
only thing that Arthur can do is tear void domain up. Only in this way can he take the opportunity to escape.

Indeed, Di Jiu’s actions caused a lot of trouble to Di Jiu, which prevented Di Jiu from pursuing him for at least one time. However, because Di Jiu was sensitive to Heaven and Earth Law, together with the strong rule Escaping Technique, the followers were still unable to dump Di Jiu completely.

He destroyed fleshly body by countless Palace Lord, even with no help but to restore power thats all. The power of the monarchy as a destiny will never be weaker than the powerless Palace Lord, even stronger. With a drop of the universe True Essence that he gave, it was no problem to kill the weak Palace Lord when it was restored.

With nothing to do with Palace Lord, Di Jiu is a murderer without any subsequent anxiety.


All over the wild valley, a young man with a black black black back suddenly struck out of laughed heartily, “I, DiForgotten River, entered the second step today, prove the Dao Road Origin Realm.”

Long blade automatically goes out, and he’s surrounded. Seems to feel the joy of black youth.

There’s a lazily voice in the valley, “The prove the Dao channel is the prove of the Dao channel. What’s so happy about it? I’ve been in Origin Realm for decades, waiting for you to wait for the heart.”

“Brother Ye, it’s so many thanks to you that you’re really kind of having a relationship. Not you brought me here, and I’ve never been able to find void in my whole life, and there’s a good place to call a lot of pleasant space. If not in this place, I don’t know how much time it takes to get into the second step, Origin Realm.” DiForgotten River is very grateful.

He knew each other and how many times he was in distress, but he couldn’t see DiForgotten River when he crossed the second step, Origin Realm. That despair, DiForgotten River, now remembers the same thing that just happened.

Fortunately, he met the great friend and old village of the Yellowstone, because he came to this big pleasant space, where the two men together cultivating across Origin Realm.

When the Yellow Star comes together, “It’s all the country, what’s so grateful for? Just recently, I always felt a little dangerous with you and more dangerous. I’ve been thinking for a long time, you’re not a problem. The only problem should be that you have something like that. Look, if you really can’t find it, I can only run away.”

Yellows are still very morale, and he brought DiForgotten River to a pleasant space a few years ago. Dao Principle was clear and fully charged with a very pure Primal Chaos Aura. Here, prove the Dao second step, that’s the best.

Hundreds of years later, the leaf stars had crossed the tunnel, Origin Realm. After the leaf star crossed Origin Realm, the crisis in his heart felt worse. He cultivating was born Dao Secret Art, very sensitive to everything, and that crisis never felt wrong.

If he hadn’t come with DiForgotten River team, DiForgotten River was also Earth cultivator, he would have left alone.

“Ah,” DiForgotten River was shocked, and consciousness touched that crash in his chest.

This crash was the only gift he gave to him on the eve of the evening, when the hunter left urgently, and it became the only thing that he and the evening contacted.

“This must be the thing, you take it in your hand, and I feel much more distressing.” Ye thought stars saw DiForgotten River fall, and they called out immediately.

“Even if she is no longer passion, she’s just a sign of Origin Realm thats all.” DiForgotten River sighs, even though he’s disappointed at the extreme point of the evening, he’s still the single thought old man, which he was born with. And there’s an Origin Realm on the eve, that’s where he came, and there’s no reason why he and Ye thought about the stars.

Yellows smiled, and he said, “If DiForgotten River doesn’t lose, he goes away without the slightest hesitation.” If the other party was really a sign of Origin Realm, he would not have a sense of crisis. After all these years in the universe, cultivator, he hasn’t met him yet.

DiForgotten River saw the stars’ cold smile, and he knew that it was very uncomfortable about the evening. It’s also cherishing to be able to hand over to a friend like the Yellowstone River. He didn’t have the slightest hesitation cut off and lost it.

“Forgotten River brother, leaving DiForgotten River here, will not be lost. Not far from here is a void vortex, and we throw this thing in vortex.”

“Okay.” When DiForgotten River took that crash, he felt a little relaxed, and he understood at this moment that this crash might really be a problem.

The Void vortex said that it was not far from where the two people were located, and it was only half a day, and the Yellows came with DiForgotten River to the void vortex, and then there was no hesitation to drop the Dean Forgotten River.


giant void in vortex came in and disappeared without a trace of the crash immediately.

“This is easy, let’s go, there’s a good place to cultivating, and there’s some super Divine Spirit Grass and the top magical al al treasure, and there’s no one here to find, let’s see.”

“Brother Ye, your cultivating cultivation technique is really amazing, so clear about the crisis.” DiForgotten River admires it.

It’s not modest, “Well, but it’s not what I got in cultivation technique, it’s my old dad. Actually, your cultivation technique, like very hard to deal with, can’t see. Come on, this place won’t stay long. Maybe in the future we can create the cultivation technique that belongs to our own, without having to use old dad cultivation technique.”

She has not completely entered the third step, just the level of Half-step construction. However, for her part, she is now just laying the groundwork for the third step. As long as she wishes, she can enter the third step anytime.

She knows exactly who her opponent is, how terrifying these people are. So she has to build the strongest boundaries at all costs and enter the third step.

She also felt the presence of DiForgotten River after giving her community the vague shadow, and DiForgotten River had to catch the circle in her own community. It’s not about the first love and other, it’s just about her little life.

Di Jius terrifying has seen that Di Jiu was supposed to be in Dao Fusion Realm, but that strength was almost soft enough to crush her presence. And the cultivation technique of DiForgotten River cultivating is not the same, that’s Grand Dao Law. As Master of Azure Lotus, can’t you know the strength of Grand Dao Law?

She can find the way of creating life force now, from Grand Dao Law, DiForgotten River. Although she did not want to learn cultivating method condense World of DiForgotten River, she had to do so. Because she really can’t find a more cohesive method than this cohesion of life force.

She has been reborn several times, and understanding of birth and death is much better than the same cultivator. And then DiForgotten River told her Grand Dao Law Methods that she wanted to use the rules of the universe in conjunction with her understanding of life and Death, condense out of Dao Principle World, which belonged to her own life force, to create a third step in the world.

The cultivating Dao cultivation technique of Di Jiu River is certainly passed by Di Jiu, and she now has to build on Grand Dao cultivation technique of the De Forgotten River’s own world, see how terrifying Di Jiu is. So she has to build the community’s success before Di Jiu enters the third step, and when she makes the world work, Di Jiu will be strong, and she will not be her opponent as long as she does not create the border.

Catch DiForgotten River circles in their own world, just one of the self-preservation methods, thats all. Of course, besides that, she doesn’t want anyone she ever liked to look for a second woman, and when she’s really strong, she has to kill DiForgotten River.

But when she was approaching DiForgotten River, she had lost her feelings for Dinkotten River.

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