Shua! The endless Palace Lord and Fat Wales have not left yet, and a Daoist shadow falls in front of both.

The powerless Palace Lord immediately felt that there was a tremendous crunch of suffocation, so that she could not even breathe.

People are not just an extremely ordinary clothing man, but the powerless Palace Lord recognized who he was at the first time and bowed for a week, “Enough has been seen to cross senior.”

She could not be stranger, but she was afraid to have half-disrespect for the journey. She’s never seen before, and she knows very well that this man must be the first person in the Five Elements universe.

Only the first person in the universe in five Elements will give her such terrifying aura. The fatty walker who saved her before might not be much weaker than the transition, but the endless Palace Lord now has some doubts that fatty walkers are not the five Elements universe, because fatty’s oppression on her is not that big.

It’s just that she can’t be sure thats all that, after all, it’s not that easy to leave the Five Elements universe. When the original building door was to leave the Five Elements universe, how long did it take to open?

She was stronger and derived from the Five Elements universe. If the stranger uses five Elements Universe Dao Principle, the present person is born simultaneously with five Elements Universe Dao Principle.

I can’t see a lot of Palace Lord’s eyes, “Good, well, when I get into the building door, I can come out. When I find that Di Jiu, come and talk to you.”

After that, I can’t look to the fat walker.

Fat Walker laughed said, “No, you really don’t have to catch him this time.”

“Whether or not I can catch up, I have to go after it.” The slightest hesitation says that he’s got a big head lately, and that’s already affecting his path.

Fat walker nodded, “I just didn’t go after him, with the strength of that kid, I’m afraid a dozen breaths would know I didn’t chase him. So if you’re lucky, that kid has some hope.”

After all, the fat walker pointed to a void.

“Good.” Running doesn’t turn around, just disappear. Without Palace Lord suck in a breath of cold air, he knows what speed is.

That Di Jius is fast, and it’s definitely too much slower than it is. Di Jiu cannot take off as long as he’s not seen Di Jius at half aura.

At this juncture, she also understands why fat people don’t chase Di Jiu, not just knowing that they can’t catch up, but also that they want polio Di Jiu, so that they can’t catch up. However, the endless Palace Lord knows that the polio of the fat man is certainly useless.

She and Di Jiu, although there were only a few photographs, had long been deep in her memory by Di Jius. If Di Jiu is so big, I’m afraid it won’t be today.

Di Jiu will not naturally be that big, and his speed continues to be faster and even constantly inflicting a wide range of void vortex. As long as there’s half a point of his escape’s borrowing, he doesn’t mind borrowing. He was going to find Forgotten River and limpid autumn water first, but now Di Jiu is clear that he will save his life first. Otherwise, once a trace is released, he is not looking for Forgotten River limpid autumn Water, but bringing it to ones own destruction.

Not only did the journey stop after more than a dozen rest, but he knew that he once again completely lost any trace of Di Jius.

What makes Di Jiu’s hair weed, no matter how far he escapes, always feels someone chasing him in indistinct. But his spiritual sense was sweeping out, biased to feel nothing.

Di Jiu has made rule Escaping Technique extremely, and remains useless. Because after he got rid of that indistinct shadow, it felt like he’d come up again.

Di Jiu sucked his breath, and he’s sure he’s got some prints on himself, otherwise there’s no such kind of awareness.

But who can print it under him? The fat walker? The fat man, though strong, still believes that he can’t print, and that’s the next one he can’t feel.

Isn’t it the countless Palace Lord? Di Jiu immediately shakes his head, and the endless Palace Lord is more unlikely to print it under him. The endless Palace Lord is now beaten by him by hovered over life and death, and there is only one breath, and, honestly, Di Jiu really doesn’t put this woman in the heart. This woman’s strength is not how terrifying it is, or her neo-extinction mirror.

The only possibility is that the transition is too strong to follow him without printing. I don’t know how to know where he’s going. By his current rules, can’t you and I find half a slice of spider horses?

“bang!” Di Jiu landed on an abandoned void planet, and that little stalker aura disappeared. But Di Jiu is well aware that after a while, that shadow will come back again.

Di Jiu Sophistication started searching for himself, and he didn’t let go anywhere. He cultivating is his Grand Dao, who opens up his own rules, and will become his own world in the future. If that’s true, then he’s got a problem.

Di Jiu 还没有检查到自己身上哪里有问题,他那种被追上来的感觉就再次上来。

This time Di Jiu didn’t move, and since he had to face it sooner or later, he could not walk away, he would see where he was going.

Just a few rest hours, a grey silhouette fell opposite Di Jius.

It’s a skinny young man who doesn’t look older than Di Jiu. But it turns around Dao Rhyme, or Di Jiu can’t look at half a spider’s horses.

Like Di Jiu, the young man magical treasure was behind his back, and the other magical treasure was a void half-month ring. It’s just hanging behind the back, and it looks kind of weird. At first glance, Chad thought it was a peasant uncle who was prepared to go to the hill to chop firewood.

Let Di Jiu relaxed, this fellow did not enter the third step, and obviously wasn’t in transit, not in any way he was afraid of anything. The other side, like him, is just perfection. He knew he was going to flee a fart, a classmate battle, and he Di Jiu had never had to fear anyone.

“Your Escaping Technique is the fastest that I have ever seen, and if your strength is better than that old thing, your speed is not faster…” grey clothed youth indifferently said.

when the man opens, Di Jiu understands, he knows who the other party is, and it’s not surprising to be stared at by the other side like tarsal bone.

“What are you following me for? Not trying to tell me you’re not dead?” Di Jiu indifferently said.

He must have never chased this fellow before, and this fellow was never killed, not simple.

“Give me your Bridge of Reincarnation, and I’ll let you go back.” grey clothed youth’s tone is like heaven and earth and cannot be rejected at all.

Di Jiu is happy, “What are you? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t insult pigs and dogs.”

“Do you recognize me?” grey clothed youth stare at Di Jiu, and then think of him for a while, how did Di Jiu recognize him?

“haha…” Di Jiu laughed heartily, “I just threw a bone for my family dog, and my family dog knew about the door. Unfortunately, your grandpa Dietrich lost more bones for you, and you learned to bite the master.”

grey clothed youth had a glimmer of ice cold, staring at Di Jiu, “I’m still the first to see you like this, and I see today how much money you’re making.”

Di Jiu did not wait for each other, Heaven Dancing Blade took out, while a blade strike went on, “That’s a lot of crap.

blade screen tore away void, and slashed the orphan with a ravaging killing potential. At this moment, the orphan felt his field was broken, and he had a big shock in his eyes, and a blade of his descendants could tear him apart, and what kind of guitar technique did fellow cultivating?

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