
endless Palace Lord believes that Escaping Technique can keep up with her and will never exceed one hand. And this hand count, no one in this universe. Her Escaping Technique followed her magical treasure and also called Niño.

But just a moment later, the face of the endless Palace Lord changed and became more pale.

No matter how far she goes, Di Jiu seems to follow her, even though she won’t be faster than she is. Later, the powerless Palace Lord had no control but to tear void apart, but Di Jiu was still able to follow her by giving her how many void she ripped.

By that time, the powerless Palace Lord no longer dares to tear void. Every time she tears up void, she’ll pay a part of her energy, and Di Jiu will always be able to follow her with the void she tears at that moment.

The more horrendous Palace Lord is in her heart, and her cultivation base has weakened too much, but she is still a third step expert. A third step expert, with the highest level of neo-eradication, has not been able to dump trifling Di Jiu, as can be seen in how terrifying Di Jius Escaping Technique is. You know, although she was seriously injured, the impact on Escaping Technique was far from working.

原先还只是愤恨Di Jiu 重伤了自己的无量Palace Lord ,心里忽然没有底起来。当年她之所以能从造化之门逃出来,主要是因为她进入造化之门后,第一时间就留下了method 。但现在,她除了逃之外,毫无别的办法。

Once Di Jiu chases, her little life can count on her own. At this moment, Palace Lord suddenly regretted that she should not come out when she was hiding in places where the door of manufacture was exported, but rather should be harsh, and when Ning City departed, she should run in another direction.


opportunity to create the world is, in any case, too much more powerful than the five Elements universe.

Di Jiu was also shaken in his heart, and he really didn’t see that she ran faster than that woman Palace Lord. The woman’s Escaping Technique doesn’t know what Escaping Technique is, and even his rules, Escaping Technique. This is also where the other party is seriously injured to terrifying, and if he is not injured, I’m afraid he’s already lost.

Well, now he can hardly follow each other, Di Jiu believes that as long as he follows the endless Palace Lord, he will catch up with each other sooner or later.

In addition to Profound Yellow World, the Three Kingdomain has been the second domain outside the Yellow Heaven Beyond Heaven.

此刻三元界domain protection array 外的void plaza 上,数万cultivator 正聚集在这里。几名明显已经是合道realm 的cultivator ,正站在plaza 中间。

It’s a trillion void, three grand classic. In addition to the repair of domain protection array, the Trident will be present at this altar and bless the trilateral community for prosperity. Great Competition of Geniuses of the Three Kingdoms was also held and then the first Secret Realm of the Triangular Community was opened.

It is at this moment that the first expert rainbow field of the Three Kingdoms is speaking, and a silhouette, which is spreading out of his head, suddenly came from void.


was seen that there were plaza in the Triangle, Rainbow Field and several Dao Cultivator soldiers who were also shot out of magical treasure. It’s just that people are just taking a shot, and magical treasure, some of them in the rainbow fields, is all taken into void. Even the strongest rainbow fields in cultivation base, this is the moment of bleeding out.

the cultivator at the top of plaza is horrific, and there is also a handful of co-experts in the universe, including the same rainbow fields, whose strength has been stretched to the margin.

“Unquantum senior…” During the same period, the Rainbow field has identified who was the one who shot him off, precisely the top expert who had fought for the door of the building, Palace Lord. This was the fierce man who almost killed Ningway, but didn’t Palace Lord get into the building door? Why are you still here?

At a moment when Palace Lord was recognized, the rainbow fields were cold. He’s out of his family, and he knows the urine of these experts, and the Triangular community doesn’t care about halfway out of his hand for this expert. The original Profound Yellow World, was the footage of the former car. He just offended the endless Palace Lord.

Just when the rainbow fields are not waiting, the endless Palace Lord is on the other side, and the middle is just on the road, and then it’s gone in void.

The watched in the rainbow fields, the endless Palace Lord, disappears, has gone a long way. Don’t you have enough Palace Lord to come so far, just to borrow a way?

He didn’t realize that the endless Palace Lord was the real way to borrow, in other words, that if he did not take the initiative, the powerless Palace Lord would not have taken care of who he was.


‘s not yet waiting for the rainbow field to react to what happened, and it’s a Daoist. This Daoist shadow is not slower than that of former Palace Lord at half a point, and disappears only after void plaza brushes it. This fast rainbow field doesn’t even know who the other side is.

“I understand, the expert behind is chasing the endless Palace Lord?” The cultivator of a convenient initial stage is appalling.

“Don’t be silly, no Palace Lord is the expert, no one can chase…”

Suddenly, that silhouette back there, though he didn’t see it, had taken the initiative to do something about the powerless Palace Lord, and had no power to Palace Lord. The endless Palace Lord is bleeding, face pale like paper, and aura’s unstable, Dao Rhyme’s messy, obviously a serious wound.

The countless Palace Lord was so badly wounded, not only now, but the everywhere escaped, and she was chasing a man, and obviously obviously Palace Lord was killed.

Think of the countless Palace Lord being chased, the rainbow field suck in a breath of cold air. Who’s the man who chased the countless Palace Lord? It’s just…

“I seem to know who that guy is?” A cultivator from the middle stage finally calm down.

“Who?” The rainbow fields were anxious to ask, and he thought that his strength was strong enough in the post-generation era. But now he knows that he’s still ants in front of a real expert.

“The seal at the gate of the day, the radar valley, has crossed into the third step, and the result has been killed by anyone, I’m afraid that’s the senior.”



distance between the endless Palace Lord and Di Jiu has been reduced again because of the stopping of the rainbow fields.

It was the last few months, the endless Palace Lord secretly sighed in her heart, and she knew she couldn’t escape. She stopped sophisticated, cold watched Di Jiu said, “Di Jiu, you killed Palace Lord of my infinite palce, and destroyed my infinite palace and now chased me. Do you have this universe, that’s taking advantage of the position to bully people?”

Di Jiu, once dumbfounded, really didn’t think that it was said from the endless Palace Lord. And then he laughed, “Is old thing crap long enough to delay time, but your grandpa Dietrich won’t eat this.”

speaking in between them, Di Jius has opened a huge word of “boundaries”, while Heaven Dancing Blade broke down.

The word is broken and the clouds are set out!

The endless Palace Lord felt that his area was directly fragmented, and a new domain surrounded all the space. Heaven Dancing Blade’s terrifying killing plan directly locks her body, and death gives her a feeling at this moment.

“Opening the notes?” The endless Palace Lord was cold, and she saw it here. Her third step was like egg shells, or egg shells locked in steel.

obviously Di Jiu, a blade fights her halfway body, and it’s not all Di Jius’s power. Now the cradle is out, I’m afraid it’s not all Di Jius’s power.

Neither did Di Jius Heaven Dancing Blade, where Heaven Dancing Blade, torn by Heaven Dancing Blade, have an unprecedented ice cold murderous aura.

“ka!” The endless Palace Lord can even hear her skull and fleshly body break, she’s desperate, and she’s upset how she died in this place and died in the hands of an ant. This is a tiger who falls on the sun, and even a pig dog can bully her.

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