Almost in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen streams of smoke rose up.

I don't know where these people retreated.

The strong smell of Ollie is getting bigger and bigger, and there are even footsteps coming from the entrance of the Hokage building.

Just then!

Third Hokage lifted the Hokage robe again to cover his mouth and nose, and then turned around slowly.

Seeing Hiruzen's action, Danzo suddenly realized.

Then he turned around too.


Chiba stepped out.


As soon as he walked out of the Hokage building, he found that Hokage-sama and Danzo-sama seem to be standing in the wrong direction?

So, he planned to go around in front of the two of them.

After all, if you just walk over like this, what if you scare them? And it's a bit disrespectful to the two adults.

As a result, just halfway around, he found that the eyes of the two were fixed on him.

From the eyes of the two, Chiba felt a lot of emotions, but he couldn't describe the specific emotions.


"Don't move anymore..."

Suddenly, Danzo and Hiruzen spoke, almost at the same time.

After finishing speaking, the two hurriedly began to cover their mouths and noses with their respective clothes and handkerchiefs.

"Eh? Talking with your neck twisted? Isn't that bad?"

Chiba was a little confused.

But soon, he found out that he was wrong.

Chiba didn't move, but Danzo and Hokage did.

The two turned around halfway, and turned their backs to Chiba again.

Now Chiba is not calm.

"Master Hokage, Master Danzo, will you use your back to communicate with me?"

Chiba said this in a hurry, and the strong oligo was sprayed out by the smell, and it floated towards the backs of the two of them.



At this time, the bodies of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo began to shake violently.

Danzo couldn't bear it anymore, he lifted the handkerchief and started to yue. Sarutobi Hiruzen, with great effort, swallowed back the vomit welling up his throat.

At this point, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and had to make a quick decision, otherwise even he couldn't stand it anymore.

He took a deep breath, endured the discomfort in his stomach, and covered his mouth and nose with the Hokage robe again.

"Chiba, I order you to turn around now! Immediately!"

With a stern tone in his tone, Hiruzen thought of this way.

Hokage gave such an order, and Chiba had to listen.

So he turned around obediently.

Then there is the back-to-back communication.

Chiba looked at the air in front of him, always feeling weird.

"Chiba, tell me what you saw at the supply station, remember, keep it brief and to the point!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke quickly and seemed to be in a hurry.


Responding to the air, Chiba straightened out his thoughts and began to organize his words.

"I drove the ox cart to the supply station. It was about a few hundred meters away from the supply station. I saw the supply station exploded. Then my cow went crazy, and I..."

"Don't talk about cows!"

Third Hokage spoke in a muffled voice, unable to hear any emotion.

After all he covered his nose and mouth with the Hokage robe.

"Well, that cow cost me..."

"I'll reimburse you! Stop talking about bullshit, and focus on it!"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to explode, but he couldn't.

Because being angry will make him breathe faster, and breathing faster will make him come out.

"I fell out of the car and five Sand Shinobi found me."

Chiba felt a little wronged, and talked about it pitifully.

It's just that he said it to the air.

"Oh? Go on!"

"Then what?"

Hearing this, not only Sarutobi Hiruzen became interested, but even Danzo stopped vomiting and urged in a muffled voice.

The two of them guessed that some kind of accident must have happened during Chiba's encounter with the Sand Shinobi ninja, otherwise how could it have become the current state?


Chiba scratched his head and thought for a while, and felt that his ability could be classified as the blood succession limit.

After all, he couldn't say that he ate Ollie, that would be a shame.

"Then I awakened Shidun."

Naming his ability Shidun, Chiba silently praised his wit in his heart.

"Shit escape? That's how it is!"

"Is the blood inheritance limit?"

The two of Danzo suddenly realized that this ability seemed reasonable.

According to this logic, the two of them even made up the plot behind it.

In the face of five Sand Shinobi, Chiba awakened the Blood Successor Limit—Shidun in a critical situation, and then, with a disgusting smell on his body, he directly smoked away Sand Shinobi...

In the thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, the Sand Shinobi ninja who destroyed the supply station must not be too strong, because all the strong Sand Shinobi are closely monitored by the Konoha border forces at the border, and it is almost impossible to have a chance to sneak in.

So far, the two have finished their brains.

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