Fujiki lay on the hospital bed.

Although most of his nerves were paralyzed by the toxin, he could hear it.

"Fujiki, don't be afraid, just run away!"

He heard Chiba's words.

Then, he really went thin.


The chrysanthemum is unobstructed and nourishes the whole body.

Not only did he run away, black and purple sludge appeared on his body.

"This is? Toxin?"

Tsunade, who was outside the window, saw this scene, his eyes widened like light bulbs.

Tsunade knew very well that the toxin in Fujiki's body had entered the nerves, and it was impossible to save it, but what did she see now?

The toxin actually came out of Fujiki's body?


At this time, Mitokado Homura appeared.

With an unconcealable excitement on his face, he completely ignored the smell in the room.

Maybe, this is the power of love?

Homura took out a scroll.


Smoke appears.

A large wooden barrel came out.


Looking out the window, Homura beckoned.

This time, Tsunade understood.

"Water Style - Bath Water Technique!"

Chiba: "..."

In the ward!

Chiba stood where he was, watching Homura scrubbing his son vigorously.

And Tsunade is gone.

At this time, Homura laughed from ear to ear, and rubbed a large piece of black and purple sludge from Fujiki's body.

"That, Homura-sama? Don't you think it's smelly?"

Chiba is a little suspicious.

Who can resist his smell?

But Homura didn't realize it?

"Hehe, these are all small scenes!"

Homura turned his back and spat into the bathtub.

Small scene?

Chiba suddenly realized.

Compared with the previous opponent being crushed by Oli, this is indeed a small scene.


Fujiki became white and clean, and was sent to another ward by Homura.

Under the village walls.

Chiba and Homura walked side by side under the wall, perfectly avoiding everyone in the village.

"How do I remember, the wall where Fujiki took me before?"

Chiba found this scene somewhat familiar.

At the moment, Homura is walking along the wall.

He vomited too much just now, and now he has no strength in his body.

"Thank you, Chiba."

"You're welcome, Fujiki is my friend."

Chiba replied modestly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found Master Homura kneeling.


Mitokado Homura couldn't bear it any longer, knelt at the base of the wall and retched.

Chiba couldn't bear to look directly at him, and wanted to help the other party, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

What if the other person is lying on the ground and cannot get up if you help yourself?


Homura persisted to the entrance of the village.

The guard Qingtian supported a thick stack of masks, and the crisis was saved.

The two continued to walk along the wall.

Homura talked about Fujiki's experience this time.

It turned out that Homura valued the stability of the country of vortex, so he was relieved to let his son experience it. After all, the Land of Vortex is surrounded by sea on three sides, and the only land connecting it is also the Land of Fire.

He thought, in this environment, Fujiki will definitely be extremely safe during this experience.

Unexpectedly, he encountered bandits and was poisoned.

"How could Fujiki's strength be poisoned by bandits?"

Chiba was a little puzzled.

After all, Fujiki is still a Chūnin, how could the rogues be able to stop them?

"It should be Sand Shinobi pretending to be a rogue!"

Homura's expression was a little gloomy, and he revealed the identity of the rogue.

Sand Shinobi?

Chiba was surprised.

"Master Homura, the Land of Wind and the Land of Vortex are separated by sea, how could they go to the Land of Vortex?"

Chiba didn't understand, Homura also shook his head.

"After Fujiki ran back, he just said that he had encountered a large number of rogues who were looting the villages in the country of Uzumaki."

"There are many villages in the country of vortex?"

"a lot of!"

Hearing Homura's answer, Chiba's eyes flashed.

He suddenly wanted to travel abroad.

Although there are already thousands of livestock in the back mountain, for some reason, there has been very little feces in the back mountain these two days.

Chiba speculates that these animals may be a little constipated because they have changed their environment and are more nervous.

Since there is no income from the farm, it should be no problem for him to collect a wave of feces in the country of the vortex.

After all, rogues plunder nothing like looting huts.

Saying goodbye to Homura, Chiba returned home in a hurry.

He first made a dozen gold bars and left them to Jingmei. By the way, I wrote a short farewell letter.

After all, Jingmei has to manage the farm for herself during her absence.

Afterwards, Chiba sent a five-grain reincarnation to himself.

Shower, tidy up and the smell is gone.

Strolling near the entrance of the village, Chiba activates the imitation ability——

Through escape!


Peel off the Ollie sticking to the body, and the genuine Tou Dun is online.


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