With the Hyuga family taken care of, Chiba's momentum is boosted.

"Strive for one day to collect all the families!"

Immediately, he moved on to the next family.

When Chiba came to the gate of the Zhicun Clan's residence, he happened to bump into a familiar person.


At this time, Danzo had just finished the meeting and was about to walk back to the family residence.

As a result, he saw a young man wearing a mask walking in!


Although the other party was wearing a mask, Danzo recognized at a glance that the other party was not a member of the family.

Facing Danzo's yelling, Chiba revealed the cardboard on his chest.

"Hokage appoints a manure collector?"

Scanning the writing on the cardboard, Danzo sneered.

Is the excrement worker appointed by Hiruzen?

He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Hide your head and show your tail with a mask on, let me see who you are? So bold!"

As he spoke, Danzo's left hand was as fast as lightning, and he directly pulled off the mask on the young man's face.

"Eh? Chiba?"

Seeing the other person's appearance, Danzo's whole body trembled.

Then, he hastily put the mask back on Chiba's face.

"Ahem, the old man was reckless just now, right? Go!"

At this time, Danzo's complexion was mild, completely gone from the coldness and ruthlessness just now.

"Come on, take Chiba to the hut."

Bring in a clansman, Danzo commanded.

Watching Chiba leave with the tribe, Danzo breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a good thing he didn't let him speak, otherwise..."

Standing where he was, Danzo muttered to himself.


Suddenly, Danzo was taken aback, and the scene of the previous meeting room began to emerge in his mind.

As Hokage's assistant, Danzo is no fool.

Although he fought back against Homura in the conference room, it does not mean that he disagreed with the other party's speculation.

"A commoner has the strength to defeat Luo Sha in just a few days. This kind of talent..."

"Also, he doesn't have that smell..."

The more he thought about it, the more satisfied Danzo became.

This is simply the ideal talent for roots.

Ever since, Danzo stood at the gate of the station and waited.

He wants to recruit the other party into the root family.


As soon as Chiba finished collecting the feces, he walked out of the gate when Danzo stood in front of him.

"Chiba~~ Are you interested in coming to the root of my formation?"

Danzo smiled all over his face, and his tone was very gentle.

Chiba was quite moved by the warm invitation from the other party.

So, he took off his mask with a look of joy on his face.

"Okay! I promise!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the strong smell of olli sprayed on Danzo's face instantly.

"Fuck! Yue..."

Danzo's mind was completely stunned, he stepped back a few steps, staggered, squatted on the ground and got up.


Chiba swears that he really didn't do it on purpose, but because he was excited, he couldn't help but took off the mask.

Today, he held back for too long without speaking, and suddenly there was such a person who invited him, wouldn't he be excited?

"Hurry up! Put on the mask! Ugh..."

Leaning on the ground and vomiting, Danzo did not forget to remind.

This taste is too big!

Originally, Danzo thought that the other party had eliminated the taste, but what he didn't expect was that the taste in Chiba's mouth became even stronger after a few days of absence!

If this recruits the other party into the root, the others may all be smoked away.

"Chiba! I thought about it, you better be your dung collector!"

Covering his nose, Danzo left such a sentence, and ran away in embarrassment.


Chiba was a little disappointed and sighed.


When he scanned the dung dots on the attribute panel, the disappointment in his heart disappeared immediately.

"A mere root, how can it accommodate my real body?"

Full of motivation again, he walked towards the next family with strides.

The residence of the Sarutobi clan!


Wearing a simple short jacket, Asuma came to the door of the room.

"Come with me."

After looking at his son, Hiruzen spoke softly and walked out of the room slowly.

The father and son were pacing in the yard, and the scene was warm.

"Asuma! You've also become a Chūnin now, it's time to go out and experience yourself."

"Okay, my lord father!"

Although Asuma is still a teenager, she looks more mature and her tone is respectful.

"The daimyo of the capital city sent me a letter, saying that he lacks guards there! Prepare yourself today and leave tomorrow!"

"Yes! Father!"

"Well! I will help you find someone to protect your safety along the way."

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, a young man wearing a mask walked in from the gate of the courtyard.

Involuntarily, the eyes of the father and son fell on each other.

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