"Lord Hokage, who is the mysterious person with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, have you found out his identity?"

Zilai also shook his head and looked at Fuyue: "I originally wanted to ask you for any clues, but now it seems that you don't know either."

Fuyue saw that Jirai was also suspicious of him, his expression stunned, and he responded:

"I can guarantee that the Uchiha family has absolutely nothing to do with this matter. However, since that person has a kaleidoscope, there is a high probability that he was a Uchiha ninja. I will send someone to investigate."

"I feel relieved when the Fuyue Patriarch said so."

Jiraiya nodded, showing a smile. Based on his understanding of Fuyue, the other party is a person who cares about the overall situation and peace of mind, and should not do such a thing of collusion with the enemy country.

Even if it did, it wouldn't be so obvious.

At this time, Minato Namikaze, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly said to Jiraiya:

"Lord Naruto, you mentioned to me before that after the Second Ninja World War, you stayed in the Land of Rain to take in three orphans, and spent years teaching them ninjutsu. What you said just now is with Danzo. Are the three disciples waiting for them together?"

"That's right."

Zilai also sighed, and his expression became more solemn.

He originally thought that the three Nagato had died in the war, and he was sad for a long time, but now it seems that they are all alive and well.

Hearing this news, Jiraiya should have been very happy, but according to the existing information, Kazuki Luosha did not know what means, and it seemed that he had drawn the three of Nagato and made them join Sandy's camp.

Nagato has the same reincarnation eye as the Six Paths Immortal, and is also the son of prophecy that Jiraiya recognizes. He once believed that Nagato would bring true peace to the ninja world according to the prophecy of the great toad immortal.

But now, Nagato is on the opposite side of Konoha.

For Konoha, this is undoubtedly extremely bad news.

So, after some deliberation, Jiraiya ordered the establishment of an elite reconnaissance team, with Minato Namikaze serving as the captain, and the team members including Riza Hinata, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Matekai, etc. Onin.

The task of these people is to sneak into the country of rain and investigate what is happening there.

"there's one more thing."

Jilai also tapped the table with his hand and announced a message, "Miao Mushan has decided to open ten places for Konoha to practice immortality. If you have suitable candidates, you can recommend them to me."

After hearing the news, Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu both had bright eyes and thought.

The two had already heard about the fairy mode.

Especially not long ago, Zilai also used the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Technique to suppress the dried persimmon ghost in the form of realization on the battlefield, saving Konoha a lot of face.

Such a powerful force, how can one not be envious.

The first person Fu Yue thought of was his son Uchiha Itachi. Itachi is a precocious child. He showed amazing ninjutsu talent at a young age. If he has the opportunity to go to Miaomu Mountain in the future, he will definitely learn the immortal mode there.

Hizu also wanted to try to get as many places as possible for the Hyuga family.

After all, in the third ninja war, the Hyuga clan did not perform well, especially compared with Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing round eye, it was completely exploded.

The Hyuga clan has an unprecedented thirst for power.

In contrast, Namikaze Minato is the calmest of the three.

He came from a commoner and had no family members, so he naturally didn't need to break his head to grab a spot. Moreover, he himself has been to Miaomu Mountain long ago, and he has also learned the half-baked fairy art.

However, Minato still thought of his disciple Kakashi, and decided to let the latter go to Miaomu Mountain to try his luck.

Jiraiya took in the changes in the expressions of the three people one by one.

In short, he decided to use the power of Miaomushan to form an immortal army in the next few years and make it the ace of Konoha.

With this strength, Jiraiya has the confidence to fight against the demigods of the ninja world such as Kazuki Onishi, and a potentially powerful enemy such as Nagato.

The Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Village.

After the ghost shark became the fifth generation of water shadows, he became the shopkeeper and has been absent from work for more than half a month.

Originally, there would be no problem with Master Yuan, a respected elder who handles the affairs of the village. But three days ago, the messenger of the water country daimyo suddenly came to Wuyin Village.

And it's coming in a hurry.

It stands to reason that Kiriyuki defeated the powerful Konoha and won the third ninja war. For the water country, it should be a happy event for the whole country to rejoice.

If nothing else, Wuyin Village can also get more employment tasks and military expenses from Damingfu.

However, when the daimyo of the land of water heard that after the ghost shark defeated Konoha, he negotiated privately with Konoha without asking his daimyo for any instructions, even though he felt angry.

What made the daimyo even more angry was that the ghost shark neither asked Konoha to cut the land nor asked for any compensation, but asked for a lot of ninjutsu scrolls, cell plants, and a woman.

By the way, there is also a statue on Hokage Rock.

That is to say, the benefits that this war should have brought to the Great House of Water in the Land of Water were all swallowed up by the Five Generations of Water Shadows alone.

The most intolerable thing for the daimyo is that it has been a month since the end of the war, the newly appointed water shadow, don't say an explanation to the daimyo mansion, and even the figure can't be seen.

It's just that he doesn't take the big name mansion in his eyes.

"It's the other way around! A guy who doesn't know the sky and the sky!"

The famous name of the Land of Water couldn't bear it anymore, and ordered the dried persimmon ghost shark to come to see him, but the news was that the ghost shark was in retreat, and it was inconvenient to see people.

The furious daimyo immediately sent messengers to Wuyin Village to question the Wuyin crowd headed by Yuan Shi.

"Within three days, if the dried persimmon ghost shark doesn't show up again, the Daming House will not only suspend all economic assistance to Wuyin, but will also send a large army to come to crusade and ask the guilt. At that time, there will be a group of people waiting for your Wuyin Village. A catastrophe!"

In front of the Water Shadow Building, the daimyo messenger fanned his fan and scolded Master Yuan and others in a arrogant manner.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but look at each other, worried.

One country and one village is a popular system in all countries in the ninja world, but in fact, the relationship between major countries and various ninja villages is not cold and interdependent, but more of an employment relationship.

In the original book, the daimyo of the Land of Wind once despised his own Shayin Village, and planned to hand over more employment tasks to Konoha next door, which resulted in Shayin's strength being weakened again and again, and he almost couldn't survive.

The daimyo of the country of fire, also because of his dissatisfaction with Konoha, threatened in front of Wudai Mutsute that he would dispatch an army to destroy Konoha.

For the Daming Mansion in the Land of Water, Wuyin Village is also a dispensable existence. Even if Kiriyin is destroyed by Konoha in the Third Ninja World War, the Land of Water will not perish.

Whether it is the former samurai, or the current ninja, they are just dogs raised by the Daimyo House. If this dog is disobedient, kill it and replace it with another.

At least, that's what the daimyo of the Land of Water thinks.

Facing the imminent threat of extermination of the village, the entire Wuyin was tense up and down. In addition to some ninjas, the large army controlled by the Daimyo House has hundreds of thousands of ordinary troops, which is also a very powerful force.

And today's Wuyin, the number of ordinary villagers is only a few thousand people, how can they compete with Daming Mansion?

Only the invincible five generations of water shadow dry persimmon ghost shark can save the fate of Kiriyin again.

In the small courtyard next to the Shuiying Building.

In the room, Ye Cang found Mute, explained to the latter the severe situation Kiriyin was facing, and asked her to find a way to contact the ghost shark immediately.

It has been half a month since the ghost shark and Tsunade went to the Shibone Forest, and no news came back, which made Ye Cang worry about whether something happened.

Mute heard the words, did not dare to neglect under the threat of Ye Cang, and hurriedly called out a small slug the size of a palm from his sleeve.

"Living slug, trouble you." Mute relayed the matter to the little slug, begging it to bring the news back to the Wetbone Forest.

The little slug's tentacles swayed, and with a bang, it turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared.

Next, just wait.

Wet Bone Forest.

More than a dozen avatars of dried persimmons and sharks formed a circle, sitting cross-legged in the open space, closing their eyes and practicing immortality.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The shadow clones disappear continuously, turning into memories and experiences into the ghost shark's body. And he will continue to add new clones to maintain the efficiency of cultivation at more than ten times.

A few days of practice is equivalent to a few months of practice.

After a lot of attempts and a lot of energy, the ghost shark's second stage of immortal practice is about to be successful.

The degree of cell activation in his body was controlled within an acceptable range and gradually stabilized.

This process was much smoother than the ghost shark had expected.

But after thinking about it, it may be difficult for most people to practice immortality, but for those who are truly qualified, it will be a matter of time.

In the original book, Naruto Uzumaki only took half a month to master the magic of Miaomu Mountain. The ghost shark thinks that his aptitude is no worse than Naruto, and there is no reason to be slower than the other party.

a moment.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

More than a dozen shadow clones of the ghost shark disappeared in an instant, leaving only his main body.

He slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

After a person enters the immortal mode, there will be a certain degree of simulacrum. The most typical one is Jiraiya, which has the characteristics of a large number of toads.

This is the so-called fairy mask.

The more obvious the characteristics of these animals, the lower the degree of immortality. Taking Zilai as an example, it took him more than ten years to complete the cultivation of the immortal mode, and he had to rely on the two-life technique to enter the immortal mode with the help of Fukasaku and Zhihong.

The degree of ghost shark immortalization is obviously more advanced than Jiraiya, and much more advanced.

Because at this moment, there is no slug feature on his body, just some black eye shadow on his eyes, and a circular pattern on his forehead, like a black sun.

It is exactly the same as the immortal face in the Qianshouzhujian.

"Lord Ghost Shark, congratulations!"

A live cockroach clone crawled over and congratulated the ghost shark in a very happy tone.

Tsunade also came over and looked at the ghost shark with a shocked expression, his eyes were very complicated.

Although she hates this guy very much, she has to admit that his talent is enviable, far surpassing hers. In Tsunade's cognition, it seems that only her grandfather can compare with the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"Please get out of the way, I want to try the power of fairy magic."

At this time, the ghost shark said to one person and one slug, and specifically assured the live scorpion that he would try his best to control his strength and not cause damage to the wet bone forest.

After they retreated for a distance, the ghost shark took a deep breath and folded his hands together.


With a low drink, a sapling burst out of the ground and grew into a ten-meter tall tree.

Wood escape?

Seeing this scene, Tsunade looked surprised and puzzled - if it was just this level of wooden escape, even she could easily complete it, and there was no need to use the immortal mode with great fanfare.

But she soon discovered that she was wrong.

Because, the big tree did not stop growing, but climbed to the sky again, growing to fifty meters, eighty meters, and finally more than one hundred meters in a very short period of time.


This 100-meter-high giant tree deformed with a loud noise, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge wooden man Arhat.

This wooden man is 100 meters tall, his muscles are knotted, his face is like a vajra with angry eyes, and a lifelike wooden dragon with a length of tens of meters is coiled on his arms.

Wood Dun·Wooden Man's Art.

This is one of the strongest techniques of Senju Hashiyama. It uses the huge immortal technique Chakra to create a wooden Arhat with a volume comparable to the complete body of Susanoo. This wooden man can catch the tailed beast jade with one hand, and he will not lose the hand-to-hand combat with the nine tails.


The ghost shark jumped, along the huge body of the wooden man, all the way up, and soon reached a triangular space above the wooden man's head.

This is like the cab of this wooden man Arhat, and the ghost shark has become a Gundam driver at this moment.

"Is this the power of Qianshouzhuma?"

He stood on the top of the wooden man's head, overlooking the wet bone forest below, and he felt a sense of superiority deep in his heart, like a fairy looking down at all beings.

From today onwards, he is the immortal dried persimmon ghost shark.

162、Come on

bang. bang.

The ghost shark stood on the top of the wooden man Luohan's head, manipulated the 100-meter high tower, and stepped forward to the body of the living scorpion.

At this height, he could finally see the slug fairy with a straight-up gaze.

"Thank you, live gnat. You are so generous in sharing the power of this fairy art with me. I am extremely grateful, and there will be rewards in the future."

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