and his usual gentle voice became serious, "Once the celestial art practice in Shigulin begins, it cannot be stopped, because the natural activation of cells is like cancer, and there is no way to cure it. , will accompany you for the rest of your life until the conclusion of your life."

"I see, Slug Fairy."

The ghost shark nodded, his eyes burning.

In his opinion, the Immortal Technique of Shibone Forest is the most powerful force in the Ninja world today. To get this power, it is natural to pay a price, even if the price is his lifespan.

Moreover, the ghost shark believes that there must be a way for the car to the front of the mountain, and there must be a solution to any problem.

After he obtained the Immortal Technique, he would find a way to use this power to make himself evolve again, and finally realize the leap of life level.

At that time, the side effects of the natural activation of cells may not be self-defeating.

"I thought about it too."

After a moment of silence, Tsunade said solemnly.

At that time, her grandfather Chishou Hasuma fought against his long-term enemy Uchiha Madara for a day and a night. Although he finally won, but after that battle, Hasuma also became seriously ill and died soon after.

Tsunade has been troubled for many years. With his grandfather's physique, how could he have died of a serious illness? You must know that even if he is seriously injured, he can heal himself without a seal. He is a god-like existence.

Now she finally understood that it was because of Shibone Forest's magic.

Thousands of hands have been fighting for many years, and they have overwhelmed the entire ninja world. But in the process, due to his frequent use of immortality, he also overdrawn his body too much.

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