The neo-extinction aura of the Niño mirror was locked up by a cold crystal in Di Jiu Heaven Dancing Blade and could not help the endless Palace Lord get out of it.


endless Palace Lord is sighing, even if it is no longer possible, at this moment it can only be fatigued.

“bang!” The blood mist blew up, the unlimited Palace Lord’s fleshly body exploded, and a weak shadow came out of it, just under the word Di Jius’s ‘border, and couldn’t get rid of it.

“Di Jiu, you dare kill me.” Even if Origin Spirit is the only one, the endless Palace Lord is still a scream of tear, and someone in the heavens really dares to kill her. As long as she knew, she was better off than when the war died at the door of creation.

Di Jiu hehe said, Heaven Dancing Blade brought out a circle of blade screen, locked up Origin Spirit of Palace Lord in his mouth, indifferently said, “What do you say I don’t dare kill you?”

Di Jiu has not even left the idea of unlimited Palace Lord’s little job to ask about the fabricated doors, and blade Plande Lord, the open domain and Heaven Dancing Blade, has all locked up a lot of Palace Lord.

“Woe to you! Woe to God!” Blessed is a humble woe, and followed by a hand, over Di Jius domain.

kacha! Di Jiu clearly felt his word “boundaries” broken, and then he locked the blade momentum transforming into nothingness of Palace Lord. The endless Palace Lord, in this instant hour, broke out of Di Jius Killpotential, and next minute she had only Origin Spirit’s body again, more fleshly body. Just this time, her cultivation base almost fell down.

“Many thanks to Fellow Daoist for saving each other.” The endless Palace Lord was always courtesy, with respect and gratitude.

Di Jiu was in the heart of Big shock, and he never had had seen anyone tear up the word “boundaries” of his opening notes, even though his Heaven Dancing Blade rule blade was directly broken.

You know, he’s been there since insights, and then clear comprehension took his own course, and his Heaven Dancing Blade has reached an intolerable point. Most of the time, there was no need to pursue that blade momentum divine ability, and any blade chopped could be brought together in the heavens and the earth, imposing modes into the strongest blade momentum killing plan.

But that’s it, and it’s the man who smashed his head lightly. Di Jiu was an idiot, and he knew that the mask had just smashed his‘ boundaries’ and blade momentum to save the powerless Palace Lord, just to do the same for each other.

Di Jius’s eyes fall on each other, full vigilance, and ready to report at any time. As for Bridge of Reincarnation and the second birthday machine, Di Jiu had no idea. Because he was sure that it was also unjust to show up.

This fellow is a fatty, or a fat actor. It’s like a fat pig in his head, and there’s a silver circle. It’s like a pig’s neck, a piece of meat flowing down.

At the time of the conversation, the eyes rise, as if the emotions have been laughing, and the eyes have almost to be turned into two very small black lines.

“Your Excellency is no?” Di Jiu tried to ask a question.

He really can’t imagine who else has so strong and terrifying besides the crossing.

Fat behavior still has eyes on, “hehe, look like you’re scared. Don’t worry, I’m not running, but I’m looking for you too. You’re lucky. Where did you find the opening pen? This thing is falling behind, and I’ve been looking for it, and there’s no half of it. I didn’t think you could find it.

The fat walker said that when he came here, Di Jiu conceived that the void rule had changed somewhat, and he was not particularly certain. Whether or not, Di Jiu is considered to be there. He would never have felt that change if he had not been vigilant about the fat man who was in front of his eyes.

The endless Palace Lord cannot be killed for the time being, but there is no need to worry about this woman. The woman fleshly body was also bombed by him, and now she wants to recover to the previous level for many years.

This fat walker is not a fertile, and the tone of conversation seems to know that the person cannot be seen, even if it is not a fugitive, is not deeply related to the transition.

“I have never wanted to understand how you cheated on the transition from the back of the Tibetan…” Fat walker seems to have no hostility to Di Jiu, and the tone is still a long time and the eyes are laughing.

Di Jiu 连回答都懒得回答,Heaven Dancing Blade 随手chopped 一blade ,然后规则Escaping Technique 展到了极致。

“ka cha!” It is clear that there is no space, nor does Di Jiu feel any kind of void locked by domain, Di Jiu, a blade that learns the sound of ka cha, which seems to have been torn apart by Di Jiu.

Di Jiu had a cold sweat behind his back, and you know that blade was just going to give the fat man a reminder that young Master would come back in the future. I didn’t think he had this blade breaking the lock domain of the fat man.

When did the fat walker build the lock domain, he didn’t find it at half a point? He just concealed that there had been some changes in the surrounding space, and he didn’t think that the other party had built the lockdown domain, which fellow terrifying had reached.

In other words, would he have gone without chopped that blade? Or would he say a few more words, and he could go away?

Di Jiu is not expecting more at this point, and his Escaping Technique is getting faster, and rule Escaping Technique has almost played a great deal.

Now this fellow isn’t that easy, terrifying, and once he’s in the face of a transition, is he still qualified for dialogue?

Less than the third step, he must never see these morons again, and he’s too young. These old thing cheers, the two faces in the heart.

See Di Jiu report, fat walker wrinkles, and chuckled, “Great, really.”

In your mouth, though, under the foot did not follow Di Jiu.

“Why don’t Fellow Daoist go after?” The endless Palace Lord questioned.

And the fat doer is another woe to goodness, and then it’s not easy to say, “My strength is much better than him, but with my Escaping Technique, it’s not bad enough to follow him. Besides, I’m too lazy to catch up with it.”

Without countless Palace Lord despise and dares to ask again, as long as cup one fist in the other hand says, “Enough many thanks Fellow Daoist to save each other, I’m afraid that if Fellow Daoist did not save one another, I would have lost my soul.”

Thank you in your mouth and still yelling at this fat fellow. This fellow obviously could come out early to save her, and this fellow preferred to come out when she fleshly body was destroyed, and obviously was intentional.


fat walker is chuckled, “No thanks, no thanks, no thanks, as long as you don’t curse me late, let your fleshly body lose me.”


endless Palace Lord jumped in his heart and said, “I can’t help a pig like that, Fellow Daoist, who saved his heart.”

She’s searching for intestine, but she’s always wondering who this fatty is. It is true that she can be rescued so easily from Di Jiu’s hands, in no way famous. It was important that she also heard from the Di Jiu and the other side in dialogue that she was really not dead.

Fat walker, “Unquantum Fellow Daoist, I saved you just a few things to ask for. I don’t know if Fellow Daoist could sit down with me and have a cup of tea?”

The endless Palace Lord immediately understood what was going on, and that was what she was going to do in the building door. Now, the situation is strong, and her little life is saved by one another, and she has no reason to refuse it.

Just dozens of breathing hours, Di Jiu knew that the fat man didn’t catch up. Although it was known that the other side had not been followed, Di Jiu was still halfway away and faster. Fat walker didn’t catch up, because he wasn’t running away. Once you don’t know your story, I’m afraid it’s the first time to chase him.

Step three, when will he get into step three?

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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