Di Jiu was hiding outside primal chaos continent for a day without seeing a silhouette come out of primal chaos continent. He’s a little confused, isn’t he wrong? Or have these guys gone after him before he gets back?

Soon Di Jiu was sure that even if someone was going after him, it wouldn’t be that fast. Since no one goes out, it’s only one possibility that he’s wrong. The other side really didn’t chase him.

Di Jiu did not believe this Dao Lord was so kind as to speak, he took out the Creating Wood branch, and took the separatist order, and that Dao Lord would let him go.

Since that Dao Lord is not so good, the only possibility is that Dao Lord should be waiting for him to show up.

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, and if that’s true, it’s not working. Unless he can hardly fight each other. Hardly hit a fight, it’s the lowest option.

Just as Di Jiu intends to negotiate with the followers, the followers come out of hiding.

Di Jiu immediately went through sound transmission, “fake monk, come talk.”

The spoiler startled, and then Di Jiu’s location was found. He understood to come over, and Di Jiu, like his thoughts, intended to enter the continent.

是啊,既然来了,如果不进入primal chaos continent ,那来这里做什么?

He and Di Jiu should now be allied, both of them on the line. Di Jiu called him, and he didn’t hesitate, directly to Di Jiu.

“Fellow Daoist Di, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

Di Jiu, as soon as you go, “Arthur, we have to work together now, and there’s nothing else to say.”

“Fellow Daoist Di speaks correctly, we should work together at this time, on this continent, where only two of us are foreigners.”

“You know,” Di Jiu nodded said, “We’ve been hiding here for a day, and we haven’t seen a man come out during that day, suggesting that the declarer didn’t intend to leave the continent to look for us. Think about it. This side of the universe void, even smaller, is immense. It’s not easy to find two people here in the universe. And even if it’s a different cultivator who found us, then what? Maybe we got rid of it. So before I thought bad, just a little bit of a brain, I wouldn’t go out looking for us.”

“Fellow Daoist Di is an obsession with the authorities, and this is not what we all quickly understand.”

Di Jiu ignored the horseman’s ass and said, “Now that Dao Lord…”

The man who broke Di Jius, “Is that Dao Lord? The expert created by the universe?”

Di Jiu Point nodded, “This should be a mistake, and I’m guessing that cultivation base will not be weaker than it is, and it will be a round, and this Dao Lord has been here since the beginning of the universe.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, you’re not listening. Who says that when the wheel comes back, cultivation base will be weaker? The real expert, which needs to go back to Niño, is a stronger step. You didn’t see it, so you didn’t know what the real power was.”

And there’s another word that Arthur didn’t say, even if it was him, Di Jiu realized that he was just tip of the iceberg thats all. When he crosses into Transformation Realm, Di Jiu will find that Transformation Realm’s muscle and the present Arthur are more than one plane gap.

Di Jiu, “Say these are useless, you just know that you’re better than that Dao Lord. The question now is, how do we get in?”

Hehe laughed, “Fellow Daoist Di, I’m more loyal, I can’t imagine any good ideas, or you want to think.”

Di Jiu smiled, “So, I thought about it, and you’re a real man, you know, just take advantage of it, right?”

“Of course not, I’m a powerful man.”

“Okay.” Di Jiu refers to the continents far away, “and I guess whatever location we crossed into this continent, the last place we left behind is within a certain range. And there must be a lot of cultivator hiding out there, and they’re waiting for us to enter.”

Speaking of this, Di Jiu watched the Traveller, “Did you have a way to get us in, and the people in it didn’t notice at half?”


face of the Arthur walker is somehow hard to look, and after a while, he shook the head, “No, if it goes into Transformation Realm, I have a way, and now my path is not perfect, so I can’t do it.”

Di Jiu wrinkled his eyebrows, he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t do it. His Grand Dao Law, though strong, could not be confused if he had the same presence as that Dao Lord.

See Di Jiu’s silence has not been spoken for a long time, and the walker suddenly said, “Fellow Daoist Di, your cultivating channel should be related to the rules of the universe, and your Grand Dao is best suited to reporting and concealment. If you can fully integrate into the rules of this universe, as far as possible hide into the rules, I believe that even if that Dao Lord is present, he will not be able to detect you as long as you are careful enough.”

Di Jiu looked at a sermon, indifferently said, “I don’t know what my cultivating path is, I don’t know, I need you to remind me.”

As Di Jiu said, if he could do that, he’d have done it a long time ago, wouldn’t wait until now.

Once again, the Arthur walker said, “That Dao Lord did go to where we left, and when he went, he caught the Dao Rhyme trace we left and looked at our images. Very obviously, your Dao Rhyme trail is shallow than mine. As long as your hidden method can come in a little bit, I can make your traces completely disappear.”

“How do you know?” Di Jiu was surprised by the watched ser.

Checkled, “The Dao Rhyme trace that I left behind was one of my memories, and that Dao Lord grabbed my Dao Rhyme trail, which naturally would be caught by me.”

Di Jiu was silent, and these old fellows were stubborn. At that time, he only knew to go quickly and not be locked up by great array, and he really didn’t care about his Dao Rhyme trail. The trainer’s experience, obviously, is stronger than he is, and the Dao Lord may be more powerful than they are, but experience obviously is less than the Arthur walker, and he has to learn more about these old bastard.

Arthur walkers are not anxious, so quiet waiting for Di Jiu. After more than a dozen breathing hours, Di Jiu said, “You wait for me a few days, I’ll melt.”

“All right.” “The Traveller said in his mouth that it was a terrible wave in his heart.

What are the rules of Di Jiu cultivating? In two days, can this rule of the universe be integrated into the rules of the Five Elements universe?

Di Jiu cultivating, a rule of the Five Elements universe, has always been thought to be Di Jiu cultivating, but it is not known that Di Jiu cultivating is entirely the rule that he built.

In two days, Di Jiu eyes open eyes watched the sergeant said, “Arthur, I don’t have a lot of control. What can you do to cover our aura completely?”

And Arthur came up with something big and small and said, “That’s what I was going to do with this, but if we join together, that would be bigger.”

Di Jiu stared at something in the hands of the watched walker and said, “wooden fish? So you take a wooden fish and say we can go in and not be found?”

Some of the dark faces of the Traveller, “What wooden fish, my magical treasure call Grand Dao, no trace, Grand Dao, you know?”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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