Chiba is not a person who likes to fight and kill.

His dream is simple and simple.

Open a farm and raise 100,000 chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep each.

When these livestock are brought up, the meat is sold to others, and the excrement is kept for oneself.

Not only will it benefit the ninja world, but it can also maintain its own ecological farm.

"Fighting and killing is not suitable for me. My dream is to be a leisurely farmer."

With a long sigh, he fell from the sky.

At this time, in front of Chiba is a cesspit, which is the rest station that was submerged before.


With a wave of his hand, the feces on the surface of the cesspit kept churning and peeling off, and soon condensed into a dung ball.

Today, only swampy soil remains in the pit.


Staring at the swamp pit for a while, an inexplicable thought flashed through Chiba's mind.

"What is it?"

He tried his best to think about the clue of the flash of inspiration just now.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the suspended sand pad.

Chiba thought about it.

He carefully looked at the golden sand cushion, and there was unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

Dust gold?

Isn't this gold?

"The sand pad imitates Luo Sha's ability, that is to say, I can make gold?"

Picking up a speck of gold dust on the sand pad, Chiba squeezed it hard.

As a result, the placer gold was squeezed into an irregular piece of gold.

"So, there is a ninja who can make gold, no wonder Sand Shinobi Village dares to start a war."

"But, Luo Sha was killed by me."

Thinking of this, Chiba felt he had to go home.

He now has the ability to turn shit into gold, which is a mobile money printing machine. If anyone knew about it, he would definitely encounter various kidnappings.

So, he's going home to start a farm.

"With gold, my dreams are no longer dreams."


Throwing the compressed poop ball into its mouth, Chiba hits the sand pad again.

"Raise up, hurry up."

The sand pad under his feet continued to increase in height, and the speed also increased by a few points.

He wants to go home.

Therefore, he must cross the Sand Shinobi border.

After raising the height of the sand pad to a height of 1,000 meters, Chiba felt safe.


Suddenly, the chirping of eagles resounded high in the sky.

This is the Scout Ninja of the Sand Shinobi Frontline Force.

"Go down you!"

Seeing Ninja, Chiba directly activates the ability.

The reincarnation of grains.


In an instant, the hawk sprayed dung, and the hawk fell to the ground with its head facing the ground.

Sand Shinobi border front.


The moment the eagle chirped, the entire Sand Shinobi front line heard it.

Even Chiyo in the command post could hear clearly.

Ever since, many Sand Shinobi raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

Chiyo also walked out of the command post and looked up at the sky.

"That's Master Luo Sha!"

"Why did the Ninja Hawk fall?"

"Lord Luo Sha?"

"Could it be that Lord Luo Sha killed Ninja Hawk?"

Sand Shinobi on the frontier saw the Shinobi falling and saw someone flying on a sand pad. But Chiyo was sure that that person was definitely not Luo Sha.

Because Luo Sha was seriously injured and was on his way back to the village to recuperate.

"Immediately let the puppet troops prepare to knock down the high-altitude people."

Suddenly, Chiyo thought of someone, and spoke loudly towards the sea burial.

"It must be the infiltrator."

As expected of the commander, Chiyo guessed the identity of the other party in an instant.

But what puzzled her was that Luo Sha had said that the other party mastered earth-style ninjutsu and excrement, how could she master the same Magnet Style as Luo Sha?

"Magnet Style? Luo Sha? Back to the village?"

A terrible guess flashed through his mind, and Chiyo's gaze became extremely serious.

"Did he sneak attack Luo Sha? Devoured Luo Sha's ability?"

She couldn't help but think otherwise, in fact, all kinds of clues connected in series led Chiyo's thoughts to this point.

High in the sky!

Standing on the sand pad, Chiba flew at high speed full of longing for home.

"As a peaceful shit, I hate fighting and killing."

Looking down at the ninja positions on both sides of the canyon, Chiba sighed sincerely.

If you have any questions, you can discuss them. Why do you have to call back and forth? There is really no agreement, and everyone takes a step back.

Fighting is something that only immature people would do.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, a dense crowd of puppets rose from the ground and rushed towards Chiba in the sky.


Seeing this scene, Chiba couldn't stand it anymore.

Imitation ability activated——

Shit Escape - Shit Rain Technique!


A thick cloud of feces appeared within a radius of several kilometers around Chiba.

Countless shit ideas fell like hail, towards the ground.

not only that!

The shit cloud moves with Chiba, and where he is, there is the center of the shit cloud.

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