Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 53 The Positions On Both Sides Are Blown Up!

Yellow dung ideas fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

And the Sand Shinobi puppet masters on the ground raised their heads one by one, manipulating the puppets to rush into the sky.

In contrast, dung ideas fall faster.


The Sand Shinobi were stunned when poop pips fell on the Sand Shinobi puppeteer's face.

They smelled a fetid ollie smell coming from their faces and up their noses.

"Is this...shit?"

Wow! ! !

At this time, pieces of dung fell down and directly sprayed their faces.

"Fuck! This is Ollie, everyone run! Yue..."

"I'm covered in a face, I can't see the way, vomit..."

"I ate it in my mouth, it's so disgusting, yue~~"

"Fortunately, I have rhinitis, so I can't smell..."

These puppet masters are crazy, running wildly and vomiting.

One of them, Sand Shinobi, wiped his face very calmly. It was the patient with rhinitis.

At this moment, how could they care about manipulating the puppets?

To control the puppet, you have to look up at the sky.

At that time, when the face is exposed to the rain of feces, you will have to eat a mouthful of feces.

The Sand Shinobi position was raining dung everywhere, splashing countless dung ideas.

Not to mention those puppet masters, even other ninjas also suffered.

"Oh my god! This is dung rain. Vomit~~~"

"I'm soaking wet, yue..."

"I knew I wouldn't look up, my mouth is full. Vomit~~~"

"I was so scared that I pulled the pockets of my trousers, but fortunately I got wet all over, and no one else could see it. Yue..."

The Sand Shinobi on the ground exploded, looking for shelter while Yueting.

To be smart, it has to be Commander Chiyo.

The moment she saw the dung rain, she dodged into the command post and successfully avoided it.

"Is this the ability to control feces?"

Listening to the "crackling" dung rain on the roof, Chiyo's expression was extremely solemn.


Suddenly, the door of the command post was knocked open.

A sea burial covered in feces ran in.

What followed was that indescribable taste of Ollie.

"Sea burial? Vomit~~"

Chiyo couldn't help but bent over and vomited, being soured by the smell brought in by his younger brother.

It's not just disgusting in taste, it's also visually stunning.

The whole body is full of feces, and anyone who sees it will feel disgusted.

As soon as he entered the door, Sea Burial wiped his face first, and spoke hastily.

"Sister, vomit~~ That person is about to fly away from our defense line, do you want to chase him?"

"Chasing? Will I be covered in water if I catch up?"

After the siblings finished communicating, Qiqi knelt on the ground and vomited.


Konoha defense force position.

At this time, a large number of Konoha Shinobi followers gathered in the open space. The leader is Hatake Shumo, who has the title of Konoha's White Fang.

Since the Sand Shinobi position encountered dung rain, Hatake Sakumo urgently assembled his troops.

"Sand Shinobi's position has encountered dung rain, this is a good time for us to counterattack!"

Looking around at the crowd, Hatake Sakumo's tone was sonorous and forceful, full of fighting spirit.

He waited too long for this opportunity.

Originally, the village sent a message informing him about Chiba being reversed Summoning, so Hatake Sakumo launched an attack after seeing Sand Shinobi recruiting front-line ninjas.

It's a pity that he didn't know the other party's life or death, and was forced to retreat by the poisonous gas of the Sand Shinobi puppet.

But now, the Sand Shinobi position is in chaos.

If you don't attack at this time, when will you wait?

Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo noticed that there was something wrong with everyone's eyes.

Following everyone's gaze, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Dung cloud! Dung cloud coming our way..."

Some ninjas yelled in horror.

Chiba wants to go home, not only through the Sand Shinobi position, but also through the Konoha position.

next moment...

The dung rained down.

"Everyone, find a shelter."

Hatake Sakumo yelled and Sasha ran wildly.

Actually, needless to say, a group of ninjas started running separately.

for a while.

The smell of Ollie filled the entire Konoha position, and the feces and water confluence, raising this smell to Ultimate.

Dry feces have no smell, but if the feces are mixed with water, the smell will be infinitely magnified.

Shit Rain Technique!

You can tell by the name alone that this is a combination of Ollie and water.

not only that!

There is not only great taste on the battlefield.

Moreover, the ground is terribly slippery.




Many Konoha Shinobi practitioners slipped and fell on the way to escape, their faces fell to the ground, and their mouths were filled with water.

"Have you ever eaten Laozi before? It's the first time to eat Ollie, yue~~"

"This taste is absolutely amazing, even more disgusting than stinky tofu! Ugh..."

"What should I do if I eat it? I can't spit it out~~yue..."

"Anyway, it's all over my body, so I might as well just lie on my stomach... vomit"

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