After the battle with Madara, Hashima was finally unable to control the natural activation of cells in his body, so the **** of ninja soon fell.

After realizing the real cause of his grandfather's death, Tsunade couldn't contain it and developed a strong obsession.

She wanted to walk the path of Qianshouzhuma again in person, learn the magic of Shibone Forest, and use her own strength to find a solution to the side effects of natural activation of cells.

If she can do this, Qianshou Hasuma knows Izumi, and she must be proud of this precious granddaughter.

"Compared with the air of Miaomu Mountain and the soil of Longdi Cave, the concentration of natural energy in this hot spring is much higher, so it is easy to lose control during the cultivation process. But please rest assured, two adults, my clone will be there to help You, try to avoid all accidents from happening."

As the living slug said this, the three-meter-high body split into dozens of small slugs again, and they were divided into two groups and came to the two of them.

Tsunade frowned and glanced at the ghost shark, then pointed at the hot spring and said:

"We're half of us in this pool, you're on the left, and I'm on the right. How about not interfering with each other?"

"no problem."

The ghost shark nodded readily, and began to take off his coat and shoes on the spot. Soon, only a pair of shorts were left on his body, and he swaggered towards the hot spring.


Tsunade looked at the back of the ghost shark, snorted lightly, and turned to the other side of the hot spring.

She stood on the shore, unbuttoned her clothes, and took off the green windbreaker with the word "gambling" printed on the back, revealing the white swimsuit she had put on at some point.

The style is a little more conservative, but with Tsunade's figure, it is indeed not suitable to wear bolder styles.

She entered the hot spring cautiously, and her snow-white skin became smoother and slippery in contact with the warm pool water. Against the backdrop of the dense mist, she was full of allure.

As long as it is a normal man, seeing this scene, it is inevitable that his blood will rise and he will not be able to resist.

Tsunade was also worried that the ghost shark would peek at her, but when she glanced towards the ghost shark, she realized that he didn't even look at her at all,

Instead, he interacts with a group of little slugs with a smile on his face.

Gu Chong

Obviously, in the eyes of ghost sharks, slugs are much more attractive than Tsunade wearing a swimsuit and soaking in hot springs.


She cursed inwardly, and stopped worrying about the ghost sharks, but prepared to start practicing immediately.

"Huh? Why can't I feel any change, it's like I'm soaking in an ordinary hot spring."

Soon, she asked the little slug beside her with a puzzled face.

"Master Tsunade, that's because you haven't sensed the existence of natural energy. Before absorbing natural energy, you must first enter a state of absolute stillness, so let's start by calming down."

The little slug reminded patiently.

So under its guidance, Tsunade tried to stretch her limbs. Due to the high density of the spring water, she quickly floated to the surface like a piece of driftwood.

Then, she closed her eyes and lay on the water in a large shape, wrapped in the warm spring water, entering a deep state of tranquility.

On the other hand, Ghost Shark entered the state of cultivation earlier than Tsunade.

From the point of view of mind, although the ghost shark is only in his teens, he is a second-generation person after all.

On the contrary, Tsunade, who is twenty years older than the ghost shark, is very mature physically, but sometimes mentally not very mature. Her character is irritable and irritable, and she has been depressed for a long time in the middle. She is addicted to alcoholism and gambling, so her self-control and concentration are much weaker than those of ghost sharks.

To put it simply, it is difficult for Tsunade to get rid of all kinds of distracting thoughts in his heart, completely calm down, and enter a state where his mind is like still water.

Therefore, in the cultivation of immortality, although she did not want to lose to the ghost shark, she still fell behind as soon as she came up.

after an hour.

The ghost shark floated quietly in the hot spring, motionless, as if it really turned into a piece of wood, rippling back and forth slightly with the flow of the spring water under him.

At this moment, he reached the state of ecstasy, and the whole person's spirit and body were integrated into this hot spring and became a part of heaven and earth.

In such a state of mind, he finally sensed the existence of natural energy.

The ghost shark subconsciously raised his hands and put them together, trying to absorb the surrounding natural energy.

For a moment, they were like a swarm of sharks that smelled blood, swarming towards him from all directions and pouring into his body.

The natural activation of cells begins.

The ghost shark knows that from this second, he has no way back.

But he didn't have the slightest hesitation and fear in his heart, but his heart was like iron, and he fearlessly accepted the rush of natural energies and allowed them to transform his body.

The little slugs around the ghost shark also crawled onto his body, attaching to his shoulders, chest muscles, abdomen, thighs, etc.

When cultivating immortality, you need to stay focused throughout the whole process. Once you get distracted, there is a risk of being swallowed by natural energy.

The task of these little slugs is to sense the situation of the ghost shark's body at all times, and help him absorb the excess natural energy when he is in danger due to distraction.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes.

Unconsciously, another hour has passed, and there is no abnormality in the ghost shark's body, and the absorption of natural energy is always going on smoothly.

Even the slug fairy was surprised.

The aptitude of the ghost shark is better than that of the living scorpion, and even the Qianshou Zhujian of the year is not as good.

However, ghost sharks are human after all, and human beings have limits.

At a certain moment, after maintaining concentration for several hours, the ghost shark was finally disturbed by distractions and broke out of the state of absolute stillness.

The next second, a thrilling scene happened.


The spring water under the ghost shark suddenly bubbling a lot, as if the water was boiling.

His hair, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly changed from short to shawl-long, and there was no sign of stopping.

What's even more frightening is that the right ear of the ghost shark suddenly split, and a third ear grew; next to the thumb of his left hand, a sixth finger also grew.

This is the devouring of natural energy to people.

In the process of cultivating the Miaomushan Xianshu, if it fails, the eyes, nose and webs of a frog will grow until the whole person becomes a frog statue.

In Shigulin, the risk of cultivating immortality is that the cell division in the body is completely out of control, splitting a large number of limbs and organs in a short period of time, and finally turning the loser into a deformed flesh-and-blood monster.

Seeing that the situation of the ghost shark is going to get worse.

The little slugs that were lying on his body quickly acted to **** away the runaway natural energy in his body.

After a while, the ghost shark's appearance returned to normal, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Live Slug." He smiled and expressed his gratitude to the little slugs.

"Master Gui Sha, your spirit is already very tired, so let's stop here for the time being for today's practice, don't force yourself too hard."

The little slug kindly suggested.

"Well, it makes sense. Haste is not enough."

The ghost shark nodded, did not try to be brave, but happily accepted the suggestion of the living scorpion.

So he swam ashore and got dressed.

At this time, the ghost shark had time to look to the other side of the hot spring, curious about the progress of Tsunade's cultivation.

Unexpectedly, after most of the day, she still couldn't enter the state of stagnant water.

"Damn, failed again."

Tsunade opened her eyes with annoyance. Just now, she could almost sense the existence of natural energy, but unfortunately, her heart was confused again at the last moment.

When she was upset, she found that the ghost shark had completed the first day of cultivation and was watching her from the shore.

The ghost shark smiled at Tsunade, shook his head, turned and walked into his luxurious wooden house.

"I was flattered by this guy again."

Tsunade gritted his teeth and hit the water with a punch.

However, perhaps stimulated by the ghost shark, after venting her negative emotions, she quickly calmed down, closed her eyes again, and devoted herself to cultivation.

Finally, hard work pays off.

After trying again and again, Tsunade has successfully sensed the existence of natural energy and can't wait to start absorbing it.

She was intent on catching up with the ghost shark's progress.

at dusk.


A scream came from outside the house, attracting Gui Shark's attention and letting him go out.

It turned out that Tsunade had gone wrong.


After hearing Tsunade's scream, the ghost shark walked out of the wooden house, just to see her crawling from the water to the shore wet, and resting on the shore with a frightened and stable appearance.

Obviously, Tsunade and the ghost shark were the same as before, because they were distracted during the cultivation process and were attacked by natural energy, resulting in the alienation of the body.

However, her condition seems to be worse, and even the little slug can't completely absorb the excess energy in a short time.

Therefore, when Tsunade noticed that the ghost shark was approaching, his face changed. She hurriedly put on a trench coat and covered it up so that he could not see the clues.

But the ghost shark's eyes are very sharp, only to hear him say to Tsunade with a look of surprise:

"Yo, it's very interesting, you are... two chest muscles have become three chest muscles? It's amazing."

When Tsunade heard this, he was immediately embarrassed and annoyed. She gave the ghost shark a vicious look, then hurried away without saying a word, and got into her wooden house.

"Master Tsunade." A bunch of little slugs chased after her. It is conceivable that before Tsunade's body returns to normal, she will no longer be able to practice immortality.

So in the next few days, the ghost shark further widened the gap with Tsunade and took a big lead in the progress of cultivating immortality.

Under the immersion in the hot spring, the cells and tissues in his body, from the limbs to the torso to the internal organs, were naturally activated at an amazing speed.

Finally, half a month later, the ghost shark completed the first stage of immortal practice.

This afternoon, when the cells in his whole body were naturally activated.


An extremely powerful chakra shot up from the hot spring, forming a dazzling beam of light, and even dispelled the clouds hundreds of meters high.

In the hot spring, the ghost shark stood up and stood above the water.

At this moment, the natural energy in the water is continuously entering the soles of his feet, and then spreads to all parts of the body, and combines with the chakra in his body to form a more powerful energy.

"Is this the magic chakra?"

The ghost shark murmured, feeling that all the limbs and bones were extremely warm, as if filled with endless powerful power.

He moved his fingers at will, and a strong airflow was generated, forming a strong wind that spread around, setting off a circle of ripples on the water surface.

On the shore, Tsunade looked horrified and looked a little ugly.

Half a month ago, she and the ghost shark began to practice immortality at the same time, but until now, she has barely completed the natural activation of the limbs cells, and the progress is less than one-third of the ghost shark.

The sentence is explained again: people are more mad than people.

at this time.


The ghost shark on the water jumped up and came to the shore, landing on the ground not far from Tsunade.


He was like a cannonball falling from the sky. With a loud bang, he instantly smashed a large pit several meters deep into the ground, and dust rose into the sky.

"Cough cough..."

Tsunade was shrouded in the oncoming dust, coughing, fanning the dust, and shouting at the ghost shark inside, "Do you have to make such a big noise, bastard!"

"Sorry, I can't control my power now."

The ghost shark came out of the dust and said helplessly.

He didn't seem to be satisfied, so he clenched his fists in front of Tsunade, smiled at her, and punched him.

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