Chiba slipped out of the village again.

In order to find out who was behind the scenes, he plucked up the courage and prepared to investigate.

Leaving out of the village, he imitates directly out of the sand pad.

"Launch into the sky, at a height of 1,000 meters!"

The sand pad carried him high into the air, becoming a black spot.

"This is how you feel safe~"

With a sense of security in his heart, Chiba continued to activate his imitation ability.

Big Dung brand supercilious!

Suddenly, Ollie's eyes appeared.

so far.

Chiba has completed the transformation of the detection mode.

"Let's go!"

Leaning down to scan the ground, Chiba began to scout.

Now, his eyes are like a pair of high-precision radars, constantly scanning the ground.

Soon, a pair of heaps appeared in Chiba's sight.

Not just a dunghill.

He also saw a large number of detonating symbols buried in the dunghill, and seven people hidden.

"There's one in the dunghill, six out there..."

"Huh? One of them is Kakuzu? The one in the dung pile looks familiar too?"

For the appearance of Kakuzu, Chiba is not surprised, he is surprised that the person in the holy pile.

at the same time!

The assassination team hidden around the dung pile also found the figure high in the sky.

It's just that they're a little bit blind.

"He's in the sky, what's the matter?"

"I really didn't expect that he went directly to heaven."

"If he doesn't fall down, won't we have to return without success?"

"The height is too high, there is no way"

The five assassins communicated together, but there was nothing they could do.

This is what makes flying ninja special.

People can't come down from the sky. If you don't have special abilities, you can only watch.

In desperation, several people looked at Kakuzu.

"Master Kakuzu! Is there anything you can do?"

Several people looked hopeful, hoping that the other party could find a way.

At this moment, Kakuzu looked indifferent, looking up at the sky.

"about there.."""

When he opened his mouth lightly, he exuded an invincible aura all over his body.

Hearing Kakuzu's words, several people were overjoyed.

Although they didn't know the specific meaning of each other's words, it was obvious that Kakuzu had a way.

next moment!

Puff puff!

Without warning, the five assassins all passed out.

They felt that the chrysanthemum was uncontrollable at all, it was opened vigorously, and the feces in the body rushed out, and they couldn't stop the car at all.

"what happened?"

"I'm running away! I'm so powerless..."

"Kakuzu said it's almost the same, is it that we are about to lose weight?"

"I feel insulted..."

Baha! Baha! Baha!

Five people fell to the ground one after another, all of them were exhausted.

They still don't understand that Kakuzu is trying to cheat his teammates!

"Sure enough, we have a tacit understanding!"

With joy in his heart, Kakuzu bent down and looked at the few people on the ground.

"I will accept your heart."


The palm pierced a person's chest, and immediately, his hand grabbed the other person's heart.


When Chiba fell to the ground, Kakuzu had already collected and was sewing the body together.

"Chiba! How is my delivery?"

Leaning over to Chiba, Kakuzu intends to claim credit.

However, Chiba didn't pay attention to him, but waved at the dung pile.


I saw that the dung pile began to squirm, as if it had life.

As long as it is feces, Chiba can be easily manipulated.

After just one breath.

A figure was thrown out by the dung pile.

"Anyone else?"

Kakuzu was startled when he saw the figure being thrown in front of him.

He has never discovered that there is still a person hidden in the dung pile?


The figure landed on the ground, covered in big classes.

However, this person did not die.

It seems that it was sealed in the dunghill before.

"Oh it's you!"

Looking at the man, Chiba recognized it.


He never imagined that this person who once covered himself with a blanket would appear in the pile?

Shouldn't the other party be in Sand Shinobi Village?


Baki's uncomfortable batch.

Because his whole body was sealed.

Since he was sent by Third Kazekage to deliver scrolls to Konoha, he was put under house arrest by Hokage.

After that, his whole body was sealed, and he was even thrown into the dung heap.

Now, he has worn off more than half of the seal, and he will soon be able to completely undo the seal on his body.

In the field!

Facing Chiba, Baki couldn't speak at all.

His seal has not been lifted, so he can only blink continuously.

"It seems that you are also an abandoned child, and the real person behind the scenes is Third Kazekage~~"

Chiba spoke softly.

Now, Chiba has determined that the person behind the scenes is Third Kazekage, so he is going to take revenge.


To condense the dung pile into a dung ball, Chiba performs several compressions.

As for the detonating talisman, it has already been crushed.


Jumping onto the sand pad, Chiba flew directly southwest.

He is going to Sand Shinobi Village, to teach Third Kazekage a lesson he will never forget.

"Huh? My gold bars!"

Kakuzu yelled a reminder.

Unfortunately, Chiba has flown away.


Just then, Baki broke free from the seal.

"Wrong! Wrong! It's Hokage who wants to kill you!"

Baki was in a hurry and kept yelling.

But he called out loneliness.

Because there are only him and Kakuzu in the field.

"Oh? You said it was Third Hokage who wanted to kill Chiba?"

Kakuzu became interested and looked over.

He didn't intend to kill the person in front of him, because he knew that the person had something to do with Chiba. Otherwise, how could Chiba let this person go?

"I'm going to tell him the truth. (Well received)"

Baki walked away, ready to rush to Sand Shinobi Village.

But at this moment.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, several Anbu appeared.

As soon as he appeared, Anbu attacked Baki straight.

"Murder and silence?"

Kakuzu smiled coldly, and dense black silk threads shot out from his body instantly.

In just a few breaths, several Anbu became cold corpses.

"So strong"

Baki was shocked Watts.


This is someone approaching, and there are a lot of them.

Kakuzu heard it.

Baki didn't hear it.

"As Chiba's partner, let me go with you~~"

Kakuzu Haki spoke.

Immediately, he picked up Baki, who was still in a daze, and galloped all the way to the southwest.

When a group of assassins arrived here, they only saw Kakuzu carrying a person and disappearing to the southwest.

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