Within the territory of the Kingdom of Fire.

Chiba is heading towards Konoha Village.

After he swept away half of the feces in the country of vortex, he couldn't take it anymore.

So, he chose to return.

"Huh? You said that Chiba ate so many oligos, why didn't he see his belly bloated~?"

"It should be that he digests faster than-?"

"But I haven't seen him shit in the past few days?"

Behind Chiba, the three Orochimaru followed, talking constantly.

This is why Chiba returned to the village.

Every time he collects manure, these three guys will definitely get together to discuss.

The language is vulgar and unbearable.


Stopping, Chiba turned to look at the few people.

"You protect me, shouldn't you go ahead?"

"Huh? Go ahead? What if someone attacks you from behind?"

Tsunade replied, Chiba was speechless.

"Go forward with confidence, we will protect you from behind."

Jiraiya made an encouraging, 'you rest assured' gesture.

"Chiba, you have shit, what are you afraid of?"

Orochimaru spoke softly.


Chiba couldn't take it anymore, and ran wildly.

He really didn't want to stay with these three idiots anymore.

After spending a few days with them, Chiba felt his IQ plummeted.

"You see, to be honest, he's still angry."

"You run so gracefully."

"What are you doing in a daze? Chase!"

The three of Orochimaru started to speed up and chased after Chiba.

Chiba ran all the way.

The three chased after each other.

Chiba stopped, and so did the three.

In the end, Chiba could only be forced to magnify his moves.

"You forced me to do this!"

Glancing over the smiling people, Chiba put his hand directly on the waistband of his trousers.


Orochimaru and Jiraiya's expressions changed drastically, but Tsunade remained indifferent, staring at Chiba's movements.

"You still look at the fart, didn't you see that he was going to shit?"

Jiraiya dragged Tsunade away, still cursing.


Seeing the three retreat, Chiba summoned a dung mat, jumped on it and flew away.


"He must have been flying towards the village, we just ran in a straight line."

"It's a pity, I didn't see him shit..."

Jiraiya and Orochimaru almost stumbled, really, what Tsunade said was disgusting.

After these few days of contact, Tsunade always feels that there is something in Chiba that can make her happy.

Konoha Village!

Walking to the entrance of the village, Chiba looked back.

no one.

Own victory.

At this moment, the guard Qing Tian ran out from the duty room at the entrance of the village with a dignified expression.

"Chiba! Something happened to Houshan.


Hearing Qingtian's words, Chiba frowned.


He directly cast the shit Body Flicker Technique and disappeared in place.

As a result, the Chiba people disappeared, but they left a splash of dung ideas in place, leaving Qingtian alone.

"Fuck! yue~~"

back mountain.

The outside of the wooden house at the entrance of the farm.

When Chiba arrived at the cabin, he saw several people gathered outside.


"You're back!"

"Someone poisoned..."

Ignoring the voices of Danzo and the others, his eyes fell on a girl covered in scars.


Seeing Jingmei unconscious on the stretcher, Chiba walked up to her with a silent expression.

"The farm was poisoned by Sand Shinobi spies, and Aburame Jingmei fought with each other"

This is Danzo's voice, with a cold tone in his tone.

"I've already checked with a medical ninja. Her legs were crippled, and she had a large area of ​​blast wounds, and her internal organs were all affected..."

Speaking of this, Danzo is not talking too much.

Excessive blood loss, severe injury and coma.

In particular, the explosion also affected the internal organs.

In this case, Danzo has already determined that Aburame Jingmei will not wake up.

Chiba remained silent.

He stretched out his palm and took Jingmei's hand.

"Why don't you run?"

"When in danger, you always say run, but this time, why don't you run?"

"Without worms, your strength is no match for Genin, don't you know?"

…ask for flowers…………

As if talking to himself, Chiba panicked in his heart.

He only has two friends.

Fujiki was almost poisoned to death by Sand Shinobi, and Shizumi was beaten like this by Sand Shinobi spies.

"Why, my friend?"


Suddenly, Tsunade appeared.

"I'll try."

Tsunade stepped forward quickly, putting both hands on Jingmei's body.

Green Chakra emerged from her hand, covering Jingmei's wound.


There are too many wounds.

Although Tsunade tried his best to save her, Chiba could still feel that Shizumi's hand was getting colder and colder.

"No! His internal organs are injured, and I can't fix them.

Tsunade shook his head.

"Go away!"

Chiba spoke slowly.

Tsunade stopped.

She thought that Chiba was going to accompany Jingmei for the last time.

Danzo remained silent, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, shaking his head constantly.

Aburame Zhihui glanced at Chiba, feeling sad for his sister.

Hyuga Hiashi didn't dare to speak, so he could only imitate the silence of the others.

In the field!

Chiba closed his eyes.

After one breath.

He opened his eyes and gently put down Jingmei's hand.

Imitation ability activated——

Healing Jutsu!

In an instant, his hands were covered with feces.

Without waiting for the feces to splash, Chiba moved at will and directly peeled it off.


The richest green Chakra gushes from his hands.

"This! How is this possible?"

"Healing Jutsu? Chiba also Healing Jutsu?"

"How could his Healing Jutsu have such a strong vitality?"

"At least ten times stronger than Tsunade's! My sister is saved!"

Danzo and the others stared dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Aburame Zhihui looked excited, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Tsunade's eyeballs almost popped out, and his mouth opened into an O shape.

【Ask for free tickets】【Ask for flowers to die】.

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