Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 17 Imitation Ability, A-Level Ninjutsu!

[Imitation ability: E (this level of ninjutsu for all ninjas)]

"This ability!"

Seeing the introduction of imitation ability, Chiba knew that he was about to go to heaven.

Of course, his heaven is not like that person just now, but a metaphor.

It means that I will be developed, awesome, and invincible...

After reading the introduction, Chiba couldn't help but want to test this imitation ability. After all, with such an invincible ability, he has to test it himself.

Coming to the middle of the yard, Chiba fell into deep thought.

"Ninjas of the entire ninja world..."

"All E-rank ninjutsu!"

Think and think, think and think.

After thinking for a while, Chiba found out tragically that there are only three or four E-level ninjutsu in the entire ninja world?

So what's the use of him thinking so long?

Total waste of time.

"The most basic E-level ninjutsu is Three Body Technique! Double, Transformation and Clone. Which one to test first?"

Mumbling to himself, he decided to start with Transformation Technique.

Standing still, Chiba activated the imitation ability.

The mind was connected to the screen of Sarutobi Hiruzen casting Transformation Technique, the next moment——


Smoke rises.

It's just that this smoke seems to be a little different from other ninja's smoke.

Others used the Transformation Technique to raise white smoke, but Chiba's smoke was colored by Oli.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, a terrifying figure appeared.

"My day!"

Chiba, who was in place, looked at his current appearance, and couldn't help but swear.

At this moment, Chiba turned into a woman.

It's just that this woman's body is covered in oligo, and even dung soup keeps slipping off her body, falling to the ground with a 'baa' and a 'baa'.

What kind of woman is this? It was clearly the female version of the zombie, who had just crawled out of the cesspit.

It's so fucking disgusting!

Boom! !

Even Chiba himself found it unacceptable, and directly lifted the Transformation Technique.

"So, what went wrong?"

He felt that there must be something wrong, otherwise how could the Transformation Technique be distorted like this?

"Third Hokage must have used this technique to transform into a woman. But this is the ninja world, and there are no zombies at all. In other words, it must be my problem."

Chiba is thinking.

Other people's Transformation Technique is used to deceive people, but Chiba's Transformation Technique is eye-catching.

Once it is displayed, it is difficult for others not to notice it.

So he must find out why.

Recalling the scene when the system was first turned on, Chiba's face gradually revealed a look of amazement.

"I remember when the system was first turned on, it was prompted that any ninjutsu of all ninjas could be imitated, and then transformed into fecal jutsu."

"So the Transformation Technique just turned into the Transformation Technique?"

Thinking of this, Chiba decided to test it out.

But this time he is not testing the Transformation Technique, but the Clone Technique.


The smoke colored by Ollie reappeared and slowly dissipated.

Chiba looked to the right.

In the end, it was really a dung body.

Ollie was covered all over his body, and the dung soup kept dripping on the ground.

Because the avatar is not an entity, there is no feces on the ground, it is just an illusion.

Unlocking the Clone Technique, Chiba understands what this mimicry ability does.

He looked at the property panel again.

[Usable Chakra Amount (Upgradable): 8/10]

"Two points of Chakra were consumed."

He has just used E-level ninjutsu twice, that is to say, every time he uses E-level ninjutsu, he only needs to consume one Chakra.

"Continue to upgrade!"

Having made up his mind, Chiba felt that Class E ninjutsu was really useless.

Others' E-level ninjutsu can escape, but his E-level ninjutsu is courting death.

Consuming manure points again, Chiba began to add upgrades to Chakra.

One, two, three, four.

When the amount of Chakra reaches 48/50, Chiba found that the ability to imitate has improved.

[Imitation ability: D (this level of ninjutsu for all ninjas)]

However, he glanced at the remaining 87 dung points and chose to continue upgrading.

Consuming 5 feces points can imitate D-level ninjutsu, and he still has 87 feces points, full of confidence.

Ten o'clock, twenty o'clock, thirty o'clock, forty o'clock.

When there were 42 points left after consuming the dung points in one breath, Chiba finally stopped.

【Host: Chiba】

[Fruit: Dung fruit (a fruit condensed from the essence of countless kinds of dung)]

[Fruit introduction: can control and manipulate all biological feces and excrement]

[Fruit initial ability (upgradeable): Reincarnation of five grains: control feces in all living organisms]

[Imitation ability: A (this level of ninjutsu for all ninjas)]

[Elementary dung fist (upgradeable): Manipulate feces to condense into fists to attack the enemy, up to ten dung fists can be condensed at the same time]

[Septic tank (infinite space): dedicated to storing feces, gather the feces within a radius of 100 meters through the mind, and store them through the mouth]

【Dung points (1 ton of dung = 1 dung point): 42.55】

[Usable Chakra Amount (upgradeable): 498/500]

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