Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 16 The Cesspit Explodes, Homura Goes To Heaven!

And with the news that the supply station was bombed, his constipation got worse.

Not long ago, after handing over some supply station reconstruction matters to Danzo, Mitokado Homura returned to the residence and began to squat in the hut and try hard to brew.

This thing must brew emotions and maintain a fixed movement, otherwise, it will be very difficult.

After squatting in the hut for a long time, Mitokado Homura finally looked happy and began to exert strength.

When a person is straining to defecate, he hardly pays attention to the sound of the outside world.

Precisely at this time!

Chiba came to the corner outside the wall that was only separated from the hut.

At this time, Mitokado Homura was working hard and didn't notice a person standing outside the wall.

Chiba watched from the corner for a while, but also did not find any movement.


Ability to activate!

Boom! ! !

Mitokado Homura was dumbfounded.

He never imagined that the Ollie in the pit would be blown up before he could get out.

A large amount of Oli was sprayed out of the cesspit, directly flying Mitokado Homura who was in a squatting position...


"What the hell?"

These are two different voices, one is a figure in mid-air, and the other is Chiba in the corner.

Being pushed into the air, Mitokado Homura remained in the same posture.

It's not that he can't change, but he doesn't dare to change.

Oli is all over his body, how dare Mitokado Homura move?

And at the corner.

Chiba saw the human-shaped feces being pushed into the air, and was so frightened that he had a quick thought.

In the next moment, except for the human-shaped feces, which remained unchanged, the other feces were all condensed together.

"Compress! Recompress!"

Constantly urging in his heart, Chiba was a little anxious.

Boom! !

The human-shaped feces fell to the ground, and the poop ideas splashed all over the floor.

At the same time, Chiba outside the wall grabbed the dung beans and ran all the way, not daring to look back.


In the courtyard near the garbage dump.

As soon as he ran back to the yard, Chiba locked the fence at the gate of the yard by the way.

After returning to the house, he took off his mask and let out a long breath.

"I don't know what happened to that person just now?"

"What if he falls to his death?"

"I really didn't mean to..."

Thinking of the scene just now, Chiba was very annoyed.

He really didn't expect that something would happen to him despite being so careful.

"That person was thrown about three meters high. If his butt landed on the ground, he wouldn't be able to die, right?"

Thinking back to the posture of the figure in mid-air just now, Chiba muttered to himself.

According to his guess, if a person jumps from a height of more than three meters, there is a high probability that he will not die, and the figure who was sprayed all over his body just now maintained a posture of defecating.

The man landed on his butt, and it was covered with a thick layer of Ollie.

"It should be fine!"

Ultimately, Chiba made this judgment.

Pack up your mood.

He opened the properties panel with great anticipation.

【Host: Chiba】

[Fruit: Dung fruit (a fruit condensed from the essence of countless kinds of dung)]

[Fruit introduction: can control and manipulate all biological feces and excrement]

[Fruit initial ability (upgradeable): Reincarnation of five grains: control feces in all living organisms]

[Imitation ability: none (chakra is required to activate)]

[Elementary dung fist (upgradeable): Manipulate feces to condense into fists to attack the enemy, up to ten dung fists can be condensed at the same time]

[Septic tank (infinite space): dedicated to storing feces, gather the feces within a radius of 100 meters through the mind, and store them through the mouth]

[Dung point (1 ton of dung = 1 dung point): 92.55]

[Usable Chakra Amount (Upgradable): 0/0]

"Get rich!"

Seeing that the dung point soared to more than 90, Chiba was so excited that he almost jumped up.

Then, he found that there were three more (upgradeable) prompts on the panel.

Undoubtedly, this means that these three abilities can break through.

"The first one is the initial ability upgrade of the fruit. It should be that the ability of the reincarnation of the five grains is stronger after the upgrade!"

Chiba made a judgment in his mind.

Wugu reincarnation is the ability to control the crowds around. Chiba didn't click on the upgrade immediately, but looked at the second upgradeable ability.

"Elementary dung fist, if you upgrade it, it should be an intermediate dung fist, with more fists?"

Muttering to himself, his eyes fell on the last upgradable Chakra quantity.

"Upgrade Chakra first..."

Thinking of this, Chiba directly chose to upgrade Chakra.

His finger pointed to the illusory screen, his face full of anticipation.

next moment!

The original 92.55 poop point is a little less and becomes 91.55.

[Amount of available Chakra (can be upgraded): 10/10]

Seeing this, Chiba looked up.

[Imitation ability: E (this level of ninjutsu for all ninjas)]

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