Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 31 New Clothes, The Latest Information!

Chiba returns to the courtyard.

He first finished eating the barbecue packed from the barbecue shop, and then he got busy.

"Oh, this plastic bag of clothes is just not good. I only wore it once, and it broke in several places."

He is mending plastic bag clothes, which are very important equipment for him.

"It's all up to you to act tonight, so I have to make you tighter."

After mending, Chiba did not forget to talk to himself, and placed high hopes on the clothes in his hand.

He cannot relax.

After two encounters with Sand Shinobi, Chiba knew he needed to speed up his feces collection. At the very least, he had to clean up the excrement in the village first.

He is still a little scared.

If he hadn't collected feces last night, he must have died today!

With a sense of crisis, the stimulating Chiba lost his sleepiness.

He is going to act again tonight, trying to squeeze out the rest of the residential area.

In this way, only the families are left.


It was completely dark.

Putting on plastic bag clothes and a brand mask made of ragged cotton trousers, Chiba slipped out the door.

Be bold, be careful, and don't panic.

These three points were carried out by him to the end.

Not to mention, it was precisely because of his carefulness this time that he avoided another scene where people would collapse into the sky.

Originally, Chiba was ready to activate his ability, but he felt it was too hasty, so he waited patiently.

As soon as he waited, he heard the footsteps of two people appearing from the nearby walled hut, and there were vague words of "dead ghost" and "you are so bad".

Finally, he successfully finished the remaining residential areas.

After harvesting nearly 60 manure points, Chiba slipped back home satisfied.

He was not in a hurry to add some, after all, he had dung points in hand, so he had to sleep first before talking.

Early the next morning.

In a daze, Chiba felt himself being pushed.


With a 'thump' of his body, he was pulled out of the abyss of the dream.

Opening his eyes, he saw Aburame Jingmei standing in front of him, looking at him with resentment.

"Hey! Your breakfast!"

Putting the love box lunch on the bed, Jingmei turned her head and left.

"Oh? Why don't you sit down for a while?"

Chiba replied politely, and then the other party really came back and sat on the chair.


As soon as he sat down, the three-legged chair fell over.

Jingmei fell to the ground directly with her chair.

Chiba was stunned!

He forgot!

He had really forgotten that the chair had only three legs.

Being thrown all over her face, Aburame Jingmei tried to stand up while holding on to the table.


Chiba yelled.

He remembered, this table seems to have only three legs...



Chiba ran out of the house and ran wildly in the yard.

And behind him, Aburame Jingmei followed in circles with her face full of dirt.

"Stop! I promise not to hit you!"

"I don't stop, you stop first, then I stop!"

As a result, neither of them stopped.

"It's so lively!"

At this moment, Fujiki wearing a mask appeared and shouted.

Although part of the sound was cut off by the mask, it was still heard by the two people in the yard.

Not only did they hear it, they also saw Fujiki appear.

thump! thump! thump!

Aburame Shizumi ran away, but before she ran, she gave Chiba a hard look, which made him feel hairy.

"Didn't you disturb the senior's date?"

Fujiki had an apology on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense, I just like to run in the morning."

After correcting the opponent, Chiba's eyes fell on Fujiki's hand.

"You come as soon as you come, why do you still bring a gift? It's too polite."

After speaking, he stepped forward and held out his hand.

"Senior, these are the clothes I asked someone to make for you overnight."

Passing the clothes over, Fujiki said.

"The clothes are specially made to insulate the smell on your body."


Chiba became interested, and hurriedly began to look at it.

The clothes looked the same as usual, except that they seemed a little thicker.

"The middle of the clothes is a compressed plastic sheet."

After what Fujiki said, Chiba suddenly realized.

No wonder he felt the thickness of the fabric. It turned out that there was a layer of plastic cloth between the two layers of fabric.

"Senior, there are still masks."

He took out a thick stack of masks from his arms, and Fujiki handed them over again.

"In this way, seniors can freely go to the streets..."

Hokage Building Conference Room.

As usual, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat around with Danzo, Homura, and Koharu.

"Look at this information! Orochimaru sent it back last night."

Putting the scroll on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen waits for others to watch.


Danzo didn't move.

Mitokado Homura didn't move either.

Utatane Koharu also didn't move.

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