The ghost shark solemnly expressed his gratitude to the living cockroach and made a promise.

"Master Gui Sha, you were in the critical period of cultivating immortality just now, so I didn't disturb you. There was an accident in Wuyin Village, and I urgently need you to go back and preside over the overall situation..."

The live cockroach said anxiously.


Hearing this, the ghost shark frowned.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to have a few more words with the live gnat to improve his understanding of each other, but now it seems that it is not the time.

"I see."

Thinking of this, the ghost shark nodded, and the seal removed the wooden man's technique.

call out.

He fell from the sky, and when he was about to land, he controlled his strength and landed lightly.

Not far away, Tsunade seemed to be shocked by the wooden man technique performed by the ghost shark.

Seeing this, the ghost shark took the initiative to walk over, slapped her on the shoulder, and encouraged two words:

"Come on, I believe you will be able to complete your immortal practice. I'm still waiting for you to challenge me. There's something going on in the village, so I won't accompany you. Go back first."

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, and even rolled his eyes: "I'm too affectionate, who wants you to accompany me? Get out of here, don't affect the mood of the old lady here."

"Ha ha."

The ghost shark was not angry, but instead laughed, who made him just learn the fairy art, and he was in a good mood.

I saw him put his hand into his pocket, took out a ninjutsu scroll, and then, in Tsunade's scream, grabbed her wrist and shoved the scroll into her palm.

"Aunt Tsunade, don't yell, I won't eat you again. This is the scroll of the multi-shadow avatar technique. You learn it before the second stage of immortal practice, which can save a lot of time. But remember: do what you can.”

The ghost shark told Tsunade a few words, then released her wrist, made a mark in front of her face, and disappeared from the wet bone forest with a bang.

Damn, this guy is pretending.

Tsunade rubbed his red wrist with a look of resentment, but then opened the scroll and found that the ghost shark did not tease her, it was really a technique of multiple shadows.

"The relationship between Tsunade-sama and Oni-sama is really good."

At this moment, a small slug climbed onto Tsunade's shoulder and said softly.

Hearing this, Tsunade almost jumped up and quickly denied it: "Living scorpion, don't talk nonsense, how can you tell that I have a good relationship with that bastard? I can't wait to punch him to death."

"Lord Tsunade, as always, duplicity, giggles."

The little slug smiled softly, like Tsunade's best friend, and started gossiping seriously, "Although I am not a human, I can see that although the two adults have been arguing, they are not real enemies. , but it's like... a man and a woman in love."

Tsunade heard the words, her expression became very strange for a while, she was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked the live gnat:

"What's your impression of the dry persimmon ghost shark? It's just the two of us here, don't worry, I won't tell him."

"Lord Onigami... very good. He is only fifteen years old, and he is already a demigod in the ninja world, and he is even more powerful than Hisashi-sama when he was young, which is really amazing.

Huo Hao couldn't help but sighed with emotion, and the evaluation of the ghost shark was very high.

Then, it erected a pair of tentacles and asked Tsunade curiously: "Master Tsunade, do you really... like dried persimmon ghost sharks?"

Live gnats have lived for thousands of years and have no concept of age. But it also knows that in the human world, at the age of Tsunade, one can be a mother to a ghost shark. If the two are together, they will definitely encounter a lot of resistance from the world.

But if it's true love, what does age matter?

Since the death of his first love, Kato, Tsunade has been depressed for more than ten years. He has been closing himself up and living alone in this cruel world.

These, live gnats are in the eyes.

Therefore, as a friend of Tsunade, it also hopes that Tsunade can come out, bravely pursue a love, and start a new life.

Tsunade didn't know the idea of ​​the living scorpion, otherwise, I'm afraid he would not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Living scorpion, in fact, the ghost"

Tsunade looked at the little slug on his shoulder, who was tilting his head with a innocent look on his face, listening to her words.

She hesitated, but in the end she didn't tell the live scorpion that the ghost shark is not interested in human women, he likes it.

"Oh, let's talk about it next time."

Tsunade sighed, shook his head, took off his coat, and walked to the hot spring not far away.

Anyway, with her staring, the ghost shark must not be able to mess around, and maybe after a while, his crazy fantasy about "cross-species love" will subside.

Until then, it is better not to let the live gnat know about it, lest it be bothered.

Foggy Village.

"Master Yuan, something is bad! The daimyo messenger shouted to leave the village early this morning, and Terumi Mei was trying desperately to persuade him, but it won't take long. You should go and have a look."

A mist ninja hurried into the office with this bad news.

Hearing the words, Master Yuan couldn't help but his face changed, he quickly stood up, and rushed to the hotel where the ambassador of the daimyo stayed with a cane.

As soon as we arrived outside the hotel, I saw a mighty group of people in the lobby on the first floor, walking towards the door. The leader was a big name messenger holding a fan.

"Sir, why are you leaving suddenly? Is your stay unsatisfactory? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. We will correct them immediately and try our best to meet your requirements."

Terumi Mei followed the messenger with a very humble attitude, for fear of making the other party unhappy.

"Hmph, this kind of shabby hotel is not a place for people to live at all. The air here is moldy and damp, just like the basement. It's really unbearable. If I don't leave, I'll get sick sooner or later."

The daimyo messenger looked disgusted and covered the lower half of his face with a fan, as if he was allergic to the air in Wuyin Village.

"However, this is already the best hotel we have here."

Terumi Mei said in a low voice with an aggrieved face.

As Master Yuan's assistant, her mission for the past few days was to take care of the daily life of the envoys of the Daming Mansion and others. As a result, she was harassed in every possible way and used as a maid.

For the sake of the village, she endured silently.

Just when Terumi Mei was helpless, Master Yuan finally came to the rescue and said to the daimyo envoy with a smile on his face:

"Sir, you haven't seen the Water Shadow of the Five Dynasties yet, why are you in such a hurry to return to the Daming Mansion?"

"Smelly old man, are you too embarrassed to ask me?"

The daimyo envoy showed a sneer, "My lord has already given Wuyin Village a chance, but you didn't cherish it and wasted my time. Since Shuiying is hiding and dare not see me, I'll go back and report to the daimyo now, you guys just wait. The army of the land of water is pressing down on the territory, and razing the mist to the ground."

Facing this threat from him, the faces of everyone present in Wuyin changed greatly when they heard the words.

"Lord Messenger, if the war between Daming House and Wuyin Village breaks out, it will not benefit both parties, and will only cause a lot of unnecessary casualties. Moreover, once the country of water falls into civil strife, it will be coveted by other great powers and Ninja Village... "

Terumi Mei is still struggling, trying to convince the daimyo.

However, before she could finish her words, she was slapped with a slap by the ambassador, leaving five red fingerprints on her face, which caused a burning pain for a while.

"A little girl is also making noise here."

The big name messenger looked disdainful, and after speaking, he pushed Yuan Shi away and walked towards the door of the hotel.

"Master Yuan, what should I do now, or I will lead someone to tie up these guys first, and wait for the boss of the ghost shark to come back?"

Ghost Dengmanyue looked at the back of the big name messenger and said eagerly that he could no longer bear this arrogant guy.

"Full Moon, don't be impulsive. Once you do that, there's really no going back."

Master Yuan quickly stopped the ghost lamp full moon's thoughts.

After all, the messenger in front of him came on behalf of the daimyo of the country of water.

Based on this alone, Daimyo has enough reasons to dispatch a large army to destroy Wuyin Village.

At this time, the daimyo messenger had walked out of the hotel's door.

However, as soon as he came out of the door, he felt darkness in front of him, and he was caught off guard and bumped into a person head-on.

"Which one doesn't have eyes?"

The daimyo messenger was hit and dizzy, and even yelled at him.

As a result, he looked up and found that it was a man nearly two meters tall, whose body was like a mountain, blocking the door of the hotel.

The two looked at each other, and the man suddenly grinned wide, showing a bright smile at the ambassador of the big name, and the two rows of sharp fangs shone with a cold light.

"You, who are you..."

The daimyo envoy trembled, and his aura immediately weakened a bit. When he saw this man, he instinctively had a kind of fear, as if being stared at by a ferocious beast.

"I'm the fifth generation of water shadow dried persimmon shark, I heard that you are looking for me?"

The man said, his voice sounded unexpectedly young, even a little immature.

As soon as he heard that the other party was Shuiying, the daimyo messenger was startled at first, but after regaining his senses, he immediately became hard again.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, right? You still have a face? Do you know that your actions have already angered Da Ming, and you and the entire Wuyin Village are in danger..."

With one hand on his hips, he pointed at the ghost shark's nose with the other, and counted the latter's guilt from beginning to end.

The ghost shark narrowed his eyes and heard from the other party's words that the daimyo of the land of water was very dissatisfied with his water shadow, and asked Kirigakushi to negotiate with Konoha again to strive for more benefits for the daimyo mansion.

"It turned out to be such a trivial matter, why make such a move."

The ghost shark interrupted the chattering daimyo messenger and said meaningfully, "Don't worry, Messenger, I will immediately leave for the Daming Mansion. After seeing the daimyo, I will have a cordial and friendly negotiation with him to resolve the matter satisfactorily."

"It's your acquaintance."

The daimyo messenger snorted coldly, and wanted to continue to scold the ghost shark, but he always felt that the other party's eyes exuded malicious intentions, which made him feel a little nervous.

Thinking of this, he didn't want to stay in Wuyin Village for a moment, so he shouted sharply at the ghost shark:

"Get out of the way! My lord has to rush back to Daming Mansion first and report to Daming. If my time is delayed, Wuyin Village will not be able to take this responsibility."

"Wait, don't worry."

The ghost shark smiled and stopped the daimyo messenger.

"What else is there?" The daimyo envoy frowned, already feeling bad, so he looked a little sullen.

"Did you hit my subordinate just now?"

The ghost shark looked down at the daimyo envoy, asked with a half-smile, and beckoned Terumi Mei to come over.

"Tsk tsk."

After seeing the bright red palm print on Terumi Mei's face, he stretched out his big hand to touch it, shook his head and said, "Such a girl who looks like a flower like a jade can handle it, or is she not a human being?"

When the ghost shark spoke, a warm chakra passed from his palm to Terumi Mei's face, causing the redness and swelling on her face to subside a little.

"Mizukage-sama, I'm fine." Terumi Mei's heart was warm and moved, and there were faint tears in her eyes.

When the daimyo envoy heard the ghost shark scolding him, how could he bear it, he jumped up on the spot and cursed back:

"What's wrong with my lord beating her? You ninjas are just a bunch of despicable things. When my lord beats people, he thinks my hands are dirty."

As a nobleman of the Daming Mansion, the messenger, relying on the nobility of his own bloodline, looks down on the ghost shark and others from the bottom of his heart.

But the next second, he paid the price for what he said and did.


Without saying a word, the ghost shark raised his big hand, slapped it, and slapped the big name messenger in the face.

Under this force, the man was suddenly pulled off the ground like a spinning top, and rotated several times in mid-air, and finally fell to the ground in a daze.


Seeing this, the followers of the daimyo messenger scolded the ghost sharks one after another, but before they stepped forward to rescue them, the ghost shark released substantial coercion with just one look, scaring the group of people to the point where they couldn't move.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, you are finished! I am the envoy of Daming Palace. If you dare to treat me like this, Daming will never let you go!"

The daimyo envoy lay on the ground, covering his face in pain and shouting.

Ha ha.

The ghost shark gave a stern smile, grabbed the collar of the big name messenger, and lifted the latter like a chicken.

"Don't worry, you will return to the Daming Mansion. It's just that what the big name sees will be your corpse."

After the ghost shark finished saying this, he exerted force on his hand, only to hear a click, and then he broke the neck of the daimyo messenger.

The man was terrified and horrified, and just like this, he lost his breath and couldn't rest his eyes.

Almost at the same time that the ghost shark killed.


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