Leaving the village, Chiba can be regarded as the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

"Sand pad!"

Mimicking a sanding pad, he disappeared without a trace in one Luffy line.

Excited, still excited.

Although it is still far away from the country of vortex, Chiba still couldn't hide his excitement.

"The history of Uzumaki is similar to that of Konoha. The difference is that there are many other villages besides Uzumaki."

what does that mean?

It means that these villages have accumulated a lot of manure.

Sand Shinobi has plundered many villages, so it's not too much to collect some shit in the back, right?

With a single Konoha Village, he can improve his imitation ability to S level. With so many villages in the Vortex Country, wouldn't his imitation ability reach SS or even SSS in minutes?

"I will be a leisurely farmer after the country of the vortex is finished."

Thinking of this, Chiba felt very happy.


Chiba descended to a river.

Reincarnation of grains!

When the ability was activated, one after another fish floated up on their bellies.

"Clean, non-toxic, hygienic."

After a meal of grilled fish, he was ready to continue on the road.



Chiba frowned and jumped away from the spot.


A branch as thick as an arm poked into the ground, poking a hole in the ground.

"Wood Style?"

Chiba was startled, the imitation ability was activated instantly——

Shit Technique!

His body transforms into feces, transforming into Superman.

It's not over yet.

His eyes changed into the shape given by Ollie, looking towards a big tree.

I saw a person-shaped thing hiding in the big tree, sneaking around and preparing to attack.

If it was someone else, they would definitely not know who it was, but Chiba could tell at a glance that it must be White Zetsu.

"Under the eyes of my dung, you still want to engage in a sneak attack?"

Chiba grinned.

As a result, Ollie squirted wildly from his mouth.

"Kneel down for Laozi!"

Ability activation——

The reincarnation of grains.

next moment!

Chiba froze.

He found White Zetsu unresponsive.

"Does it mean, White Zetsu doesn't shit?"

Nourish! Nourish!

At this time, more than a dozen branches emerged from the ground and attacked Chiba.


In the blink of an eye, he was poked to pieces.

Olives are everywhere on the ground, in puddles.

"Is that the extent?"

White Zetsu's voice was sarcasm, and his body slowly stepped out of the tree.

But then, White Zetsu was taken aback.

He saw the scattered oligos gathering quickly.

While breathing, the feces condensed and formed into a human shape.

"Shit escape—shit breaking wave!"

White Zetsu heard the voice of the poop man.

Then he saw himself being cut in two by a jet of dung.


With a flash of the thought, White Zetsu hung up.

"To be on the safe side, poke it a few more times."

Walking in front of two pieces of White Zetsu, Chiba cut White Zetsu into dozens of pieces with shit again, and he was relieved.

Start again.

In mid-air, Chiba was full of worries and sullen.

"Where did I offend Uchiha Madara? How did White Zetsu find him?"

He still couldn't understand why he had offended Madara.

Said he offended Sand Shinobi, he admitted. But apart from Sand Shinobi, he never offended anyone.

After thinking for a long time, Chiba couldn't figure it out either.

"I killed White Zetsu, what if Madara comes after me?"

"It's best not to come to me, or you will rush Laozi, and Laozi will flood your hiding place."

Silently cheering myself up, Chiba's mood gradually improved.

He even had a bold idea in his heart.

"What if I imitate Uchiha Madara's technique to deal with Uchiha Madara?"

The more he thought about it, the more feasible Chiba felt.

Just imagine, he imitates Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, transforms into a dung giant, holds two dung swords, and slashes against Uchiha Madara.

Who is afraid of whom?

With the taste of a dung giant, who dares to fight in close quarters?


Hokage conference room!

This time, there were only three people in the meeting room.

Several people in Hiruzen knew that Homura's son was poisoned and could not be cured, so they could only hold a three-person meeting.


Before the meeting started, a figure walked in, it was Mitokado Homura.

"Homura? You?"

"How did you come?"

"You don't have to come, let's spend the last time with Fujiki..."

Hiruzen and the others comforted, and even Danzo was rare without ridicule.

"Hehe, you worry too much, Fujiki is already healed."

Homura smiled and sat down on the chair.

But he seemed a little weak, probably because he vomited too much before.

In the field!

"You said Fujiki is alright?"

"His poison has been released?"

"Tsunade's ability is so strong?"

The three of them were shocked and asked questions repeatedly.

They went to see Fujiki, but they were all helpless.

If there is anyone in the village who can heal Fujiki, it can only be Tsunade.

"It was cured by Chiba."

Homura smiled and opened his mouth lightly.


"It's him? How is it possible?"

"He will detoxify?"

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