blade momentum up, where can the orphan think about something else, void’s half-month ring goes the same way out? Before in his heart, Di Jiu was just a little chicken puppy, and now he knows how funny his ideas are.

the void circle was transformed into two white domain groups, one of which locked Di Jius blade momentum.

“bang!” The rotten planet in which the two people were located was torn apart by the ravaged Dao Rhyme, Di Jius blade momentum, and the two white domain clusters in the void and a half months were torn apart.

Di Jiu was similarly surprised that he had never thought about someone or his own realm, and he couldn’t take half of his action. Who the hell is this orphan? So Bridge of Reincarnation was repressed in it, and there’s only one remnant soul left?

Di Jiu was shocked, the orphans were even more appalling, and the two were just trying to find out that he couldn’t kill Di Jiu. If Di Jius was stronger than he was, maybe he could still be killed. But he believes that Di Jius’s power should not be stronger than him, or even weak. Where did that person come from, so terrifying? He’s an orphan.

Di Jiu will not think that his power is weaker than an orphan, and today it should be impossible to kill an orphan. But fellow chased him so long, he wouldn’t let this old thing go well, even if he couldn’t.

Just when Di Jiu was ready to take out the notes and blade array, the orphans suddenly withdrew, even took the void half-month ring, and said to Di Jiu a cup of fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoist Di, I can’t kill you, and you can’t kill me. It’s meaningless to fight again.”

Di Jiu laughed, “Oldthing, you’ve been chasing your grandfather for so long, just one meaningless? Your father saved your life, too, and you didn’t respect your grandfather so much as thats all, and you’d bite behind me.”

It’s hard to look at the orphan’s face, so he knows very well who his real opponent is, not the current Di Jiu, but not the transition.

Deeply breathing, enduring grief and anger in your heart, slowing down your voice and saying, “Fellow Daoist Di, you’re right. Then Bridge of Reincarnation was my thing, and I just stayed there.”

Di Jiu tsk tsk said, “Great, great. Can you teach me how to repress myself in my magical treasure, turn yourself into remnant soul, and wait for someone else to save remnant soul with his head back? I can’t really take control of the fire, and one of them will take your grandpa’s life away.”

Di Jiu was so loud that the orphans knew they wanted Bridge of Reincarnation to be too anxious. Even idiots, I’m afraid they won’t use their magical treasure to suppress themselves, or even the silent soul.

孤步人一cup one fist in the other hand ,“Fellow Daoist Di ,我是真心想要和你结交。我也不是一点忙没有帮你,当初如果不是渡不追杀我,你能逃得掉吗?我引走了渡不,让你逃了一命吧。如果不是渡不,我已经和我原来的Grand Dao 彻底融合,现在就不是合道而是第三步了。一句话说到底,我们两个人合则两利,分则各自灭亡。

I’m afraid you won’t have a chance to talk to me here. I’m not a bull, I’ve got a way to escape from my hands, and you must have no way. “

Di Jiu has no ironic isolated person this time, and he knows very well that he’s right. He and the orphan are two, and no one is in the face of a dead end. The two of them joined together, or have a little chance.

See Di Jiu this time without bullshit, the Orphan slightly smiled says, “Fellow Daoist Di, in fact borrowing from both of us is not a fugitive opponent. But I was just trying to find a place to get into the third step, and I think Fellow Daoist Di is also perfection now. Why don’t you go to that place with me and join us into the third step?”

When Di Jiu answered, he continued to explain, “Fellow Daoist Di, you are the latter, fearing that the third step is important to a cultivator. If you don’t get back to your cocktail, you must have something you need. I don’t think you know that person well, but that person is the first expert in the universe to call five Elements, of course I don’t agree. He had all Primordial Chaos Dao Principle in the open universe, and he could say that the rules of the universe for the five Elements were as high as they were, and if you were to enter the third step here, you would have been absolutely uncontrolled.”

All Primordial Chaos Dao Principle? The Orphans may believe it, but Di Jiu certainly doesn’t get all Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, at least that’s irrelevant. Orphans are always talking about a man who cannot enter the third step in the Five Elements universe, which he agrees to.

“Old loneliness, look what you said, I was going to chaos to cross into the third step, how did you sweep?” Di Jiu laughed, go up and shoot the shoulders of the orphan.

How dare the orphan get Di Jiu close, get a step, scream in his heart, and this kid is so fast. But he had to join Di Jiu, because he didn’t get Bridge of Reincarnation, and once Di Jiu left, he would have remembered that he had a mark on Bridge of Reincarnation. He wants to find Di Jiu again, and it’s hard to go to the sky.

The second reason he’s gonna be with Di Jiu, and that’s what he just said. And if he was with Di Jiu, he would surely be safe when he met. Not because the two men were working together to deal with the transition, but because once they met, he was going to run away. He’s definitely not just going after Di Jiu, he won’t chase him.

How important is it, he knows more than anyone, that something so important is left to Di Jiu to return to his first round? It’s weird not to give up.

“Fellow Daoist Di, although I don’t know what chaos are, I’m really not going to lie to you, as long as in the five Elements Cosmos prove the Dao, that’s only dead end.”

For the first time, he said so sincerely and in another person that, in general, he was directly shot dead and where that patience would prevail.

Di Jiu frowned, that’s what it’s hard to say when you hesitate. “Since that’s how I believe you’re lonely once. My Master has been telling me that I am too good to be honest, easily deceived, and I hope that you will not live up to my expectations.”

The orphan felt surging Ray was blown off his head, and he method very ruthless, and anything bad was a slaughter. But never had it seen in Di Jiu so shameless fellow, fuck you with good honesty.

But Di Jiu didn’t know that he would be subjected to the transition in the five Elements cosmic prove that Dao was not in doubt. This is for Primordial Chaos Dao Principle, even Grand Dao, to go beyond the five Elements universe rules to conceal that Di Jiu has been five Elements in the universe cultivating that is a strange thing to understand.

“I don’t know what Fellow Daoist really calls it.”

Di Jiu surname Di, he knows, because Di Jiu called himself Grandpa Di Di. He never went anywhere else, nor did he know the name Di Jius.

“My name is Di Jiu, who likes to call himself Grandpa, you can just call. Well, when are we going to prove the Dao third step?” Di Jiu chuckled, he knows that the orphan is not something, that he doesn’t say anything about Bridge of Reincarnation. Must have been to continue his search for Bridge of Reincarnation, and if it wasn’t to leave the five Elements universe prove the Dao third step, he really didn’t want to be with that two-face fellow.

How does this fellow cultivating to this level?

And he just said, “Fellow Daoist Di, prove that the third step of Dao is not simple, we…”

The word of the orphan has not been finished, and Di Jiu suddenly broke his hand, pointing to the orphan, saying, “Good old man, plot against your grandfather.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, how am I plot against you?”

Di Jiu coldly said, “Old loneliness, you came back with your cocktail, and I’m afraid you know your place all the time, and now you drag me here, not plot against your grandpa.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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