Di Jiu is well aware that the followers are definitely not the two interfaces he killed before, cultivator, which fellow realm, he doesn’t know, is definitely too strong than the two fellows he killed earlier.

This time Di Jiu fully bombed six blade, six blade was formed, and the ravaged blade momentum wave, like the universe collapsed, came out.

This moment is locked up in Di Jius Buddha in Great World, and all the mountain rivers are beginning to collapse.

The Buddhist Great World, the master of the Arthur Walker, is also built by poor rules. And the rules in Great World have not yet reached the strength of the rules that really formed the universe, and his rules in the world show the existence of all things in the world.

Now Di Jius blade momentum waves, another wave of waves, and the Buddhist rules in Great World are constantly collapsed into pieces.

He’s an idiot if he doesn’t know that Di Jiu wasn’t full before he changed his face.

There was no secretly thought on the one side, and before Di Jiu killed two experts in the universe, there was no effort at all. This six-blade was transformed into an astonishing blade momentum wave, and I’m afraid it was Di Jiu’s power to take action, suggesting that Di Jiu had been strangled by Buddhist Great World, the other side, before he did not fear.

kaka’s voices have passed, and the hands of the Arthur walkers have suddenly changed, and next moment’s hand has become an endless handprint, each of which captures Di Jius and blade wave.

The cardiologist is so desperate that his Buddhist divine ability is different from someone else’s divine ability, and his divine ability can grow. As his cultivation base is strong, his universe is perfect, and his world will grow even more.

He’s hiding in the Five Elements universe, and he’s worried about people who don’t want him to grow up.

Now Di Jiu, this wave of blade wave, is almost going to destroy his Buddhist Great World, where he can make Di Jiu a success. Once his Buddhist Great World was destroyed, the divine ability was destroyed.

His divine ability did not grow up, but Di Jius’s six blade waves went too far beyond terrifying. One is stronger than one, and six blade waves can also form a plastic terrifying blade momentum wave. If this blade momentum wave were to vanish, his world would surely be destroyed.

The Di Jius blade momentum wave stops with the endless printing of the followers. Looks like the time to walk suddenly stuck and stop moving.

Di Jius’s face changed the same way, and for the first time he saw someone grabbing his blade momentum wave with his hands. His blade momentum wave looks like space method, actually law of Time as a foundation. That is to say, the Customer has more control over Time Rule than he’s Di Jiu.

In fact, as long as he was given a few rest hours, his blade momentum wave could rip the Buddhist Great World. But Di Jiu is well aware that this opportunity will not be available.

He knows better than anyone that the Buddhist Great World, the man of the Arthur, is about to create a fantastic rule. That is, the substantial mountain river in Great World divine ability will be ruled out, and once that happens, his strength is definitely not the rival of the followers.

“Stop, Fellow Daoist Di, you should know why you don’t know me. I will not hold you up today, and we will all go.” The man of Arthur is really reluctant to fight Di Jiu, not Di Jiu, but his Buddhist Great World divine has not been formed yet. As long as his Buddha has Great World divine ability, he will enter Transformation Realm for the second time.

When he was in charge of Great World divine ability, he also crossed into Transformation Realm, where Di Jiu was in his eyes trivial.

Of course, he’s not a small look at Di Jiu, but Di Jiu can stop his Buddhist divine ability just across the third step, which is already a force of extinction, not even weaker than when the initial transition does not enter the third step.

“haha, fake monk, you’re still chasing your grandpa Dietrich, and eat me blade.” Di Jius’s three machines blade wave were locked up by billions of fingerprints of each other, but Di Jius blade was not locked.

“Do you dare to do it again, whether I’m real monk or hypocrite monk, and I will turn your unseen Heaven Beyond the Heaven, and then throw your too extreme into my world, refining the believers.”

Di Jiu knew why he couldn’t do it. He was even a little weaker than he did. But the words of the Arthur walker touched his reverse scale, and blade Poland imposing a surge again, and the seventh blade wave wave had formed the illusory blade shadow.

This blade image was formed, and the swallowing of the heaven and devoging of the earth terrifying aura came to the table, and the whole space was completely charged in the instant.

Di Jiu was secretly sighed at this moment, and he couldn’t show up the seventh blade. Seventh blade can only be here, and if he gives him some more time, he will certainly be able to demonstrate the seventh blade, when the hypothetical monk, even further, could easily tear the other side’s Buddhist Great World divine ability.

He doesn’t know Di Jius, the blade, who is capable of perfecting it completely, has broken his hand with Great World, and walks straight into void. He can’t catch Di Jius seventh blade wave.

bang! The blade momentum wave in the first six blade waves, although captured by the followers, was immediately disbanded by the killing plan rule not at all. Now, the followers turn away, and no fragmented blade momentum wave explodes behind the followers, and the followers directly spray several blood arrow, which has already been injured.

Di Jiu was pleased that, in theory, he should not be a rival of the followers, but the difference between the two was limited. Now, the spontaneous runs away and gets hurt, and then he’s got the chance to kill the spoilers. Because his rules, Escaping Technique, are absolutely stronger than each other.

Di Jiu picked up a jade bottle for Mo, “MauSenior Sister, this thing is for you, and I’ve only got three drops. I’m going after this fake monk, Senior Sister, and I need you to help me get rid of Palace Lord…”

When Jade bottle was picked up, the Di Jiu and Arthur walkers had long disappeared.

“It is possible to chase the Traveller…” It is a long time to focus attention on jade bottle in his hand.

The universe True Essence? Soon as it was decided, she had the universe True Essence in her hands. Before she heard of the universe True Essence in Ningdong’s hands, and she didn’t think Di Jiu had found the universe True Essence, which was really not simple. With the universe True Essence, she’s going to recover more quickly.

It was the powerless Palace Lord, who wrinkled his eyebrows. Before she heard Di Jiu say that the endless Palace Lord came out, and there was some confusion in her heart, just that she never had time to ask. How can the endless Palace Lord come out of the fabricated world?

Even if she had not done so, it was through oneselfs fate Grand Dao, and then destroyed a destiny that escaped from the creation of the world.

Whatever the reason Di Jiu gave her things, she had to do. Lack of Palace Lord is weak, but she’s not at all.


Di Jiu naturally won’t let him go, but at this point, he can hunt him, and once he waits for the Buddhist Great World divine ability to make up, it’s afraid the other side will kill him. And Di Jiu was just as brave as he said he was going to destroy Heaven Beyond the Heaven and the Taipei.

Must have been the idea, that’s why I went to the investigation. Otherwise, how do you know that both of these places are his nests?

If it wasn’t Di Jiu Know that two machines could not shoot each other, he would have given each other an arrow.

The fugitives fled only because Di Jius VII blade, who knew Di Jiu VII blade couldn’t show up, was really hard to run. Unfortunately, he was injured in order to keep his own Buddhist Great World. To what extent he is now, even Di Jiu can’t show up the seventh blade, even if he can tear his Buddhist Great World.

When I saw Di Jiu chase, he was in secretly sighed’s heart. Di Jius cultivation base, too, thats all of them, can’t even get rid of him. The key is Di Jius Escaping Technique, which is so extreme. He’s sure that his Escaping Technique is not a backup compared to Di Jiu.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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