Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter Thirty-Three: Dung Diggers, Tianren Is Watching!

Chiba doesn't know that he is about to become Asuma's bodyguard.

After he put on the new clothes and mask, he sent Fujiki away.

Afterwards, he prepared some cardboard and wrote a few big crooked characters. Then he walked to the street with satisfaction and headed for the nearest first family residence.

That's right!

He's collecting poop again.

Armed with the perfect scent-masking gear this time, Chiba decided to hit the ground running in broad daylight.

Akamichi family residence.

Walking through the door with strides, Chiba held his head high, without any nervousness at all.

thump! thump! thump!

"Who are you?"

Just a few steps after entering the gate, a fat young man stopped in front of him.

Chiba pointed to the cardboard hanging around his neck, and pointed to his own mask.

"Hokage appoints a manure collector?"

After reading out the content on the cardboard, the bloated teenager looked suspicious.

Lord Hokage appoints the excavators now?

Seeing the other party's disbelief, Chiba turned the cardboard over.

"Huh? It's done in a minute?"

Although he still didn't believe it, it only took a minute to see what the other party wrote, so Akamichi Dingza decided to let him try.

After all, the familial cesspit is almost full.

"What you write is done in a minute, I hope you don't lie to me."

Taking the other party to the side of the hut, Akamichi Dingza did not forget to warn.

Then, Chiba walked in.


Ten seconds later, he came out.

"What are you doing here? Looking for tools?"

Seeing the other party come out, Ding Zuo asked.

I saw that the young man pulled the first cardboard away, revealing the second cardboard.


Looking at the two big characters written on the cardboard, Ding Zuo's eyes almost popped out.

How long has it been?

ten seconds?

He clearly heard that the other party seemed to just fart after entering, how could it be done?

"You wait, I'll go in and have a look! If you don't get it done, I'll get you done!"

After opening his mouth viciously, the young man Ding Zuo rushed directly into the hut.


Ding Zuo was stunned!

He saw the deep darkness and space in the latrine, where did it look like it was about to overflow?

"Isn't this too fast?"

Walking out of the hut, Ding Zuo still felt incredible.

What ninjutsu is this?

Septic Technique?

"Wait a minute! There are other huts."

Seeing that the other party turned to leave, Ding Zuo hurriedly persuaded him to stay.

The young man in the mask stopped and nodded.

After a while, Ding Zuo Akamichi sent the magical excavator out of the gate of the family residence, and signed Akamichi's name on the cardboard.

"As expected of Mr. Hokage's designated excrement worker, professional enough!"

Looking at the leaving back, Akamichi Dingza was full of praise.

Hyuga family resident!

Originally, Chiba was going to be kicked out, but when a teenager from the Hyuga family saw Akamichi's signature on the cardboard, he readily agreed.


It is the purpose of Chiba service.

In just a short while, he cleaned up the Hyuga family's hut.

It's just that there was an episode when he left.

It was a trivial matter to dig out dung, but when it was time to sign, an old man appeared and signed the words 'Hyuga Tennin'.

"You are very good!"

The old man spoke, and looked at Chiba with a smile.

Chiba remained calm and walked away with strides.

"Grandpa? Why are you here?"

Hyuga Hiashi was a little puzzled, how could something as trivial as signing a signature alarm grandpa? Even praised by grandpa?

You know, Hyuga Tennin has passed the position of patriarch to Hiashi's father, and then lived in seclusion in the family backyard, hardly coming out.

But this time, he was just a dung digger, how could he let grandpa show up in person? Even sign your own name?

at this time!

The aged Hyuga Tennin stared at the back of the departing young man, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"Hiashi, investigate this person, if there is no problem with his identity, try to befriend him..."

After leaving these words, the old man turned and returned to the backyard.

Hyuga Hiashi: "..."

As the young patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi never imagined that his grandfather would let him be friends with a manure digger?

But he knew that grandpa would not say these things for no reason.

"Did Grandpa just open his eyes? Did he see something?"

Hiashi guessed in his mind.

He guessed right!

Just now Hyuga Tennin did open his eyes, and the reason why he opened his eyes was because he sensed the fluctuation of time-space Technique!

Then, Chiba came into the eyes of Hyuga Tennin.

When Chiba started to clean the second hut of the Hyuga family, the whole process was witnessed by Hyuga Tennin with a blank stare...

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