Sarutobi family resident.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo sat facing each other.

Between the two, a chessboard criss-crossed.

"Danzo, why are you hesitating and refusing to make a move?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and spoke lightly.

But Danzo on the opposite side was silent, looking absent-minded.

Danzo is waiting.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also waiting.

They are waiting for news from Anbu.

The difference is that the two have different moods.

"Hiruzen, aren't you afraid to miss again?"

Danzo finally spoke, his tone heavy.

Just now, Danzo's eyelids have been twitching.

It made him feel bad.

"Hehe~~ Don't worry! Chiba will definitely die this time."

With a confident smile on his face, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke affirmatively.

For the "Zero Four Three" wave of assassinations, he had arranged three lines of defense, enough to be foolproof.

First: A mighty assassin from the black market—— Kakuzu!

Second: Sand Shinobi Baki sealed in feces!

Third: After the assassin Kakuzu and Chiba were both injured, Anbu behind him made up the knife and wiped out!

Even, even if Chiba wins in the end, Baki will be able to divert the opponent's attention to Sand Shinobi.

This chain plan was arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen after hard thinking.

He believed that this time, Chiba could not escape.

"So what if you can fly? If you want to collect dung, you will definitely fall to the ground..."

A smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and Sarutobi Hiruzen felt happy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a shadowy figure hurried over.

"Look, good news is coming."

Hiruzen smiled.

Danzo also turned his head to look.

"Master Hokage! Failed!"

As soon as he got close, Anbu said directly.

next moment!


The board was directly smashed by Hiruzen.

"How did it fail? Didn't that Kakuzu almost kill Chiba last time?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't understand.

His arrangement was so perfect, yet it failed again?

"Hey~~ Hiruzen, take care of yourself."

Danzo sighed, turned and left.

He wanted to go back to his family, so he hurriedly withdrew his family members.

After all, he fears Chiba's cesspit revenge.

Back to the family.

Danzo immediately ordered the tribe to evacuate.

"All the clansmen, retreat to the root base."

With one order, Danzo evacuated.

He can't control Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he has to keep his own people.

"Chiba's cesspit can flood the entire front line of Sand Shinobi! My family's garrison can be turned into a cesspit in minutes."

Danzo knows Chiba well.

He felt that the other party was a werewolf who had revenge.

Once this kind of person offends, he must be crushed to death. If you don't die, you will splash your own shit.

In the Land of Fire!

Chiba flies ahead.

Kakuzu took Baki and chased after him.

"We can't seem to catch up with him."

Baki looked anxiously at Kakuzu.


Kakuzu just threw Baki to the ground.

"I'm carrying you, how can I catch up with you?"

Looking at the other party indifferently, Tong couldn't bear the smell on his body.

He didn't intend to go after Chiba, if he hadn't noticed that many people were approaching, he would have brought a few heads of his teammates to exchange for bounties.

Now, he didn't even catch a hair.

Fortunately, he cleverly made up five hearts, otherwise he would have lost only his underpants in this wave.

"Go yourself."

Leaving this sentence, everyone escaped.

If the task failed, he had to return to the gold exchange to submit the result.

Underground Exchange.

When Kakuzu returned to the gold exchange, he was surprised to find that a group of assassins looked at him in awe again.

"What a pity! I saw Master Kakuzu chasing Chiba with my own eyes, and now it seems that he was run away by the other party..."

"I saw it too, that Chiba couldn't beat Kakuzu and just flew away [what a piece of crap!"

"The one who was chased didn't even dare to go back to the village, that Chiba actually ran towards the land of the wind..."

"Hey~~ It's a pity that 500 million.

The assassins around talked about it, and they all shouted that it was a pity.


Kakuzu immediately swelled.

At this moment, even he himself believed it.

Just a Chiba, run away when you see yourself.


"Master Kakuzu! What a pity."

The receptionist was still smiling and his tone was full of regret.

"Forget it, I don't accept missions recently, I'm not in the mood.

Leaving these words indifferently, Kakuzu walked away with invincible steps.

"It seems that Kakuzu is going to study a way to restrain flying."

"It must be so."

"I hope next time, he can find a way to win in one fell swoop~~"

"By the way, how will the money for the five heads be divided?"

Until Kakuzu left, a group of people were still discussing.

After all, they picked up the heads of five assassins and were discussing how to divide the money.


Walking out of the gold exchange, Tongdu let out a long breath.

He's ready to collect manure.

"Once I've got enough shit, I'll go to Chiba for gold bars..."

Fly all the way southwest.

Chiba soon entered the land of the wind.

He flew in a straight line, bypassing the country of Chuan, and headed straight for Sand Shinobi Village.

"Third Kazekage! You wait for Laozi."

Filled with anger, Chiba wanted revenge.

He considers himself a good man.

Be kind, humble and sincere.

However, there are always people who want to kill themselves inexplicably.

For his own safety on 3.9, and to live a carefree life, Chiba decided to take revenge on Sand Shinobi Village.

"I don't want to fight at all, it's all forced by Third Kazekage!"

Gritting his teeth, the anger in Chiba's heart became more and more intense.

half a day later!

Chiba saw it.

He saw the familiar earthen wall, and Sand Shinobi Village.


Flying over Sand Shinobi Village on a sand mat, Chiba did it directly.

Imitation ability activated——

Tengai Shinsei!


Accompanied by a dull bang, the sky suddenly darkened.

next moment!

A giant dung ball with a diameter of more than one kilometer appeared under the clouds and fell straight towards Sand Shinobi Village.

【Ask for free tickets and flowers】.

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