Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 9 Two Heroes Secretly Discuss, If You Go, You Will Collapse!

"Okay, Chiba! You go home quickly."

Turning his back and waving his right hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen urged in a muffled voice.

It's just that he forgot that Chiba was also behind his back, so he couldn't see his waving movements at all.

Of course, Chiba has ears, and he heard what Hokage said, but he didn't move his footsteps.

"Master Hokage! My cow..."

Chiba is still thinking about the reimbursement that Hokage just said.

"Danzo, give me the money!"

At the urging of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo flicked a few coins.

The coin drew a circular arc in mid-air, and landed in Chiba's hands with precision.

"That's okay too?"

Chiba was a little confused.

Everyone is clearly back to back, how did the other party throw the money into his hands?

It's kind of magical.

Looking at the money in his hand, Chiba counted it and found that it was just enough to buy a cow.

He thought that Danzo would give him more money because he didn't know the price, but Chiba realized that he was thinking too much.

"Chiba! You must be very tired all the way, go home and rest!"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to urge in a muffled voice.

"By the way, if it's okay, try not to go out."

After adding this sentence, Sarutobi Hiruzen's figure 'bang' turned into smoke, and then Danzo disappeared.

The residence of the Sarutobi clan!

The figures of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo appeared one after another, and they began to take a big breath of fresh air.



As if they had been rehearsed, the chests of the two of them heaved and sunken, and after several waves of breathing, they felt alive again.

They really don't want to stay in the Hokage building anymore, the smell of Chiba is everywhere, which makes people's scalp tingle.

"Although Chiba's smell is a bit strong, I think this ability can be used to resist Sand Shinobi."

Danzo opened his mouth and thought of a way to get Chiba away.

He knew very well that it was impossible for Chiba not to go out, and he would definitely go to the street to buy food, but such a humanoid person walking through the cesspit to the street would definitely make the whole village full of complaints.

Let me ask, if someone is eating ramen, and the smell of Oli hits his face, how does it feel to eat ramen?

Someone is eating barbecue, and they can smell shit when they eat it. This barbecue eater might think that he is eating grilled Ollie!

Even, if Chiba chooses to go out for a walk during the meal, I am afraid that the whole village will go crazy by then!

Danzo felt a chill at the thought.

So, make sure to get Chiba out of the village.


Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him shook his head.

"Chiba's ability is disgusting, but he must not go to the front line!"

Hiruzen's tone paused after saying the exact opposite of what Danzo said.

"If he goes to the front line, with his smell, without Sand Shinobi attacking, our Konoha front line troops will collapse..."

Danzo was stunned by what Hiruzen said.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen said, the smell on Chiba's body is too strong, and this smell will spread, especially when Chiba speaks, the concentration of this smell will be greatly increased.

If he was placed in the frontline army, the combat effectiveness of the entire ninja army would drop a lot.

"Since you can't put him in our ninja army, let's put him in Sand Shinobi."

After figuring out the key point, Danzo corrected himself.

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen rolled his eyes.

"Put it over there at Sand Shinobi? How?"

With a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, Hiruzen sighed leisurely.

As Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not an idiot, he will naturally consider Chiba's role on the battlefield.

After some analysis, he gave up.

First, the smell on Chiba's body will cause him to be discovered by Sand Shinobi in advance, and then, Sand Shinobi only needs to throw a kunai, and Chiba will be gone.

So it's useless to put him on the battlefield.

"Forget about Chiba for now."

Waving his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject.

He will have to eat later, and he doesn't want to affect his appetite.

Next, the two talked about the bombing of the supply station.


"How stingy!"

"Not only did I lose the cattle, but my cart has not yet been reimbursed..."

"Do you want to go back and find them?"

On the way home, Chiba thought about it, and even wanted to go back to Danzo to reimburse the car money.

It's just that he doesn't know where to find Danzo.

Hokage building? root base? Or the residence of the Shimura clan?

"Forget it, forget it, it's too troublesome."

Stuffing the money into his trouser pocket, he quickened his pace a little.

Now that the sky is about to get dark, Chiba is a little scared.

His residence is located near a garbage dump. At night, there are often some stray dogs digging food on the garbage dump, and even fighting for food, so Chiba seldom goes out at night.

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