Ghost Lantern Manyue shouted, and several Mist Hidden Anbu attacked together, taking down all the followers of the daimyo messenger, and not one of them was allowed to escape.

"Master Shuiying."

Master Yuan and others gathered around. Although they were familiar with Gui Shark's behavior, they were still shocked to see him kill the daimyo without hesitation.

"Boss, what should we do next, go to war directly with Daming Mansion?" Ghost Lantern Manyue asked expectantly.

"Just leave this problem to me to solve. You all stay in the village and wait for my good news."

As the ghost shark said, he put the body of the daimyo messenger into the box of bliss.

"Master Shuiying, the famous name of the country of water is notoriously bad-tempered. If you kill his messenger, he will definitely not give up."

Master Yuan said worriedly that he was not optimistic about the ghost shark's trip.

Hearing the words, Gui Sha smiled at Master Yuan: "Don't worry, elder. If I can't solve this problem, I will solve the person who asked the question, so there will be no problem."

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of black wings stretched out from behind him and rose into the sky.

Solve the person who asked the question? Is it...

After the Wuyin people thought about it, they couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions horrified.

163、Blood-stained Daming Palace

The ghost shark flew hundreds of meters above the sky, while rushing to Damingfu, overlooking the land of the Land of Water.

As the only maritime country among the five major countries, the Land of Water is isolated overseas. It has been far away from disputes and wars in the ninja world for a long time. It can be said that it has a unique geographical advantage.

Just like the beautiful country in the previous life.

However, this country, which was supposed to be a paradise, has fallen into perennial civil strife, and the ninjas and civilians in the country hate each other, causing countless tragedies like the Snow Clan.

Due to the war, the country of water clearly has abundant resources, but it has never been able to develop, and it lags behind other major countries in economic, military and cultural aspects.

Among them, after Uchiha Madara controlled the water shadow, the policy of the blood mist village implemented in Kiriyin Village was part of the reason. But the bigger reason is the inaction of the Daming House.

Now, it's time to change all that.

During the recent period of time, when the ghost shark was free, he had been thinking about the future of Hidden Mist Village and the Land of Water, and had a lot of ideas.

As a traveler, he naturally wants to make the country of water an industrialized modern country, so that the citizens can live a happy and beautiful life with both material and spiritual abundance.

It will be a beautiful new era in which ninjas and civilians coexist in harmony, and ninjutsu and modern technology coexist.

To realize this grand wish, the first thing to do is to remove the cancer of the old era.

Thinking of this, the ghost shark flapped its wings and accelerated its flight speed.

Soon after, he arrived in the capital.

This is the largest city in the Land of Water, with a population of several million. Although there are no high-rise buildings, it cannot be compared with the modern metropolis of the previous life, but it is much more prosperous than Wuyin Village.

In the center of the capital, there is a vast palace, which is the tallest and most conspicuous building complex in the whole city.

There is the Daimyofu of the Land of Water, where the rulers and nobles of this country live.

call out.

The ghost shark descended from the sky like a meteor, landed in the yard of the Daming Mansion with a bang, and smashed a pit several meters deep, causing the nearby ground to shake.

"Who dares to trespass into the Daming Mansion?"

The tens of meters of heavily armed guards rushed over quickly, forming a fan-shaped encirclement, holding arquebuses in their hands, and firing a salvo towards the ghost shark.

The ghost shark looked calm, wrapped itself with a pair of wings, forming a shield, only to hear a "puff puff" sound, all the bullets flying in the face were blocked by the wings and fell to the ground.

When everyone saw this, their faces changed greatly.

The ghost shark is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, so he did not embarrass the guards, but smiled slightly, took out the water shadow hat and put it on his head, and said to them:

"Don't be nervous, I'm the fifth generation of water shadow dried persimmon shark from Wuyin Village. I'm here to meet the daimyo. Please let me know."

A group of guards heard the words, and after verification, they found that it was really a water shadow.

"Lord Shuiying, I was offended just now, please come with me."

The captain of the guard came out, led the way for the ghost shark in front, and quickly led him to the reception room.

A man who looked like a civil servant received the ghost shark.

He glanced at the ghost shark, a bit of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said arrogantly: "You are the new Mizuyin of Wuyin? The name is taking a nap, you can wait here for a while."


The ghost shark was not polite, and sat directly on the sofa. When he saw the rich fruits and delicate snacks on the coffee table, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand on the spot, and devoured it.

"Well, that's pretty good."

While eating, he gave the civil servant a thumbs-up and a thumbs up. He spent half a month in seclusion in Shigulin, but the food didn't keep up. He was so hungry these days that he had lost a bit of weight, so he had to quickly add some nutrition.


Seeing the ghost shark's appearance, the civil servant snorted lightly, and his eyes became even more contemptuous. What water shadow, just a hillbilly.

at the same time.

In the Daming House, in a gorgeous bedroom.

A middle-aged man with long black hair, a feminine appearance, and an aristocratic temperament, was lying on his side on the tatami, with one elbow resting on the ground, opened his mouth, and ate the strawberries fed by the maid.

This person is the Daimyo of the Land of Water, the supreme ruler of this country.

Beside him, there are three maids taking turns to serve, feeding, feeding and drinking, massaging and beating his legs.

The life of a daimyo is so boring and boring, except for eating, drinking and having fun every day, there is nothing else. I often played mahjong all night and slept until the afternoon.

Although the country of water has been in civil strife for many years and various forces are fighting, the war has never spread to Damingfu. The people below fought back and forth, and in the end, it was just to fight for a chance to play for the daimyo.

The daimyo has always been sacred and noble, and it has been so for thousands of years.

However, the daimyo of the Land of Water has also had some troubles recently, because Kiriyin Village is very disobedient, Mizukage bypassed his immediate boss and negotiated with the defeated Konoha without authorization.

To this end, the daimyo sent messengers to Kiriyin, asking Suiying to come to see him, but it has been ten days and a half months, and there is still no news coming back.

Could something have happened?

As soon as Daming came up with this idea, there was suddenly a report from his subordinates outside the door, saying that the five generations of water shadow dried persimmon ghosts came to Daming Mansion and were waiting for his summons in the reception room.

Oh? finally come.

When Da Ming heard the words, he was not in a hurry, but he turned over lazily and instructed lazily, "I haven't woken up yet, let him wait first."

A small water shadow, dare to let his name wait so long, he has to let the other party dry, otherwise what is the majesty of the name.

in the reception room.


The ghost shark ate the fruits and snacks on the coffee table, patted his stomach, and burped with satisfaction.

When you're full, it's time to do business.

He wiped his mouth, and even frowned, he asked the civil servant beside him:

"Why hasn't the big name come yet?"

Hearing this, the civil servant sneered and pointed to the wall clock on the wall: "I said Shuiying, it's only been five minutes, you haven't even sat on your butt, so you're impatient? Just wait. Wait. Da Ming wakes up from a nap, takes a shower and changes his clothes, and in two or three hours, if you are lucky, you should be able to see him."


The ghost shark stood up from the sofa at once, and said with a serious face, "I have to see Daimyo right away, because I heard that someone is going to kill his life, this is a major event related to the future of the country of water. He is in Where? Tell me!"

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed the civilian officer's collar, shouted at the latter, and released a fierce murderous aura.

The civil servant who was arrogant just now was directly frightened by the voice of the ghost, and even tremblingly pointed out the location of the famous bedroom.

The ghost shark threw the man aside, slammed the door of the meeting room, and walked out.


Along the way, guards kept rushing up to try to stop the ghost sharks, but he stared at them, causing their legs to weaken and they fell to the ground.

He was in a no-man's land, and soon after, he arrived in the yard outside the daimyo's bedroom.

"Five generations of water shadows, please stop! One step forward is a death penalty!"

With a loud shout, ten ninjas appeared and formed a long snake formation to block in front of the ghost shark. These people are extraordinary, and each of them emits strong chakra fluctuations in their bodies, which are different from ordinary guards at first glance.

All of them are elite jounin.

The daimyo of each country have their own private guards, such as the guardian ninja of the Fire Nation. The famous name of the country of water is no exception, and the ten elites in front of him are the dead men who serve him.

However, in the eyes of the ghost shark, it is still a trash fish.

"Just because you stinky fish and rotten shrimps, you want to stop me? Hahaha."

He laughed loudly, strode forward, and a powerful airflow erupted from his body, instantly forming substantial pressure and descending on the ten people.

The expressions of these ten people changed suddenly. They are all ninjas. Although they have not been on the battlefield of the third ninja war, they have also heard the name of the demigod of the ninja world, and it is like thunder.

Although they are all elites, they have an absolute advantage in numbers, but their opponents are powerful demigods of the ninja world. I am afraid it will not be so easy to defeat them.

at this time.

"What's going on outside?"

A lazy voice came from the room. Then, with a creak, the door was pushed open, and surrounded by several maids, the famous name of the Land of Water walked out slowly.

At this time, he changed into a gorgeous shoulder-padded robe, wore a fan-style high hat on his head, and also held a pair of exquisite folding fans in his hand, showing aristocratic temperament in every move.

"See the name!"

The ten dead men knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads respectfully, and saluted the great name of the Land of Water.

Is this the so-called big name?

The ghost shark stood motionless, not to mention salutes, and did not even lower his head, but instead showed a disappointed look.

Because he could see at a glance that this famous name was nothing but gold and jade. In fact, it was a long-term indulgent wine bag and rice bag, ruling the country with the so-called blood and name.

"You are the dried persimmon ghost shark? You are really young and promising."

The daimyo looked at the ghost shark with interest, and saw that the other party was not kind, but still maintained the calmness of the superior.

He quickly found out that the ghost shark came alone, he couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What about the messenger I sent to Wuyin, why didn't he come back with you?"

"He's here."

The ghost shark smiled, took out the messenger's body from the box of bliss, threw it on the ground with a "bang", and said to the big name, "This dog doesn't know the heights of the sky, and it dares to come to Wuyin Village to run wild, so I will help you. He killed him, you're welcome."


When Daimyo saw the messenger's body, he was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly became furious, pointed at the ghost shark and made a sharp voice:

"Take him to me!"


When the ten dead men heard the words, they immediately swarmed towards the ghost shark.

The space here is relatively narrow, it is not convenient to perform ninjutsu, and it may accidentally hurt the daimyo. Therefore, the ten people decided to use taijutsu to surround the ghost sharks and fight for a quick decision.


A big man who was more than two meters tall and looked stronger than the ghost shark rushed over and punched the ghost shark's head.

Before the person arrived, the fist wind came first, blowing the water shadow hat off the ghost shark's head.

The ghost shark showed a cruel smile, neither dodging nor evading, but rushing forward like electricity, wrapped in a powerful punch, and hit the opponent's chest first.

There was a muffled sound.

Ding Deng Deng.

The strong man had a look of horror on his face, and took a few steps back. The clothes behind him were suddenly torn, and a huge hole appeared on his back.

In the next second, hot and scalding blood spurted out of the hole like a fountain, covering the small half of the yard.

With one punch, an elite jounin was pierced and blown up.

This ferocious scene made the remaining dead men and the big name behind them all look horrified, and there was a strong fear in their hearts.

at this time.

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