Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 32 Infighting Resumes, Hiruzen's Mind!

Danzo didn't move because he thought Homura would move first.

But Homura also felt that Danzo would move first.

As for Koharu, she belongs to the same camp as Homura, as long as Homura moves, she doesn't have to move.

Sounds a bit convoluted.

To put it bluntly, the three of them belonged to two camps at this time, and they were all waiting for the other to make the first move.

As a result, a strange scene appeared in the meeting room.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited for a long time, while the other three sat there motionless as no one came to take the scroll.

"What are you three doing?"

Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen got angry and threw the scroll directly to Homura.

So far, the confrontation is over.

Win with Homura and Koharu.


Danzo snorted, expressing his displeasure.

It's just useless.

After reading the information on the scroll, Homura thought about it.

"Homura, tell me your opinion."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Homura and asked how he felt.

The reason why she asked Homura first is because the intelligence content is related to Fujiki and Chiba, especially Chiba!

And these two people came back together yesterday evening.

Asked by Hiruzen, Homura collected his thoughts.

"Last night, I guessed that Chiba should have attacked Luo Sha with a cesspit, causing the opponent to retreat, but now I found out that I was wrong."

"Combined with Orochimaru's information, let me guess the situation at that time."

While tapping on the table, Homura said slowly.

"Fujiki encountered Luo Sha and was stunned by a mad bull arranged by Danzo. At this time, Chiba came and started to confront Luo Sha!"

"However, Luo Sha's subordinates finished cleaning up the guard ninjas, so they also appeared."

As Homura reasoned about the battle, the others listened carefully, but Danzo squinted, his mind drifting through ten thousand horses.


Homura was clearly targeting himself.

What is he called the mad cow arranged by Danzo?

Obviously the TM was arranged by Hiruzen!

Homura's reasoning continued.

"Chiba casts a swamp cesspit, trapping all Sand Shinobi in it."

"He thought that the swamp cesspit would slowly submerge Sand Shinobi, so he took Fujiki and left. However, Rosa escaped using the corpses of his subordinates as a pedal..."

I have to say that Homura's reasoning makes a lot of sense. Because among the few people present, only he is a master of reasoning with a meticulous mind.

In the past several battlefield deduction and restoration of local combat situations, Homura has never made a wrong deduction.

"Wait a minute! I think there should be another Earth Style ninja."

Suddenly, Utatane Koharu spoke up, dissenting.

Koharu really couldn't believe that Chiba, who was still a commoner a few days ago, could almost wipe out Luo Sha?

How many days to cross from commoner to Jōnin?

This is too ridiculous!

Now, Homura was slightly taken aback, and Danzo was ecstatic in his heart.

He hurriedly pulled the scroll over and began to browse the content quickly.

After a while, Danzo finished reading.

"Hmph! Homura, thanks to you being a reasoning master, Chiba has only been awakened for a few days? You actually said that he can cast the swamp cesspit that traps so many Sand Shinobi?"

Danzo sneered and refuted it face to face.

After speaking, he met Koharu's eyes and nodded slightly at him.

Ever since, Danzo and Koharu managed to form a united front and caught Homura by surprise.

"Oh? So you both don't think Chiba did it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked calm, showing no expression.


"That's right!"

Koharu and Danzo both nodded.

Homura's face was flushed, obviously annoyed by the stupid Koharu.

He knew that Danzo took advantage of Koharu's poor IQ and suppressed himself.

"Well, let's do this! Next, let's talk about the reconstruction of the No. 1 supply station..."

Waving his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject.

Not long after, the meeting ended.

Before leaving, Danzo was so proud that his chin almost went up to the sky.

"Chun, let's go!"

Even, Danzo kindly called Koharu "Spring", which made Homura get goosebumps all over his body.

After several people left, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

Boom! !

His figure turned into smoke and disappeared into the meeting room.

The residence of the Sarutobi clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked to his son Asuma's room with his hands behind his back.

"Huh? Where's the Asuma people?"

Seeing the empty room, Sarutobi Hiruzen yelled towards the door.

Soon, an Anbu appeared and bowed in front of him.

"Report Hokage-sama, Asuma is practicing at the training ground."

"Go and call him back."

After giving some light instructions, Hiruzen just stood there with his hands behind his back, waiting.

With the lessons learned from Mitokado Homura's son, it is impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to let his son go to the supply station.

He was even more worried about his son's safety.

Therefore, he thought of the famous capital city.

It's far away from ninja battles, and at the same time, it can brush up the favor of the daimyo.

Chiba, on the other hand, can just protect Asuma.

Believe it or not, he doesn't know, but Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Hokage, is 100% sure that it was Chiba who killed Sand Shinobi, and even almost killed Luo Sha!

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