A good day begins with a tour of the farm.

This is the fifth day of Aburame Jingmei's continuous tour of the farm.

As the only farm manager designated by Chiba, she takes a stroll around the farm every morning.

"Why didn't I see Fat Chiba today?"

Walking to the foot of the mountain, Jingmei pulled open a dirt nest, a little puzzled.

In the past, every time she came to the earth nest, the little wild boar 'Fat Chiba' would run out and grunt at her, but today the fat leaf is gone.

"Over there!"

Looking around, Jingmei found the little pig.

But when she stepped forward, she found that the little pig was already cold, foaming at the mouth.

"Is this? Poisoned?"

"But there are no poisonous plants in the back mountain at all."

With doubts, Jingmei's eyes froze.

"This is..."

She saw two adult wild boars lying motionless on the weedy ground not far away.

Obviously, the whole piggy family was poisoned.

As if thinking of something, Jingmei's footsteps quickened and she ran towards the mountainside.

"Dead, why are they all dead?"

Along the way, she saw that all the livestock had died.

Jingmei is in a hurry.

"Chiba is not here, he entrusted me with the farm, but now..."

"That's right! Water source!"

Suddenly, Jingmei thought of it.

There is a source of water on the farm, and it can only be a source of water.

Because, every morning, the livestock in the back mountain will run to that water source to drink water.

Not long.

Jingmei ran to the water source.

She saw a large number of livestock carcasses, and a stranger who was poisoning.

Jingmei was impatient.

Strangers were also impatient.

"You stop~々!"

"court death!"

Jingmei yelled to stop, but the other party shot directly.


A Kunai burst out, with a bright detonating symbol attached to it.

Jingmei wanted to hide.

But she lost the worm, her strength was greatly reduced, and she could barely avoid a short distance.


The explosion sounded, splashing a lot of rubble.

"With this strength, you dare to stop me?"

A sneer sounded.

But immediately, the other party's expression stopped.

I see.

Jingmei, who was covered in blood, not only did not fall down, but stared at him firmly.


Two more kunai were shot out and nailed to Jingmei's leg.

Blood spattered everywhere, accompanied by muffled groans.


Jingmei knelt on the ground, the intense pain made her break out in cold sweat, and her face was extremely pale.

However, she was still staring at each other.

In the past, every time a mission encountered danger, Jingmei always said to run away. But now, she didn't run away.

This is the farm entrusted to her by Chiba.

In her heart, here is very important.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Jingmei heard the other party's words.

Unmoved, she closed her eyes.

"I want to protect the farm, I promised Chiba, I can do it!"

"Secret Technique——Swarm of Flies!"


At this moment, the garbage dump in Konoha Village


Countless flies flew out of the hill-like rubbish dump.

One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, hundreds of millions!

Flies rushed out like black sea water, densely packed, covering the sky and the sun.

As if they had received some instructions, the swarm of flies quickly flew towards the back mountain like a black cloud.

Konoha Village fryer.

"Vori! Is this a fly?"

"What did I see?"

"Mom, run, the army of flies is coming!"

"Is this TM too much?"

Danzo, who was eating breakfast at the family residence, saw this scene, and his eyes almost popped out. Then, he threw the bowl directly.

Immediately cast the Technique, Danzo went straight to the back hill.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was on his way to the office when he saw a black swarm of flies flying towards the back mountain.


Pushing hard on the ground, his figure shot out, and rushed to the back mountain as well.

Aburame clan...

The Hyuga Clan...

Back Mountain Farm!

Ying Chuan took out three kunai, and stuck detonating symbols on them.

He believes that this time, Aburame Jingmei will be blown to nothing.

"..Have you given up struggling?"

Seeing Aburame Shizumi with her eyes closed, Takakawa sneered.

Suddenly, a strange sound was heard.

This sound is like, a fly?

next moment!

The humming sound was suddenly magnified countless times, directly shaking Yingchuan's brain.

He turned to look.


Ying Chuan's face changed drastically, and his soul was almost frightened.

Dense flies flew towards him like ocean waves, the number is endless!

He wants to run.

But the army of black flies had already formed an encirclement, rushing towards his face frantically.

Ears, nose, mouth, even eyes!

Swarms of flies were hitting the holes in his body, trying to get in.

"Go away! Go away!"

Ying Chuan kept waving his arms.

But it didn't (Chen Nuohao) do any good.

He felt deaf in his ears.

It was a fly that got into his ear and damaged his eardrum.

He closed his mouth tightly, and now his mouth is full of flies, and every time he opens his mouth, a large number of flies rush in.

He wanted to sneeze, but his nose was already filled with flies.

not only that!

Crazy flies were still drilling down his nostrils, blocking his windpipe.


A shrill scream sounded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Yingchuan used the detonator.

He, was killed by himself.

"I didn't protect the farm, I really tried my best..."

At this moment, Aburame Jingmei muttered weakly, only feeling a blur in front of her eyes.


She lost consciousness and fell to the ground. .

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